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Sri Gur Sobha By Dr Ganda Singh


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After numerous requests that have been made via different frums today whilst the kids were at school i got the chance to digitise this book. Sri Gur Sobha by Dr Ganda Singh is a written account of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji's life as seen by the court poet Kavi Sainapati. please take some time to read though this text and realise some very interesting facts that i found through this.


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If it mentions the assassination attempt on Guru Ji at Nanded, we can exclude 1701. So we are looking at 1711 or 1741. Although some sections could have been written before 1708.

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Again, maybe we need to get away from the idea that we can definitively date such material beyond a doubt. What we can (possibly) say with some assurance is that it was completed sometime in the first half of the 18th century?

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I don't think there is doubt about that, there are various Dasam Granth birs from 1720s-1740s.

We could get carbon dating done... Is it accurate/precise (I don't mean exact date but can the decade be known?) I heard there is some guy Jeevan Deol who checks and dates manuscripts too.

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  • 2 years later...

Anyone interested can find an English translation here:


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have been having a read of the actual translation and it seems very good.

One thing that I did think when i had read a little of it, was the absence of any general knowledge of such texts amongst Sikhs today. I mean it's not like we have great deal of historic texts as it is, but the handful we do have aren't even that prevalent amongst the Panth.

Ask some of your sikh friends/relatives whether they have heard of this text or Nath Mal's Amarnamah etc. and let us know on the forum.

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Sikhs are famously ignorant. We are largely a rural community who can't be arsed with scholarly endeavours. We prefer oral deliveries of info to reading. We don't bother ourselves with the important questions of 'sources' and 'validity'. If flanaah baba said so and so happened.....then it must be true! lol

....and if you question them you are one or more of the following:








...and so forth

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I should add (to the above list):


kala afghani supporter

darshan ragi wallah

and so forth......


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  • 2 years later...

Here is a translation of Ganda Singh's foreward of this book, for anyone interested. 


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27 minutes ago, chatanga1 said:


Some very good books on that list on gurmatveechar.

Has anyone read Gurbilas Patshahi 6?

Very few people have read this granth. I dont know a single person who've read it. I bought it in Amritsar but have'nt had time to look through it properly. I read the introduction where the editor tried to date it. He dates it to the 1840s due to some internal 'evidence'.

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6 minutes ago, amardeep said:

Very few people have read this granth. I dont know a single person who've read it. I bought it in Amritsar but have'nt had time to look through it properly. I read the introduction where the editor tried to date it. He dates it to the 1840s due to some internal 'evidence'.

I started reading it thinking it was from the time of Guru Hari Gobind ji and so I thought it would contain some of the his sayings from his time, however it turned out it was written much later.

In hindsight, "Patshahi 6" does give away its date as late 1700s. So 1840s is not too bad.

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