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Dhadrianwale attacked & 1 member died on spot


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Very bad indeed. May waheguru bless his soul. so sad

ITs hard to believe  source :- http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/punjab/sikh-preacher-dhadrianwale-escapes-murderous-attack/238329.html


Dhadrianwale’s cavalcade was on its way to Isewal village when it was attacked.  Eyewitnesses said 15 assailants, most of them baptised Sikhs, had erected a tent for “chhabeel” on Canal Road. They stopped the cavalcade at 7.45 pm. They offered juice to the driver and asked him where “Babaji” was. One of them shot Bhupinder Singh in the neck as others started breaking car windows. Dhadrianwale said he ducked for cover as his driver speeded away.

That 15 assailants baptised Sikhs were involved ............... truely something not right


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This seems quite professional. Not the usual pendu 'amateur night' style apnay usually do.  

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I don't usually follow these things, but it was quite surprising to see the beef between these two:



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Taksali

Sent Baba Harnam Singh Bhinderanwale said to do sodha of dushts. And that sodha karan wale of dushts and bemukh atheists will be paid with gold. Can u explain how mahapurakh can be wrong?

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10 hours ago, Guest Taksali said:


Did u know that Bhupinder Singh was a missionary

Bro, we have to tackle missionaries/heretics/anti-Gurbani brigade, etc with Gyan Kharag (Dialogues/Debates/Discussions, etc), not by actual physical violence. We cannot impose our beliefs on other people.

Killing of Bhai Bhupinder Singh jee cannot be justified. It was tyranny, committed by stupid individuals. Even a sell-out like Dhunda deserves to be exposed, not assassinated.

Physical violence is the very last resort for a Sikh, to solve matters. 


Bhul chuk maaf

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14 hours ago, N30 S!NGH said:

Another example personality worship gone total bananas to the point it has clearly blinded an individual to see and abide in core sidhant of Gurmat - Dhaul Dharam Daya Ka Poot ||. 

May be your sant should to do sodha himself of so called dusth he calls, why he is sitting an back seat and brainwashing his chelas and telling his chelas to do his dirty work. I dont think he has gone to jail even once as sign of protest for his cause- compare to his predecessors.



Well i dont agree to either sides bhaa ji ...Dhadrianwala is no less ..he too shouldnt have stooped this low ..Sant edda de nai hundhe ji..gandh ta pahle vi baot si par if you listen to the types of Sant Waryam singh ji , Maskeen ji ..have we heard anything personal slandering of this level ?


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