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Wow...Andrew works fast

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13 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

If you look at some of his videos when he was supposed to be a Christian, he scarcely hides his contempt for it. He sort of openly jokes about being a 'man of God' whilst scarcely hiding his laughter.  He may be a sociopath, and just using the religions as a cover or a shield. 

But you are right, if someone is guilty of what he's being accused of, they usually have it in them in the first place. 

He knows the culture/tactics of groomers well though. Imprinting on young virgins through sex, normalising double-standards regarding fidelity. Picking on weak willed, gullible women etc. 


But I doubt even what has happened will have any effect on his popularity with certain types of females. Hell, even serial killers and rapists who are banged up get fan mail and even married whilst banged up.   


Did you guys see a video of his brother giving advice on how to have sex with virgins?


Bhul chuk maaf

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