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Thought of being Satisfied after doing Nitname...

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I was driving to work this morning and a thought arose of how another day had passed. One more day in this life and it was as if it had gone wasted. Nothing usefull was done except to just pass thru another day in this life.

Now to think if i had read my nitname for yesterday which i skipped out of laziness, would this thought had arrisen, if it hadn't arisen then would i be correct to think that the previous day was usefull. It was worth living because i had done my nitname. I would have been satisfied, or rather the mind would have been satisfied.

If only doing the Nitname i were to be satisfied as if i had done something usefull for the day and not feel this guilt...somehow i feel i am only justifying my guilt of not doing more...that i had done my duty. There is still a thought that this satisfaction is only to justify me doing something worthwhile towards my existence, yet in the back of my mind, i feel as if i should have never been satisfied, nothing that i should do satisfy this for i am not living up to the standards of my purpose. It feels as tho i am being decieved by this satifaction.

I read a post on here by somoene, something along the lines, that if after a prayer you feel satisfied, you have not done the prayer correctly as it should've made you more hungry, not satisfied. Not contempt that you had done your for a better word 'work' 'duty' towards the liberation of your soul.

Don't know whether this is a discussion or just random statements, but i would love to hear your thought on whether one should feel this satisfaction or is it a deception. Why are we not hungry for more everytime we pray, or we do kirtan, the hunger should grow until it evelopes us. Should that not be the purpose of our simran, kirtan, nitname???

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both. Satisfied when i do and guilty when i don't. But i don't want it to focus mainly on me, but as a general question

Is this Satisfaction our rewards? Or is it a deception of our mind from making do more and more bhagti?? Or is this a small reward as you give a child when it does something good, but then when he grows up does he not realize that the reward was an exchange as it was only to give me a desire to do it. Then should we just live for this satisfaction or we should never be satisfied because it is never enought, the want to do more bhagti should never leave us satisfied but only make us make us more hungry...??

i dunno maybe i can't put it into the right words.

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Maybe you are stuck in maryada Maya jaal?Never make promises that you know you can't keep.We live in busy modern times.Somethings are just plain irrelevant nowadays (maybe more in another thread :| ).

A lot Nanakpanthi's out there are stuck in maryada Maya jaal these days.Why don't people see that the reality of their life is that it is Vahiguru.There life and daily living should be there Nitnem.Nanak Dharma Gurbani is Gyan, uttam Gyan.

Why do you want reward?Isn't living reward enough?Enjoy life in the Name of Vahiguru.

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"satan's greatest trick is convincing people he doesn't exist."

similarly, this sense of satisfaction does nothing more than reassure us when reassurance is the last thing we need. we fall into this false sense of security that since we did so and so, we're safe for the day. since we read and understood x, y, z, we're good to go for the day.

there's nothing wrong with being satisfied with having done something goof for yourself as long as you don't mislead yourself into believing that you're invulnerable to maya.

i was always under the impression that true contentment is not something that lasts for a day and must be recharged after a daily dose of nitnem but is something cultivated after many years of practicing constantly. or rather of developing to the point where you're doing bhagti every moment and ALWAYS satisfied. (and i mean that in a purely metaphorical sense.)

and those are just me two teeny tiny worthless paisey on this so far...

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i was always under the impression that true contentment is not something that lasts for a day and must be recharged after a daily dose of nitnem but is something cultivated after many years of practicing constantly. or rather of developing to the point where you're doing bhagti every moment and ALWAYS satisfied. (and i mean that in a purely metaphorical sense.)

Yeah i agree, gurbani says

sehj pakey soo meetha hoye

nitnem and paath in general i feel is a way to calm down and lower the power of the punj chore....

if u feel calmer and clearer after doing paath, then u have really done it, not jus read it quickly....understanding is important , you need to kno what u are reading for it to make any impact on you....

fateh ji

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