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Know Your Hindu Fundamentalism [/font:9455a11ebd]

Brahmanic Terrorist Organisations

The Sangh Parivar

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS)

National Volunteers Association

The RSS was founded in 1925 by the Maratha Brahmin Keshav Baliram Hegdewar [ Biju ] on the Aryan Vaishnava Holy day of Vijaya Dashami (the 10th day of the moon) when the Aryan invader Rama destroyed the Dravidian Empire of Lanka [ Sangh ]. This was done to symbolise its inherent anti-Sudra nature. Its organisation is highly skewed, with the Sar Sangh Chalak (supreme dictator) at the top [ Roots ]. This person can only be a Brahmin. It is the successor of Vivekananda and Arya Samaj in the Neo-Brahmanist fundamentalist movement. The militia is organised around local cells or `shakas' where weapons are distributed to its hardcore members, who are drilled in a vigorous program of harsh discipline. Vishnu temples serve as repositories of weapons as well as centers of dissemination of its racist ideology of Aryan supremacy. Its only leaders have been blue-eyed Sarasvat Brahmins, a condition enshrined in its constitution. The Brahmin Golwalkar, the second leader of the RSS, was trained as one of the hardcore followers of Vivekananda.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)

Indian People's Party

Its top leaders are all hardcore Brahminist RSS cadres. All its leaders have been Brahmins too. Generally, RSS cadre graduate to the BJP.

VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad)

World Hindu Council

The council was established on August 29, 1964 in Bombay, Maharastra [ Biju ] with a political objective of establishing the supremacy of Hinduism all over the world. It obtains funds and recruits from Aryan Hindus all across the globe, especially from the US, UK and Canada and has grown to become the main fund-raising agency of Brahmanist Fundamentalism. The council was instrumental in the demolition of the holiest Islamic shrine in Oudh, the Babri Masjid at Ayodhya and has organised several massacres of Muslims and Christians. It is in the forefront in the call for a Hindu Rashtra, a Hindu State ethnically cleansed of its non-Aryan populations.

Bajrang Dal

Party of Hanuman

The militant wing of the VHP, it was formed "to counter `Sikh militancy' " during the Sikh Genocide of 1983-84 [ Bajrang ]. Created with the objective of the eradication of Sikhs which it has termed "Muslims in disguise", its cadres fought alongside Congress-backed Hindutva militias during the massacre of 200,000 Sikhs under Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. Recruits carry a " knife-like trident to be slung across the shoulder - an answer to the Sikh kirpan " [ Bajrang ]. It has subsequently expanded its targets to include Muslims and Christians as well.

Ranvir Sena

Army of Ranvir

The militia was founded in 1994 by `the merger of several upper-caste private armies such as the Savarna Liberation front and the Sunlight Sena' [ Rama ] in order to combat Maoist Dalit organisations. It is essentially the Brahmin private army of Bihar. Enjoying clandestine Government support, the organisation is devoted to anti-Dalit terrorism and the preservation of the Vedic apartheid system. Its militiamen are known to be heavily armed with the most modern weaponry which is financed by the VHP, and the Sena has openly claimed responsibility for numerous massacres of landless Dalit Blacks and mass rapes of Dalit women. Human Rights Watch estimates the private army has been responsible for more than 400 deaths [ HRW ].

Shiv Sena

Shivaji's Army

The Shiva Sena arose as a movement amongst Congress members. It intitially unleashed a `physical annihilation' of Communists (who were mainly Black) and against Dalits, and organised the mass murder of Bombay's once-influential Black South Indian communities (`lungiwallahs') and Gujaratis [ Roots ]. Subsequently, it engaged in the mass murder of 3000 Muslims [ Sri ]


Indian Universities Council

This front comprises students of Hindu religious schools (vidyalayas). It has expanded its base by infiltration into `secular' universities. Its higher-ranking cadres are well-equipped with weaponry; they often organise communal campus disturbances against Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains. Most of its members graduate to become hardcore RSS and VHP militants.

Indian National Congress Party


Also known as the `Soft Hindutva' wing of the Sangh Parivar, it practices Hindutva under the deceptive guise of Pseudo-Secularism. The Congress Prime Minister of India, Narasimha Rao the Brahmin, engineered the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya. It plunged Asia into a nuclear arms race when Indira Gandhi the Brahmani exploded India's first nuclear bomb in 1974. It followed the Kautilyan policies of Pandit Nehru. The list of its Presidents have been mainly Brahmin with a few Brahminist castes : Pandit Nehru, Pandit Shastri, Panditani Indira Gandhi, `Rama' Rajiv. Rajiv Gandhi invaded Sri Lanka to support the Aryan Sinhalese government in its extermination of Indigenous Dravidans, an act which has been termed `Ramaite in its Fascist tendency.'

Hindutva was greatly aided by the Congress, " Congress, also played a major role in the movement's [ Hindutva ] resurgence " [ Perry ] Balram Jhakhar, a colleague of Narsimhanrao, said that "to preserve the unity of India, if we have to eradicate 2-kror (20 millions) Sikhs, we will do so" [ Sekhon ] Congress goons fought alongside Bajrang Dal and RSS militia in the genocide of 200,000 Sikhs in 1983-4.

Initially the `Brahminical Tilakites' [ Roots ] formed an important part of the party. Internal purging of opponents and non-Brahmins, eg. Gandhi led to a further strengthening of Brahmin power. The Brahmin Tilak started the revival of this party [ Chandra ].

Bharatiya Jan Sangh

Indic Race Party

Founded in October 1951 with the Bengal Brahmin Shyama Prasad Mookerjee as its president, who had resigned from the allied `soft' Brahminist Congress in Apil 1950 [ Chandra ] was president until he died in 1953. Its cadres were carefully chosen indoctrinated activists. The second president, the Brahmin Mauli Chandra Sharma resigned in 1954 to protest against RSS domination of the party. It strove for an `Akhand Bharat' [ Chandra ] ethnically cleansed of its Muslim, Christian and Black Sudroid Populations.

Hindu Mahasabha

Great Congress of Hindus

The Sabha began as `an extremist wing of the Congress Party' [ Perry ] and was founded by the Maratha Brahmin Vinayak Damodar Sarvarkar. Influenced by `German racism' [ Letter ] Sarvarkar sought to establish a racially pure Hindu state ethnically cleansed of its non-Hindu populations. Sarvarkar's followers were involved in the brutal assasinations of of Sir Wyllie [ Sarvar ].

HSC (Hindu Students Council)

World Hindu Council

The `student wing' of the VHP [ Biju ]. It conducted the the World Vision 2000 conference in Washington D.C in 1993 which was a celebration over the destruction of Babri Masjid and the attendant genocide of 5,000 Muslims [ Biju ]. It is involved in setting up hardcore Hindutva websites across the internet, spewing hatred against Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Sikhs.

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS)

Hindu Volunteers Association

The HSS was formed in the US in the 1980s, ` openly claiming allegiance to the founding principles of the RSS' [ Biju ], in order to organise Hindu terrorists in America.

Arya Samaj

Society of Aryans

Founded by Dayanand Sarasvat (born 12 Feb 1824) [ Rao ] Swami Dayanand established the Arya Samaj in 1875. The Dayanand Anglo Vaidic schools (DAVs) are its propaganda wing, designed to raise a generation of brainwashed militants. Most of its students go on to become hardcore RSS and ABVP members. The Arya Samaj is the fountain of the Hindutva movement : `The rise of Hindu nationalism can be traced to the Arya Samaj in the late nineteenth century' [ Perry ]. Dayananad Sarasvati was a bigoted anti-Islamist. This is what he had to say regarding Islam :

" Such teachings deserve to be utterly discarded. Such a book [ Quran ], such a prophet [ Mohammed ] and such a religion [ Islam ] do nothing but harm. The world would be better off without them. Wise men would do well to discard a religion so absurd and accept the Vedic faith which is absolutely free from error." [Polemics], [ Sarasvati, p.633 ]

The raison-d'etre of the Arya Samaj was anti-Islamism and anti-Sikhism :

" Both of the early leaders of the militant Aryas, Pandit Lekh Ram and Lala Munshi Ram [in 1917 he became Swami Shraddhananda], died at the hands of Muslim assassins as a direct result of their involvement in communal activities -- polemics and conversions. Lekh Ram was killed in 1897 due to hostile exchanges with the Ahmadiya sect of Qadian. Shraddhanand was murdered in 1926 due to his shuddhi activities in Delhi and the United Provinces." [ Polemics ]

Ram Rajya Parishad

Council of the Kingdom of Ram

Formed with the explicit purpose of re-establishing Ram-Rajya (the Empire of Ram), its goal was the elimination of Sudroid Blacks (Dalits, Dravidians, Adivasis, Kolarians) and to establish a racially pure Aryan nation on the lines of Ram-Rajya. Jan Sangh, the Hindu Mahasabha and the Ram Rajya Parishad was 10 seats with 6.4 per cent of the votes. [ Chandra ] By 1967 it had disappeared.


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The above information is seriously inaccurate in several places. For instance on the basic point about the Gandhis: they were'nt Brahmins. If you want to "know your Hindu fundamentalism", I suggest you do independent research rather than take your cue from dalit secessionists. In any event, as there is no such thing as Hinduism, how can there be such a thing as Hindu fundamentalism?

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Guest SAdmin

Gandhi was not Brahmin but Hindu non-Punjabi khatri. There is no mention of Hindustan or Hindus in any Vedic literature. Only Sikh scripture has name "Hindustan" as far as I remember. I may be inaccurate but this is something I read and gathered long time back.

Dalits are also hypocrites like any other community. If they really want to oppose caste system or other discrimination then they should first oppose the fact that lower castes get certificate where high castes Hindus will not get job even though they have better marks and capability than them. Dalits are being offered special quota just because they belong to schedule castes and they enjoy it without any complaint.

This is irony that Dalit have no problem getting that quota and jobs but on the other hand they whine about discrimination and how people consider them lower castes people. I don't know why they keep this two sided policy? Why only work for their own welfare? If they really want to oppose any discrimination then they should ask Indian system to remove it completely and they should not accept any type of quota of being lower castes.

R.S.S is nothing but stupid organization which is giving bad names to Hindus. To be honest, Hindus are more frustrated with their policy then other minorities groups.

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but misinformation abt some facts undermines the authenticity of other credible facts. If there are serious inaccuracies like Bruce Lung states, then how can we take the post seriously?

(My aim here isn't to attack ur post Liono, simply that we must know our enemy better. You become your own worst enemy by stating information that is false)

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The point about gandhi not being a brahmin ..... i think the post is about her thought and ideology rather than her birth. But I am not here to debate this as it is just one point....it maybe wrong or right....

All I am saying that this is a very good summary of the sangh pariwar that are terrorist organisations that have committed murder on mass scale like Godhra (2002) and Delhi (1984)..... This is a good starting point to learn about these tyranical organisations.......If you know better please give us the information......(or better sources, please post website)

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Liono JI,

If we discard Brahmnaical ritualism and understand our God Akal in All.RSS can not do any thing to us.Trust fellow Sikh even if he eats meat or has faith in Ragmala or Dasham Granth.

We all are one like Santokh Singh or Rattan Singh were not RSS agent so are these poor Sanatan Dharma supporter.Das can say that akj is also a Sanatan Sikh organisation.

Best thing as per Das is to not use picures of Gurus or Garland them.Do not hesistate to eat meat on tuesdays on Navratras and eat beef.This keeps rss at bay.

Due to this Hindu father of Das does not allow Das to use vessals at his home.Whole Birdari is spiting on Das and no teli will give his doughter to ex Teli vijendera Prasad.

Yet as das does not agree to AKJ or Kala Afghana ji in many matters and Das support DDT and Sanatan Dhrama and Nihungs Das is an agent of rss.Anyway in trutyh DAs still works for them to teach thieri childern about Sanatan Dhrama.Das does go to temple to serve Bhagats but does not bow to idols as deity now bow to Khalsa.Sorry for saying worng Akal Bless.Dalit stan are pro Pakistani idiots and non is Hindu but Pakistanis pluus evenglist out to destroy India.

If given a chance Das will send him after Jia Ul Haq or Mrs Gandhi.

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here's a good way to avoid being seen to be a traitor:

1) ally with ANY separatist cause that hates brahmins (allies in hate);

2) appeal to the UN, US, UK, anyone to bring economic or political pressure on your own motherland;

3) accept drug dealers and gunrunners into your terrorist effort;

4) attack any honest and genuine sikh who comes to you looking for knowledge;

5) ignore and wish away any criticism;

6) foster lies and hatred and warmongering, and then start crying when you receive the same back..

just some thoughts

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bruce I agree with some of your points, but others I don't

If you don't mind me saying...you seem kinda anti-sikh...not everyone who dislikes the way the Indian govt. runs wants a separate country...sorry bro, but you don't seem to be here for objective disscussion.

And you have a thing about Brahmins? you posted about them twice..Just wondering.

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not as many times as others have posted about Mehtab Singh, for instance (a fine chap).

what's objective about your hate-pamphlet??

i'm not trying to be clever, but sikhs are far more aryan than dalit, if you look at things that way (i don't, but hey i would'nt touch this pamphlet with a bargepole).

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not as many times as others have posted about Mehtab Singh, for instance (a fine chap).

what's objective about your hate-pamphlet??

i'm not trying to be clever, but sikhs are far more aryan than dalit, if you look at things that way (i don't, but hey i would'nt touch this pamphlet with a bargepole).

don't assume so much, no where did i advocate this pamphlet...mine was merely an off-topic reply to your post.

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bruce to be fair you do chat a lot of sh*t and dress it up to get your points across. in your above post which is a blatant attack on khalistanis but veiled in a very unsophisticated manner u state:

"1) ally with ANY separatist cause that hates brahmins (allies in hate)"

if i was a dalit i would have issues with brahmins, in the same way you hate whites en masse, brahmins have subjugated dalits for centuries

"2) appeal to the UN, US, UK, anyone to bring economic or political pressure on your own motherland; "

i still don't know if this is a joke. anyway ket me share in your humour

ha ha ha ha ha ha. which motherland is this, the motherland that is occupying my motherland! The motherland that has consistently tried to undermine the sikh peoples, their culture, histroy, language and traditions?

"3) accept drug dealers and gunrunners into your terrorist effort; "

i suppose mother india has no drug dealers at all, it is all khalistanis. perhaps you should visit goa. or even visit punjab and see where the afeem is available from. mostly police, the agents of mother india. plus i don't see the issue with gun running when previously you have said it is a war.

"4) attack any honest and genuine sikh who comes to you looking for knowledge; "

i assume you humbly refer to yourself here.

"5) ignore and wish away any criticism; "

I will agree with you where you are right, and you have made some valid points, however I have yet to ignore any real criticism that you have bought against any ideology i believe in.

"6) foster lies and hatred and warmongering, and then start crying when you receive the same back.."

hmmm, perhaps you should back your case more fully and state what exactly, otherwise hollow statements will only carry weight with those idealists yet to sit their GCSE's.

in your post you make massive generalisations. in other posts you make more generalisations such as saying all white people should be held accountable for the actions of a few british, yet you condemn some childish sikhs when (reading between their lines) they show hatred towards indians en masse. hypocrisy? i let u decide. go away, analyse yourself and your views then come back. reading claudwitzian state theory may educate you to the concepts of nation statehood etc (through an angliscised thought process) but the real world doesn't fit into the black and white theories suggested by the likes of chomsky et al.

jai hind

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"if i can't persuade you then someone less tolerant might."

is this some sort of veiled threat?

also i can't see how someone could be less tolerant than you. i refer back to arguments you have presented such as white people are evil, white people should bankroll india, sikhs are overly violent etc etc

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the problem is that you resorted to personal attacks. granted this is an emotive subject matter.

i value open dialogue and reasoned discussion. but not everyone does. i go for restraint and tolerance. there is absolutely no question of any threat veiled or otherwise. however, i am right to point out that not everyone shares my egalitarianism or devotion to libertarian principles.

i didn't say that white people are evil. i said that they should make reparations (not necessarily to GOI).

u're gonna hate me for saying this but i know sikhs. sikhism is a violent religion (not for all the wrong reasons) and in this time a check has to be made on certain elements (not saying you're one of them - only that you're fanning the flames in a slightly reckless way) who have a dearth of reference material and resources in sikh scripture to justify violent acts.

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palm you wrote:

"which motherland is this, the motherland that is occupying my motherland! The motherland that has consistently tried to undermine the sikh peoples, their culture, histroy, language and traditions?"

this is exactly the problem. i don't think you understand the implications of what you're saying. nobody alive today was born in a sikh kingdom: everyone was born in India. if you're saying that punjab should have greater autonomy or even have total self-governance, say so. we might even agree.

but don't say anyone is occupying "your" land matey. it's both our heritage. the only way it will fall into "hindu" or sikh hands is if genocide (another word you bandy around irresponsibly) of one at the hands of the other really does take place. and nobody wants that.

as for destroying sikh traditions, religions and culture this is complete paranoid bollox man. sikh religion will be preserved for a very very long time, no matter what anyone tries to do.

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in your eyes paranoia. i could go on for ages and cite many examples of how India has tried to undermine sikhi, however I can see what bile you will spew next so I refrain. I can say whatever I like about Punjab being occupied because quite simply I live in a free society unlike your much cherished mother India where I would be classed as a terrorist and tortured.

"this is exactly the problem. i don't think you understand the implications of what you're saying."

then please do enlighten me as to the correct thought process. i assume it will involve some sort of undying loyalty to India or hindutva or something or another.

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palm you wrote:

"which motherland is this, the motherland that is occupying my motherland! The motherland that has consistently tried to undermine the sikh peoples, their culture, histroy, language and traditions?"

this is exactly the problem. i don't think you understand the implications of what you're saying. nobody alive today was born in a sikh kingdom: everyone was born in India. if you're saying that punjab should have greater autonomy or even have total self-governance, say so. we might even agree.

but don't say anyone is occupying "your" land matey. it's both our heritage. the only way it will fall into "hindu" or sikh hands is if genocide (another word you bandy around irresponsibly) of one at the hands of the other really does take place. and nobody wants that.

as for destroying sikh traditions, religions and culture this is complete bollox man. sikh religion will be preserved for a very very long time, no matter what anyone tries to do.

hehe..sorry found that quite amusing coming from you, and yes you do seem to have double standards..but that's cool...through discussion maybe we can all learn something.

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Guys pay attention to detail.

Or I will send you guys to jail.

Say Khalsa Fauj all hail all hail.

then i will take you out of jail on bail.

Don't try to hang on to a cow tail.

You will be thrown away like a nail.

Don't be slow like a snail.

It is a sure way to fail.

Become a Singh and be crazy

Don’t be lazy

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