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Disrespect of Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrian Wale

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Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh


E-mail to panjab radio: info@panjabradio.co.uk, studio@panjabradio.co.uk E-mail them and tell them the amount of Budhnaamee they are doing of Sikhi. They need to be closed down. Presenters like them are a SHAME to Sikhi, make them realise that.

Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat ji ,

We need to make a stand against panjab radio because they are making a joke of sikhi what has Sant Baba Ranjit Singh done nothing they accusing baba ji of taking money and asking sangat for money baba ji even said if anyone can prove i have asked for money i will stop doing kirtan how much of a big step is that. So please to the sangat from today ban panjab radio make a stand if you are tru gursikhs because the truth will come out about panjab radio soon that they are indian gov based radio station. So rember today they making a joke of Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji it could be someone else tom even our Shiri Guru Granth Sahib ji he drinks inside the radio station then has paath going on and does ardas so to the sangat out there especially to the bibia stop funding panjab radio he made £1 million on the name os the shaeeds where has it gone when Khalsa Human Rights give u proof and everyhting else they make like £30,000 and panjab radio makes £1 million over night ban panjab radio if you call you self gursikhs tonight make sure you all call in on Akash radio and get the debate started on about Panjab Radio so make sure you all ring in at 9pm no matter what the debate is ring in about panjab radio pass the message on.

Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh


E-mail to panjab radio: info@panjabradio.co.uk, studio@panjabradio.co.uk E-mail them and tell them the amount of Budhnaamee they are doing of Sikhi. They need to be closed down. Presenters like them are a SHAME to Sikhi, make them realise that.

Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Sangat ji ,

We need to make a stand against panjab radio because they are making a joke of sikhi what has Sant Baba Ranjit Singh done nothing they accusing baba ji of taking money and asking sangat for money baba ji even said if anyone can prove i have asked for money i will stop doing kirtan how much of a big step is that. So please to the sangat from today ban panjab radio make a stand if you are tru gursikhs because the truth will come out about panjab radio soon that they are indian gov based radio station. So rember today they making a joke of Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji it could be someone else tom even our Shiri Guru Granth Sahib ji he drinks inside the radio station then has paath going on and does ardas so to the sangat out there especially to the bibia stop funding panjab radio he made £1 million on the name os the shaeeds where has it gone when Khalsa Human Rights give u proof and everyhting else they make like £30,000 and panjab radio makes £1 million over night ban panjab radio if you call you self gursikhs tonight make sure you all call in on Akash radio and get the debate started on about Panjab Radio so make sure you all ring in at 9pm no matter what the debate is ring in about panjab radio pass the message on.

Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Khalsa ji

Whats with all this joking around so you lot all agree with panjab radio that Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Singh Ji is a joke if you lot do then let them make a joke of sikhi panjab radio is making a laughing stock of sikhi if you our a gursikh be on tonight akash radio debate we start contact all your family and friends send emails to panjab radio and join in there debates stop them. they using sikhi and the bibia are the easy targets they laughing in our faces all panjab radio is RSS anfd hes making money from us because India Government funding them to run and destroy sikhi.

So take this into mind all it is Baba ji follows Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale hes using the same philosophy that educate and vichar about sikhi. The problem is that panjab radio carnt stand sikhi blossoming like a flower they have to inject gandh that makes the weak sangat in sikhi think twice. Baba ji said live on radio if you can prove I have asked for money of anyone I will stop doing kirtan do you want that baba ji has touched our hearts and if no one stops panjab radio there will be no Baba Ranjit Singh Ji left for us to listen to and look up 2.

Fateh ji

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Who on Punjab radio are broadcasting these bad rumours ?

Have anyone heard the exact dialogue , if so are they targeting against Baba Ranjeet Singh Ji ?

There has to be some hatred between certain members of Punjab Radio and Channel 926 Amrit.bani

In order to pursue this further and mail punjab radio we need a bit more facts , from these facts it may be a good idea to write a standard letter signed by sangat and then sent to them , rather than individual responses.

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Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Trust me, DSM Ji. I have proof of Panjab Radio doing this budhnamee and it is targeted @ Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji. I have an e-mail from Surjit Ghuman of Panjab Radio admitting to it.

And Jasvir of Panjab Radio has been heard aswell.

Panjab Radio should GO !

Please, this is a BEHNTHEE to Sikh Sangath phone into Akash Radio. PANJAB RADIO NEEDS TO GO A.S.A.P. Just think if other religions listen to this radio, what must be they thinking. Just because of Panjab Radio people would start to stereotype, like Panjab Radio, that all SIKHS are like this and this Behsthee cannot be tolerated.

Sri Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Sri Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Here is the e-mail:

Thank you for your mail,

I would like to point out that Panjab Radio is not against any Sants, we

want all to unite, As far as SANT BABA are concerned we all know what they

are up as you may have what happened with a BABA from India in America,

where is was raping women.

Our youngsters have to be protected, I just hope you and your sister listen

to our broadcast of Sweet Sikhi every Sunday between 6-8pm.

Guru Fateh

Surjit Singh Ghuman

Managing Director


TEL: 0208 848 8877

FAX: 0208 848 4422



In India Via DD DTH & Dish TV,

All over Africa, Australia, UAE, and Asia via satellite Thaicom3



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Khalsa ji

Theres alot of people that have heard thing from panjab radio so tonight at 9pm request to the sangat that are gursikhs and hwo have pyar for baba ji at 9 oclock they have a discussion prog Wednesday and Thursday on Akash Radio no matter what they are debating about we are going to ring until we get the debate of panjab radio and baba ji started.


Fateh ji

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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

What a joke our community is, cussing other radio stations just because you do not except their view's.

I listen to all radio staions at some point of the day flicking through the kirtan, discussion programs etc, to say that Panjab Radio should be boycotted is just pathetic!

My personal feeling of Sant Babay is not imprtant, if the sangat feel they need to listen to 'Kachi Bani' (Quotes, meaning NOT FROM our Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji) then go for it.

But don't stop those people who feel that the only thing the Sadh Sangat should be listening to is the Shabad Guru, Gurbani from our Guru, Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Amardas Ji says in Pauri 24 of the Anand Sahib:

Without the True Guru, other songs are false. The songs are false without the True Guru; all other songs are false. The speakers are false, and the listeners are false; those who speak and recite are false. They may continually chant, 'Har, Har' with their tongues, but they do not know what they are saying. Their consciousness is lured by Maya; they are just reciting mechanically. Says Nanak, without the True Guru, other songs are false. ||24||

I have listen to the programs by Baba Ranjit Singh, and he is fine for those people who are being introduced to Sikhi for the first time, But for him to and the Sangat to portay him has a Sant is laughable.

Do we know the power of a Sant?? Read the Guru Granth Sahib and you will find that Baba Ranjit is questionable on this.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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BoleSoNihal, no one is stopping you from doing what you do, but Punjab radio speaks about Sants in a very derogatory manner, if I was to talk about you or your family in public and broadcast it, your sentiments would be hurt too. So let people challenge the Punjab radio crew, as their opinion counts as much as yours. What you find laughable is not the issue here, if you think his kamai is such a big joke I suggest you check yours first.


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Dear BlackGoddess, Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Thank You, I do look at myself and my family and think how we can improve and become one with Vaheguru. But if any of my family or myself ignored what the guru was saying and starting making up stories at a Sikh Gurdwara then please do me the honour and shoot me.

In a place of worship where the Guru Granth Sahib resdies, there should be no talk except that of the Guru and glories of Vaheguru, Their are countless quotes within the Guru Granth Sahib to last man for generations, but as a society we feel that we dont need to listen to what the guru is saying but what some man dressed up as a bhangra dancer, getting the Sangat the wave their arms in the air!!??

I repeat if my family went against the Guru then please cuss me in public so we can look at ourselves and with guru's Kirpa turn to what the Guru is saying not someone who feels right to preech Kachi Bani,

Like i quoted before From Guru Amards Ji, that is not me, u or him that is saying that, that is our Guru, Who do you trust?!?!

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Maharaji said that bani is kuchee withot the Guru. Baba Ranjit Singh is praising the Guru, so the Bani is not kuchee. Sayin that dharnas are kuchee is like saying that what Bhai Gurdas Ji wrote is kuchee bani. if you love Guru ji and praise them in your own words I highly doubt that they will be annoyed.

you have sufficient intelligence to see whether what he says is right or wrong, pro or anti Guru Sahib.

none of us who are not Brahmgiani can really comment on whether he is a Sant or not, jus go do simran bhakti till you have the necessary avastha, then you can talk.

i find it strange how people who denounce all sants also believe that they can merge with Maharaji, but reject the idea that it has happened to anyone else.

but its cool, people have always said bad things about sants, from Baba Farid ji to Guru Nanak Dev Ji to Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Guru Granth Sahib ji to modern sants...itll always be there. its of no consequence, if someone is faking it they will have face Dharam Rai, its not our concern. stop being pedantic and get on with your work, stop looking at others,

Gursikh andaro siane hondey, bahro bhulla chhuka marde.


Asankh nindak sir kare paar.

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Dear BlackGoddess, Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Thank You, I do look at myself and my family and think how we can improve and become one with Vaheguru. But if any of my family or myself ignored what the guru was saying and starting making up stories at a Sikh Gurdwara then please do me the honour and shoot me.

You still havent proven that Baba Ranjit Singh made up stories, so your argument is futile. He speaks about the Guru's and praises them, if you can't hear that, then do Ardas for yourself. I wouldn't shoot you even if you did make up stories, Vaheguru will judge the people who spread Nindhia.

In a place of worship where the Guru Granth Sahib resdies, there should be no talk except that of the Guru and glories of Vaheguru,

What do you think he talks about? Daler Mehndi and Aishwaryia Rai?

Their are countless quotes within the Guru Granth Sahib to last man for generations, but as a society we feel that we dont need to listen to what the guru is saying but what some man dressed up as a bhangra dancer, getting the Sangat the wave their arms in the air!!??

FYI no one raises their hands up in their air, maybe you are confusing the sangat for a yoga class at your local gym. There are Kathakaar who discuss and read the Bani and make speeches like Sant Singh Maskeen and Proff Darshan Singh Jee, you gonna ban them too? They talk about what Guru Jee says in our language, so does Baba Ranjit Singh, I havent heard him relate fairytales like sleeping beauty yet have you?

I repeat if my family went against the Guru then please cuss me in public so we can look at ourselves and with guru's Kirpa turn to what the Guru is saying not someone who feels right to preech Kachi Bani,

Firstly, you need to back up what you are implying. Are you saying Baba Ranjit Singh has gone against Guru Jee? If so, and it seems so from your post, then this is a serious allegation and I wonder who gave you the responsibility of deeming who is a Patit. Secondly, I wouldn't need to cuss your family if they went against Guru Jee, the fact that they have turned away is a slap in the face itself.

Like i quoted before From Guru Amards Ji, that is not me, u or him that is saying that, that is our Guru, Who do you trust?!?!

Your quote was irrelevant to the subject matter, but thanks for posting it as it is nice to read Bani whenever possible.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh


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appearently what i heard is that baba ranjit singh twists some of the gurbani which is not allowed. whilst i was in india i went to one of his katha programs and i heard one guy say "wait til he comes to the UK panjab radio aint gonna let him go" in a non offensive manner.

but otherwise is katha stlye is good

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Who said that Baba Ranjit Singh Ji twists Gurbani? They dont They have a wicked style in getting the Guru Ji's Gurbani into the Sangats head, and they are doing a great job of it. Not Sangats fault that Panjab radio & the radios as* lickerz cant face facts.

...Secondly which Panjab Radio's Chamchah said that Panjab Radio aint going to let Baba Ji go? Panjab Radio cant do anything except accuse and spread false allegations. Thats all they can do.

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  • 1 month later...

nothing against sant ranjeet singh - but there are more and more 'sants' being seen.

Usually they are great public speakers with charisma in bountiful amounts, yet does this qualify someone the status of sant?

just musings on the panth - not aimed at anyone or any sant or samparda...

jinaa saas giraas na visare har naamaa man mant, dhan se sei naanaka pooran sei sant

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Challenge everything..completely agree purkha..

especially with this quote:

jinaa saas giraas na visare har naamaa man mant, dhan se sei naanaka pooran sei sant

Vah JI Vah

oh by the way, welcome back to sikhawareness..where you been?

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