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Interpretation of kali yuga.

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Do we believe in kali yuga the same way hindus believe it (started when krishna was born and will last 430,000 years), i know that we do not base it on the stars in the sky etc. Are we in kali yuga? According to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, we are in kali yuga. for example:

Those who act like tyrants are accepted and approved - recognize that this is the sign of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||Pause||

-president bush can be interpreted as a tyrant (injust war in iraq etc), and is obviously accepted and looked up to in western civilisation.

If someone practices Truth, he is frustrated; prosperity does not come to the home of the sincere. If someone chants the Lord’s Name, he is scorned. These are the signs of Kali Yuga. ||3|

- The birth and disease of atheism, bible-bashing, koran-bashing etc are spreading uncontrrollably like wildfire. Anyone who believes in god is seen as a fundamentalist etc, even in our kaum.

The trouble-maker is called a leader, and the liar is seated with honor. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs know that this is justice in the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||

-Again president bush in the west, and islamic extremists in the east. both are equally wrong and fighting for an injust cause, and people like bin laden, abu hamza, al-zaqarwi(sp?) are seen as leaders.

The Dark Age of Kali Yuga is the knife, and the kings are butchers; righteousness has sprouted wings and flown away. In this dark night of falsehood, the moon of Truth is not visible anywhere. I have searched in vain, and I am so confused; in this darkness, I cannot find the path. In egotism, they cry out in pain. Says Nanak, how will they be saved? ||1||

-The world is becoming diseased with evil, its on the rise, and i cant see it stopping. this era must be the darkest the world has ever seen. Blatent disregard for life, waging of war in the name of god were innocent people are losing their lives and are afraid. how will we be saved?

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The Earth-Time does not define Kal-Yug, Instead the state of the Mind in overall population is what defines it.

You asked how will we be saved? Don't await for a Messiah to save you, the next coming incarnation of the Divine to save you. It is we who must save our ownselves not so much from others, but from our ownselves. It is we who must become the beacon of the Light, and from this Light many other can be saved. In the Dark Age of Kal-yug each and everyone of us must become the light that becomes a symbol for our neighbours. Soon their house is lit and then their neighbours, that is how we are saved. From Light to Light our whole neighbourhood will be lit with undying light.

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The Earth-Time does not define Kal-Yug, Instead the state of the Mind in overall population is what defines it.

You asked how will we be saved? Don't await for a Messiah to save you, the next coming incarnation of the Divine to save you. It is we who must save our ownselves not so much from others, but from our ownselves. It is we who must become the beacon of the Light, and from this Light many other can be saved. In the Dark Age of Kal-yug each and everyone of us must become the light that becomes a symbol for our neighbours. Soon their house is lit and then their neighbours, that is how we are saved. From Light to Light our whole neighbourhood will be lit with undying light.

In my honest opinion the state of mind of the overall population is characteristic of kalyug.

I agree it is we who must save ourselves. but how can i, or us sitting here at home be an influence on the proceedings in the world. surely that is up to God.

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Do we believe in kali yuga the same way hindus believe it (started when krishna was born and will last 430,000 years), i know that we do not base it on the stars in the sky etc. Are we in kali yuga? According to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, we are in kali yuga. for example:

Those who act like tyrants are accepted and approved - recognize that this is the sign of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||Pause||

-president bush can be interpreted as a tyrant (injust war in iraq etc), and is obviously accepted and looked up to in western civilisation.

If someone practices Truth, he is frustrated; prosperity does not come to the home of the sincere. If someone chants the Lord’s Name, he is scorned. These are the signs of Kali Yuga. ||3|

- The birth and disease of atheism, bible-bashing, koran-bashing etc are spreading uncontrrollably like wildfire. Anyone who believes in god is seen as a fundamentalist etc, even in our kaum.

The trouble-maker is called a leader, and the liar is seated with honor. O Nanak, the Gurmukhs know that this is justice in the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. ||1||

-Again president bush in the west, and islamic extremists in the east. both are equally wrong and fighting for an injust cause, and people like bin laden, abu hamza, al-zaqarwi(sp?) are seen as leaders.

The Dark Age of Kali Yuga is the knife, and the kings are butchers; righteousness has sprouted wings and flown away. In this dark night of falsehood, the moon of Truth is not visible anywhere. I have searched in vain, and I am so confused; in this darkness, I cannot find the path. In egotism, they cry out in pain. Says Nanak, how will they be saved? ||1||

-The world is becoming diseased with evil, its on the rise, and i cant see it stopping. this era must be the darkest the world has ever seen. Blatent disregard for life, waging of war in the name of god were innocent people are losing their lives and are afraid. how will we be saved?

I think Kuljug is a state on mind, the person who is effect by Kuljug is a person who is practicing Falsahood.

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In my honest opinion the state of mind of the overall population is characteristic of kalyug.

I agree it is we who must save ourselves. but how can i, or us sitting here at home be an influence on the proceedings in the world. surely that is up to God.

if you want to reform yourself, don't become a reformer, because you do either one or the other. If you become a reformer, you start changing other people. Don't become a reformer, if you want to be reformed. Then preserve your engery. And the miracle is that if you are reformed, if you are transformed, then many will be transformed through you. Your very catalytic presence will be enough. Just your being there, and many will be thrilled with the unknown. Just your touch, and something will start vibrating in them.

Not that you have to do much, just, if your light is burning, people will start coming towards you; groping in the dark, they will start moving towards you. And as they will be coming closer and closer and closer, one day the unlit lamp becomes lit thru the one who is already lit. The flame jumps from one place to another. Just closeness is needed.

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if you want to reform yourself, don't become a reformer, because you do either one or the other. If you become a reformer, you start changing other people. Don't become a reformer, if you want to be reformed. Then preserve your engery. And the miracle is that if you are reformed, if you are transformed, then many will be transformed through you. Your very catalytic presence will be enough. Just your being there, and many will be thrilled with the unknown. Just your touch, and something will start vibrating in them.

Not that you have to do much, just, if your light is burning, people will start coming towards you; groping in the dark, they will start moving towards you. And as they will be coming closer and closer and closer, one day the unlit lamp becomes lit thru the one who is already lit. The flame jumps from one place to another. Just closeness is needed.

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I think Kuljug is a state on mind, the person who is effect by Kuljug is a person who is practicing Falsahood

kalyug is a shakti. Its not in our power to break free from kalyug, you have to put yourself in Maharajis hands, only He can set you free from Kalyug's power.

Sabh thay vada Satigur Nanak jin kal raakhi meri.

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Excellent. so, dont become a preacher, destroy falsehood within urself and others will follow.

exactly, You cannott give to others what you yourself do not have. :). I was told this long time ago, that first light the fire within you. Although it may seem difficult to hold back in expressing your views and helping other with what you have realized. The aim should always be towards the fire of one-self. Then like the quote said, you will need not put any effort, other will come to you seeking for that flame that has been 'given' to you thru kirpa/grace. :)

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exactly, You cannott give to others what you yourself do not have. :). I was told this long time ago, that first light the fire within you. Although it may seem difficult to hold back in expressing your views and helping other with what you have realized. The aim should always be towards the fire of one-self. Then like the quote said, you will need not put any effort, other will come to you seeking for that flame that has been 'given' to you thru kirpa/grace. :)

Is all types of forced conversion wrong. my cousins used to go to sikh camps, when they were younger, and a lot of the time, not all, sikhism was forced upon them. is this wrong?

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Is all types of forced conversion wrong. my cousins used to go to sikh camps, when they were younger, and a lot of the time, not all, sikhism was forced upon them. is this wrong?

Generally the one who is imposing a set of beliefs on an individual is robbing that individual of his individuality. Your freedom to express love towards a religiion and more so the message and even more so towards those who brought the message and then finally towards the one who the message is pointing towards is much more valuable than one cares to think about.

Let me ask you what purpose does Forcing conversion serve? Does the individual feel that he is doing God's work by forcing others to convert to a religion? What is the purpose behind the one focing this conversion? Personally i see it only as a means to increase numbers and in almost every case that is the primary reason. Quantity becomes more important than Quality and that is harmfull to everyone, especially to that individual who was forced and the image of Religion itself.

Our Gurus never forced anyone to convert to their ways, they said what they wanted to say and left, they spoke their message and left. Those who wanted more came back seeking more, those that did not, did not. Either way the intent of the Guru had nothing to do with converting anyone. It was simply a message of Love, and this Love can only be Truely expressed when there is freedom to express it. What should've sprouted like a fresh water oasis, what should have arisen with freedom, is forced, is broughtup thru guilt and that in my eyes is hurting ones spirituality rather than progressing it.

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