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do u die daily or suffer daily?

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:cry: I have lost interest for the world, powered by love for the lord. i long to be able to go within to truely meet the lord. i am never satisfied or content because i dont indulge anymore, so i am always thinking of the lord, wishing my doubts and seperation could at last come to an end.

When i am content, i feel infinite love for the lord, and nothing else. the moments i feel of bliss, i give to the lord. i am now abstaining from everything, so the only time i might feel bliss is when i listien to music, which i wish i could stop also in order to only live off the love of the lord through meditation.

i am a beginner meditator, so instead of dying daily, i suffer daily. i do not compensate for the loss of sensual pleasures through going within, rather, i endure pain my mind inflicts upon me. i merely get better at concentration, but if there is any bliss, it of course isnt strong or lasting.

im a senior in high school so things are really tuff.

i really dont know how long i can keep this up, i just put faith in meditation.

all i do is do a good simran mantra and noticing the blackness in front of me, attempting to do both at the same time unwaveringly.

i wonder, how many of you just plain love the lord, and at times have no other urge but to meditate?

i really feel like im suffocating, but i love the lord so much, i wont wait for the benefits of meditation before i quit all sins, but its hard.

idk, i try to meditate every second i can, but how long should it take before it starts to actually bring bliss, bliss that can replace greed anger lust.....

its usually said that once in deep meditation, all bad tendencies vanish instantly due to the higher level of attraction.

how many of you can actually meditate this well? i put my entire life in the faith of meditation, for i feel like a dirty slave of the mind, and i cant do what my soul truely urges for.

i will continue this divine uncontent as they call it, are any of you on this hard path to love?


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i feel i want to get to the lord as soon as possible, and also, ive noticed that abstaining from these things causes me to be more devoted.

there are lots of things that make the mind cloudy or scattered, so i try to avoid them.

but i truely wonder, is simran all you need to reach the lord? it often seems like it wont do THAT much, like open ur third eye.

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a pure heart, (which the guru purifies); your uddham (effort); its like most things that have to be fashioned....perseverance, commitment, time, patience, effort, focus is what is required....

I think in life the following comment remains true for most things.....

"you can always gauge your effort, but never fully predict the outcome"..

let your love be your guiding force....but remember, in the early stages its like vapour, which then solidifies to water, and then to ice....the catalyst is the blessings and love of god.....

keep it at with all resolution

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love for the lord,

I would suggest that you do simran, with love....and whatever it is that keeps you on this path...stick to it, you'll find that guru starts revealing himself to you and all your answers will come to you (in due time)....the key is to stick to it...

That is where I failed, and I am in shambles now; I am trying to get back to that

sat sri akaal

(with simran, make sure you do some seva as well....even if it is langar seva, the beauty of gurdwara is that you don't know who is walking around and where you can get help/assistance)

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so the only time i might feel bliss is when i listien to music, which i wish i could stop also in order to only live off the love of the lord through meditation.

Who says listening to music is bad? Dont listen to theses people that say listening to music is bad, its because of music we have kirtan as well.

Its good that your doing simran. Someone told me that doing simran makes your life confortable? But what does this mean? Does it mean that life will get a LOT easiler? Does it mean that your not ganna get any bad vibes? Well from personal experiences my life after doing simran has made me deal with problems better but problems in my life are still there. But knowing I feel there IS this kind of support for me in Naam (God), its stops me sinking to the bottom into hell. I really feel God has helped me in my life but i now feel that without God I would imagine myself to be lost.

People like me only want a confortable life, money, riches which isnt bad but its bad when you let theses matrial things get to you and get attached to them, then you start forgetting God and forgetting God we become blind and sink right to the bottom in our own pride and wealth.

Whoever asks for a difficult life?

The sikhs which have died to uphold Dharma (righteousness) died for us (Hindu's, Sikhs, Muslims etc). They had difficult times but they had the support of God.

Life is a battlefield your mind is the sword. Mun Jeetay Jug Jeet (Win your mind Win the lands).

The best way I can think of doing simran is by putting your problems in heart and then let theses problems burn in the Naam with Love.

And try to remember God in both in Good and Bad times and God will be there for you in both Good and bad times.

Please read the link, this was a cyber Hukamnama: http://www.sikhnet.com/sggs/translation/1046.html

Please God let me never forget about you and what you have done for me, I am just a begger at your house.

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simran isnt a means to an end. u cant live a full spiritual life with only simran. u cant end birth death cycle with only simran. simran is suppose to only be the beginning of meditation.

the way to actually live a legit truely devoted life is to be able to do simran to the point that you can hear the sound current or shabd very clearly, so u hear church bells or whatever.

then ur body becomes numb up to ur eyes, and your attention becomes 100 percent at the eye center due to the sound.

now, u arent doing simran anymroe, but being lifted by the sound, and supposedly u get brought to the higher regions of light and sound.

ive heard a sound in silence, but of course not church bells or anything that is described as "enchanting."

i wonder, how much simran do u have to do before u are able to actually hear the sound, or go to the higher regions?

i do understand, simran isnt bliss, bliss is when u dont need ur mind to do simran anymore, because ur mind already has risen to its home and is experiencing infinite bliss, while ur soul has risen high above.

I quite often worry that i will never be good enough at meditation to be able to hear the celetial music that is the actual real music.

i think there are VERY few people who are good at meditation in this way.

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all i know is that there is a time in meditation when u stop doing simran, because uve achieved some sort of high concentration, and u just listien, and u hear something within, and it brings u up.

by this time or so, u get to see the radiant form of ur master?

ur master starts to speak to u... and answer ur questions.

this is only the beginning of the path tho, but i dont think ANYBODY has been able to do it lol.

so much for achieving god in this lifetime.

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that sounds like the radhasoami formula, here is my only contention to it... would we move beyond forms...to see a form??? my point being, do you think the pathway is really that singular??? just like there are a myriad number of paths to god, so are there an even greater myriad ways that god reaches us...that might be person X's experience, it maynot be yours

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In my honest opinion, (not that I am a scholar, gyani etc.....as there are many on here that are wise beyond me) but One should never give up naam simran, gurbani paath and kirtan as one cen never reach akaal......One may think that they have reached a level of spiritual bliss but Waheguru's limit cannot be found. In chandi di vaar, Dhan Dhan Satguru Gobind Singh Ji mentions, "baday baday mun devtay kaiee jug tinni tan thaiyaa, kiini tera ant na paiyaa" loosley translated meaning that even the highest of gods tried finding his limit yet they couldn't find his end as he is limitless.

Don't think of doing simran as the ends to a mean but a tool on the spiritual journey to akaal. The more simran we do, it is still less. Just keep doing naam simran, gurbani paath and kirtan and guru ji will be benvolent to you......... :)

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In my humble attempt to add to brahmaji, try this approach.....think of EVERY thing you do as a means to creating a relationship with god, and let EACH thing you do become a receptacle for that love....otherwise you have created an 'idol' of what god is supposed to be and you'll be looking for that your whole life....remaining blind to other possible blessings

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love for the lord,

I would suggest that you do simran, with love....and whatever it is that keeps you on this path...stick to it, you'll find that guru starts revealing himself to you and all your answers will come to you (in due time)....the key is to stick to it...

That is where I failed, and I am in shambles now; I am trying to get back to that

So it seems I am not the only one who tripped on the same rock....We should join forces my friend...

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i wonder, how many of you just plain love the lord, and at times have no other urge but to meditate?


it couldnt really be easier though. bathe in His Love in the morning and sing His praises. and remain dyed in that Love for the rest of the day and serve. dedicate your every breath to Him, your every action to Him. put your Love into action.

as for the whole science of meditation. id much rather fall at my Guru Sahib's charan and wait for Him to bestow His mercy upon me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

:cry: I have lost interest for the world, powered by love for the lord. i long to be able to go within to truely meet the lord. i am never satisfied or content because i dont indulge anymore, so i am always thinking of the lord, wishing my doubts and seperation could at last come to an end.

When i am content, i feel infinite love for the lord, and nothing else. the moments i feel of bliss, i give to the lord. i am now abstaining from everything, so the only time i might feel bliss is when i listien to music, which i wish i could stop also in order to only live off the love of the lord through meditation.

i am a beginner meditator, so instead of dying daily, i suffer daily. i do not compensate for the loss of sensual pleasures through going within, rather, i endure pain my mind inflicts upon me. i merely get better at concentration, but if there is any bliss, it of course isnt strong or lasting.

im a senior in high school so things are really tuff.

i really dont know how long i can keep this up, i just put faith in meditation.

all i do is do a good simran mantra and noticing the blackness in front of me, attempting to do both at the same time unwaveringly.

i wonder, how many of you just plain love the lord, and at times have no other urge but to meditate?

i really feel like im suffocating, but i love the lord so much, i wont wait for the benefits of meditation before i quit all sins, but its hard.

idk, i try to meditate every second i can, but how long should it take before it starts to actually bring bliss, bliss that can replace greed anger lust.....

its usually said that once in deep meditation, all bad tendencies vanish instantly due to the higher level of attraction.

how many of you can actually meditate this well? i put my entire life in the faith of meditation, for i feel like a dirty slave of the mind, and i cant do what my soul truely urges for.

i will continue this divine uncontent as they call it, are any of you on this hard path to love?


Chak de phatte! Me no worry about knowing "doG" anymore. But that's me. Me no "Brahmgyani" - do not missing understandings me's please. "doffs non-existent cap" and moves along. :)

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