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Great videos on Dasam Granth


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As far as i know Swami Brahmdev is an udasi. im sure Tirath will be able to help on this.

Giani Pooran Singh on gurmatveechar is not the same as on the site. The person on the gurmatveechar site is Sant Pooran Singh Delhi Walae of taksal. dont knwo why but they have been put on gurmatveechar as giani like sant avtar singh ji badni kalan walae have also been put as giani

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  • 3 months later...

Gurfateh guys,

firstly, let me apologize in advance as what I am about to say will come across harsh. I was wondering how many people actually listened to this katha on dasam granth by swami brahmdev? I ask because they clearly call him swami brahmdev udasi at the 24th second.

The reason I ask this is that we tend to give people with titles or accolades due respect. Although these people specialise, should we not be striving to learn ourselves? why deny ourselves that sacrifice that guru sahib provided for us? I respect everyone, including myself, that life is busy and we can't learn everything. My benti is that we try to be more mindful and then try to understand....sometimes the language is hard to understand, I agree. I love this site because it allows people to say what they want and people can deduce what is right and wrong using that knowledge. The recent dialogue on the sikhi-shia thread is amazing becuase it empowers us all...may waheguru bless everyone so much that we can be ambassadors for guru sahib in the best possible way...we do not have to agree with each other on everything, thats not really going to happen

stay in chardiankallah and please take my request seriously

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