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tva prasad

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    tva prasad reacted to Soulfinder in Dhan Baba Nand singh Ji Maharaj Nanaksar Kaleran   
    Amazing thread veer ji. Here is a saakhi i heard just now on youtube worth listening.
    When Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji Nanaksar went to Rara Sahib - Katha Sant Hari Singh Ji
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    tva prasad reacted to Soulfinder in Dhan Baba Nand singh Ji Maharaj Nanaksar Kaleran   
    Waheguru Dhan Mahapursh. Thanks veer ji for sharing !!!!
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    tva prasad reacted to mahanpaapi in Dhan Baba Nand singh Ji Maharaj Nanaksar Kaleran   
    Baba Nand Singh Ji Jal Parvah Sakhi

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    tva prasad reacted to dalsingh101 in How to overcome Wetdream   
    Seriously. Find a decent women who is physically compatible with you, and get married. 
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    tva prasad reacted to Soulfinder in How to overcome Wetdream   
    Surround yourself as much as you can with gurbani katha kirtain to get rid of these dreams as these should help.
    Try to do at least 5 kirtain sohila sahib as this will make you feel tried and divert your attention.
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    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in 'Honeytrap' beauty who lured besotted TV exec to his grisly death is now married to a rising Labour star   
    Business rivals had him murdered in Panjab.
    They were rich, because of fathers successful business.
    Yes, the last photo I saw of him I had gol dastar and was clutching a khanda.
    Maharaja wasn't lashed because of malechhpuna.
    Yes and yes. i think he read the wrong signals in being asked to stay the night, and tried his luck.
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    tva prasad reacted to amardeep in Sarbloh Granth kirtan   
    I think so yes. There are many such verses in Dasam Granth and Sarbloh Granth which are not words per se but rather the sounds of swords and drums etc. I think this is one such example of the sound of drums
  8. Like
    tva prasad reacted to amardeep in Sarbloh Granth kirtan   
    Raag Darbari, begins at minute 02.00
    Tadar Dani Dani Tum Dani Talal Tum Dirna
    Dhagarhdee dhrum dhig taang dhagarhdhee dhim dhirnaa Bagarhdhee briktai baang taagarhdhee tum tum tum dirnaa dhagarhdhee dhai dhai taal ghagarhdee ghum ghirna dhagarhdee dum dum dheem bagarhdee brikat birna tadar dani dani tum dani talal tum dirna
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    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in 'Honeytrap' beauty who lured besotted TV exec to his grisly death is now married to a rising Labour star   
    In the time I knew him, he was not amritdhari. Last time we met in person was about 6 months before he died. He didn't say anything about having taken Pahul then.
    The attempted assault took place months before his ghastly demise. Maybe he chose this path after things didn't work out with her?
    Yeah, here I agree with you. I don't know why. Maybe it's kalyug. There was talk of malechh puna entering the panth even during Panth Parkash.
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    In the katha snippet below, Gyani Inderjit Singh jee Raqbewale talks about the miraculous birth (by non-sexual act) of Dattatreya jee (Guru of Sanyasis). This should give people an idea of the capabilities of Sri Satguru jee.
    Please start listening after 11:40 min:
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    tva prasad reacted to mahanpaapi in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    "....Braham Binde So Satgur Kaheeye..."
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    Thanks bro for reminding me about this issue.

    "According to the Ayurvedic understanding of the creation of body tissues (dhatus) it takes anywhere from 60-100 drops of blood to make one drop of semen." [1]

    [1] - http://www.semenloss.info/content/ayurvedic-intro/

    We can use that precious blood to donate someone in need and also, for the benefit of our own health. As Satkirin jee said that there is less than 8% chance for a wife getting pregnant during one sexual act; married Gursikh males will definitely need to preserve it, as sex will have to be repeated for the procreation act to come to fruition.

    Waheguru jee kaa Khalsa
    Waheguru jee kee Fateh
  13. Like
    tva prasad reacted to mahanpaapi in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    please add this note to your discussion that loss of one drop of semen equals loss of about 90 loss of blood drops. therefore, more loss less spirituality, and for procreation a drop may suffice.
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    Only an ignorant person can think that Satguru Sri Guru Nanak dev jee Maharaaj procreated as humans and animals do.
    Khalsa jee, do not try to apply ordinary human/animals activities to the Almighty. A person like me cannot even fathom the level of a Saint. Here we have Satguru jee who converted dacoits, perverts, robbers, murderers into saints. You guys can imagine the difference.

    ਗੁਰਿ ਕਹਿਆ ਸਾ ਕਾਰ ਕਮਾਵਹੁ ॥
    गुरि कहिआ सा कार कमावहु ॥
    gur kahi-aa saa kaar kamaavahu.
    Do those deeds which the Guru has ordained.

    ਗੁਰ ਕੀ ਕਰਣੀ ਕਾਹੇ ਧਾਵਹੁ ॥
    गुर की करणी काहे धावहु ॥
    gur kee karnee kaahay Dhaavahu.
    Why are you chasing after the Guru's actions?

    Waheguru jee kaa Khalsa Waheguru jee kaa Fateh
  15. Like
    tva prasad reacted to Ragmaala in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    @truthseeker, satkirin

    When Mata Sulakhni Ji ( wife of Guru Nanak) asked Guru Nanak for the blessing of sons, she was blessed with two cloves as a blessing. The prashad/blessing in the form of cloves lead to birth of Sri Chand Ji and Lakhmi Chand Ji. You may find this in the katha of Suraj Prakash Granth by Kavi Santokh Singh Ji.

    There are many concepts in Sikhi which are very subtle and not apparent at first. This understanding only comes after the company of Saints, Mahapurakhs and spiritually elevated beings through their physical presence, books, biographies, discourses or a personal experience.

    Nirankar/God took the sargun form of Guru Nanak and 9 Gurus. The idea was to lead by example. They led a householders life to teach us. But that does not mean that Guru operates the same way as we do. We simply cannot fathom the workings of our Guru whether he hunted, had more than one wife, sacrificed himself for Truth, sat in a basement for 28 years etc etc.

    Gurbani teaches us to follow the teachings of the Guru , but not to emulate Guru. We simply cannot copy our Guru. Guru operates in mysterious ways beyond our understanding. Gur Kaheya so kaar kamavo Gur ki karni kahe dhavo.

    When Guru Nanak disappeared there was no physical body left, Same thing happened when Guru Arjan Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji disappeared, no physical bodies were found. Same things happened when sons of Guru Gobind Singh were martyred, their bodies simply disappeared for a while. So what can we say about the physical body of a Guru ?

    If we cannot understand the physicality of Guru, how can we compare Guru to a normal human being and say that he had a body, enjoyed bodily pleasure and engaged to have kids. This sentiment is shared by all the highly elevated spiritual beings like Baba Nand Singh Ji etc etc and many other Gursikhs. You might not find it written in many books.

    Gurbani also says that liberated ones do not come into the cycle of birth and death.
    The birth of a elevated spiritual being is different than the rest of humans. This applies to great saints.
    The body of child is created in womb for 9 months, everything is happening like a normal human baby. When the baby is delivered, the atma/soul/jeev/spiritual being enters the body at that time. That already liberated being does not have to spend 9 months in the womb.

    And Guru is not even born, nor does he go anywhere. He has been present since the beginning, in the present and for the future. Satguru mera sada sada na aave na jaave. Guru is ever present , he neither comes nor goes.

    These sentiments are not my own personal or indvidual opinions or feelings. But this is a common sentiment shared by many saint traditions like Nanaksar Samparda, Damadami Taksal, Rara Sahib etc etc.
    I do not have links for you where you can read up on such things, but maybe other posters may have sources that provide a written evidence.

  16. Like
    tva prasad reacted to Ragmaala in Sikh Guru's And Their Marriage Relationship   
    People . First of all dont use gurus as examples to justify ur own selfish bodily needs and cravings.

    Truthseeker you are basically saying Guru Gobind Singh Ji seeked bodily pleasure? You need to understand what a Guru is.
    What you are saying is very offensive.

    Guru is beyond the body. He is sargun form of Nirankar.

    If he can create billions of galaxies in a blink of eye do you think it is impossible for Guru to create life in a mothers womb without engaging in vishe vikaar? Shame on those who think that gurus were involved in sex.

    Baba Nand Singh said Guru Nanak didnt engage in vishe vikar. And those who say so are damned.
    May their tongues be cursed who compare gurus to human beings.

    People. No one is asking you to stop having sex. Do whatever you want. Make babies and have pleasure. But dont say that my father Guru wanted bodily pleasure thus had many wives. And also guru didnt have sex. They have the power to do anything.
  17. Like
    tva prasad reacted to Ragmaala in A town 'dharma nagri' during Guru Nanak Sahibs time where people had children through Drishti Bhog. No physical intercourse   
    This further re emphasizes my point of Guru not indulging in physical intercourse to procreate. If normal people can do it through Drishti Bhog, it no big deal for Guru Parmeswar Himself.  
    Also emphasizes the importance of jat.
    Just came across this Sakhi by accident. 
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in Insomnia......   

    Bhul chuk maaf
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    tva prasad reacted to Xylitol in Celibacy : Importance , Reasons ...   
    Could someone (who actually knows) please educate us further on the maryada for those following grihast jeevan as well as the maryada for bihingams?

    btw, W Bol, all of the original punj pyare were bihangam.
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    tva prasad reacted to Xylitol in Charitropakhyan or Erotica ? viewer discretion advised.   
    Maharaja Ranjit Singh was ensnared by the wiles of a courtesan and fell for her. Her influence over him enabled traitors to enter the raj and reach very high levels. Consequently, at a key period in Sikh history these traitors conspired with the British and betrayed the raj. The raj fell. As a result every single Sikh man, woman, and child was affected, not just for that generation, but for all generations to come. Besides oppressing the people, the British destroyed the Sikh school system which was one of the best in the world and promoted independent though. That school system has never been recovered, as can be seen by the pendu mentality of many of our people. The British also spread propaganda and worked at creating divisions within our panth, including divisions regarding our Guru Granth Sahib ji and other scriptures and historically important writings. The consequences of one man not have read and understood the Charitropakhyan continue to affect the worldwide panth to this day.
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    tva prasad reacted to Jageera in Is Sikhi an Endorsement or Rejection of Vedic Concepts like Mantras and Reincarnation?   
    Of course you don't see any wrong it,I wouldn't expect any less from you and your ilk.Why leave SPN to come preach to us under the guise of asking questions? All your interpretations are self made from self proclaimed experts from recent years. As has been said many times before,bring proof of what you claim was practiced back in the old days.
    "According to Sikhi, all time and space is part of the Ek or One or 1, thus it can be argued that the idea of a particular time or place being more "divine" than other times or places is not strictly a Gurmat one."
    You mean "According to modern missionary movement interpretation of Sikhi."You can't claim to be the sole representative of Sikhi and Gurmat when all your sources are from the 20th and 21th century.
    "Does this refer only to 4am in the morning?  I'm not so sure."
    Nobody cares whether you are sure or not.I am sure thats for sure. 
    "Just out of curiosity, what specifically does Gurbāni have to say about "Amrit Vela"?
    Why don't you tell me since you're the one preaching here oh wise one.Enlighten me.
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    tva prasad reacted to Jageera in Is Sikhi an Endorsement or Rejection of Vedic Concepts like Mantras and Reincarnation?   
    He also preaches any time can be Amrit vela...even 2pm in the afternoon 
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    tva prasad reacted to chatanga1 in Is Sikhi an Endorsement or Rejection of Vedic Concepts like Mantras and Reincarnation?   
    Performing supernatural feats was nothing to the Gurus. They held that power in their hands.
    Naam Simran is not necessarily a physical act. It can be done mentally as well.
    This fake doctor, is not someone to take any guidance from. He distorts Sikh history and gurbani as and when he can. He has little understanding of Gurmat language.
    And here he is wrong. Gurbani is testament to reincarnation in the flesh ie the body dying and then another body being given. This fake doctor and his crew base their interpretations on anti-brahman thinking.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Soulfinder in Can a punjabi (non sikh) take amrit or not?   
    * Bhai sahib Singh
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    tva prasad reacted to paapiman in Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev jee is greater than Vishnu jee/Shiv jee/Other Deities   
    In the small audio clip below, Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev jee Maharaaj is compared to Sri Ram Chander jee. This will again illustrate the power of our Satgurus to eliminate the mighty vices, as compared to other deities. 
    Bhul chuk maaf
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