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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Inside a white supremacist militia in Ukraine   
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in The Prebritish Annexation Educational System In The Panjab   
    This was a good thread. 
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Whats everyone watching during lockdown?   
    Can’t really tell the difference until they open their mouths. Like anywhere else, once a group get numbers they start throwing their weight around for any reason they can think of. The new normal is going to be confrontational coexistence, not the lalaland some of our lot had promised us previously. 
    You probably already know this but for anyone else who might not be aware should know that racists don’t have many other emotions than fear, anger, jealousy, hate and obsession. Their victim stories and accusations are often just preparation for attacking other groups in the future. Don’t feel sorry for them or let them use it to harm you. 
    Plenty of british nonces are lurking about and loads of Eastern Europeans push their own into exploitation. We Sikhs aren’t responsible for that and if they try anything they’ll suffer the consequences. 
    Its not just London either, I was working a cr*ppy office job in the Home Counties a few years ago that was jam packed with racists. One britboy openly admitted to being a nonce and none of the other racists seemed bothered by it. When I kicked off about it they all accused me of being a groomer because I’m Asian. One english trollop who had loved hearing that guy’s disgusting stories went completely mental that I had the nerve to say anything to them and accused me of being all sorts. I got the impression she was touched up by her racist dad growing up so she was probably mental as a result of that. The thing is, they are naturally inclined to demonise us even though they are far worse. They cause all the problems and then have the nerve to blame us for the consequences. 
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Whats everyone watching during lockdown?   
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    HSD got a reaction from sevak in The Bible   
    You don’t say. Last time I checked this site is called SikhAwareness not SikhIgnorance. Several sub forums are for discussing other religions. Sikhs should be aware that the christian mythology is neither original or unique but borrows heavily from the cultures and civilisations its’ followers were exposed to in the Middle East. This might go some way to help prevent Sikhs falling for the lies of christians who have made massive inroads into our community if you haven’t noticed. 
    Who made you arbiter to decide what Sikhs are allowed to gain intelligence on? Does learning about Mein Kampf make someone a fascist? Does reading Das Kapital make someone a communist? No wonder they are able to convert so many Sikhs if you lot are scared of their holy book let alone trying to counter their talking points. 

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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Britain'S Actions Against Khalistan   
    Whitehall picked the son of Margaret Thatcher’s closest aide to help investigate a scandal from her premiership, it has emerged.
    3 NOVEMBER 2022
    Charles Powell holds an umbrella for Margaret Thatcher on a foreign engagement. (Photo: Bill Rowntree / Mirrorpix / Getty)
    Hugh Powell, the son of Charles Powell, was given a key role investigating the Thatcher government’s involvement in a massacre of Sikh pilgrims. Labour says Hugh Powell’s appointment “beggars belief”. Former minister asks: “How can it ever be right for children to investigate their parents?” Revelation comes after years of covering up conflict of interest.  
    Hundreds if not thousands of people were killed when Indian troops stormed the Golden Temple in Amritsar in 1984.
    Thirty years later, I uncovered evidence the Thatcher administration had sent an SAS officer to advise Indian forces on the operation at the Sikh faith’s holiest site.
    My revelation in 2014 caused outcry and forced the then prime minister David Cameron to order an investigation by Britain’s most senior civil servant, Jeremy Heywood.
    Heywood’s review concluded, much to the relief of the Conservative Party, that the SAS officer’s advice had little impact on the actual conduct of India’s raid.
    But Sikh groups condemned the review as a “whitewash”. 
    Their scepticism now appears valid, as it transpires that Heywood gave the son of Thatcher’s top foreign policy adviser a central role in carrying out the 2014 review.
    Hugh Powell – whose father Charles was Thatcher’s private secretary – was selected by Heywood to help conduct the probe, despite the obvious risk of bias.
    Repeated assurances
    The revelation is contained in a recently published book by Heywood’s widow, Suzanne.
    Her admission torpedoes repeated assurances from the Foreign Office that there were no conflicts of interest in the Heywood Review.
    It will put pressure on Rishi Sunak, Britain’s first prime minister of Indian descent, to hold an independent inquiry, at a time when he wants to secure closer commercial ties with New Delhi.
    British Sikh MP Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi told Declassified: “This shocking revelation that the son of Charles Powell, who himself was Margaret Thatcher’s private secretary and foreign affairs adviser during the 1980s, was involved in conducting the Heywood Review in 2014, beggars belief. No wonder David Cameron and subsequent administrations have tried to brush this under the carpet!”
    Dhesi, a shadow transport minister who represents Slough, added: “It’s clearer than ever that an independent inquiry is essential – as the Labour Party and Sir Keir Starmer MP have long committed to. 
    “The Sikh community must have transparency and justice, but it’s exasperating that the Conservative Government continues to refuse to allow this to happen. The truth must come to light.” 
    Whitehall dynasty
    Career diplomat Charles Powell was seconded from the Foreign Office in 1983 to serve as Thatcher’s private secretary.
    He was “adored” in this crucial Downing Street role and stayed on as her chief adviser for defence and foreign policy until 1990.
    Thatcher later attended the wedding of Powell’s son Hugh, who had followed in his father’s footsteps and joined the Foreign Office.
    When evidence eventually emerged of Thatcher’s support for the Golden Temple raid, Hugh Powell was deputy national security adviser to Cameron’s coalition government. 
    In her book, What Does Jeremy Think?, Suzanne Heywood described my discovery of the SAS trip to Amritsar as “the first of a series of mini crises” that her husband had to deal with in 2014.
    She said: “Jeremy started out this work by holding several meetings with the Sikh community to understand their concerns. He then asked Hugh Powell…a member of the National Security Secretariat, to help him search through around two hundred highly classified files, containing more than 23,000 papers, to see what they could discover.”
    The government has previously refused to tell me who assisted Heywood with his review. 
      Jeremy Heywood (L) picked Hugh Powell (R) to help conduct his review. (Photos: Parliament TV)
    Many of the papers the pair inspected would have been written or received by Charles Powell in his role as Thatcher’s private secretary. Files show he was involved in a ban on Sikh protesters in Britain during 1984.
    Despite having a mountain of paperwork to read, Heywood published his report in just three weeks. It concluded that the advice given by the SAS officer had “limited impact in practice” and avoided any reference to Charles Powell’s draconian stance towards Sikh activists.
    Lady Heywood said the report “didn’t answer every question or contain the answers everyone wanted, but it did at least mean that the government had put as much as it could in the public domain.”
    Norman Baker, who was a Home Office minister in Cameron’s coalition, told Declassified that Hugh Powell’s position “was a wholly inappropriate appointment, which looks suspiciously like one designed to get the right results without investigating the facts.
    “David Cameron looks guilty of the most cynical behaviour possible with this appointment. How can it ever be right for children to investigate their parents?”
    Growing doubts
    Sikh community groups have never accepted the report’s findings, and Labour has pledged to hold an independent inquiry if elected. The emergence of Hugh Powell’s involvement will only further undermine confidence in the Heywood Review.
    In 2020, after a successful court action by Declassified, the Foreign Office had to admit that “one or more officials who worked on UK/India diplomatic relations in 1984 helped locate and identify papers for this 2014 review.”
    It is thought that those officials included Bruce Cleghorn, a diplomat in the Foriegn Office’s South Asia Department during the massacre.
    The day before the raid, Cleghorn had warned colleagues: “It would be dangerous if HMG [the British government] were to become identified, in the minds of Sikhs in the UK, with some more determined action by the Indian government, in particular any attempt to storm the Golden Temple at Amritsar.”
    Cleghorn was working as a Foreign Office censor – or “sensitivity reviewer” – in 2014. Some sensitivity reviewers did help locate and identify relevant files for the Heywood Review, although the Foreign Office refuses to name specific staff involved.
    Key files suggesting the SAS gave further advice to India’s security forces a month after the massacre were not shown to the Heywood Review. When I found them at the National Archives in 2016, they were quickly withdrawn by the Foreign Office.
    Charles Powell now sits in the House of Lords, while Hugh works in the private sector. Both men were asked to comment. Jeremy Heywood died from cancer in 2018.
    Last night a UK Government spokesperson told Declassified: “The Heywood review of 2014 worked specifically to establish facts about the UK advice and assistance to the Indian Government.”
    “It concluded that UK assistance was advisory, ended several months before the operation, and had limited impact on the tragic events that followed.
    “The UK Government has concluded that there is insufficient evidence to challenge the conclusions of the 2014 inquiry or to review the broader decisions of the government of the day.”
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Aborigine Teenager Murdered in Aussie Racist Attack   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Aborigine Teenager Murdered in Aussie Racist Attack   
    Cassius's mother Mechelle Turvey was comforted by family members outside Midland Magistrates Court on Monday morning. (ABC News: Cason Ho)  A Middle Swan man has been charged with murder over the alleged vicious attack of 15-year-old Aboriginal boy Cassius Turvey, who died over the weekend as a result of his injuries. Key points:
    The teen was seriously injured in an altercation on October 13 He was taken to hospital in a critical condition but died 10 days later Police have asked anyone with information to come forward   Multiple surgeries were not enough to save the boy, who passed away yesterday after being placed in an induced coma.
    Jack Steven James Brearley, 21, was originally charged with one count of unlawful wounding, but homicide squad detectives upgraded the charge to murder.
    Mr Brearley made a brief appearance at Midland Magistrates Court on Monday to hear the charge.
    'I don't think you can ever get justice,' mother says
    Dozens of friends and family appeared outside the court to show their support for Cassius's family.
    "I'm just appalled at some of the violence going on in our communities,” Cassius’s mother Mechelle Turvey said.
    "We only buried his father a month ago after a two-year battle with cancer."

    Cassius Turvey died yesterday after being hospitalised in a critical condition.(Supplied) The family has given the ABC permission to use a photo of Cassius that was taken as he lay in hospital in a critical condition before he died on October 23. 
    Detective Senior Sergeant Stephen Cleal said Cassius was walking with a group of friends on October 13 when they were approached by a black Ford Ranger ute. 
    Police allege Mr Brearley jumped out the car and ran towards the group before assaulting Cassius with a metal pole, which police are still searching for.
    Cassius suffered lacerations to the ear and forehead and the family said scans at Midland St John of God Hospital revealed two brain haemorrhages.
    He was transported to Perth Children's Hospital and was discharged after five days, but had a seizure just hours after, and was transported back to hospital.
    The teenager underwent surgery and was put into a medically induced coma.
    Police working with local business
    When asked about a possible motive for the alleged attack, Detective Senior Sergeant Cleal said police were "looking into all avenues" in the investigation.
    Detective Senior Sergeant Stephen Cleal says police are still investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident. (ABC News: Cason Ho) "In terms of the motivation [behind] the attack, that is still subject to ongoing investigations by the homicide squad," he said.
    He said there was no indication that Mr Brearley knew Cassius or the other alleged members of the group.
    "We are working with the family, and local businesses and the school just to ensure that northing further escalates as a result of this," he said.
    'A mother's worst nightmare'
    Emily Farmer, the mother of one of the other boys who was with Cassius on the day of the alleged attack, said his friends were distraught.
    Emily Farmer says her son was with Cassius when the incident occured.(ABC News: Cason Ho) "They are all together at the moment just trying to get through it … this is one of a mother's worst nightmares," she said.
    "For those people that are still out there, that were part of it, they should give themselves in. Don't know how they can live with themselves.
    "This is not just one family. This is, so many other families. This is a whole community."
    Cassius's family has organised a GoFundMe, which they've named #justiceforcassius, to cover costs for the boy's funeral and legal costs.
    Mr Brearley has been remanded in custody and is due to appear at Stirling Gardens Magistrates Court on November 9.
    Police asked anyone with information about the incident to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report it online. 
    They asked that any dashcam or other relevant footage be uploaded to their website. 
    Detectives also wish to speak with anyone in the area at the time of the alleged incident, particularly anyone who saw a black ute driving in the area. 
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Bhangra   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in War Footage   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in War Footage   
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Liz Truss resigns as UK prime minister   
    Looks like the brits are having a meltdown over a brown PM. Knowing how difficult they can be to Asian managers in the workplace this comes as no surprise. 

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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Social Issues Videos   
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