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    ipledgeblue reacted to Soulfinder in Shocking!! Sikhs being converted   
    Anti Conversion Series
    Basics of Sikhi
    New Playlist that started January 2015 - Arming our youth with Knowledge against Preachers of other faiths.
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    ipledgeblue reacted to Soulfinder in Shocking!! Sikhs being converted   
    Thats a really good idea veer ji as it is hard to get access to the saakhis from suraj parkash as its written in brij language which is not easy to understand when read as i have had experience with brij when i read chandi chirtars 1&2 as they are really hard to pronounce and say.
    Door to door of anything is not safe especially being a salesman which is the worst job lol.
  5. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to Soulfinder in Halalonomics   
    Its really screwed up how you have had to deal with this veer ji and how hard it is to find the right sangat in uni groups.
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    ipledgeblue reacted to Sajjan_Thug in Odisha Government Wipes Out Five Hundred Years of History – Sikh Gurudwara Mangu Mutt   
    The climbing atop of five Nihang Sikhs on the demolished Mangu Mutt structure at Puri on January 2nd, 2020 caused ripples in the administration. The 2nd January is the birth anniversary of the tenth Sikh Guru, Gobind Singh Ji, which is celebrated with fervor by Sikhs. The Nihangs climbed atop the demolished rooms of the Mutt and retrieved the emblem of Sikhism, the Khanda, from the debris.  The Khanda, a double edged sword, is the military emblem of the Sikhs. It is also part of the design of the Nishan Sahib, and is installed on the top  as an ornament or finial. The finding of the Khanda in the ruins was proof enough that the Mangu Mutt was once a Sikh Gurudwara.  After much cajoling and coaxing , the Nihangs were made to come down and were packed off to Bhubaneswar.
    The Mutt, an abiding symbol of the connection between Sikhism and the 12th century Jagannath Temple, is built on the spot where Guru Nanak, during a visit in 1506, had composed the Sikh Aarti. The Aarti is essentially Guru Nanak’s tribute to the grandeur of the Creator, whose glory, he said in the spontaneous composition, could not be expressed through any human offerings or oblations.  The Mutt was located in front of the Singha Dwar, the main entrance and was within the 75-meter perimeter of the temple’s boundary wall which was slated for clearance.
    It was a sad day in the lives of conservationist-historian Anil Dhir and lawyer-activist Sukhvinder Kaur of the High Court of Orissa as they watched the demolition of the Mangu Mutt. The five-month-long determined battle for the preservation of the Mutt by Dhir and Kaur literally came to a grinding halt in the second week of December as the government’s demolition machinery swung into action. On their part, the duo left no stone unturned in averting the disaster. They knocked on every door possible: they appealed to the Prime Minister, the Chief Minister of Odisha, the State Governor, the Collector of Puri, the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC),  the chief minister of Punjab and the Odisha Sikh leadership. In September, after the intervention of the Punjab Chief Minister, the demolition order was temporarily withdrawn.
    The Odisha cabinet on 16th August 2019 approved a proposal to clear structures within 75-metre radius of Jagannath Temple, Puri to facilitate free movement of pilgrims, visitors and ensure safety of the 12th century shrine.  The district administration demolished the Languli Mutt, a 14th century Hindu monastery of Dasanami Naga sampradaya, citing safety reasons,  demolished the 12th century Emar Math and now demolished Sikh Gurudwara Mangu Mutt. 
    The  Mutt has tremendous historical and spiritual value, and nobody knows it better than Dhir. Having written a two-volume book based on a 18-day  Bullock Cart  journey from Kolkata to Puri, Dhir discovered precious pieces of heritage  in  every place touched by Nanak and the other icons of the Bhakti movement, including Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Kabir and Namdev. In the middle of October, Dhir had entranced a 150-strong audience at New Delhi’s India International Centre (IIC) with a slide-supported presentation on his book, ‘Jagannath Sadak’, which was sponsored by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH), and was seven years in the writing.
    Ignoring the unbroken campaign for its conservation, in one heartless order, the Odisha government destroyed 12000 sq ft of the Mutt; now, only a 10×9 sq ft area of the original place remains, besides two half broken rooms. . In terms of size, an area worth a two bedroom flat, is not even a dot on the government property map but it is priceless in terms of heritage; any government worth its name is expected to safeguard it, if not on its own, at least, in response to the appeals of those who have no personal stakes in the issue. It is the disregard for such selfless appeals for conservation that makes the Odisha government’s action tragic.
    Mangu Mutt was built more than a century after Nanak’s visit to Puri. Guru Teg Bahadur, the ninth Sikh guru, popularly known as “Hind ki Chadar”, also visited the  Mutt in 1670. Besides, the shrine served as a Dharamshala for pilgrims from all over and, from the middle of the 19th century, when India began its fight for independence from the British colonial rule, it sheltered many a freedom fighter.  Every inch of the Mutt, therefore, pulsated with history and spiritual energy, which, by itself, could have been turned into a pilgrimage goldmine by a visionary government.
    Ironically, the Mutt was demolished at a time when the Odisha  government was proposing to celebrate the 550th   Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Puri. The celebrations were cancelled, and a small seminar was instead held at the Odisha State Archives in Bhubaneswar.  Appeals against the demolition were also made in the social media, and Sikh activists had come all the way from Canada to appeal to the authorities to stop the demolition. In September this year, Punjab chief minister Amarinder Singh wrote to his Odisha counterpart against demolishing the shrine, but all of it fell on deaf ears. The contradictory statements made by the spokespersons of the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee and the Sikh Pratinidhi Board of Odisha did not help matters.
    While the entire Sikh leadership of Punjab, cutting across party lines, opposed the demolition, the Odisha Sikh leaders toed the government’s line. They, like the state government, maintain that only the unauthorised structures around the Mutt have been erased. However, Dhir says, the shifting of the religious relics from the demolished parts proves that the original structure had been demolished, not just the commercial encroachments.
    Post-demolition, a delegation of Sikh MLAs from Punjab met the Odisha chief minister and demanded that at least the demolished area be handed back to the community. They also held a protest march in Bhubaneswar in December end. However, no written assurance has been given  about the transfer of land to the Sikhs and, according to Dhir, it may be a case of too little, too late.
    The activists are now pinning their hopes on an intervention petition in the Supreme Court where a case against the demolition of two other Mutts associated with Nanak’s Puri visit, Punjabi Mutt and Bauli Sahib is due for hearing on January 8th.  Dhir, however, is of the view that unless the Sikh political and religious leadership comes forward forcefully, the other two shrines could also face the Odisha government’s axe, and that conservationists may be fighting a losing battle even in court.
    – By   Jagpreet   Luthra
    The author is a senior journalist based in Delhi.
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    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in SOUTHALL: Havelock Road name change to Guru Nanak Dev Ji Road consultation seems to have resulted in approval #SikhLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter   
    Just heard this on Panjab Radio this morning in the UK. There was a consultation on changing the name for Havelock Road, Southall - this is also where the famous Singh Sabha Gurdwara is situated (which you will sometimes see in media and some British TV movies and documentaries), there is also another popular Singh Sabha Gurdwara on Park Avenue in Southall - just explaining to avoid confusion. Here is an article from 2002 to show context with regards to Major-General Sir Henry Havelock and issues with the name of the street. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2003119.stm So anyway the radio station was congratulating everyone as it seems the name change has been approved! Just found some Singh Sabha Gurdwara facebook posts regarding this now:   https://www.facebook.com/sgsssouthall/posts/2646454702122065   Also on the gurdwara Facebook story https://www.facebook.com/stories/1817655594943329/UzpfSVNDOjI2NDY0NDAwNTg3OTAxOTY=/?source=story_tray   A few days ago in Bristol, a slaver trader's statue was toppled by the protestors.   Yesterday, Robert Milligan was taken off plinth in London by the Tower Hamlets Council in East London. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/09/sadiq-khan-orders-review-of-all-london-statues-for-slavery-links It looks like these protests about #BlackLivesMatter which erupted due to the shooting in USA are also useful for sikhs. This is already helping in pushing the case for Havelock's name to be removed from the street in Southall, whereas before no progress was made. The uk will now be looking at colonial statues and memorabilia to see what can be removed. This is important as many of the colonial related people affected sikhs in negative ways! NOTE: I know protests are going on, but as it is COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, please be safe and observe social distancing. There is too much crowding at these protests, and could lead to increases in cases for the virus!
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    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Coronavirus - Covid 19   
    how do you mean?
  9. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to chatanga1 in Halalonomics   
    Well done for standing up. It's a shame that sikh student groups like BOSS even, prefer to support vegetarianism rather than take a stand against halal.
  10. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to Premi in Halalonomics   
    Not proper Sikh society then! 
  11. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Shocking!! Sikhs being converted   
    Yes, so what I was thinking to have the sakhis in a more Gospel like form to make it more accessible.
    Or since you mentioned the itihasic Granths, perhaps even if we had smalled books just containing chapters of Suraj Parkash for example. I know christian missionaries in the uk used to give out door-to-door gospels of Luke, and even in Gurmukhi. I don't think they really do this anymore. However I would not recommend this door-to-door approach in the uk.
    In the pends we require some kind of incentive to go Gurdwara.
    First we need parchariks and different types of classes to be associated in the pends to the gurdwaras.
    Then there should be regular langar there where different kinds of sangat comes there, including the poor of the pend. There should be some kind of parchar or keertan hapening when langars run.
    Some pends have more than enough resources to do all these activities, yet the gurdwaras are still ignored.
    It's the poorer pends that require support.
  12. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Shocking!! Sikhs being converted   
    some crazy demonic santa clauses in there LOL.
    I know we have Guru Granth Sahib, but I think we need some kind of book to counteract the missionaries, or maybe we have any?
    Like maybe a concise book of the Guru jis' stories and sikh shaheedis for those  people into biblical stories?!?
  13. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to kdsingh80 in This Punjab-based farmer helps over 2M YouTube subscribers with videos on better farming techniques   
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    ipledgeblue reacted to Harbir Singh Brar in Baba bidhi chand dal fake lineage??   
    his surname was Chhina not cheema. Which can also be baba avtar singh's name and not chimba
  15. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Premi in Halalonomics   
    Ok, so an incident happened last week in the Brunel University  2019 Sikh Society Whatsapp group.
    Some Singhs posted this petition against halal in schools https://www.change.org/p/boris-johnson-stop-halal-meat-in-school-children-shouldnt-eat-slaughter-religious-meat-in-schools?recruiter=false&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_medium=whatsapp&utm_content=washarecopy_19889602_en-GB%3Av3&recruited_by_id=ba2a1040-95cb-11ea-a83e-17d9f83f095a
    Both Singhs got kicked out of the group. I started a discussion about this being a bujjar kurahit. Everyone from monay to some group admins started on me. One group admin Singh said this years' sikh society is for oneness and that uni is multicultural, and we shouldn't discuss these things. One admin even went as far as saying 'Meat is Meat' whether halal or not.  Anyway after some discussion I was disappointed, there were a few people that also agreed with me. But I can't believe these uni students were behaving as cucks. Some people were saying we were belittling another religion because of this petition?!
    Such is the state of uni sikh societies, it seems they will not support other sikhs who don't want to eat halal.
  16. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Premi in Halalonomics   
    this trial was stopped years ago. the Southall McDonald's hasn't been halal for a long time.
    I have always been curious of what helped them to come to the decision. Were they losing lots of sikh customers for example?
  17. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Spartan in Gutka Sahib   
    please make sure you use lockdown to learn gurmukhi.
    reading in gurbani roman script is really really hard. it's difficult to know how to pronounce something when written in roman.
  18. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Gutka Sahib   
    please make sure you use lockdown to learn gurmukhi.
    reading in gurbani roman script is really really hard. it's difficult to know how to pronounce something when written in roman.
  19. Sad
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Kaur10 in Hindu group hosts cow urine party to fend off coronavirus   
    there's quite a few white celebrities who drink their own urine.
  20. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Gutka Sahib   
    please make sure you use lockdown to learn gurmukhi.
    reading in gurbani roman script is really really hard. it's difficult to know how to pronounce something when written in roman.
  21. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Spartan in Gutka Sahib   
    please make sure you use lockdown to learn gurmukhi.
    reading in gurbani roman script is really really hard. it's difficult to know how to pronounce something when written in roman.
  22. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Hindu group hosts cow urine party to fend off coronavirus   
    there's quite a few white celebrities who drink their own urine.
  23. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Migraine Headaches   
    it is not addictive. I have tried CBD oil. I actually forget to take it and it's already expired gone out of date. I got a 2nd one for a penny at the penny sale. I am trying to get my mum and dad to take it to help them.
    It is THQ which is addictive and gives you a high. This CBD is safe. I have the 5% one from Holland & Barratt, I haven't felt any effects.
    With regards to chocolate, I have more or less quit Milk Chocolate. I have moved onto Dark Chocolate for years now. You start off with regular plain or dark chocolate. Then slowly move onto 60% and then 70%. Some people move onto the higher levels, I usually have 80% bars around as well. Actually I think dark chocolate can help with migraines as well.
    However due to my allergies such as Hayfever, I have to try and cut down dark choc during summer as it is a Histamine.
    Maybe after lockdown you should get a test for allergies and intolerances, it could help?
  24. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Migraine Headaches   
    maybe try to reduce the fizzy drinks.
    or at least drink ones that are sugar free. 
    I would advise replacing them with something like Squash such as Robinsons.
    Also maybe reduce the drinks that contain the Caffeine.
    I think the headaches could be related to coming down from the rush from caffeine and sugar....
    Try replacing the sugar with Gurh or other unrefined sugars.
    Since it is lockdown, just don't buy or order anything that contains sugar or caffeine. If it is not near you, you will not be tempted...
    I saw the post about CBD, I saw that they sell it online at Boots as well.
    I think you have to take it a few times a day. I think the part of the plant or leaf that Nihang Singhs use for Shaheedi Degh may be CBD related as well. 
    Anyway we know CBD is kind of panth approved LOL
  25. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from harsharan000 in Migraine Headaches   
    Are you all sleeping enough and taking enough naps?
    If I feel head pain coming around, normally going for a rest like a nap or sleeping really helps. Don't go for the caffeine straight away for tiredness, it's important to rest.
    I think for these migraine situations it's important to get an additional nap additionally to normal sleep. Some people do biphasic sleep which used to be normal not too long ago. 
    Also try to keep hydrated, which I am always forgetting about now that I am at home during lockdown.
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