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Everything posted by SURYADEV

  1. those pesky yogi bears. But they dont know the 'secret' that kachi haldi is the best.
  2. You mean a pub crawl?? Woohoo!!!!!!!
  3. you are right about indians getting worked up about small things. I mean how many times do they go about call for resignations, state/national strikes, burning flags or effigies. If you look at the causes its invariably minor disagreements which one faction violently opposes. The burning of flags or effigies, IMO , is a great insult to another nation or person. Yet indians and sikhs do it almost all the time.
  4. girlz? drugzzz? turf war? which godwaras got the biggest income sangat?
  5. cant seem to correct the link. Just search for SPIRITUAL TEACHINGS OF THE AVATAR in google books.
  6. Just read a few pages but seems an interesting book about the themes, sub-text, philosophies etc from the film AVATAR. http://books.google....nepage&q&f=true http://www.google.com
  7. can you use any of the open source software?
  8. haha I was thinking same thing this week. I've got a lot of single sheet documents as separate pdfs. How do you put them all together into one pdf documents.? Just using the free Adobe Acrobat version.
  9. £300???? your friend was being ripped offf big time. They only wanted £50 from me.
  10. to add to MJ's post. If you start investing at a young age you will (hopefully) end up with with a lot more than if you would have started investing in old age. Also it is easier to get into the good habits of saving/investing in youth than it is in old age. There is less perceived or actual effort involved. Same can be said for starting to do bhajan/bandgi in life. I'm sure MaskeenJi said the same in some katha on alpha etc channel.
  11. I'm not looking at the rights or wrongs of this. Nor am I judging the guys making recording secretly or those listening and going against the hukum of Babaji. All i'm saying is that like everything in this life and the next there will be a price to pay. Are they willing to pay the price? Whatever it may be demanded of them?
  12. i remember a story in Mahabharat. A sikh chap 'stole' knowledge from his 'guru'; ie he secretly listened in to the pandavs being taught Shastar Vidiya. This guy gained immense knowledge and through practice became very skillful especially in Archery. (i think he may have been Maharaja Karna) When the guru found out he became very angry that his knowledge was 'stolen' in such a manner and demanded 'guru diksha', that is whatever you give to your guru as a donation in exchange for his blessings. Rather than ask for money or the conventional things that you give a brahmin/guru ;The guru demanded that this secret student cut off his thumb and place it at his gurus feet, thereby rendering him useless for life in using his skills that he gained. Realising what was being asked of him The student still went ahead and gave his thumb to his guru. That was the price the sikh paid to his guru for stealing knowledge secretly. I wonder what these gursikhs are willing to pay Sant Mohan SIngh for secretly recording/listening to their katha??
  13. lol i've heard of this but haven't come across it myself. But what if they only want Rupees to spend at Glassy Junction? However I have been asked on two separate occasions - once in central london and then later in Birmingham, by some panjabi guys spinning a story that they have come to visit the town, had their wallet lost/stolen and if they can borrow some money for a coach/train to their home (some little town in the provinces of britain). SCAM!!!!! and pretty convincing too. The guys doing this method a really good at it.
  14. "Moment crazed 'warrior' enters supermarket armed with five ..... knives, ...... axe and ...... shield" It happened in Wolves. Damn... thought it was Nidar Singh Nihang putting into practice his SV skills. WOW!!!!! then I read the full article and saw the pics. It was just some gora psycho. Doh!!!! Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2085250/Moment-crazed-warrior-enters-supermarket-armed-kitchen-knives-improvised-axe-makeshift-shield.html#ixzz1jAuqjxtx
  15. lol yes and ask them to send 50 US dollars admin fee. i'm gonna phone my chacha now....
  16. Just to let you guys know of a new scam. Today we received a phone call from guy in India. Speaking in Hindi, he claimed to be from Virgin Media and told me that we had won a lottery and requested my personal details; specifically asking for my name and bank details. When I joked that he should just send me a blank cheque he hung up. Several minutes later we received another couple of calls from India. This time it was a middle aged lady speaking in Panjabi. Again, she said the same thing and wanted my bank details. When I stated that she should keep the money, she started getting a bit aggressive saying that God has blessed us with money and I am ridiculing it. Eventually, another panjabi speaking guy in the background told her to hang up. This seems to be a desi, pendu version of the Nigerian lottery scam. I ask you to pass the message on to friends and family esp your elderly members who are most likely to get duped into this especially seen as it is another Panjabi speaker on the other side. BTW I tried to trace the number (1471), but nothing shows up.
  17. long live bangla-power on sa.com
  18. maybe its just the mystical experience that causes them to appear 'deranged'. Dont know much about it myself. But I percieve it to be a long-winded way of worship that belongs to the yugs of old. There are too many temptations in this path for normal people to go astray. Apparently Yogi Bhajans yoga has tantric basis. They divide it into White, Red and Black Tantra (i think).
  19. simply found this enchanting:

  20. interesting that you say that. Ekart Tolle also states in his books that we are entering a phase where Humanities conciousness will increase towards enlightenment. one by one, soul by soul.
  21. Maybe its because most of the Pakistani folk in this country are from Mirpur area. From what I've seen they are Urdu speakers. The Pak-Panjabis are very few in numbers in the UK. That is why the perception we have of what is a Pakistani is based on what we see of the Mirpuris, not of the Panjabis or Karachis/Sindhis. I have noticed some friction between the Mirpuri and Panjabi Pakistanis when speaking to them. Though whatever the reasons, I have also noticed Pak kids have better knowledge of their language AND culture than our Indo-Panjbai kids. How many times have you noticed Pak kids wearing traditional clothing as soon as they come home from school. in the 80's/90's I very rarely saw our kids wear a kurta.
  22. happy nu jurr, sare pipall.

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