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Genie Singh

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Everything posted by Genie Singh

  1. That haddith might be made up besides I wonder how the number 72 is counted up to. And Bhai Nand Lal Goya ji was a devote gursikh who praised the guru and the guru was pleased with his work. I frankly think under sikh philosophy all 72 will end up in hell. Only a few pious muslim, a minority with piety will go to karam and dharam khand. The sufis have stopped the jungle business beside alot of jungles have been turned into cities now. The koran contradicts itself later on with that verse some where else to call panatheism an abomination http://www.islamhelpline.com/node/2373
  2. On the basis of smell and noise it seems it's too near the gurdwara to cause inconvenience. We might eat meat but we don't bring meat into gurdwaras.
  3. Even sufis who do convert get called kaffirs, sunnis call shia kaffirs all islamic sects tend to have a few people jumping up and down shouting kaffir. Well it's largely held even around bulleh shahs grave that he did state ab kee tab kee - no sikh would write gobind singh in a poem they would write guru gobind singh for they are a guru. Nor would they be interested in talking largely about the islamic creed of the sunnah. Bulleh Shah composed that during banda singh bahadur victory and established rule, he as many writers do praise the authority of their time, while condemning the old.
  4. The philosophy of jaap sahib still revolves around pantheism which modern day muslims reject only sufis accept pantheism and many branches won't call sikhs sufis since we don't believe in the koran and hold it up, or regard shariah as high or announce muhammad as a prophet only some nand singh circles which are astray rarely say it. ". A well-known Rig Vedic hymn says: "Truth is One, though the sages know it variously" (Ékam sat vipra bahudā vadanti)" "Similarly, in the Bhagavad Gītā(4:11), God, manifesting as an incarnation, states: "As people approach me, so I receive them. All paths lead to me" (ye yathā māṃ prapadyante tāṃs tathāiva bhajāmyaham mama vartmānuvartante manuṣyāḥ pārtha sarvaśaḥ)" As the gita and veda has expressed to know brahma, vishnu, ram, maha-kal as allah, kudha, parvidagar, rahim, rab, malik, kareem, khaliq, kabir, doesn't go against hindu dharma. But the opposite to call Allah as Vishnu or Ram would be blasphemy around many circles of muslims on some accept it and those sufis who accept it these days only do so as a means to convert hindus or to justify the historical errors islam faces claiming itself to be the first religion of humanity.
  5. loads of muslims run around in gangs, do drugs (heavy narcotics which are more dangerous than alcohol) have extra marital affairs, are biased to the women, don't shower, smell use excessive oil, and ontop of that want to stone women who have sex outside of marriage to death aswell as wanting to kill anyone who leaves their religion. On top of her complaining she admits they aren't even tenants of Sikhi as if every muslim follows islam properly.
  6. sounds kinda like the plot of the ps3 game beyond two souls
  7. Well I don't blame you and if I was in your shoes I would have ran away by now and it's likely that I may have founded a negative impression of all Sikhs. You got to do what's right for yourself and I guess sometimes the idea of taking amrit can come about at different ages in different ways. Hope you stick around on the forum even if you don't want to get into the sikh school of thought, i'm sure your input would be appreciated. Another thing I forgot to mention is many sikhs don't like using the word sin, since it sounds very christian and rings the bells of fire and brimestone they might like bad karma, paap, manmat (following minds desires), engrossed in maya (materialism) etc.
  8. Saint before Solider and it's balanced. The saint part has to exist.
  9. It's a great way to oppose shariah such as trimming hair
  10. as long as it's not halal it's fine, usually rennet tends to be from pork which is even better
  11. Under the caste system is it wrong to be attracted to women of other castes? Isn't there some kinda rule where by a superior caste can take a lower castes woman if he desires. But the children are almost like his slaves and won't retain the fathers caste directly?
  12. Some Sikhs have a view taking amrit wipes away all your sins and as long as that sikh follows the mandatory rules of sikhi they have a good chance of gaining salvation. Other Sikhs view taking amrit as wiping a good portion of ones sins. But with amrit it becomes absolutely mandatory that the person marries someone who took amrit aswell. The amrit 'breaks' if they don't marry someone who took amrit. I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to be with someone who slept around with prostitutes. Prostitution is a big no, no amongst sikhs, sikhs come from a very reserved community, to whole notion is disgraceful to ones own families integrity and reputation. Perhaps in some way he feels he is making it all go away after taking amrit, a similar trend of repentance amongst most religions exists - where by people seek to go on big end of hedonism before turning it around to become a saint. Some people really like hearing these stories of sinners to saints. But people forget the balance of the negativity exists throughout ones life - we tend to have both qualities. Your case is unique but I guess his honesty to you is admirable.
  13. ps4 or xbox one- ps4 but it's still pricey and no shenmue 3 yet

  14. If you have feelings of sickness from your stomach it could be nausea caused by food poisoning or something else. Maybe you are covering up real stomach pain with hindu philosophy of absolute detachment from maya.
  15. Gurmantar or MoolMantar? The one which is more important, powerful and should be stuck to shouldn't be done in terms of quantity but quality, which one you invoke with love and passion more. Besides you also got to look at the time factor gurmantar is quicker to do.
  16. Really got to hand it to him, he took the famous indian magic trick of placing sharp objects through your body and calling it a miracle of allah or a pir or some hindu god. It's only recently scientists explain why bleeding doesn't occur since the person carefully chooses where to pierce and going through layers of fat doesn't necessarily cause immense pain. Muslim fakirs still do this even in the middle east saying it was the power of muhammad the prophet or their sheikh who interceded to make it happen. This ritualistic thought imprisons peoples minds under the guise of superstitions and leads people astray from truth.
  17. I got the book it's islamic propoganda and sounds like she has converted to islam, so sad that some one that smart fell for the conversion. City Sikhs is a joke of an organisation, serving halal meat, param the take me out guy is behind most of it and they even celebrate eid- in the pics of the eid dinner you can see the guys came in with green turbans. Apart from that it seems they do no real Sikh related activities either.
  18. We may not be the guru but it seems the teachings of sikhi seem to reflect sikhs to emulate the gurus in their teachings, practice and further the khalsa maima tells us khalsa is guru gobind singhs guru, and khalsa is the guru. The wearing of the turban is emulation of the guru. If the sikh becomes one with the guru there is no difference between them. Isn't that then too much pressure to implement or is it baby steps?
  19. This homosexual practice goes further back, maybe it has to do with the description of heaven from islamisms doctrine which explicitly describe male servants which will do anything the muslim says in heaven. The famous invader of punjab mahmud Ghazni after looting fell in love with his servant boy which tells you about his homosexual tendencies http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Mahmud_of_Ghazni " Relationship with Ayaz It is related that Mahmud fell in love with a young male slave by the name of Ayaz. The love he bore his favorite, and the latter's devotion, became a staple of Islamic lore, emblematic of ideal love affairs. The Sultan, in later love poetry was transformed into a symbol of "a slave to his slave."[6] Ayaz became the paragon of the ideal beloved, and a model of purity in Sufi literature. In 1021, the Sultan raised Ayaz to kingship, awarding him the throne of Lahore. The poet Sa'adi was among those celebrating the two.[7] "Under the Turkish Ghaznavid, Seljuk, and Khawarazmshah rulers of Iran in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, pederasty was quite common in courtly circles."[8]". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malik_Ayaz It's possible that ghazni avoided the errs of mullahs perhaps by disguising his erotic love in the guise of spiritual love for his servant, how he became a spiritual admirer instead of an intimate one.
  20. Never knew boris descended from muslim ancestors, does anyone have more links, information on that? Just read abit about Ali Kemal- Boris' ancestor, wow guy was killed for trying to undermine shariah ruling and introduce democracy, it really puts a different light of respect on Boris.
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