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Genie Singh

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Everything posted by Genie Singh

  1. looks like they were cold, It almost seems like they were bathed for a bit too long.
  2. If keeping our faith personal and private is important and perhaps a great way for social harmony why didn't guru nanak teach this to us? Why did the gurus live a life of solely talking about religious tenents and not found to socialize casually in historical narratives? Why didn't guru nanak keep his beliefs to himself? Or is there a difference in our environment to do so?
  3. I don't think science has done enough to raise awareness in masses about masturbation, it's actually a very normal part of puberty. It's sad the bible and mohammdenism (islam'ism) have turned masturbation into an evil sin which did spread false stories such as masturbating will make you go blind. Too much over doing it would probably be more than once every day. There was a survey conducted by a popular uk newspaper that showed on average people seem to have sex on average once a week. Masturbation inbetween couples during intercourse is normal, it's usually called petting. Sadly our Sikh-punjabi culture frowns on talking about the sex issues and people need reliable information so it might be worthwhile reading about it on the nhs website. Apparently the hearsay about it all is less women masturbate then men, some say 40% of women do and 97% of men do apparently- there is scientific research being done into it. http://www.nhs.uk/livewell/goodsex/pages/masturbation.aspx
  4. Is too much Sikhi bad? Do you ever find yourself in a point in time where you find yourself engrossed in religion far too much to the point your social life suffers. People socialize less perhaps out of the fear of being told to change, or being judged for frankly being a sinner in their eyes or your eyes? Religion is a topic you can't really bring up on a job interview for say an admin job and you can't easily speak about it with other co-workers who may not be of the same religion. Perhaps you find yourself stuck in a mind frame seeing all the negative side of religion, such as genocides, holy wars, killings, hatred of women, social ills, holier than thou priests, priests telling you how to act and how to live your life, when you are free to live your life yourself. Do you ever just get bored of Sikhi? Where you read a shabad or tuuk of bani and it sounds similar or familiar and you have the message in your mind already.
  5. Problem is simple, it's the nanaksari lie of all religions are exactly the same. All religions aren't the same, they should be tolerated and respected but aren't equivalent, it is miseducation and misinformation about understanding other religions. It's also how we blame ourselves for 1947 creation of pakistan, killing riots etc. And we teach an apologetic version of history. Regardless of how strict we get why is it that there is a whole group of gooris who don't fall for this stuff? So it seems we can be liberal and maintain an identity, with many jews they seem to have a better handle on interfaith marriages, and are far liberal even more than sikhs aswell as being a smaller population. Many jewish men and women have their partner convert for them. It may have something to do with the lack of pride women have of being a Sikh. As well as the difference in social circles for men and women.
  6. Seems no magical angels came about to safeguard mecca in those images. All the more power to them, Saudi Arabia is turning it's region into a very super friendly international site with shopping centres, big western brand shopping centres, where women in burkas and covered faces can buy lingerie etc. Saudia arabia is a demolished region, it has suppressed pretty much most of it's history, science and geography and promoted all propaganda for the propagation of it's own religion. I find it difficult comparing beautiful punjab to a toxic desert which is surrounded with arsenic water, mercury filled mountains and a lack of water that relies purely on external investment in the past it thrived on war booty, today it thrives on oil selling. It's kinda crazy how punjab even bothers to use oil brought in from arab countries when punjab has a great abundance of natural gas, people are moving over to gas slowly but it isn't promoted as much as it could be.
  7. Warrior seems to be an old word replaced by Solider, Warriors seem to be soldiers using combat skills in conflict which aren't your typical 21st century western method. When Guru said be tyar by tyar - be ready on the go, did he seal all Sikhs in a time capsule to only use methods 300 years old which were in themselves mish mashes of older and newer forms. The word siphia used in gurmat is still thrown about in india for an Indian Solider. As you can see there is a difference between warrior and solider, the warrior term is for dated people used in these days for shaman african tribes men or other groups following mythological trends. Even muslims dropped the warrior phrase and adopted soldier especially the nutters one. From Baba Google Sahib Peace be upon them warrior ˈwɒrɪə/ noun 1. (especially in former times) a brave or experienced soldier or fighter. "the warrior heroes of ancient Greece" soldier ˈsəʊldʒə/ noun 1. a person who serves in an army. synonyms: fighter, serviceman, servicewoman, fighting man, fighting woman,comrade-in-arms, warrior, trooper; More 2. ENTOMOLOGY a wingless caste of ant or termite with a large specially modified head and jaws, involved chiefly in defence. verb 1. serve as a soldier. "soldiering was what the Colonel understood" 2. informal carry on doggedly; persevere.
  8. german engineering is the best in the world and many punjabis can see the quality right their, perhaps this will be a way for punjabs economy to increase and for punjabis to learn more of how successful innovation and business trends can be created where by some day punjab can produce world class products which are exported all over the world.
  9. Sounds Like Bulleh Shah's saying reworded: Nah Karoon Ab Kee, Nah Karoon Baat Tab Kee. Gar Na Hotey Guru Gobind Singh, Sunat Hoti Sab Kee. I talk about neither yesterday nor tomorrow; I talk about today. Had Gobind Singh not been there, They would all be under Islamic sway. This stuff tends to be read in gurdwaras and some sikhs read this aloud to muslims, I think you got to understand bulleh shah abit, the guy was a descendant of muhammad the "prophet" who was not held in high prestige of mullahs, but none the less he was a muhammden. It appears what bulleh shah is doing is trying to be sweet in his words to convert people when aurangzeb was rough, harsh, wikid, cruel and spilt much blood and collectively bulleh shah and auranzgeb spread islam. In some ways both can't exist without the other method of propogation, it appears peaceful spreading of islam doesn't seem to go far without some form of fear or terror of bloodshed and bloodshed without propogation would be a futile holy war for propogation of an ideology amongst infidels. Bulleh shah took a sweet tongue shortly after sikh rule started the bitter tongue existed before and then after the fall of sikh rule. It's a political tact to say nice things to people you don't like, since if you talk bitterly you worsen your relations and in an act clouded by your emotions may give away information which may include weaknesses to attack. It's important to be very careful of such poems and it's not very wise to teach sikh children such poems without a better overall understanding of sikh first. Mullahs in bulleh shahs times were not able to accept mughal and islamic rule was dead in punjab it took a while for the master slave attitude to change. Auranzgeb's methods of conversion by many sects are held to be sinful and also the convertees hold contempt for the ideology they have been converted into and tend to seek ways out as long as they are aware of the fact of their history and not brainwashed. The saying is used rephrased with sikh history in reference to Sikhs being marginalized and discriminated by hindus, it seems many hindus discriminate regardless of even knowing sikh history for might makes right and when you have two opposing views they are bound to clash hence this harmonic form of propagating religion seems to be in use by the 1% upper ruling class of hindus. Bottom line is respect everyone but don't let go of your history and heritage.
  10. Best way to overcome a porn addiction is to become occupied with something else (like a hobby such as weightlifting or fixing an old motor car or painting), there is a reason why masturbation tends to be related to idleness and having too much free time on ones hands.
  11. "During the period from the death of Guru Gobind Singh upto the last few decades (of the 1700s), there is not even a single example of a caste group asserting itself against another caste groups constituting Sikh society. " A couple years back I would have missed something left in that very first sentence which is, although in that time caste based discrimination didn't seem to occur the basis of caste identities didn't entirely disappear and it seems most old sources of Sikhi which talk about figures tend not to skip out on the caste label of a person. We find dasam granth lists out the caste system clearly and it seems the nature of the gurgaddi of the sodhi family was predestined in accordance to bachitarr natak, where by the descedents of ram chanders children lava and kusha interchanged spirtual-royalty between the bedis and sodhi families which are claimed descendents of ram chander. We find the origins of castes of most figures in gurbani when we are taught to be tolerant and dismissive of caste based discrimination. Some of the greater found problems based in the 10th Guru's time came out for rejecting the hill chiefs demand of caste supremacy had the pahara raja been given superior status in sikh sangat it is possible much of the wars following aurangzeb could have been avoided but the message and teachings of guru nanak would have been corrupted. It seems the grander feel of the "other" amongst Sikhs really came about after Mir Mannu's time. A nice example of the other feel was shortly after buddha dal and tarna dal were divided. As well as the divisions of the nirmalas prior to that. Which led to the 12 misl division. I think one think preventing the caste system from dismantling is how caste-unity is used as a slogan for collecting people of many castes for a particular agenda such as voting for badal, but the guy up front talking about brotherhood sees themselves as superior and wish to use the unity slogan as a way of coercing votes or forwarding people for an ideology or agenda. The only way to end the caste system is the same way racism is ended which is by a mutual finding of intermarriage and before that takes place a grand load of education. It's likely the caste system may end in about 4 generations after ourselves. In relation to the original question the caste system didn't come back to Sikhism, Sikhs reinvented it in their own way and used it for their own agendas.
  12. sounds like dreams, hallucinations and other sleep disorders- loads of sleep disorders (sleep paralysis) exist where you have an out of body experience- get a comfy mattress things should sort out themselves http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/03/070305202657.htm
  13. normal for his age as long as he doesn't over do it, washes his hand etc. and doesn't get caught. Sounds better then stealing and assault (the george carlin logic)
  14. Doaba sher I think this goes all the way back to our original discussions of what is a hindu and the lack of a definition of a hindu, but the definition of a sikh can be found in guru granth sahib, sarbloh granth and rehat marayada aswell as rehat nama. I don't get the tesar panth thing there were more than 2 religions in the mughal era why did Christianity the world's largest religion have no numerical mention in that? Guru Nanak must have met christians and a christian operated on guru gobind singh. Gurbani does mention france by name which was a christian land in dasam granth it says the french sing the praises of god, although france is majorly atheist as a nation
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Sri_Lanka http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_traditional_religion
  16. This guy refers to a diety of sri lanka ( dravidan diety) to be the same as of Africas east africa which goes back 7000-10000
  17. It's totally funny you have to see it in the light that the quran says jews and christians are monkeys and pigs. Since the older punishment between jews and christians from the old testament in deutronomy is stoning to death this is probably to do of a jew or christian stoning not a monkey doubt there is monkeys in the desert of saudi.
  18. can someone answer all these muslim claims http://www.islamic-life.com/forums/religions/truth-sikhism-1323
  19. well khalistan isn't going to happen it seems more like an idea just to scare and intimidate the government of india to back away from the sikhs. Realistically no one could take on the army of india, it is one of the worlds most strongest armies and say even if we were able to there would be an extremely high casualty rate it wouldn't be worth it right now as a population we are extremely outnumbered. It is probably best to establish better relations as for most who did operation bluestar babar khalsa dealt with them. Khalistan isn't happening but the RSS attack ideologically is real one which needs to be dealt with, with the pen and ink of scholars we need to re-educate people into proper sikhi other then that to take on offensively the caste and brahmin system to get hindus to turn against the caste system is important.
  20. well we would have sahjhadheris as cutting kesh there would be many newly going into sikhi through time perhaps they have adapted sikhi to them. But could it be kesh is more symbolic then actually having a real spiritual purpose?
  21. it could be that a high number of sadhus embraced sikhi so kesh was something of a norm between all. Also people also say accepting all the Gurus as gods is common some say guru nanak is god however we can argue against that as well.
  22. also somewhere the rigvedas says a full human being is one with kesh as was done by sages, rishis, sadhus and yogis.
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