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Everything posted by guv

  1. shows the power of a glassee. u londoners are lightweights. he probably couldn't handle his drink like the brummies can.
  2. i didn't say i didn't like it... it's just so much fun to take the piss! :wink:
  3. do u feel satisfied that u did the paath, or guilty that u didn't?
  4. is that of the painting of baba isher singh ji or of guru nanak dev ji?
  5. why has he got pom poms on the end of his talwar & his rocket?
  6. beast & artist, don't be so harsh on aguptkaur. she is a little slow & makes mistakes (as shown by her above post to veer vijaydeep singh & her mistaken accusations of paedophilia). in my experience u need to ask her a question at least 3 times before she's fully comprehended it. as this is an equal-opportunities forum, i ask that u show a little compassion to those who are not as able & use some patience when dealing with aguptkaur. thank u. now aguptikaur, i will attempt to explain beast's objections to ur above post in a way that u can understand. 1. u say: first, his name is spelled nidar. second, ur statement is completely illogical as iron bangle is the one who said it. unless u are implying that iron bangle is nidar?? :shock: if not, then nidar is not the only one "who knows this". 2. u say: where are ur sources for this information? if u had said that some other nihangs believe in 5, we could have accepted the statement based on the conversations darshan das has had, but u say "all". what is your evidence to back up this claim? 3. u say: u seem to have a lot of hatred & fear of nidar singh & his views. hatred & fear are usually the result of deep-seated insecurities. y are u so afraid of nidar singh's views? 4. u seem to reject all of the sources iron bangle quoted off-hand. do u have any evidence to back up ur claim? beast has also requested that u please give an intellectual answer. what he means by this is that rather than give a short sarcastic or stupid reply displaying insecurity in ur own views, u give a reply based on evidence not opinion & displaying some use of brainpower. now as questions seem to have to be repeated to u before u answer them, i now repeat the aforementioned questions: questions to aguptkaur: 1. are u implying that iron bangle is nidar singh? if not, do u then retract ur statement that noone but nidar singh has these views? 2. what is your evidence to show that "the rest including all nihang dals believe in 5" k's? 3. y are u so afraid of nidar singh & his views? 4. do u have any evidence to counter the sources that iron bangle quoted?
  7. bring some back for the rest of us.... bhang-ra that is
  8. i suggest u go to interpol. personally i think someone would have to be very stupid to think that a martial arts move is paedophilia... i don't think even aguptkaur is silly enough to make accusations based on evidence as flimsy as that. & btw, aguptkaur... i'm still waiting for your responce.
  9. an asylum is where crazy ppl are kept.
  10. er... right... do u even know what an asylum is?
  11. noone has said they have any proof of any wrongdoing except u. (doaba may have said something, but i gave up trying to understand what he's going on about) u said (& i quote): let's here that again: u said, "I can produce proof" now as i've asked u once before & u have not replied, i ask again... QUESTION TO AGUPTKAUR: HAVE U BEEN TO THE POLICE WITH YOUR PROOF OF PAEDOPHILIA? if u have not, how can u live with yourself knowing that your inaction is resulting in the continued harm of at least one child? if u do nothing, it shows that u support paedophiles. doaba & 'artist formaly known as odhi' grow up! & show us any proof (if u have any) of ur allegations against mehta chowk. if not, then at least tell us from where u have heard these accusations. a farladhari nihang singh is known as mahakaal. for once, i totally agree... but if u want to stay on topic, why did u post this: ur statement is illogical. nidar singh is the jathedar of budha dal uk if the letter exists (regardless of whether the letter is shown to u). ur comment is equivalent to me saying that u are a male pretending to be a female unless u produce proof. just as u do not have to prove ur particular gender to me in order for it to be true, nidar singh does not have to put the letter up on the net before he becomes jathedar. i have said before on one of the threads that i have seen the letter. if u are geniunely interested in seeing the letter (as opposed to making stupid comments about it) then ask him yourself. tru. why? do u need help? yes let's... my above comments were to correct fallacious statements. now let's stick to the topic. so perhaps aguptkaur u can answer my previous question: QUESTION TO AGUPTKAUR: HAVE U BEEN TO THE POLICE WITH YOUR PROOF OF PAEDOPHILIA? if u have not, how can u live with yourself knowing that your inaction is resulting in the continued harm of at least one child? if u do nothing, it shows that u support paedophiles.
  12. er... like i just said, read 'garland around my neck'
  13. he was truely amazing. highly highly recommended reading is the story of his life 'garland around my neck' any chance of some more photos n3o?
  14. her regular appointment at the asylum
  15. rupz, i think rakash meant some ppl are born to be warriors... just like u might say someone was a born athlete or someone was born for showbusiness. he didn't make any mention of caste. i could be wrong... let's wait for rakash to reply.
  16. that's amazing. we should definately seek to make the links that may have been lost over the years. any idea where the 'delegation' is coming from?
  17. that's not even funny. do u have proof of paedophilia occuring or not? if u do, have u contacted the police? if not, why did u say it occurs? once again i must reiterate that paedophilia & child molestation are the most heinous of crimes. the only thing i can think of that is worse is those that seek to trivialise them or to use false accusations of paedophilia for their own personal/political gain.
  18. having just read the tapoban thread, i agree with h4rpal... it is a fairly balanced thread... here's my pick of the replies: read what i said in an earlier post. maybe he should read the Homosexuality in UK Budda Dal thread :lol: my conclusion... gkd the man!
  19. witch doctor ® exorcises rumani. witch doctors make many of the clients crawl on the ground. full story: india's ghost fair draws thousands
  20. great post vijaydeep singh. it seems that those that make the most noise about homosexuality are the ones who have issues with their own sexuality.
  21. i was just trying to edit my post to put in the bit about 'loosers'.... hahaha... great minds think a like.
  22. about the biggest english word in my post was 'reason'... if that's too big for u, u should be wary of ppl trying to brainwash u! :wink:
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