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Sikh population


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When you fill in a form in the UK you are asked whether you're an Indian or Pakistani. Where is Sikh on it? The only Sikh they know is SEEKH. And you have missed what i was talking about.

We Sikhs are neither Indian or Pakistani because we never chose either. Yes there is a huge Khoja and Ismaili community in London, no wonder London is so messed up LOL

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Southall's gone downhill since the early 90s. Somalis, Pakistani and Eastern Europeans have moved into the area and created their own gehttos. eastern europeans for the most part tend to be hard working but Somalis and Pakistanis leech off the state and most of the council estates are full to the brim with them. Possibly the only group that has moved to Southall in the last decade and which makes a positive contribution is the Afghani Sikhs. The Ismailis have a large mosque just outside Southall in Northolt and for the most part they keep to themselves but are hated by the normal Sunni Pakistanis.

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The Portuguese don't vandalise theaters for plays like beizzati, they don't use Catholic churches to bring in illegal immigrants, they don't live in ghettos in which English speakers are made to feel like foreigners, they actually learn English unlike many who think that learning English is a luxury they don't need, they don't have castes, their women don't throw themselves every two weeks under a train,they don't have gangs like shere panjab etc etc they work quietly, they don't leave in ghettos and don't try to make a show of their achievements.

Your brother built Southall? Poor England ...clap clap clap....probably proof you guys should leave building to Ramgharie after all...in any case: not an achievement...clap clap clap

Why don't you just stick to farming...

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Generally the Somali and Pakistani immigrants are not hard working people. They tend to give all other immigrants a bad name. No matter which western country you go to, Somalis and Pakistanis are the same. Amongst the Indians, the Hindus, Sikhs, Christians (from Goa) and even Indian Muslims are hard working people and give positive contribution to the country they live in.

I live in a neighbor hood with alot of Portuguese, they are generally nice people from my experience. Very hard working people. They are sort of like Italians. Italians are also another ethnic group which always contributes positively to the country they live in. Iranians and Arabs(Lebs, Palistians) are also good immigrants and friendly from my personal experience. I've lived in all ethnic ghettos.

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the lebs and palestinians are known to be ones causing most trouble in the country where i live. Iranians are well-liked here because they tend to give up their religion and culture and blend in with the scandinavian crowd.

Somalis and pakistanis are known to be the ones being a burden to society. Most of them do not work and they visit the doctor quite often which is a problem here as they dont give anything to society yet take plenty.

Chinese and vietnamese people are known to be hard working people who stick to themselves.

Sikhs and hindues are also hard working people here and you dont see them living in ghetto areas at all. I dont know about indian muslims here so i can not say anything about them

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Nice to know that Murga still considers the Portuguese as 'his people', it's difficult to know who his people are because I assumed it depends on what Bhes is flavour of the month with him. Let's not even get into the topic of the Portuguese contribution in history..slave trade..forcible conversion of natives..genocide in their colonies..etc.

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"Nice to know that Murga still considers the Portuguese as 'his people', it's difficult to know who his people are because I assumed it depends on what Bhes is flavour of the month with him. Let's not even get into the topic of the Portuguese contribution in history..slave trade..forcible conversion of natives..genocide in their colonies..etc."

Doesn't change a iota to the fact that Cristiano Ronaldo doesn't wear a turban!

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Typical, no one even bothers considering the sociall-economical-political factors that exist in the country where these groups come from.

Instead of just writing off people who obviously have troubled lives, why not talk about the cause of their troubles... i.e. coming from war torn countires where crime is the norm and people do anything they can to survive (Somalia).

I personally know very intelligent and successdul Somalians who would make most people here look 10 year olds. Given the opportunity people change, when they are not given the opportunity and are ostricised by society, then they become that which they are expected to.

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