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I was recently contacted by a lady who wishes to convert to Sikhism. After talking to her, i released she has years of experience in meditation and bhagti, and many of the experiences she's had, can be found in the descriptions of the state of the faithful in Gurbani. She is very much into mysticism and she loves reading Gurbani because she feels that "she finds herself within the hymns"

The only problem here is that the sangat in my country mostly just come to Gurdwara as a ritual, and the one's who do follow sikhi are mostly akj'ers.( rehitvaan akj'ers) My problem with introducing her to the AKJ'ers is that she is a lover of art, beauty classical music etc and the kirtan that we hear in the paath programs is the exact opposite of that..... im affraid she will lose interest in Sikhi due to the situation here, so i dont know what to do really. She is flirting with the idea of something called "Sant mat", i tried to google it but did'n find much though. I told her that if she finds spiritual practice among them she can go there, but her focus should be on the Gurus.

On top of this, there is no Gurdwara in the country due to internal violent and bloody fights which made the police close down the Gurdwarra, so we mostly meet once a month at a rented school.

She is mostly into the spiritual aspect of sikhi, and since we do not have a Gurdwara, proper kirtan and proper practicioners of spirituality im affraid she will lose interest in sikhi and go somewhere else. What do to?

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Sounds like she'd fit in with Yogi Bhajan's lot, but the best is probably to visit Punjab, and then stay at a place like Sant Ashram, Bhorasahib, Hapur (Sant Isher Singh Ji's asthaan in Hapur) which is run by Bibiyan and focuses on bhagti and sewa.

Also, if she's into Raag/ classical music, she can visit Prof. from Raaj Academy in London.

Does she know what it means to become a Sikh and about Rehat etc?

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She is still in the "learning phase". I send her some articles and have some books for her to read. Do they speak english at the places you mention? What did tsingh do when he wished to become a sikh?

She is very much into the videos of Guruka Singh but its mainly because he focuses alot in spirituality etc and not due to the yoga aspect.

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Amardeep Singh:

Which country is she in?

I would suggest some books for her to read before getting involved with people so that she knows enough not to be confused by differing opinions among some Sikhs.

Her options may be pretty limited if she does not speak Punjabi either, epsecially if she is going to travel to India for spiritual guidance (unless she can afford a professional interpreter).

Matheen's suggestions are probably the best - ask her to contact some of the H20 Sikhs, and see what services they can provide for her in English.

Also, you might want to check on what she means when she says "Sant Mat". There are a lot of scam artists out there who claim to be groups following in the traditions of Bhagat Namdev, Kabir, and so on. Make sure she does not mean the Sant Marg (Satnam cult) guys either. I hope she doesn't mean "Sant Khalsa" i.e. Namdhaaris either.



Edited by Kaljug
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Sant Mat is Radhasoami. So if she is feeling pull towards Sant Mat (Radhasoami) and Sikhi, and the only option you have left is AKJ on the Sikh side, then introduce her to AKJ. I dont see anything wrong with that. Plenty of people get their introduction to Sikhi through AKJ. Would you rather have her get involved with Sant Mat knowing that you could have had a hand in preventing that?

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Sikhi is about having the right sangat and unfortunately there is'nt much sangat here in danmark where i live.

She said Sant Mat and from their website it looks more like a group of mystics. Its not a religion as such but more a group that teaches mysticism regardless of what religion people may follow.

I'll give her a book by Tarlochan Singh called The Sword and Turban of the sikhs. That book is really good

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Sikhi is about having the right sangat and unfortunately there is'nt much sangat here in danmark where i live.

She said Sant Mat and from their website it looks more like a group of mystics. Its not a religion as such but more a group that teaches mysticism regardless of what religion people may follow.

I'll give her a book by Tarlochan Singh called The Sword and Turban of the sikhs. That book is really good

That is exactly what Radhasoamis claim. They claim their religion which they call Sant Mat is "not really a religion", just a way of saints that teaches mysticism regardless of what religion people follow. These are their favourite lines when they try to attract people their their false faith.

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Sikhi is about having the right sangat and unfortunately there is'nt much sangat here in danmark where i live.

She said Sant Mat and from their website it looks more like a group of mystics. Its not a religion as such but more a group that teaches mysticism regardless of what religion people may follow.

I'll give her a book by Tarlochan Singh called The Sword and Turban of the sikhs. That book is really good

Radhasoamis also call their cult Sant Mat. Are you sure it's not those folks?

Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh's books are pretty inspirational IMO, as long as she is aware that the AKJ rehat maryada is more strict than Akal Takht's Sikh Rehat Maryada.


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Another great idea is to get all the books written by Surinder Singh Kohli. His books are to the point, in English and explain the path of Gurmat. His book on naam is especially very nice. Since she is inclined towards mysticism, give her books about Naam Simran. Tell her about Naam and how important it is for a Sikh to do meditation/simran. Usually people who have a thirst for ruhaaniyat, mysicism progress fast when doing simran.

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www.sikhnation.com will ship out free books. Books by sant scholar Naranjan Singh ji are exceptionally good for new seekers.

English katha can be found online by Bhai Parminder Singh, who was a youth very much into bhagti. http://www.gurunanakacademy.com/audio/inde...a%2FMisc.+Katha

http://www.scribd.com/khojee-wordpress-com more books

Sant Singh Maskin ji's lectures have been translated into English and are available in hard copy somewhere...

There is an English discussion on Sikhi by a UK born person who people say became a sant, Sant Mani Singh ji. I found it very inspiring http://www.sikhroots.com/audio-mp3/M/145-sant-mani-singh/985-sikhi-camp-1996

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I think she wants to join the Sant Mat due to the fact that they have a living Guru. She wishes to learn and recieve naam from a living active Guru, and not a passive Scripture with whom there can be no dialogue as such.

she is a very mystical being which is the reason she wants a living Guru to aid her.

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I know exactly what you are saying Amardeep. People read Gurbani and think what a class act - what an artistic/sophisticated people these Sikhs must be, then they experience the devolved reality, and move on...

I would introduce her to Karta Singh, a good friend of mine from France. He is a top guy and owns a wonderful valley in the French Alps where his Yoga/Sikh school is centred. His operation is very different from other Yogi groups - he respects and promotes all the puratan arts and beautiful traditions of Sikhi including raag kirtan.

If she likes someone like Guruka Singh, she will love this camp even more so...

Good thing is, this camp is very much Sikhi orientated, right down to learning Gurmukhi and doing shudh paath etc, as well as simran, kirtan.. and of course yoga.

It will be a very safe route for her into Sikhi - other good thing is this group has much interaction with Punjab and educated/tradtitional Punjabi Sikhs around the world.

One thing, please do this for her. Buy her a copy of Bhai Nand Goya Sahibs ghazals - I know western people who have fallen head over heals in love with Sikhi through the mystical parvaan utterances of Bhai Sahib - I am talking about non religious (organised rel..) people who loved poetry and mysticism, and who now read Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji every day (after being pointed to the source of Bhai Nand Sahibs magic).

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