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How Does He Do It?

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Just a quick question for those in the political 'know' about Panjab.

How exactly does Badal win, time and time again? Do a big chunk of Sikhs actually like his leadership?

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I think the answer lies in the mentality of the panjabi - and indian electorate. I believe they prefer the tried and trusted donkeys rather than take a risk with a newer candidate who is likely to improve the status quo for them.

Dynastic politics is a big thing in Indian culture, where politicians are feted as god-like beings. Similar to gurdwara commitees here. We always complain about the wrongs they do, but genrally we'd rather keep them in power than get some fresh blood in. And its nothing to do with being Machiavellian (we're too simple-minded for that). Inertia is the word I believe.

Plus all the free sharab plays a part too.

Gota give Badals and all the clans credit though, for being able to succesfully exploit the situation.

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Badal is the new Maharajah Ranjit Singh. He is the king of Panjab.

I'm just wondering, what has he done for the region?

I know he has had some modern architects to come in and do work, like at Anandpur Sahib and apparently some 'beautification' is being undertaken by the same Lebanese Jewish architect around Harmandir Sahib (anyone seen the new infrastructure at Anandpur?). Panjab is no longer a hotbed for militancy either now.

Anything else?

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I dont know how much Badal had to do with getting rid of the Sikh Terrorism (KPS Gill probs gets the credit for that)but he did seem to gain a lot of support by giving away free resources such as electricity etc. Personally I believe that such givaways are short sighted. Creating Punjabi versions of chavs who live off social benefits. Ironically, There does seem to be a bit of resentment from the Jatts about these policies. No matter how poor upper castes are, the lower castes will get more govt. freebies due to their social standing.

Badals daughter in law does seem to be doing quite a bit and is getting popular support.Maybe thats why the 'Soraa' is so popular.

I've not seen the Anandpur developments. Neither has there been much in the media since the fanfare of 300 yr celebration. I sorely hope its not the marble stone, bathroom tile and Christmas decoration type of beautification that we Sikhs are so fond of.

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I dont know how much Badal had to do with getting rid of the Sikh Terrorism (KPS Gill probs gets the credit for that)but he did seem to gain a lot of support by giving away free resources such as electricity etc. Personally I believe that such givaways are short sighted. Creating Punjabi versions of chavs who live off social benefits. Ironically, There does seem to be a bit of resentment from the Jatts about these policies. No matter how poor upper castes are, the lower castes will get more govt. freebies due to their social standing.

Badals daughter in law does seem to be doing quite a bit and is getting popular support.Maybe thats why the 'Soraa' is so popular.

So who exactly is getting this stuff? I've never heard of anyone I know of receiving anything?

I've not seen the Anandpur developments. Neither has there been much in the media since the fanfare of 300 yr celebration. I sorely hope its not the marble stone, bathroom tile and Christmas decoration type of beautification that we Sikhs are so fond of.

See for yourself:



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Just a quick question for those in the political 'know' about Panjab.

How exactly does Badal win, time and time again? Do a big chunk of Sikhs actually like his leadership?

Let me try to answer your question.First of all sikhs don't have any other alternative.There is no other Akali or Sikh leader who has mass ground level support.Whenever there is something related to sikhs happened it is only Akali dal's mp that raises question in Indian Parlement.I have never seen congress mps from Punjab raising any question in Parlement regarding sikh issue's

Secondly You cannot win election in Punjab by sikh votes.You need support of Hindu's too so he has an alliance with BJP.He also visit Dera's and get there support.These days Politics is game of mind,diplomacy and numbers and Badal has Done mastery in it.

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Badal is the new Maharajah Ranjit Singh. He is the king of Panjab.

I'm just wondering, what has he done for the region?

I know he has had some modern architects to come in and do work, like at Anandpur Sahib and apparently some 'beautification' is being undertaken by the same Lebanese Jewish architect around Harmandir Sahib (anyone seen the new infrastructure at Anandpur?). Panjab is no longer a hotbed for militancy either now.

Anything else?

Personally I don't like the beautification of Anandpur Sahib that the Israeli architect did. The architecture seems so foreign. You would think that with such a rich architectural heritage of the Sikhs and of North India something called the Khalsa heritage museum would reflect that, instead the Israeli architect builds a structure that resembles a nuclear power plant.

I don't want this guy to do anymore work in Punjab.

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Just some observations from being there recently:

In no way is it an easy win for Badal. He has to team with BJP (which manages to pull in some Hindu vote) or else it’s not possible to win more than Congress.. The Congress has the upper hand with full Hindu support, lots of the Scheduled Class vote (remember Punjab is around 30-35 % SC), and a sizeable Sikh vote.

The governing policies of both parties is very similar. Plenty of appeasement of vote banks, and lots of debt for the state.

For Sikhs who have some bit of anakh, it’s a no brainer that you support Akali Dal, even though they will govern no better than Congress, but with no better option, it’s a choice of lesser of two evils. Congress tends to give much more support for groups that put out challenges to the Panth. Akali Dal panders to these groups too, but not to the same extent.

Since all other Akali Dal factions have no real presence, and are only good for press conferences, any conscious Sikh supports Akali Dal. But don’t think that Akali Dal has majority of Sikh support. Plenty of our brethren are happy to show their Hindu solidarity and vote Congress.

Overall, for better or worse, Sukhbir Badal (Badal Senior looks like he’s ready to kick it any day) is the best choice for Punjabi Sikhs who have any bit of ankh. Sure they can support some of the more PAnthic breakaway Akali Dals, but it ends up as wasted votes and allows Congress to win.

The virulent attacks on Badal we are accustomed to seeing in our community media makes us believe that Badal is some kind of Nazi whom Sikhs should hate. He’s not up to the mark, but still better than anything the Congress has to offer. In my opinion, which many may disagree with, many Akalis are passive closet khalistanis. Meaning, they aren’t strong enough to stand up for the cause on their own, but given the right religious leadership like Sant Jarnail Singh Ji , they would support it. The late Gurcharn Singh Tohra was also a closet Khalistani. They just were not strong enough to stand up and risk their political life or even physical life to give support in the face heavy-handed treatment meted out by the GOI.

Sad state were in. The root cause is we have forsaken the instructions of Dasmesh Pita and not adopted Guruji’s Rehit. The tej-partaap (illustrious aura?) our fore-fathers possessed enabled them to overcome such great odds, only due to their Sikhi –Sidak. Now the kaum is confused, going astray, and has forsaken so many commands of the Guru. Only when we connect back to Guruji will we be able to stand tall, and not be bullied like we are being today.

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