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Amazing Painful Revolutionary Way Of Protesting For The Cause


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~ Amazing painful revolutionary way of protesting for the cause ~

Parnaam to this great soul for making an ultimate sacrifice, mahan shaheedi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thích Quảng Đức was protesting the persecution of Buddhists by South Vietnam's Ngô Đình Diệm administration and burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on June 11, 1963.

The heart of Thích Quảng Đức remained intact and refusing to burn.

June 11, 1963, Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk from Vietnam, burned himself to death at a busy intersection in downtown Saigon to bring attention to the repressive policies of the Catholic Diem regime that controlled the South Vietnamese government at the time. Buddhist monks asked the regime to lift its ban on flying the traditional Buddhist flag, to grant Buddhism the same rights as Catholicism, to stop detaining Buddhists and to give Buddhist monks and nuns the right to practice and spread their religion.

As he burned he never moved a muscle, never uttered a sound.

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He seemed to be in trance meditation. This is an live example, I was shocked see the video at first, when his disciple was putting gasoline on him(imagine how hard it must have been to follow that hakum of his master), but his lack of movement, sitting firm in meditation while he ignited himself and when others namaskar to him. I don't know i felt sense of calm knowing he didn't feel any pain and knowing he was in naam simran, how calm he was, this is live example and practical example how naam simran/abhyaas can control the senses beyond any pain. This video is extremely effective, can have an profound effect on people regardless of dharam who are on this path of simran sort of reinforce their belief in naam simran.

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He seemed to be in trance meditation. This is an live example, I was shocked see the video at first, when his disciple was putting gasoline on him(imagine how hard it must have been to follow that hakum of his master), but his lack of movement, sitting firm in meditation while he ignited himself and when others namaskar to him. I don't know i felt sense of calm knowing he didn't feel any pain and knowing he was in naam simran, how calm he was, this is live example and practical example how naam simran/abhyaas can control the senses beyond any pain. This video is extremely effective, can have an profound effect on people regardless of dharam who are on this path of simran sort of reinforce their belief in naam simran.

True Veerjee. This sort of shows us how puraatan and vartmaan Singhs must have gone through the worst of tortures yet had the Naam Simran on their lips. Ordinary people like us cannot even imagine the spiritual heights of these great souls.

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Incredible. Salutations to him and his disciples/fellow monks.

I wonder if this sacrifice had any effect on the policies they were against?

Millions all over the globe saw his self sacrifice, and The Most Venerable Thich Quang Duc has become world-famous figure. Before he passed away, he left a letter to the government of the day, and through them, for the people of Vietnam. In Vietnamese culture, this letter is now known as the letter of Heart Blood. The core of his letter was a plea for all Buddhist believers, monks, nuns and lay people, to unite and strive for the preservation of Buddhism. His plan was to demonstrate to the world the injustice that was being perpetrated on the Buddhist religion and community by a repressive regime and it worked extremely well. Many nations worldwide brought pressure on the South Vietnamese government to soften its attitude to the traditional Vietnamese religion. The Saigon government complied.
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I posted this on sikhsangat. Thus far, its invoking an great discussion and response with an exception of few silly post here and there- http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/58510-amazing-painful-revolutionary-way-of-protesting-for-the-cause/

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forget the critics on the topic on sikhsangat! half of them are brain dead, they wouldnt be able to comprehend anything!

I also have a question...what do you think they would say about dilawar singh who blew himself up?? do you think 'only five' would ridicule him for blowing himself up?

Just a thought.

I hope what I said wasn't out of order.

Edited by zulu
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I posted this on sikhsangat. Thus far, its invoking an great discussion and response with an exception of few silly post here and there- http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/58510-amazing-painful-revolutionary-way-of-protesting-for-the-cause/

Even after two years of numerous people being banned it seems the quality of poster hasnt improved on that site. Is only five really that naive and ignorant of the non-sikh world?

Many asian countries face a cultural holocaust of their heritage from the spread of abrahamic religions. This is just not musi wahabism but christism too. In places like Vietnam, big christian countries gave them aid to turn a blind eye to the actions of missionaries. These missionaries take advantage of the rural people and feed them all sorts of stupid ideas to convert to christism whilst committing senseless sexual crimes against their youth. What that buddhist monk did was in line with the very ideas of resistance the Khalsa used to use. The catholics were not an invading army like the americans but a different kind of aggressor - in turn a different type of resistance was needed to beat them. To call what he did suicide is plain silly. Does anyone think he wanted to die? He sacrificed himself for his people - but he wasnt going to come back alive like Jesus. That showed his people the hollowness of the whole 'jesus died for you' crap. Never forget there is a difference between suicide and sacrifice. This was clearly the latter.

Edited by HSD 2
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forget the critics on the topic on sikhsangat! half of them are brain dead, they wouldnt be able to comprehend anything!

I also have a question...what do you think they would say about dilawar singh who blew himself up?? do you think 'only five' would ridicule him for blowing himself up?

Just a thought.

I hope what I said wasn't out of order.

Tell us how a suicide bombing is according to Sikhi. Everyone else is brain dead except for you right. Let's hear your reasoning behind this one and see how sound it it in Sikhi terms. I hope you don't play games here and say its on you to explain otherwise because it's not me whose calling other brain dead.

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Tell us how a suicide bombing is according to Sikhi. Everyone else is brain dead except for you right. Let's hear your reasoning behind this one and see how sound it it in Sikhi terms. I hope you don't play games here and say its on you to explain otherwise because it's not me whose calling other brain dead.

Actually I think the guy is a admin cut for blowing himself up, but most sikhs praise him oh he did good etc nonesense, just wanted to know your opinion on it.

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Actually I think the guy is a admin cut for blowing himself up, but most sikhs praise him oh he did good etc nonesense, just wanted to know your opinion on it.

It's very easy to call someone that behind a computer in a western country, especially since that person is no longer alive. You shouldn't judge someone who you don't know about or the circumstances they were in when they did what they did. For us, he is a hero, a Shaheed who stands at the level of Satwant Singh, Beant Singh, Sukha and Jinda.

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if someone`s soul can leave the body and move on to next stage, then it is not suicide. if someone`s soul cannot do that, then it is suicide and against Gurmat, plain and simple. I`m referring here to a protest in the nature of burning oneself alive or engaging in a hunger strike.

A suicide bombing would naturally be against Gurmat if one is harming innocent bystanders, regardless of their dharm. Just speaking generally here.

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Actually I think the guy is a admin cut for blowing himself up, but most sikhs praise him oh he did good etc nonesense, just wanted to know your opinion on it.

I dont write here much, but this is completely uncalled for. N3O Singh, you should not let such people become mods, that can't respect someone, that did a great thing for the KHALSA PANTH, This Sikh killed a man that put many peoples lives at jeopardy and killed innocent people.

Answer this one question, are you a cult follower of the fake master Niddar that attaches Singh to his name? All the Dals have kicked him out and stilL lost individuals follow his thinking. What a shame.

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For us, he is a hero, a Shaheed who stands at the level of Satwant Singh, Beant Singh, Sukha and Jinda.

Hero to you maybe, but not to me, he isnt on satwant singh or beant singhs levels, they did it the right way! not blowing themselfs up.

Answer this one question, are you a cult follower of the fake master Niddar that attaches Singh to his name? All the Dals have kicked him out and stilL lost individuals follow his thinking. What a shame.

Everyone is intitlted to their own opinions right?, no I am not a cult follower of anyone, I only follow Bani and the gurus teachings =) I hope that answers your question....

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I also have a question...what do you think they would say about dilawar singh who blew himself up??

dilawar singh didnt just blow himself up, he blew up a papi and had to blow himself up to do so.

i dont see anything different between Dilawar Singhs act, and the act of the sikhs at Chamkaur sahib, going to confront the enemy knowing there was no way they would survive. That could also be called a suicide charge by the sikhs.

Sikhs did suicide bombing against pakistan in the wars as well.

otherwise this guy is something tho, to have done that, cos you can see the reaction on the police who are psushing the people back and then when they see he is on fire, they just stand in amazement.

other people have given their lives in similiar fashions to awaken the conscious of govts, two that come to mind are Bobby Sands of the Republican Sinn Fein, and Darshan Singh Pheruman, who both died during hunger strike. They could both be classed as suicide, but both are known as Martyrs by their respective communities. (irish and sikh).

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Hero to you maybe, but not to me, he isnt on satwant singh or beant singhs levels, they did it the right way! not blowing themselfs up.

NO! Suicide bombing as it is called by the western media is a form of fighting against an enemy. You need to first understand in what context this is used for. If it is used against civilians then it is against all war ethics. But if it is used against enemy leaders and combatants then it is justified.

What Satwant Singh and Beant Singh did was nothing short of what Dilawar Singh did. They knew full well that killing Indira Gandhi was sure death yet they did it.

Let us say for example, if a Jew during the 30s or 40s was able to kill Hitler through the act of blowing himself up, would you consider that Jew to be a terrorist or a hero?

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Let us say for example, if a Jew during the 30s or 40s was able to kill Hitler through the act of blowing himself up, would you consider that Jew to be a terrorist or a hero?

That is a very good question. I retract my comment.

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