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Why Do Hindus Hate Sikhs For?

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I know this sounds off topic but is there some specific reason why hindus hate sikhs for? We are all Indian we maybe hitting krishna conciousness borderline etc. but thing is historically the martyrdom of guru arjan dev ji by jhangir occured because of chandu mal he made the moghuls execute guru sahib mian mir could have stopped it. Ahmed shah abdali was told by a hindu to go after sikhs to kill them.

The whole of chamkaur was primarily the rajput rajas (hill kings) fault they had moghuls go after guru sahib and sikhs because they refused to sit on the floor equally with low caste people for langar now we have different caste gurdwaras. Also for helping dara shikoh plus aurangzeb was insane he went after muslims, hindus and sikhs. A brahmin sold out the shabazedy of guru sahib and mata gujri that same brahmins family are nehru gandhi lienage these people organised 1984 had sikhs killed. The partion of India 1947 the killing and rape was started by nehru he incited pakistanis to start the killing. Hindus even incited sikhs to go kill muslims in huge numbers after some hindus went and raped muslim girls. Historically speaking mahatama gandhi was a muslim who executed many sikhs who faught the british to gain independence. But today we are okay with hindus in terms of marrying into them, we will marry our sons and daughters into a hindu house and even now we want to become like them by cutting our kesh.

The hinduvata and rss as well as other hindu fanatic groups are targetting punjab by hindunizing it, badal work for these hindu fanatics. But I can understand muslims think we are kaffirs and infidels but what is the problem with hindus the main things we object against is idol worship, caste system, sati and polytheism which if you look into hinduism they are not supposed to be done anyway. The aryan samaj have made degrading remarks to even the early founders of singh sabha about sikhi. Main question is why?




Edited by sarbatdapala
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bhaaa ji the probs Guru Maharaj faced was also faced by other heroes of history

for example Rana Pratap, he had no support from his rajput clan, he was assisted by the Bhils

Chchatrpati Shivaji, his fellow Marathas were serving the mughals ,he was helped by local tribals known as Mavlas

Read the lives of freedom fighters even the Gadari babbe, they were all deserted and had traitors from their own who betrayed them.

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I bet you somewhere there are a bunch of Hindus thinking 'why do Sikhs hate Hindus so much?'

I must say though, when I was growing up, a general sneering attitude towards Hindus as 'lesser beings' wasn't uncommon amongst Sikhs. Not everyone was it it, but plenty were.

Only now that I am older have I come to realise that at least a part of this must have been down to some residual effect of British 'martial theory' being pumped into Sikh heads, emasculating the Hindus. Although the wider picture is much more complex than just this, I'm sure it didn't help Sikh-Hindu relations. Sikhs were frequently hankaari and big headed as if they personally themselves had 'saved Hindus from Muslims' not their ancestors. lol

With what happened post 1978 (especially in the period in the run up to and following 1984), with Indira playing communal politics really drove nails into the coffin of good Hindu-Sikh relations. A lot of nonPanjabi Hindus seem to view Sikhs as outsiders/traitors, no doubt an image pushed by Indian media prior to and during the autonomy conflict.

Overall though, I think Hindus don't understand and/or like Sikhs pushing for an independent identity for themselves. I think they consider us their their uppity offspring to smack back into place?

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there are various sections in the punjab that are wanting to create trouble

one is shivsena hindustan (this is a congress offshoot and has nothing to do with bal thakrey in maharashtra) the other is akali dal amritsar and there are small ones who show themselves as messiah of the hindus or sikhs and are hell bent on creating trouble.

their biggest event is the anniversary of operation bluestar and 84 massacre.

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i live in india and i dont see them getting frightened from one another , in fact they have good relations

Where in India you live may play a part in what you personally experience?

Are you in Panjab?

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Only now that I am older have I come to realise that at least a part of this must have been down to some residual effect of British 'martial theory' being pumped into Sikh heads, emasculating the Hindus. Although the wider picture is much more complex than just this, I'm sure it didn't help Sikh-Hindu relations. Sikhs were frequently hankaari and big headed as if they personally themselves had 'saved Hindus from Muslims' not their ancestors. lol

Funnily enough, you might need to 'blame' the Gurus for the martial law theory as they made the Khalsa into a martial race. Any Hindu having some fire in his belly and a sense of adventure became a member of the Khalsa and aligned himself with one of the Misls. The ones who were quietists stayed Hindus. The basic facts are that since the last 100 or so years, the Hindus in Punjab have always been either shop keeping lalas or lower castes. The Sikhs have always been the go getting Jawans or Kisans. There was no British conspiracy, the Sikh as the farmer and the Hindu as the urban shopkeeper had been the case since the times of Guru Gobind Singh. This was also the case in the Muslim majority areas of west Punjab where the urban Hindu was referred to as Kiraar or coward.

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Funnily enough, you might need to 'blame' the Gurus for the martial law theory as they made the Khalsa into a martial race.

Behold! The all knowing peasant hath spoken....

Khalsa was/is not a race you pendu.

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There were loads of muslims who became sikh, even in afghanistan when sikhs captured that land the married the women of that region as well kurds, pathans, turks, arabs, persians, etc. so afghan sikhs have alot of mix in them aswell. Having also converted alot of the muslims to sikh in those regions. Sardars had many wifes just like akbar to understand the people it is best to marry there women tactful advancements.

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I would put it as Guru Maharaj ne aakhya


the weakest sections of the society were made singhs, they became lions and showed their prowess in the battle field rolling off the head of the mughal

the panj pyaare who came forward at Guruji's call were not rajputs they came from the so called 'low castes' or weaker sections

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There were loads of muslims who became sikh, even in afghanistan when sikhs captured that land the married the women of that region as well kurds, pathans, turks, arabs, persians, etc. so afghan sikhs have alot of mix in them aswell. Having also converted alot of the muslims to sikh in those regions. Sardars had many wifes just like akbar to understand the people it is best to marry there women tactful advancements.

Have you gone bonkers?

What has this got to do with Sikh-Hindu relations as discussed in the last few posts?

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There were loads of muslims who became sikh, even in afghanistan when sikhs captured that land the married the women of that region as well kurds, pathans, turks, arabs, persians, etc. so afghan sikhs have alot of mix in them aswell. Having also converted alot of the muslims to sikh in those regions. Sardars had many wifes just like akbar to understand the people it is best to marry there women tactful advancements.

Wah jee wah Sarbat!!

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Sorry just adding to :

"Funnily enough, you might need to 'blame' the Gurus for the martial law theory as they made the Khalsa into a martial race. Any Hindu having some fire in his belly and a sense of adventure became a member of the Khalsa and aligned himself with one of the Misls. The ones who were quietists stayed Hindus. The basic facts are that since the last 100 or so years, the Hindus in Punjab have always been either shop keeping lalas or lower castes. The Sikhs have always been the go getting Jawans or Kisans. There was no British conspiracy, the Sikh as the farmer and the Hindu as the urban shopkeeper had been the case since the times of Guru Gobind Singh. This was also the case in the Muslim majority areas of west Punjab where the urban Hindu was referred to as Kiraar or coward. "

The martial stance was wider then just hindus however the sikh raja were practing hinduism aswell like maharaja ranjit singh used to do devi pooja having also his wifes commit sati in the end which is strange because we see a ranjit singh early from his life being a gursikh. Also why did the sikh rajas wear ear rings like hindu kings did? Khalsa rehat would forbid that.

Even in maharaja ranjit singh empire many hindus were given big positions from generals also awarded land he probably also converted hindus to sikh or maybe for him they may have been the same as in his raj we find they even had muslims converted to hinduism so for the muslims sikhs were probably just seen as hindus.

That defeat was probably humiliating for muslims as they believe those who do not embrace islam will go to hell and have there skin burnt again and again as there prophet made it forbidden for anyone who does not follow his path to go to heaven. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZT1--Kighg

Also talking about illict relations there were alot in kenya so you get mixed guys as well as those africans being turned into slaves and abused singhs did horrible things there. Now we have our instances of illict relations in the west between sikhs and other ethnicities it is something natural the most common these days being sikh girls having relations with pakistani muslim boys which is vice-versa in canada from what some people say. After creation of pakistan islam was radicalised alot while in India hinduism has drifted more away from core essence and people kept away from religion political parties have also pushed the sikhs downwards so it's chance to spread has been limited I would say people dread the idea of not cutting hair and tying a turban it may seem like to much on hindus where the tradition even is dieing out in sikhs in punjab due to media influences sikhs encourage sikhs and helping one another does not work alot the brotherhood is in trouble aswell.

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The answer is Hindu's neither hate sikhs nor they love them a very large majority probably 800 millions have no idea who are Sikhs?My brother who studied in the NCR college which is uttar pradesh tried to convince his friends That sikhs are not Hindu's but most of them just believe that Sikhs are just an extended bramch of Hindu Punjabi's.They see singers like harvinder singh lakha singh mata bhajan and plenty of Hindu-sikh marriage Relations plus TV serials and Films which mold their mentality that Sikhs are just Punjabi's.My brother even told me that they hardly diffrentiate between sardarni and punjabi hindu girl.

As a 8 year old boy I too spent 1 year in outkirts of calcutta and not even a single bengali hindu neighbour has any Idea who the Sikhs are even though at that time conflict of Khalistan was it at its peak

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Viceversa, why are soo many sikhs hinduphobic?

Good question.One of the biggest fear of Sikhs always was that Sikhism will assimilate in HInduism which we are now seeing becoming true.Also Arya Samaj and some other Punjabi Hindu organisations alienated Sikhs from Hindu's then whatever promised to Sikhs after Partition was not given to them.After that in 80s we all know what happened ,i think these are the reasons that made some Sikhs hinduphobic.

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Behold! The all knowing peasant hath spoken....

Khalsa was/is not a race you pendu.

A simple Thoka like you might want to look up terms with which you might not be familiar with.


3race noun

1: a breeding stock of animals

2a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock

b : a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics


1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics.

2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distributio.

3. A genealogical line; a lineage.

4. Humans considered as a group.

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Raj karega khalsa? Do you agree with this

Are we supposed to get others to embrace khalsa or are we to dilute only having setup to defeat aurangzeb and evil factions?

Thing is today sikhs are alike to punjabi hindus pretty much most of them are punjabi hindus the first generation of sikhs from guru gobind singh time were wipped out by ahmed shah abdali the only person to have gotten close to resurrect them was sant jarnail singh now we have people like baba ranjit singh dhandrianwala with babbu mann's song it gave a blow to his street cred.

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As time passes faiths do start to 'grow out' of their contexts (ours being an Indic one). Christians did it with Judaism, Buddhism with Hinduism. Now Sikhs are doing it, we are getting predictably hostile reactions to it. There are a lot of factors at play under the surface though, ranging the whole span of political, economic, ethnic and cultural. To be honest, I think for a lot of people most vocal in this fissure, the last thing this is about is religion despite it being packaged like that. It's more about power, money and insularity. Hindus aren't about to relinquish Panjab any time soon for obvious reasons.

b : a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics

I thought you espoused the idea that we had different characteristics/habits along caste lines anyway? By the above definition a middle class coconut 'Asian' and his white neighbour would be members of the same 'race'. Categorising people as belonging to the same race simply due to common preferences, interests etc. or perceived characteristics is pretty weak. Especially given the ephemeral nature of these things.

2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distributio.

That doesn't really stand up when you consider an Amritdhari from Bihar and a recent white convert in America can be equally called Khalsa. Their 'history' would be markedly different, as would their nationality and geographical distribution.

Anyway, can you contribute anything more than the same old tired arguments? You ever think it's time for a change from your crusty, worn out type thinking? It doesn't seem to be helping Sikhs much?

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As per hindus not giving up punjab would you mean to say sikhs are aggresively being integrated into hindu majority of India and henceforth does this mean we are required to attain khalistan for the survival of sikhi or would you say that we need to take punjab religiously establishing it even though there is sectarian issues today.

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As per hindus not giving up punjab would you mean to say sikhs are aggresively being integrated into hindu majority of India and henceforth does this mean we are required to attain khalistan for the survival of sikhi or would you say that we need to take punjab religiously establishing it even though there is sectarian issues today.

I'd say the best solution is a psychological or mental one. Sikhs are minorities everywhere. The thing we need to develop is a healthy, progressive, robust identity that isn't easily dislodged anywhere, and one that doesn't get embroiled in petty penducentric conflicts or start arse kissing. One that expands steadily and absorbs outsiders without being offensive about it. Whilst at the same time increasing our physical strength and presence in a tactful way. This is about developing the right mindset foremost.

Once we have that we don't have to worry about being absorbed by anyone, whites, Hindus or sullay.

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