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Jatt History Thread From Facebook Views On It?

Genie Singh

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whatever you say jat supremacists, the following points are well-established:

1. Jats were among the lowest of low castes

2. Jat contribution in building M Ranjit Singh'e empire was negligible

3. The number of Jat generals in MRS army was very low

4. The number of Jat traitors in the history very high (inc those who killed M Ranjit Singh's heirs)

5. Hindu Punjabi paid massive role in keeping Arab and other muslim invaders out of india for nearly 600 years

6. A jat (any religion) could never win EVEN modern day Indian Punjab

7. The Islamist/Arab empire spread rapidly while Mohammad was still alive (whole Arab peninsula captured) and within 100 years of his death (two massive empires, Byzantine and Persian, fell within few decades of Mohammad's death); by 711 (the same year Qasim conquered Sind and parts of Punjab), Muslims entered Spain. Muslims could capture sind only in 711 after nearly 100 years of invasions. who defeated them and out of India till then? certainly NOT Jats :)

1, The Jats were never a part of the caste system or a part of the 'hindu' religion. Their national religion was Jathera - the worship of ancestors.

2. Only an ignorant HIndu would make this statement. The Jats were the backbone of the Misls.

3.I have given you the names of the Jat generals, again only an ignorant Hindu idiots would refer to them as havildars.

4. The Punjabi HIndu has treachery in his DNA. From Gangu Brahmin down to Lala Jagat Narain

5. Another Hindu wet dream. Treachery and cowardice go hand in hand for the Punjabi Hindu.

6. A Jat ruled area 10 times the size of present Punjab, where the population of his tribe would be less that 6% of the total population. Show me where a Hindu Punjabi has managed to do this.

7. The Arab empire after 750AD was marred by dissensions and it was only after the Turks became Muslim that they restarted the conquests. The Hindus now use this interlude to build up a false image of their ancestors so-called resistance to the Muslim invasions. The Arabs were a spent force before the Turks became Muslim,

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1, The Jats were never a part of the caste system or a part of the 'hindu' religion. Their national religion was Jathera - the worship of ancestors.

2. Only an ignorant HIndu would make this statement. The Jats were the backbone of the Misls.

3.I have given you the names of the Jat generals, again only an ignorant Hindu idiots would refer to them as havildars.

4. The Punjabi HIndu has treachery in his DNA. From Gangu Brahmin down to Lala Jagat Narain

5. Another Hindu wet dream. Treachery and cowardice go hand in hand for the Punjabi Hindu.

6. A Jat ruled area 10 times the size of present Punjab, where the population of his tribe would be less that 6% of the total population. Show me where a Hindu Punjabi has managed to do this.

7. The Arab empire after 750AD was marred by dissensions and it was only after the Turks became Muslim that they restarted the conquests. The Hindus now use this interlude to build up a false image of their ancestors so-called resistance to the Muslim invasions. The Arabs were a spent force before the Turks became Muslim,


I agree with point number 1 totally! Jatts are still pujari of their ancestors and clan elders, hence why "jatt sikh" can never exist. Please refer to the amrit sanchar set by shiri guru gobind singh, it states that ones previous ancestors is denounced and the guru and khalsa ancestory is accepted? Hence why again, their can me no "jatt sikh", just sikh and khalsa.


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Seeker, if that is true then why did guru sahib himseld write about his ancestry in bachittar natak right after?

When your commusikhism makes sense, come back.

Dalbir no, they were not as lineage is through father.

A girl from sangha jatt gotra married to 6th master.

Punjabi Giddarsher jat and jatt are separate people won't say again.

ਖਾਲਿਸਤਾਨ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਾਬਾਦ | ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ | ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ | |


I'm back, my commusikhism makes sense to me. Guru sahib was Kshatriya, he kneeled down to the five beloved ones ( from different parts of India and from various castes) he then asked for the amrit, the five beloved asked we gave our head for this amrit, what will you give, guru sahib replied EVERYTHING- he gave up his ancestory, his name of rai (meaning king) and he gave up his whole bloodline for let me think...ermmmm in your words... COMMUSIKHISM lol?

You still have not answered my questions? Please refer back to my post!

When you took amrit were they jatt sikh panj pyare of your goht lol? Did you check? Also did you ask for a separate amrit bowl how once the Hindu hill rajeh did?

Get back to me when you go back to the drawing board and find some other bogus claim of your jatt supremacy. If in doubt or at a loss, refer back to one of the pindu jatt supreme personalities like jazzy b or mr Diljit dosanjh who support badal and modi! Great!?

Lol, so ridiculous it's absurd!


Edited by sikhiseeker
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I wouldn't expect an ignorant Hindu to know about Jathera.

Desparate guerillas who won control of large areas of Punjab and took Rakhi from the Ganga valley and Haryana. So tell me Sher ha ha what have your cowardly people achieved in the last 300 years?

The heroes who made sure that the Mughal empire was not revived are heroes in our eyes. Simranjeet Singh Mann is fighting for freedom.

Read what Zafarnama says of the Gurus control of the Brars.

The rest of your post is the usual Hindu claptrap. You can't make up for the cowardice of your Hindu ancestors by acting like a 'sher' here! Hindu+Sher what a joke!

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Aurangzeb is considered the worst of the Muslim rulers/invaders as far as forcible conversion and genocide of Hindus and Sikhs is concerned. Guru Sahibzadas were living in his court (Ram Rai) and he decided who would become the Guru. the infant G harikishan was ordered to be present in his court to resolve the dispute over Gurugaddi and he died there. Next Guru sahib was part of the Mughal army which invaded a brave Hindu king of Assam (and failed).

Provide COMPLETE historical facts providing references to Guru Sahibs, else refrain from stating anything if you do not understand Sikh history and if it is beyond your capability to understand.

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I am displaying ignorance!!

I have named many MRS generals, where is your list? looks like MRS had secret Jat jarnails about whom only few of these jat braggarts have the knowledge ;)

"most treacherous community" NO, I am NOT a Jat.

Have some bloody grace, some shame as you are condemning the brave 'Sikh' general Diwan Mulraj who refused to bow to the british forces and fought valiantly unlike Attariwala gaddars who became the British lackeys and led the Khalsa forces against DMR. In plain language, it is called treachery. "Duty bound" jat lackeys of Punjab would later save the British empire from Indian revolutionaries in the 1857 war for independence. Lakh lannat eho jehe gaddaran te. same streak of treachery can be noticed in these khaliban apologists.

Juzhde juzhar lok

fitte moonh gaddar lok

1857 war of Independence ? BULLSHIT . I have two question Hindu Jihadi

Do you really believe India as one nation existed before 1947 ?

And 1857 was a war of Independence ?

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You are getting personal once again, get your act together then i would respond.

What you have written against Sikh Guru was more personal to me i am planning to start a topic on your devtas who as per you granths they to do disguise to lure woman

Edited by amar_jkp
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This is what I wrote and let me know if i have given any false facts:

Aurangzeb is considered the worst of the Muslim rulers/invaders as far as forcible conversion and genocide of Hindus and Sikhs is concerned. Guru Sahibzadas were living in his court (Ram Rai) and he decided who would become the Guru. the infant G harikishan was ordered to be present in his court to resolve the dispute over Gurugaddi and he died there. Next Guru sahib was part of the Mughal army which invaded a brave Hindu king of Assam (and failed)."

Ram Rai lived in Aurangzeb's court

G Harikishan was forced to go to Delhi by Aurangzeb and he died while he was in Delhi

G Teg bahadur went to assam with Aurnagzeb's army

they are historical facts but i have no objection if he wants to write anything blasphemous about figures which have been mentioned with reverence in G Granth sahib.

Dont worry even i will provide reference and will show the true characters of you tridev from you granth not by History written by Sikhs.

Problem with your kind is you dont understand .

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Deho Shiva barr mohe...

Totally wrong, seriously get a snatan scripture education its vachak of akaal purkh cannot be confined into shiv deity. Vedantis/advait will vehemently disagree with your position of confining akaal purkh vachak- siva into shiv diety as their own shankara atam shaktam have shivoham in them who is vachak of all prevading siva -consciousness.

Advait vedanta teaching of absolute reality is ultimate authority in snatan world to proper contextualize stuff, go get education before making your self an fool.

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what!! Are you denying that Shiva in this context is not lord Shiva of sanatan tradition? I don't believe this.

I am not concerned with vedantis and how they would interpret this shabad, to me Shiva of Dasam Granth can only be one deity - Lord Shiva. Period.

What else you would deny Neo?

Because that interpretation is not aligned with overall gurmat sidhant listed by sri guru gobind singh ji himself..

aad ant eko avtara soee guru samjaeho hamara

why is it soo hard to comprehend?

With that being said, there are praises respect is given where its due towards rudra-shiv, vaish and other previous indic avtars of akaal purkh in gurbani with central theme (Ikongkar- one akaal purkh vahiguroo) always intact/ never lost -dedicated towards one akaal purkh vahiguroo... as there is a difference between praise and worship. For example- sri guru gobind singh ji mentions jale hari, thale hari does not that mean he is worshipper or upasakh of water and earth? Learnt to know difference between praise and worship (one overall advait sidhant) - ikongkar. Shabad above is in mangal charan in eulogy form dedicated only to one akaal purkh- vahiguroo kind same as atam shaktam where shivoham is repeated mentioned dedicated all prevading siva-vahiguroo..similiarly try to tell advait vedant- shivoham means diety shiv, you be given time out and sent back to their kinder garten class to be their water boy.

I have a kid he gets good marks in maths so i praised him does that meant i worship him?

You are osho fan i thought you would know this that central theme -One being-awareness (akaal purkh) never lost in sargun upma, very disappointed to see you are stuck pseduo sargun idol worshipping like everyone else.

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Because that interpretation is not aligned with overall gurmat sidhant listed by sri guru gobind singh ji himself..

aad ant eko avtara soee guru samjaeho hamara

why is it soo hard to comprehend?

With that being said, there are praises respect is given where its due towards rudra-shiv, vaish and other previous indic avtars of akaal purkh in gurbani with central theme (Ikongkar- one akaal purkh vahiguroo) always intact/ never lost -dedicated towards one akaal purkh vahiguroo... as there is a difference between praise and worship. For example- sri guru gobind singh ji mentions jale hari, thale hari does not that mean he is worshipper or upasakh of water and earth? Learnt to know difference between praise and worship (one overall advait sidhant) - ikongkar. Shabad above is in mangal charan in eulogy form dedicated only to one akaal purkh- vahiguroo kind same as atam shaktam where shivoham is repeated mentioned dedicated all prevading siva-vahiguroo..similiarly try to tell advait vedant- shivoham means diety shiv, you be given time out and sent back to their kinder garten class to be their water boy.

I have a kid he gets good marks in maths so i praised him does that meant i worship him?

You are osho fan i thought you would know this that central theme -One being-awareness (akaal purkh) never lost in sargun upma, very disappointed to see you are stuck pseduo sargun idol worshipping like everyone else.

Baba Santa Singh's exegesis of Shiv orbiting the Adi Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Dasam Granth Ji and Sri Sarbloh Granth Ji.

For more information pursue his teeka of the Sri Sarbloh Granth. It's pretty clear on the difference between Shiva (Bolenaath) and Shiv as in Mahakaal, Akal. He quotes extensively from Dasam Bani to criticise Bolenath who is a mediocre reflection of the ever greater Akal. But of course the reality is lost on some delusional individuals and their preconceived ideals.

Edited by Amarjeet Singh_1737
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what!! Are you denying that Shiva in this context is not lord Shiva of sanatan tradition? I don't believe this.

I am not concerned with vedantis and how they would interpret this shabad, to me Shiva of Dasam Granth can only be one deity - Lord Shiva. Period.

What else you would deny Neo?

Actually Deh Shivaa is talking about Devi. Seeing at it comes at the end of Chandi Charitar.

Shiv is male

Shiva is female

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:) I pity you amar. you have no idea what is the difference between history and mythology. If you want to post some colourful stuff about Hindu Sikh deities, go ahead. i would just quote Guru Granth Sahib and Dasam to show the reverence the Gurus had for the same devi devtas. i would be waiting for such posts.

Deho Shiva barr mohe...

Pity on you as you dont have answers . Sikh god is Akal Purkh you people just get excited seeing names of Ram and Shiv in our scriptures and when truth comes out its hurt your people .

Puja sirf Akal ke .

Akaal Akaal Gurbar Akaal !

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