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Wussification of Men


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3 hours ago, paapiman said:

This video might be relevant to Canadian/British men (including Sikhs).


Bhul chuk maaf

Instead of watching all this white man sh1t, why don't you all reflect and  examine yourselves and honestly ask: how wussified you are (or not)?

Whiteys f**ked themselves with their devious sociological  mind games, and where they are ultimately going is a foregone conclusion - it's just a matter of when (not if) and they can feel it. Some of them will try and go down fighting but they will lose in the end. 

The question for you is how much have you been crawling up their ar5es (especially juts), which is going to land you in the same boat as them?

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It's all thanks to feminists. Nothing to do with race. It's effected all races, this is why there is another movement called MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) and people in this movement talk about female nature to make men aware how they are being manipulated. 

There is also a Guru who talks about female nature in Sikh circles (yes I'm being cryptic). 

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3 hours ago, LiquidSky said:

It's all thanks to feminists. Nothing to do with race. It's effected all races, this is why there is another movement called MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) and people in this movement talk about female nature to make men aware how they are being manipulated. 

There is also a Guru who talks about female nature in Sikh circles (yes I'm being cryptic). 

It's everything to do with race. Western white men struck on the idea of making women central to the economic system (mainly I believe because they believed they are easy to manipulate and don't rock the boat too much), what we see is an unexpected consequence of this. 

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15 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

Instead of watching all this white man sh1t, why don't you all reflect and  examine yourselves and honestly ask: how wussified you are (or not)?

If you stand up to women in this day and age, you'll end up paying for divorce, shaming and even false accusations against yourself. You can be the best husband in the world and all of that will fall and you'll have a feeling of injustice. The laws of the west support women more than men. Bollywood is even pushing this feminists agenda. This is why it's not a race issue, it's a political one. Pulling the race card doesn't solve the problem. 

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3 hours ago, LiquidSky said:

If you stand up to women in this day and age, you'll end up paying for divorce, shaming and even false accusations against yourself. You can be the best husband in the world and all of that will fall and you'll have a feeling of injustice. The laws of the west support women more than men. Bollywood is even pushing this feminists agenda. This is why it's not a race issue, it's a political one. Pulling the race card doesn't solve the problem. 

Who the f**k is talking about standing up to women? It's white men in power that need to be stood up to. But if you've already been drained of your masculinity (something that they've been purposefully trying to do to males of colour for centuries), and don't have the bollocks and strength to take risks, as well as the consequences of this - you'd come out with the type of stuff you typed out above as an excuse. It's not surprising that ethnic males end up in this way because whitey has developed a very effective system to try and smack down and suppress any virile man of colour by painting them as aggressive, violent beasts when they assert themselves.  

The loose contours of using 'female' issues to try and attack men of colour have been going on for centuries. An example for Sikhs is how there was a big hoo-ha (by brits) about female infanticide and sati subsequent to annexation. Now, those practices are disgusting, but for brits to come with this sh1te, when they themselves had been sexually and physically abusing Africans on plantations for centuries, not to mention the rampant sexual exploitation of their own poor citizens which was rife in poverty stricken areas of their own country at the time is a bit rich. I live in England, even today, white men in power have left thousands and  thousands of gullible and/or poor young females (including God knows how many Sikh girls) at the hands of sexual predators. Whiteness plays a big part in this. Yes, it may not be the sole thing because class comes into it as well. But ultimately it is a white power thing. People are increasingly realising this, and white men are in denial about this. And if you yourself are a pussy in the face of this, do yourself a favour and just face up to it instead of all the mental acrobats. If you can't use your own brains, do yourself a favour and don't just regurgitate Peterson's stuff to me. 

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59 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

Who the f**k is talking about standing up to women? It's white men in power that need to be stood up to. But if you've already been drained of your masculinity (something that they've been purposefully trying to do to males of colour for centuries), and don't have the bollocks and strength to take risks, as well as the consequences of this - you'd come out with the type of stuff you typed out above as an excuse.

Then what risks you think we should take then if it hits home? Maharajahs Ranjit Singh's daughter was a suffragette?

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2 hours ago, LiquidSky said:

Then what risks you think we should take then if it hits home? Maharajahs Ranjit Singh's daughter was a suffragette?

It wasn't his daughter. It was his grand-daughter. And she did what she could, isolated, alone and surrounded by hostile forces in a foreign land. 

The risks we need to take today aren't small or narrow in my opinion. They involve confronting and challenging all power structures that attempt to constrain us. If anyone can't see what these are for themselves, then they are already a lost cause and/or intellectually wanting (to put it politely). Plus it wold be pretty dumb to spell things out on a forum, seeing how it could easily be used against you in various ways in the future (in court cases or media campaigns to defame). 

Try using your head a bit. If we are already contending with inherently deceptive, cunning and ruthless (not to mention experienced) adversaries it would be nothing short of being retarded to explicitly spell out strategies to deal with them. You don't want people to see you coming from 10 miles away for God's sake. Again, use your head and your discretion a bit. You don't outmaneuver wicked, inherently deceptive and manipulative foes through simple minded plans. 

I'd say inevitably (given the nature of what we face) it will come down to some physical confrontations because they are likely to see red at the very idea of having their hegemony challenged. So the first question is: are you keeping yourself physically fit and strong to the best of your abilities? If not, why? (That's rhetorical by the way, I don't want excuses for people's laziness). 

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3 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

At the end of the last century, wasn't there an emphasis for men to be clean shaven and look like boys?

What influence did this have on the mindset of men?

I think you are off the mark with external appearances. The issue is more of an internal/psychological one. I know of plenty of bearded blokes who are extremely effete. A lot of them are what you used to call 'gentle giants'. 

I think the wussification of men is closely related to higher class anglos trying to tame/control their own working classes but making violence unacceptable, I think this used to be the last line of defence working class men could use against perceived higher class oppression. Now all these dumb f**ks can do is jump on some right-wing/neo-nazi bandwagon against immigrants because they've lost all their balls to confront their ruling classes. You see the same in  Panjab, where the ahm bundha acts like a powerless eunuch against the establishment (like Badal). 

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There was a lot of pressure put on men to shave their beards to look more like women. Let’s face it, women are not naturally known to have facial hair, if they do find a hair or two growing on their faces, they  go to beauty parlours. Men are doing the same! 

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15 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

 You see the same in  Panjab, where the ahm bundha acts like a powerless eunuch against the establishment (like Badal). 

Ahm apna bundha acts the same all over the world. Self imposed divide and ruin persists  even while in diaspora.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/29/2018 at 12:04 PM, paapiman said:


The white society is literally crumbling under the pressure of feminism, these men need to put their foot down before it gets worse than that. Even India and other Asian countries are now imitating the helpless western males. It's sickening and sad.


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2 hours ago, paganvegan said:

This is a new one!  Men, especially desi men, were always a little bit wussified long time ago. They cannot defend themselves, how are they going to defend or protect their wives or daughters. They have become more wussified than our average white gentleman.

Come to England white boy. On your own turf, you've had thousands of white girls groomed and sexually abused whilst white society sat around scared like complete cowards. It took Sikh men to make (some of) you pussies act like men about it.  Shame on you. 

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1 minute ago, Singh123456777 said:

White men dont have balls to do shit

Nah, they do, but it's dumb as f**k sh1t. Look at the wars the started in the mid-east that they had to run from. Then look at the refugee crisis they created as a consequence and how that will screw them over in the coming decades. Real smart people......cough cough....

Own goal!!!!!

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12 hours ago, paganvegan said:

This is a new one!  Men, especially desi men, were always a little bit wussified long time ago. They cannot defend themselves, how are they going to defend or protect their wives or daughters. They have become more wussified than our average white gentleman.



Women, stupid people, & criminals literally rioted your Roman Empire out of existence|| 😂

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On 9/11/2018 at 6:48 PM, dalsingh101 said:

Come to England white boy. On your own turf, you've had thousands of white girls groomed and sexually abused whilst white society sat around scared like complete cowards. It took Sikh men to make (some of) you pussies act like men about it.  Shame on you. 

If you think this behavior is quite acceptable in the West you have to be completely crazy lol! Wussification is lot better than ‘pussification’ of men, when  men can’t behave with dignity and treat women with dignity too! So, in your well informed opinion, this man in the video below is what you call a man with GREAT BIG BALLS!!


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2 hours ago, paganvegan said:

If you think this behavior as shown in the video below is quite acceptable in the West you have to be completely crazy lol! Wussification is lot better than ‘pussification’ of men, when  men can’t behave with dignity and treat women with dignity too! So, in your well informed opinion, this man in the video below is what you call a man with GREAT BIG BALLS!!!



Like white men don't ever kill their partners......

It wouldn't take long to post a bunch of cases. But I have better things to do. Troll. 

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