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  • 1 month later...

ur rite man, this site is a load of CRAP!! first of all Bin Laden is a person who is fanatical and threatens to kill innocent people. On the other hand Bhindranwale was a preacher of Sikhism and only threatened to kill b/c innocent Sardars were being captured and killed. Bhindranwale only wanted to spread the word of the Guru's and tell the Sikhs in India and in the world to keep there hair, be amrithari and stop taking intoxicants. The man made over 10,000 people in India amritdhari gursikhs. this site is a bunch of shit.


Im sure that this article is hurtful to many even I think its stupid putting Sant Ji (who i believe to be shaheed) in the same category as Bin Laden, But then again their stories are similar, amongst wahabis and supporters of Osama he is seen in a similar light to that of Sant Ji,

I am not trying to offend but just stating what I had heard and seen with my own eyes, Straight after the attack on America I remember sitting amongst many well respected singhs heads of many of the UKs religious sections and groups.. And topic of conversation was Osama and his freedom movement and alot of people Singhs who lead the support for Sant Ji in this country agreed that, Osama was just like Sant Ji and they even looked similar etc

Its only after all the TV footage and hatred towards Bin Laden that made them keep their mouths shut and re-asses their views. So if this happened amongst our own community and those who have upmost respect for Sant Ji you would obviously expect some Hindu or whoever to pick it up..


Just wondering but exactly how many of the ppl here are amritdhari?

i know it's off topic but i was jus wondering

does it make a difference?


What a creative piece of writing... :LOL:

Somebody has rightly said "Creativity has no limits." and he certainly crossed every limit...

May God bless him with Chardi Kalaa...

  • 3 months later...

wow, thats a heated article..... these people have to much time on there hands... I read the first 2 lines and straight thought this guys bored....

B for Bin Laden and B for Bhindrwale... when his name is actually Osama Bin Landen and Bhindrawale is a name of pind, as his actual name was Jarnail!!!

Ohh my god :oops:


Im sure that this article is hurtful to many even I think its stupid putting Sant Ji (who i believe to be shaheed) in the same category as Bin Laden, But then again their stories are similar, amongst wahabis and supporters of Osama he is seen in a similar light to that of Sant Ji,

I am not trying to offend but just stating what I had heard and seen with my own eyes, Straight after the attack on America I remember sitting amongst many well respected singhs heads of many of the UKs religious sections and groups.. And topic of conversation was Osama and his freedom movement and alot of people Singhs who lead the support for Sant Ji in this country agreed that, Osama was just like Sant Ji and they even looked similar etc

Its only after all the TV footage and hatred towards Bin Laden that made them keep their mouths shut and re-asses their views. So if this happened amongst our own community and those who have upmost respect for Sant Ji you would obviously expect some Hindu or whoever to pick it up..

Just wanted to point out that Bin Laden killed many innocent people, which is wrong even if you feel you are fighting for a greater cause. I don't recall Sant ji killing innocent people to get his message across. See the difference in terrorism. Wether Bin Laden's points are valid is irrelavent, no need to kill innocent people. If you hate the US fight our army and then see.


wow, thats a heated article..... these people have to much time on there hands... I read the first 2 lines and straight thought this guys bored....

B for Bin Laden and B for Bhindrwale... when his name is actually Osama Bin Landen and Bhindrawale is a name of pind, as his actual name was Jarnail!!!

Ohh my god :oops:

Yeah, maybe he was bored. So what?

Read the LAST 2 LINES carefully.


Yeah, maybe he was bored. So what?

Read the LAST 2 LINES carefully.


Are you calling Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale "Fanatic"??

If you are then May Guru Nanak Dev Nirankar help you with the slandering a sant you just did :evil:


No way. I'm not calling anyone any names. I do believe that Bhindranwale unwittingly did too much harm though. Cossacks have'nt been tolerated in Punjab since Partition. He unwittingly or wittingly modelled himself as some sort of Punjabi Cossack (much as many of you guys fancy yourselves), and reaped the rewards of that approach. He was a Jatt supremacist (i.e. a sort of gypsy headman/chieftain) and not a religious leader at all. Having said that, his intentions were probably good (although in the context, they were absolutely irrelevant).

I just meant that playing with fanaticism is an unsound military/political strategy, because the martyrs you create are dangerous to everyone until they are dead. They cannot be used as bargaining chips.

There is one humanity. If you spread the doctrine of death, it's the same as if you were trying to give everyone cancer. OTOH, at the barbecue everyone has a full belly and a sense of well-being. A Sant ought to know that and take advantage of it, to everyone's benefit.

You don't need any lessons to learn the "vidya" of Aryan supremacy. Some people have been playing that game for a very long time.

  • 1 year later...

there is a big difference between jarnail singh and bin laden

bin laden massacres innocent ppl to get his message across

jarnail singh didn't even allow his singhs to fite bac until the army actuallty entered the complex-from eye witness account

don't be hurt or angry

god knows the truth


there is a bid difference between jarnail singh and bin laden

bin laden massacres innocent ppl to get his message across

jarnail singh didn't even allow his singhs to fite bac until the army actuallty entered the complex-from eye witness account

don't be hurt or angry

god knows the truth

i agree with your post ji. 100% :)


x_suman_x said

jarnail singh didn't even allow his singhs to fite bac until the army actuallty entered the complex

Like you said "god knows the truth".

However because of him thousands died. His legacy has been hatred and fear. So maybe the article isn't that off the mark.


wjkk wjkf

sag_roti you said that "However because of him thousands died"

Is this really true? Was it REALLY because of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji that thousands of Singh Soorme died?

Sant Ji was on a mission, a mission to unite the Sikhs around the world so that all would be free from Nashay and from this world and to unite with Waheguru Ji. Like every human on the planet, we all have been given a brain to think for ourselves and do do what we want. Is that not correct? Thus, all those Young Sikhs who joined Sant Ji did so out of their own free will. He never forced anyone to "join" with him. He spoke the truth and that's what led them to join him. It was out of their personal choice. They knew they were going to be shaheed, it wasn't because of Sant Ji, but it was because of their own free will. Thus, I disagree with you saying that Because of him thousands died, when in fact, it was their choice. Also, as you may know, the singhs who fought on Operation Bluestar didn't retreat or surrender, (even though a few did) they fought back. Why? Out of their own free will, they willingness to die for the Khalsa Panth and become Shaheeds. Not because of Sant Ji.

wjkk wjkf


I meant not just the people who immediately died but those that were killed during the dark period that followed 84 in Punjab. Both those people killed because they didn't pay the extortion monies of ugarvadis & those killed by over zealous police. An inferno of hatred was unleashed ( although I might add most right thinking Sikhs & Hindu took no part in this & continue to not be affected).

I pray that those dark days that are now over never return to Punjab. Unfortunatley some people ( especially foreigners/NRI ) continue to support the lunatic fringe & I think we need to speak out against this.



Dear sag Roti Ji,

Das is happy that at least you behold Sikhs and Hindu as differant.

das can say that there were many elements,

By rogue elements of Congress,Agents of the enimical govemrnemts like Pakis or within the fedral structure of the countroy and some so called Babbers.

Some Ranks and files of Damdami Taksal were difinatly intruded upon by anit Sikh people after Sant Ji ,which brought the bad name to us but they have left after Sant Harnam Singh Ji performed Chahiyya and instaled Dasham Granth recently.

Ranks and files of figthing forces of Damdami Taksal was full of ex Indian Army people who were not murdres.

Das saw some old documents which had clash of Taksali Kharkoos(Commadoo or terrorists) With Babbers(1990-1992) when Taksalis killed Butchers in Majha regeon for thier killing cows while Babbers said it was wrong to kill butchers.

Taksalis were very much what people like Kala Afghana Sahib will say as Brahmanical.But in Truth das can say that they were not bigots so people of Sant Ji's side did very little false but thier deeds were actually what people like Bajrang Dal aspire to happen.

another blame on them was to killing of Pakistanis visitng Sirhind just on moving Samjhauta Express.

Das just wants you to understand that Taksal is not Band of bigot Sikhs.

There Teaching of Hindusim and Islam si done by Pandits and Maulanas respectivly unlike in other faiths where it is done to show own faith suprirors then other by own missionaires.

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