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What does girls/guys mean when they say they are spiritual??

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I came across with many girls who say "we are spiritual". What does it mean??

You think this "word" spiritual has been over-used and abused??

I managed to fetch in the actual defination of spiritual from oxford.



• relating to or affecting the human spirit as opposed to material or physical things. 2 relating to religion or religious belief.

Please discuss :D

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from the dictionary definition I would guess it means those people who class themseves as spiritual mean they are more concerned with their spirit than their material wealth or physical things.

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i think both palm and heydude have given the correct definition in my understand of when someone say they are spiritual. If i had to give a refrence, i'd consider the Nirmala and Sufi Lineages more Spiritual then Religious.

When someone asks the question are you Religious, i do not know what to reply with. Does going to a Church or reading the Holy Scriptures make me Religious or Following the Codes of Condut set forth by the Religion make me Religious? If that is the Criteria of being known as a Religious Person then I certainly am far from it.

So what then makes one Spiritual and not Religious. i think being religous you are more inclined to follow the laws and the boundries set forth by the religion one follows. To a Spiritual person he sets his own boundries which compose of not just one but are a culmination of many religioous views and most if not all are born from his personal experiences thru meditation or lifes unexpected revelations. Altho a Spiritual person may tend to drift back and forth from Religious to Spiritual, in the general sense he/she would still remain free from the Religious Dogma. He/She no longer see Religion as something that defines an indiviudal but the perception of the world around him.

Hope that made sense.....

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i'd consider the Nirmala and Sufi Lineages more Spiritual then Religious.

Big puppy on your cheek (opps brotherly one ..lol ). :oops: ..on a serious note: nirmaleys are known for their atamik gyan..they have beautifully mixed up religious and spirituality and blended each other in a pot...their work(Fareed-kot teeka) of siri guroo granth sahib speak for itself.

Ok going back to the topic, the point of the topic was that I have came across with girls who claims they are spiritual but when you ask them what is mysticism? they simply don't know... i mean my interpertation of spirituality would be spirituality is linked with mysticism... i mean just because you are kind, caring, does not mean you are spiritual ..those qualities are one of many but they are just ladders to spirituality but spirituality itself...

sowwie may be i m just being daffy. :cry:

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its all about Aatmic Boadh. Spiritual Enlightenment, when you are focused more on the Enlightenment or realization of the self, you become spiritual.

so if they drink often, go to clubs, don't do naam simran, have pre-martial sex with more than one girl in their life ...are they still spirtual ? :?

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We are all spiritual beings having a human experience not human beings having a spiritual experience. Those people that engage in those acts are still spiritual at core but haven't yet realised spirituality since they wouldn't be doing those things if they had.

so if they drink often, go to clubs, don't do naam simran, have pre-martial sex with more than one girl in their life ...are they still spirtual ? :?

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We are all spiritual beings having a human experience not human beings having a spiritual experience. Those people that engage in those acts are still spiritual at core but haven't yet realised spirituality since they wouldn't be doing those things if they had.

So to say I m spiritual and doing those things/engaging in those acts, would that be political correct statement?

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so if they drink often, go to clubs, don't do naam simran, have pre-martial sex with more than one girl in their life ...are they still spirtual ? :?

If one is doing what you have described, would it be wise to say that he is spiritual. if one is Spiritual one heeds the advice of his heart more than what his mind is seeking. As i said one is focused more on Self Discovery and it is more than obvious that going to clubs, has pre-martial sex is not a way to Self-Discovery. But know that even those actions/ experience can become an Awakening Revelation. Perhaps they are split between the desire of enjoying their Youthfull years and sometimes walkig the path of spirituality. If one walks with their full heart and in this egos understanding he/she will soon discover what should be more important in his/her life. The answer will be revealed thru their experience as to what it means to be spiritual.

I think the word Spiritual to those individuals is a way to still present themselves as somewhat good without the restriction that are imposed by being known as a Religious Person. Calling one self a Spiritual person has become an excuse to live with both the desires of the Mind and then for a few days be a person of Self-Discovery. As is done with being called a Religious Person. They are Religious because they go to Gurudwara and do Path once a while. Same is used in being a Spiritual individual.

One seeks and if he/she has seeked far enough then surely he/she has realized their true path and at that moment the individual defers away from the worldy joys without repression. As if that individual simply saw the world for what it IS and just lost interest.

Being Spiritual is being more Universal, then being Religious, because you are then bound to the boundry of the specific Religion.

I am not saying being either is better, be who you wish to be without being judgemenal of the others path. Judgemental meaning thinking or assuming you are higher than the other because of the path you follow. No one is higher and if you are Higher then you are so because there are those who are Lower then you. You should thank them for being the brick underneath your feet for you to be able to stand where you are.

Ihope im making sense, cuz i had to edit this post like 5 times.

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N30, I think it can means different things for different women:

1. I prefer your personality rather than your looks and money

2. Im not like normal girls, im "deeper"(yeah right).

3. I need someone who doesn't like to drink and smoke.

4. Im not spiritual at all, so ill tell you that i am so you think more of me.

5. Being "spiritual" is the "in thing", its fashionable, so ill describe myself that way.

6. I like kama sutra

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Pheena, dun worry you made perfect sense.

it's Neo who doesn't know how to phrase his questions. lol...

what do girls mean when they say they're spiritual?

one/both of two things:

1. what Pheena described

2. that they aren't religion-oriented and can't be bothered with it's rules. and possibly that they can't be bothered with being religious in any sense. to them, life is their religion. and spirituality consists of being a nice person and doing humanitarian things.

is that the answer you were looking for?

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Pheena your post make perferct sense. Thanks to You ! :D

Harpreet and Sukhi (your 2nd reason)

Your comments lead back to my orginal question.

"You think this "word" spiritual has been over-used and abused?? "

It's not like they can use any word to describe themselves..

like for example- If a girl tells me i m mystical and there is nothing mystical about her as in she said no expereince as such... then isn't that blank statement used to gain some points? :roll:

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let's deal with one issue at a time.

who's the girl? :LOL: i'm just kidding...

for you to ask after what Harpreet and i just said, i think it'd be kinda obvious that yeah, the word's been overused and abused.

as for ur second query, i don't know whatcha mean by a blank statement, but yeah, she's definitely flattering you. or she's being sincere. if you don't know her well enough, give her the benefit of the doubt. if you know her sincerely (meaning you've had personal contact with her and actually know her and not just the stuff she does), then it may be safe to judge whether she's bein a charmer or sincere.

now i've got a question for you. what does this have to do with Sikhi?

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An Ideal Sikh - Bhai Gurdass Ji

I am ready to sacrifice myself to the one who's following the Guru's teachings remains humble.

I pay homage to the one who refuses to go near the bed of another woman.

I pay homage to the one who does not touch the property (wealth) of another person.

I pay homage to the one who avoids listening to the slander of others.

I pay homage to the one who sleeps little and eats little.

A person who leads such a life attains the state of spiritual bliss.

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