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question for adults


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When married, do you imagine spending quality time doing household work with your beloved? Would this be a spiritual thing? If so, would that involve listening to kirtan, reciting gurbani, discussing stuff, doing kirtan, etc? Maybe washing dishes to a shabad or going to sleep to kirtan?

Could you make love to your partner while listening to gurbani in the background? Also give a clear and concise explanation. Thanks.

(if you need to, assume your trying for a baby and the fate of the human race depends on it)

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Say you are doing jap and it is filling you up with bliss and you gotta take tatti, so would u stop, or continue to repeat and enjoy the bliss while taking

care of your business?

I've always been cruious about that one..

but coming back to your question. I think there couldn't be better waay to engage in a sexual act while having the thought of God in your mind. i don't think one needs an explanatin for this one. If you can have sex while having the thought of god in your mind, the status of both of yoru minds would be in such a state where the act will no longer be a mere physical act, but a spiritual union of 2 souls. If 2 couple can do household together while doing jap then why not having sex?

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  • 3 weeks later...

LOL ! sorry but i found the second para very very funny! how did u think of that? anyways according to osho its all good and it might even get u a ticket to heaven if u think of god errrm at the right moment...........


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LOL, i disagree with that also - you cannot have sex and concentrate on baani at the same time, as sex will take your mind away from listening to baani or doing naam jaap and it will pollute your mind with many other things, in fact the whole point of doing naam jap and listening to baani is to take your mind away from things such as sex, therefore, you cannot combine the two.

Also, engaging in sexual acts just for pleasure is wrong, why would you want to be doing this when you could be listening to kirtan, doing naam jap, or seva instead. Only for making children. Sex is a physical feeling, materialistic in a sense, and you soon realise its nothing, and Sikhi goes beyond this and gives you the highest buzz when your clockin' it.

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Say you are doing jap and it is filling you up with bliss and you gotta take tatti, so would u stop, or continue to repeat and enjoy the bliss while taking

care of your business?

I've always been cruious about that one..

Reminds me of a sakhi. Long ago I read in a book a story about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a very devoted bhagat of Bhagwan Shri Krishn, and who was from West Bengal. Once someone came to him and complained to him about one of the saints in their group who would hold his tongue while relieving himself. When asked as to why he did so, he said "My tongue can't stop doing simran, and so I don't feel right when it continues doing simran while I $h!t, so I just hold it so that it stops, and still it doesn't!"

Personally, I feel that blessed are such bhagats whose tongues do not stop doing simran NO MATTER WHAT!!!

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Also, engaging in sexual acts just for pleasure is wrong, why would you want to be doing this when you could be listening to kirtan, doing naam jap, or seva instead.

why are you sitting infront of a computer reading websites when you could be listening to kirtan doing naam jap or seva? why do you spend two hours a day eating when you could be doing naam jaap? why do you sleep 10 hours a day when you could be doing seva?

Only for making children. Sex is a physical feeling, materialistic in a sense, and you soon realise its nothing, and Sikhi goes beyond this and gives you the highest buzz when your clockin' it.

like i said, if you need to assume that, go ahead. u wanna have a baby and sometimes it takes more than one go....

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sometimes it does take more than one and trying more than once is acceptable i never denied this, i said purely for pleasure, theres a difference. Also, i could be doing naam jap instead of sitting infront of a computer or instead of eating, however, sometimes it becomes a necessity, sex for pleasure is not, i dont see why your trying to justify this.

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:D:)found this thread really interesting. I was always lookin for something like this "integration of sex with sikhi :!: ".. it's cool 8) . this kind of things are considered forbidden :o but they should not be. it's my first post to this site although I joined almost a month back. Actually never found anything interesting. Never had the reason 'Y sikhawareness.com :?: ' now I have the reason to be a daily visitor.. :) .
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:D:) found this thread really interesting. I was always lookin for something like this "integration of sex with sikhi :!: ".. it's cool 8) . this kind of things are considered forbidden :o but they should not be. it's my first post to this site although I joined almost a month back. Actually never found anything interesting. Never had the reason 'Y sikhawareness.com :?: ' now I have the reason to be a daily visitor.. :) .

Also have a look at massive discussion in our archive section on- sexuality and sikhism:


Enjoy purkha... remember sexual perversations and repression is not way in sikhi...:D

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Reminds me of a sakhi. Long ago I read in a book a story about Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a very devoted bhagat of Bhagwan Shri Krishn, and who was from West Bengal. Once someone came to him and complained to him about one of the saints in their group who would hold his tongue while relieving himself. When asked as to why he did so, he said "My tongue can't stop doing simran, and so I don't feel right when it continues doing simran while I $h!t, so I just hold it so that it stops, and still it doesn't!"

Personally, I feel that blessed are such bhagats whose tongues do not stop doing simran NO MATTER WHAT!!!

aaaa i do remember hearing that sakhi now...thanks for writing it again. :)

I whole heardly agree with you on the last line....NO MATTER WHAT!!!

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if god exists everywhere and in everything the dusht he created the mitar he created, then the sex he created and the non sex he also created.. so whatever you engage in remembering guru or whatever is chardi kala,

repeat his name with every breath,., is what i was told sitting and standing.. sex can be done sitting standing and i know for a fact breathing increases so its a perfect way to engage in lots of simran .. :)

as simran and bani are all jap of akaal purakh feel free to love to the sounds of kirtan.

And the real ambitious singhs singhnis can attempt a rehnsabahi.. :)

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