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Guru Mantar

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I have seen this artical befor. It is a collection of lines from SGGS.

And on form bhai gurdass which have no meaning. Cause if waheguru was guru manter our guru ji were very much enlighted they could have added this line also.

These line taken from sggs are like instruction which should be followed in daily life. But above all there is a single word very powerfull from all these.

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I spoke once with a most respected Singh Sahib in discussion about the V/Waheguru Mantra he explained that the mantra had been there during the time of Guru Nanak dev ji perhaps even before. However it was not written or talked about being that sacred, it was only passed down from Guru too disciple in an oral tradition during initiation of Charan Amrit .

Can any body shed any light on this?

thank you

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Apparantly Namdhari do not say the Gur-mantar in public, and treat it as sacred in this way upon recieving it during khande da amrit sanchaar.

AKJ believe naam is planted by the panj pyare via Gur-Mantar technique being given to the ablekhi. AKJ Singh's cannot repeat technique in non AKJ sangat.

Radawsami (I don't class them as panthic or Sikh, so not really comparable to above - my opinion, no discussion needed), the Guru? gives naam (Mantar) to initiate, who is not to reveal it to anyone over their lifetime, not even to each other (RS sangat).

In the most other samrada/jathaas, naam is given by panj pyare in form of Gurmantar and mul-mantar, and ablekhi is asked to recite it all the time (no secret).

Sant reveal naam jap techniques (same as and in addition to AKJ one), but again no secrecty required, open sharing.

I think the discipline and mandatory rehit to recite which mantar and how is given by Panj Pyare/Guru/Sant, but the knowledge is in the open public, as evidenced by Bhai Gurdaas Ji's vaaran.

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Apparantly Namdhari do not say the Gur-mantar in public, and treat it as sacred in this way upon recieving it during khande da amrit sanchaar.

do namdhari believe vaheguru is gurmantar?

when bhai baljit singh & bhai gurmeet singh were over they used to finish their kirtan with the full fateh.

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Yes, as far as I know they do belive in Vaheguru as Gur-Mantar, simran is an important part of their jeevan. Namdhari members of the forum may confirm/disagree, or understandably not partake in this discussion.

Bhai Baljeet Singh and Bhai Gurmeet are very "panthic" in other ways to, so best not to use them as an example of traditional Namdhari culture.

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Never knew Namdharis r forbidden to say Fateh :LOL: .. is this a new propaganda I should know about? :LOL:

While there is no doubt most Ragis who are not Hazoori tend to be quite corrupt, no need to name names here, at the end of the day it is not anyone's position to pass a judgement on anyone else.. What was the first thing Baljeet Singh did after being awarded the plaque and Rs 2 lac by the SGPC for being named 'Sharomani Ragi'? He presented the award and money to his Guru. But ofcourse it is only his Guru who can judge him.. and luckily for him his Guru not only told him to take back what he brought but also doubled his monetary award.. so what someone says or speculate is just plain bs... anyways this discussion is about Gurmantar so answer the poor twelth guru's question so he can get on with his life :LOL:

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do namdhari believe vaheguru is gurmantar?

when bhai baljit singh & bhai gurmeet singh were over they used to finish their kirtan with the full fateh.

Guv veer, you are 100% correct in that Namdharis believe with full faith that gurmantar is Vahiguru but they just don't say it out loud. Actually, all raagi's from namdhari samprada would say fateh at the end of Asa Di vaar but as far as at the end of kirtan, I'm not sure as I haven't heard it lately............ :? 8)

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Dear veer Cyber Singh Ji, thanks for confirming Namdhari Gur-mantar stance. I suppose using Vahe-guru in Fateh is a different matter, so thanks for pointing that out also.

Just out of interest, all the Namdhari I have spoken to and do speak to, never use Fateh as a salutation, even when I have initiated it, what do you think is the reason for this?

What is the standard salutation used by Namdhari?


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Dear veer Cyber Singh Ji, thanks for confirming Namdhari Gur-mantar stance. I suppose using Vahe-guru in Fateh is a different matter, so thanks for pointing that out also.

Just out of interest, all the Namdhari I have spoken to and do speak to, never use Fateh as a salutation, even when I have initiated it, what do you thing is the reason for this?

What is the standard salutation used by Namdhari?



Vahiguru mantar is the highest mantar used by most puratan sampradas. Namdharis use this as their Gur-mantar jaap. As for a fateh greeting, I know that back in the olden days they used to say it and even during the British Raj when Namdharis gave up their lives when Sri Darbar Sahib was desecrated by muslims, when the butchers would throw the meat into the sarover, they had had the panj kakkars and a kirpan. The reason for the small kirpan in the kanga was so that when the british would confiscate Guru Maharaj nishaan's the namdhari's kept it so that they wuold not end up disobeying Guru Gobind Singh Ji's saroop.

As for a fateh greeting, I myself am sure of why this happened but I do know that if you read Guru Ram singh Ji's hukamnama's, in it he clearly uses the fateh. Usually, namdharis' greet each other and other people with a Sat Sri Akal.

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