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Everything posted by Dynamic_Banda

  1. many ppl complain that while trying to do bani or jaap tap the mind wanders into sex or other things.. so why not reverse the role while trying to have sex let the mind wander into bani khalsa no koi parvah nahi, sex with bani or without as long as there is sex khalsa is happy
  2. All i got to say is the bonfire.. kicked ass. !!! akaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalo
  3. hopefully that all the nangs will move to the moon..
  4. see CE has answered ur question mehar ji.
  5. Challenge bhao.. firstly gurfateh yaara gurbrakaal hope all was wonderfully nihal.. secondly i like the deeper interpretation of hum meaning me for each individual hence saying the shabad is refering to the person reading.. However if u look at the whole context that the shabad is a part of .. the bachitar natak is after all maharaj talking about himself.. So what you say to that !!
  6. yaara just ask them whats deeper and stronger then a sarbloh bata.. one answer is .. dya.. compassion.. gurbrakaaaal..
  7. beast the khalsa is always nihara and has no parva, dont let no pig push his crap at you man, if u run a red then thats your own stupid fault, if you didnt then fight for your right. TO PARTY.. !!!
  8. does anyone know if there will be coaches going from places like london ?
  9. Vadhia, its wonderful to see panthic programs like this with all jathas working together.
  10. yeh i'll do it 2moro im tired 2night just browsing , but baz do u live next to a zoo bruv.. or something coz u always wid animals. lol falconry tho, man ur my new best friend..
  11. neo bhao be grateful alot of ppl leave this forum looking to spend their time doing more jaap tap, thats what a forum should do, not keep people here typing bollox but open our eyes advance our budhi teach us humility and allow us to be secure and ready with the support of the fellow sangata to engage in further jaap taap, Most other forums ppl leave in a huff, here they leave with pyaar... GurbrAkaaal to all those who have opened their views shared their knowledge and Om shant shant to the nirmala massive,
  12. where there is pyaar, you will find Islam, Where there is pyaar, you will find Sikhi, Where there is pyaar, you will find all the religions. Where there is no pyaar, you will find me. ! Haha akaaaal..
  13. read the next pauree to put that one into context. and those who read the next pauree should read this one to put that in context. I believe (off the top of my head) it is the har har jan doe ek hai shabad. ! Yes Hari welldone.. clap clap*
  14. yaara reading the text wherever it may be is just reading, listening and understanding and contemplating maharaj is between you and maharaj, if you feel you should bow before the monitor as a sign of love and devotion then so be it, I have seen many variations and each is as wonderful as the other, each showing their prem in a way they know best. One singh amritvela type akj style maryada follower, wonderful person had made a gaddhi for his computer would sit on the floor when viewing bani on it, and would do ardas before turning it off. Me personally I have no idea when I will read bani and I have no idea how i will feel when doing it, but when the moment comes I know what I feel i should do and act accordingly. Its all about whats in your heart, I dont believe in any sacred language and I dont believe reading bani in gurmukhi form makes it any more meaningful, maybe abit more accurate but we all start somewhere, its the message we have to look for and the contemplation which makes Satguru Maharajs bani Satguru. like the story of baba Nanak and the blood milk rotis. Its all about your heart. !
  15. all living creatures die, and if that death leads to being bioled cooked with torka and vartad to the sangata then whose complaining It obviously aint the Bakra. !! kabaddi singha if this is an attempt to get your posting up by writing one post in many parts stop it. you are boring everyone. Secodnyl if you are posting in parts so that each part can be fully understood and respected then stop it as we have seen you arguments and provided many examples of bani which contradicts your views or provides an alternative view upon your arguments. Thridly, your arguments of the meat eaters you should provide the replies when the arguments were actually made by the meat eaters. Fourthly, yaara your concerns should be for the naam in everyones body not for the protein. Fifthly, If you are truely concerned with stopping people from eating meat. I will gladly stop all consumption of any meat product that includes the e numbers and gelatine products etc, if you will stick a chicken leg up your aRse, .indicating that eating meat is like eating sh!t .. Will you do it for the panth.?? I think I would be able to say that alot of the other meat eaters would gladly give up meat and never touch it again if you were to do as asked. You want meat eaters to stop eating meat because you think its wrong. well now the ball is in your court you can make them stop. If you arnt willing to do that and just providing your arguments for or against a case then yaara there are 3 pages of intresting wonderful arguments with quotes and bani attached, allowing everyone to draw their own conclusions. leave it at that. ! No offense to anyone.
  16. I see where the questioning arise Pheena Ji, It may be the way I word things but im saying the same as TSingh he just makes more sense and I dont. Gift from akaal purakh on my part. !!
  17. I am in two minds about this issue maybe we could cater for both the modern developed mass produced quick and easy gurdwaras of the future and near those sites have museums to display the heritage of the old skool stuff. Maybe make a tourist section and replica darbar sahib ? I dont think the heritage should be destroyed or just locked away in some room until special days, because if the buildings are just buildings then days are just days !! especially with all these funny calendar changes Jesus Calendar, Bikramjits Calendar, and the Nanakshahi one.. But then again I would say that Maharajs darbar isnt made for mass people to sit there and be spiritual the true spiritual house is the body, so the Gurdwaras are Maharajs darbar, where the devotees of maharaj can go to say whatsup and chill out for a while before going back to do their own thing with maharaj in their hearts if you get what I mean, so if it is Maharajs darbar then face it there is no king or Queen no Bush or Blair bigger and better then Maharaj, Sabh Rajan ka Maharaja. KING OF ALL KINGS. Even the devi devte bow down in awe infront of Satguru Ji and their Khalsa, so as Raje of the world maybe our Maharaj should look all nice with proper hard worked beautiful rare inricate designs and not tiles you can buy from uncles tile shop. Also I think beauty is a perfect way to get into a spiritual vibe, because beauty comes from some craftmans pyaar from the sangat and sevadars pyaar and that becomes a part of the building a part of the gurdwara it makes it alive and somehow it allows you to feel tranquil and peaceful. Cant find the words to express what I want to say but its nice..
  18. it could be the nazal n to K is what creates a slight g sound making it oangkar, however I dont think the G should be pronounced so it shouldnt be read out Ik OanGkar, however there is a slight G when you try to go from nazel n to K, try it !! you will notice it sounds link ungk.. not unk unless you take a break between the n and the K, but that wouldnt be correct when reading the beej mantar. It is definatly a oan and not O am. or Aum I draw this conclusion from looking at both dakhni Oankar in which the Onkar only has a different ending either i or u I think that is more to do with poetic reasons. And also from the Bhavan Akhri, where ever other letter is similar to how modern punjabi pronounces them except Ora which is written Oan. Also another intresting point to note is that in other recent topics there has been questioning of the purpose or role of hindu dieties in sikhi context, well according to Dakhni Oankar, From Oankar came bhrama the creator.. !! OOOh intresting.
  19. u can watch these divaans on the website neo posted in the media section
  20. tsingh abit harsh on the university massive there !!! lol but good points and I totally agree the issue isnt RSS or some external crap creating divisions in the panth, but the lack of the panth realising its unity in the charan of satguru. The Akaal Ustat comes to mind where maharaj speaks of the bengalis and the farangis and the jathadharis and the nakid peoples all doing their own thing but infact all just worshiping akaal purakh. Also alot of things which are social traditions are labelled as Hindu traditions, the fact is if those feet cutters truely wish to establish a belief system with no Hindu influence they would have to change alot more then just rakhri and posters. Everything from the use of the name singh, the sun shape on the hilt of swords the chand tora the vaat in mucha, the language they speak, the names for God, the way they cook, the things they cook. The clothes they wear, the naam they jap, the way they take their shoes off when getting into their house.. the list could go on. Actually now im intrested in this idea of a no feet panth.. anyone else wanna sign on?
  21. intresting thing i noticed alot of these sants have dents between the eyes on their noses, is part of going to sachkhand a fight with big a$$ bouncers at the doors to heaven? Or is there another reason or am I just being weird ??
  22. lol malwai are definatly illiterate, cant even spell meat properly.. !!! but good points non the less, I respect Kabbadi Singh I enjoy his passion for his beliefs and at least his posts started with good references and use of quations and bani to back up his points for that reason I accept his arguments except the last one about the use of that one segment of Bani to justify eating meat, I made several posts not justifying eating meat but just saying it dont matter just be happy and healthy and holy.. (!!!!) And I didnt use just one shabad as reference points but used a selection of shabads and full shabads not just one lines, from a range of bania in satguru Maharaj and some of Bhai Gurdas Jis Vaara.
  23. karmjeet Ji I had that Furna (love that word) for ages so I will share my understanding, Reading the shabad Har har Jan doe ek hai bib bichar kach nai, Jal te up tarang Jio Jal hi Bikeh Samai, In a way kinda put it all into prespective, because I not only had a problem getting around the should we respect avtaars or not, I also had problems understanding is Guru God or not. I so far by the grace of Satguru have come to a theory which I am currently content with, that the avtaars vishnus shivs etc, are all respected in a duniavee way according to duniavee gian, and may all be enlightened so for that reason they should be respected, however they are not God in God intirity if you get what I mean. They are waves on the ocean but not the whole ocean, They may raise to towering heights and contain emence power but it is only while the ocean allows it, when the ocean desires they disappear back into the ocean and the sea is calm. The avataars are Sargun Vaheguru, and we respect that however we follow akaal purakh meaning both the sargun and nirgun, and beyond gun ..
  24. daan and daswand two different ways of giving back to the community, when Baba Bidhi Chand Ji presented maharaj with the horses, he brought them to maharaj and bowed down to them and Maharaj, does that mean he worshipped the horses and Maharaj was a begger asking for Baba Bidhi Chand to bring his horses back? The golak is infront of Maharaj and the Giani is behind does this mean that you may also be bowing to the giani implying he is your Guru and leader? Its all about your intentions, if you feel that the money is bothering you so much from Maharajs charan then step to the side and bow your head, or just refuse to bow and say to Maharaj they know how you feel about them so why show it. Also why cover head and take off shoes after all our love for Maharaj will not increase or decrease with extra head gear or no shoes. We do alot of things because of eticate or however you spell it, Guru is not just our spiritual satguru, but also our King our Maharaj our leader. But then again but like drawrof said its personal man so do what u believe maharaj wants.
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