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Everything posted by GurjantGnostic

  1. Yes brother you are already a Sikh, you're just poor like many Sikhs before you and after. When you do Naam Simran you are in congregation.
  2. And what is this? People like this are either fakes trying to blemish our good reputation and need to get beat out of their business or are absolute traitors and failures who need to get beat out of their business. If you're a Sikh you get with the program, that was actually espoused by the Guru Saibhan, or the program's going to get you, bro we're not going to have this in Khalsa Paanth. Now I'm not sure if the context of this has simply been absolutely misused by these retards or if this is just absolutely fugazi but this but the sentiment that they are expressing bro there's no place for this among Us and I expect all of us to beat it the admin cut out of them. Figuratively and if necessary literally. Have em sign a waiver.
  3. Vaheguru Ji ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji ki Fateh.
  4. Nihung Singhs believe Akaal Purakh, Gurbani and Shastars as their Divine-Beloveds. These are the three "Isht Dev" for Nihung Singhs. So if you bow before Akal, in the pressence of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and Shastar Dev, you are bowing to all three Isht Dev.
  5. Shastar and Guru Granth Sahib Ji are also both bowed to as symbols of Akal as well. Shastar Dev. And we may only bow to God and Guru.
  6. And here we have a whole entire retard and traitor. Not to Sant Ji but to Akal and Guru Saibhan.
  7. Brother. Those Kakkar were added intentionally for certain people. You can be a mona that's fine.
  8. We don't come from Hindu nothing bro. That's atheism.
  9. Facts brother. The Bible, American Indian Tradition, and the US Army Green Berets all agree one species is six fingered and copper colored.
  10. Standard treatment is hearing protection to allow healing I beleive.
  11. But apparently...the noise is varied... People experience tinnitus as many different and sometimes variably changing and intertwining sounds. People hear ringing, hissing, roaring, crickets, screeching, sirens, whooshing, static, pulsing, ocean waves, buzzing, clicking, dial tones, and even music.
  12. I'm not a Dr, but was trained in hearing loss, I think tinnitus is a higher pitch ringing.
  13. 1 vs Akal the two Gods of Gurbani.
  14. Still could be black cat encounter. That's where the shit tier hairy hindu admin from ss lives. Definitely have plants in this west coast Sangat.
  15. I don't use either of those definitions brother. I ask Guru NANAK DEV JI.... ਸਲੋਕੁਮਃ੧॥ salok mahalaa pehilaa || Shalok, First Mehla: ਮਿਹਰਮਸੀਤਿਸਿਦਕੁਮੁਸਲਾਹਕੁਹਲਾਲੁਕੁਰਾਣੁ॥ mihar maseet sidhak musalaa hak halaal kuraan || Let mercy be your mosque, faith your prayer-mat, and honest living your Koran. ਸਰਮਸੁੰਨਤਿਸੀਲੁਰੋਜਾਹੋਹੁਮੁਸਲਮਾਣੁ॥ saram su(n)nat seel rojaa hoh musalamaan || Make modesty your circumcision, and good conduct your fast. In this way, you shall be a true Muslim. ਕਰਣੀਕਾਬਾਸਚੁਪੀਰੁਕਲਮਾਕਰਮਨਿਵਾਜ॥ karanee kaabaa sach peer kalamaa karam nivaaj || Let good conduct be your Kaabaa, Truth your spiritual guide, and the karma of good deeds your prayer and chant. ਤਸਬੀਸਾਤਿਸੁਭਾਵਸੀਨਾਨਕਰਖੈਲਾਜ॥੧॥ tasabee saa tis bhaavasee naanak rakhai laaj ||1|| Let your rosary be that which is pleasing to His Will. O Nanak, God shall preserve your honor. ||1|| Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Maajh - 140ਮਃ੧॥ mahalaa pehilaa || First Mehla: ਪੰਜਿਨਿਵਾਜਾਵਖਤਪੰਜਿਪੰਜਾਪੰਜੇਨਾਉ॥ pa(n)j nivaajaa vakhat pa(n)j pa(n)jaa pa(n)je naau || There are five prayers and five times of day for prayer; the five have five names. ਪਹਿਲਾਸਚੁਹਲਾਲਦੁਇਤੀਜਾਖੈਰਖੁਦਾਇ॥ pahilaa sach halaal dhui teejaa khair khudhai || Let the first be truthfulness, the second honest living, and the third charity in the Name of God. ਚਉਥੀਨੀਅਤਿਰਾਸਿਮਨੁਪੰਜਵੀਸਿਫਤਿਸਨਾਇ॥ chauthee neeat raas man pa(n)javee sifat sanai || Let the fourth be good will to all, and the fifth the praise of the Lord. ਕਰਣੀਕਲਮਾਆਖਿਕੈਤਾਮੁਸਲਮਾਣੁਸਦਾਇ॥ karanee kalamaa aakh kai taa musalamaan sadhai || Repeat the prayer of good deeds, and then, you may call yourself a Muslim. ਨਾਨਕਜੇਤੇਕੂੜਿਆਰਕੂੜੈਕੂੜੀਪਾਇ॥੩॥ naanak jete kooRiaar kooRai kooRee pai ||3|| O Nanak, the false obtain falsehood, and only falsehood. ||3|| Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Maajh - 141ਸਲੋਕੁਮਃ੧॥ salok mahalaa pehilaa || Shalok, First Mehla: ਮੁਸਲਮਾਣੁਕਹਾਵਣੁਮੁਸਕਲੁਜਾਹੋਇਤਾਮੁਸਲਮਾਣੁਕਹਾਵੈ॥ musalamaan kahaavan musakal jaa hoi taa musalamaan kahaavai || It is difficult to be called a Muslim; if one is truly a Muslim, then he may be called one. ਅਵਲਿਅਉਲਿਦੀਨੁਕਰਿਮਿਠਾਮਸਕਲਮਾਨਾਮਾਲੁਮੁਸਾਵੈ॥ aval aaul dheen kar mittaa masakal maanaa maal musaavai || First, let him savor the religion of the Prophet as sweet; then, let his pride of his possessions be scraped away. ਹੋਇਮੁਸਲਿਮੁਦੀਨਮੁਹਾਣੈਮਰਣਜੀਵਣਕਾਭਰਮੁਚੁਕਾਵੈ॥ hoi musalim dheen muhaanai maran jeevan kaa bharam chukaavai || Becoming a true Muslim, a disciple of the faith of Mohammed, let him put aside the delusion of death and life. ਰਬਕੀਰਜਾਇਮੰਨੇਸਿਰਉਪਰਿਕਰਤਾਮੰਨੇਆਪੁਗਵਾਵੈ॥ rab kee rajai ma(n)ne sir aupar karataa ma(n)ne aap gavaavai || As he submits to God's Will, and surrenders to the Creator, he is rid of selfishness and conceit. ਤਉਨਾਨਕਸਰਬਜੀਆਮਿਹਰੰਮਤਿਹੋਇਤਮੁਸਲਮਾਣੁਕਹਾਵੈ॥੧॥ tau naanak sarab jeeaa mihara(n)mat hoi ta musalamaan kahaavai ||1|| And when, O Nanak, he is merciful to all beings, only then shall he be called a Muslim. ||1|| Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Maajh - 141
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