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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Premi in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I already sit on the sofa and do simran otherwise I’m not comfortable and legs give me pain and take away my concentration. I’ve also noticed the fastest way for me to relax into a sunn  state is when I rest my hands on the sofa alongside my legs and not touching any part of my body. Because I use my hands a lot for my job using a computer all day my surti is probably quite concentrated in them. When I let my hands rest away from my body I can focus on my simran and I’m probably gone in 5 - 10 minutes. Worse thing is I can’t even tell I’m going under. I wake up 45 to 60 minutes later thinking I was doing simran, what happened. Feel like setting up a camera to see how long it takes me. I was listening to another gurmukh who said learn to time yourself and see how long it takes for you to go into sunn. Probably take me longer then. Lol
  2. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Sajjan_Thug in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I've been searching for answers to this problem for months now and it was bugging me  badly. I keep on falling in asleep whilst doing simran even though gurmukhs keep on telling me to try and remain awake. Nothing is working but I think I may have come across a solution.
    In Simran Gyan file 32 on www.akathkatha.in Bhai Satnaam Singh says that one must not remain in sunn for more than 30 minutes. You should set an alarm that wakes you up every 30 mins so you don't spend longer than this in this state. He says we need to learn to go beyond Sunn and enter the state of Sehaj. We need to spend more time listening to shabads rather than falling asleep in Sunn. He said it will happen but you need to learn to bring yourself out of sunn and start the process again.
    Just need to find a vibrating alarm system so I don't wake the rest of the family up. Anyone got any ideas?
    Something like this.
  3. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I've been searching for answers to this problem for months now and it was bugging me  badly. I keep on falling in asleep whilst doing simran even though gurmukhs keep on telling me to try and remain awake. Nothing is working but I think I may have come across a solution.
    In Simran Gyan file 32 on www.akathkatha.in Bhai Satnaam Singh says that one must not remain in sunn for more than 30 minutes. You should set an alarm that wakes you up every 30 mins so you don't spend longer than this in this state. He says we need to learn to go beyond Sunn and enter the state of Sehaj. We need to spend more time listening to shabads rather than falling asleep in Sunn. He said it will happen but you need to learn to bring yourself out of sunn and start the process again.
    Just need to find a vibrating alarm system so I don't wake the rest of the family up. Anyone got any ideas?
    Something like this.
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Premi in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Brahm Naad kya hai | Naad Kya hai | ANHAD NAAD MEDITATION | Sound of Silence
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Premi in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Liked how they added some of the anhad sounds to the background of this short film. Those that have heard these sounds will know subtly what the producers were hinting at.
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Premi in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    I'm not going to argue or debate with you Paapiman because it is not something anyone can prove or show anyone. I only wish that Waheguru ji blesses you with an opportunity to hear it for yourself on the path of Naam abhiyaas.
    Do us a favour though and don't ruin this thread. You want to start one that is anti anhad or down plays anhad please do it there so like minded people can read and post on it. Leave this one for those of us who wish to progress and believe there is some truth in them. I find your negativity annoying, discouraging and slightly off putting. 
    Bhul chuk maaf
  7. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in ~ Nanak Shah Fakir-Review~   
    Yesterday I got to go and watch Nanak Shah Fakir at one of the few cinemas still showing it. First of all I was real disappointed that there were only a few people in the theatre and came up with numerous reasons as to why this could be the case. Was it due to boycott, protests, fear of intimidation by groups/individuals or were the majority of Sikhs just against the concept of portraying Guru ji on the big screen?

    Not to be disturbed by the lack of attendance I watched the movie anxiously amongst all the hype and controversy we had heard and seen. First of all I am no historian nor do I profess have great knowledge of intricate details, names of people, places with whom Guru ji came into contact with yet I do remember some of the basic Saakhis and the morals of the story to be taken away of the incidents that have been told to us from Sri Guru Nanak Dev’s Jis teachings.

    Over the two hour plus duration of the film the viewer is given what I would call very short tasters of some of the sakhis from Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji’s life. Most of the incidents narrated and shown leave you feeling somewhat short changed, once they move on to the next scene, and that it was not to the depth that one might have heard in 1 – 2 hour kirtan, katha session where only a single story could take that much time to narrate. Did they try too hard to put too much in such a short space of time, cramming too many sakhis leaving out some of the spiritual gyan that should be imparted in the message. Most certainly one clearly realises that the life and teachings of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji cannot be portrayed in only 2 hours and you are left wanting more and for the film to never end.

    It is very easy to sit here and criticise the film saying they didn’t do this or they did that differently but I do have to commend the makers of the film for what they have made. I have to give credit and due praise for shooting of the movie because it is absolutely captured stunningly given various limitations and something you would expect from hollywood films. It certainly doesn’t come across as being low budget like some other dharmic movies I have seen. Makes you feel proud that some Sikh with the time and budget was able to put together a film like this. Some of the scenes in the movie leave you feeling so drawn in like being there with Guru ji which hits you in the depths of the chest and the love that built up for the founder of our faith over they years just hurts and wants to bust out with the longing for that magical darshan/vision and sheer presence even though it is only a movie. It is a joyous spiritual / emotional moment that one very infrequently experiences.

    Making the film from the perspective of Mardana was a great idea and showing an actual body frame at times and giving Guru ji a voice gave the film some depth to Guru ji’s character and feeling which is cannot be gained with static cartoons or artwork like previous dharmic movies. Whilst I felt they tried to keep Guru ji’s dialog to a minimum where possible I would have preferred a lot more even if limited to seeing the back or other body portion.

    I did however feel that the movie lacked some deep spiritual gyan in terms of bhagti or naam simran. Plenty a time I heard the mentioning of kirat karo and vand kay chakko but never once did I hear naam japo. The movie somewhat depicted an image that Guru ji’s primary teachings were only on these tenants and there was a lack of focus on the preaching on the remembrance of Waheguru somewhat. Yes sure there were mentions of remember the Upar Wala/One Above but that did not come clearly across from his vast teachings. This core teaching I would have wished more emphasis was given upon.

    Without saying too much about the film and spoiling it for others I would say, not a bad effort at all and I am really pleased I got to see it even if it wasn’t perfect. Then again nothing ever will and can be produced which will come close or complete to the vast spiritual gyan and impression that Guru ji left us with.

    Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji!
  8. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in ~ Nanak Shah Fakir-Review~   
    If akal thakt already approved this movie why is it being banned now?

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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in ~ Nanak Shah Fakir-Review~   
    I'm very disappointed that at our local cinema the Khalsa fauge is protesting outside and sending people away who want to watch it and gurdwaras are writing to them to get further showings removed.


    We are happy for artist pictures to be drawn and put up. Even mediocre cartoons and low budget films made with drawings to depict characters.
    We have 100s of saakhia told on stage without anyone questioning their validity or accuracy.
    Take it to the next level and make a proper film and everyone jumps up and down.

    I have been waiting so many years for something like this from the moment I watched Mahabarat and Ramayan. I used to think how great it would be if Sikh's made it of our Gurus. If I can't watch it in the movies I'm definitely going to buy the dvd and let my son watch it when he gets older.
  10. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Gurmantar Or Mool Mantar?   
    I would say using a count method isn't such a bad thing for beginners to build up a habit pattern. But eventually you want to let go of the counting.

    The first time I undertook mool mantar jaap was after I visited the bhora sahib of Sant Baba Nand Singh in Nanaksar gurdwara. To go down there you had a promise to undertake a certain number of paaths. When the sevadar stopped me and asked if I could do Guru Granth Sahib the path to which I replied No. Then he asked if I could sukhmani sahib and again I said no. Then he asked if I could do mool mantar and I said Yes. He said ok I want you to do x malas for 40 days. My mother jumped in said she would complete the sehaj path on my behalf and the sevadar said no. We want to get this child started in doing something by himself. After about 20 something days I started seeing floating lights which was quite scarey because I was quite young. I used to think I was about to have darshan or something and used to get scared and stop. One mahapursh called me fool for stopping. He said for all you know Baba Nand Singh might have going to appear and you got scared and opened your eyes. I was like, What!!!!

    2nd time I undertook mool mantar was to complete the 125,000 as advised and inspired by listening to Giani Thakur Singh. This really took ages because I couldn't do so many at first. But the long milestone was one of the best things ever. I started really enjoying it and wanted to do more and more.

    Setting a goal can be a good thing because you will set yourself a milestone that will take time to complete. It is very easy to start doing something for a couple of days then stop and not make it a part of your daily routine.

    Likewise with Waheguru Simran starting with 5 minutes a day and building up from there might be a good way to go... I wouldn't recommend a mala for that one because all your dhyaan will be on the hands rather than the dhun of the mantar.
  11. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in Roohani Marg - Sant Baba Isher Singh (Rare Wale)   
    English translation already posted here

    Link to Part I -
    Link to Part II -
    Link to Part III -
    Link to Part IV -
    Link to Part V -
    Link to Part VI -
    Link to Part VII -
    Link to Part Viii -
    Link to Park iX -
  12. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Premi in Coronavirus - Covid 19   
    Agree Bro, things are bad. No one knows which household may be quarrentined. If you look at the Italy's situation you can tell they we are most likely to face the same. 
    I don't doubt there are a number serious factors that need to be taken into consideration when running a country and the impact can be huge on society at a whole. The government doesn't want to confess that NHS is in big trouble, they exited Europe and now they are on their own. 
    Take the oxygen ventilators situation. UK only has 5,000. Only few manufactures make them in US, New Zealand and Germany. So you immediately know where any new ones are going first. UK will be lucky if manages to secure many more when the whole world is trying to secure them. 
    Lalo brexit. Lol
  13. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Some Simran/ Meditation Techniques To Remember Our Bapu Ji.   
    Here's something interesting I picked up recently. How does one know when your ready to progress from Baikhari Bani (verbally), Madhma (whisper) to doing it with internally with the voice of the mind (Pasanti)?

    Start of with Baikhari i.e. doing it loudly until your mind is listening and not off wondering thinking about other things. Ensure your eyes are closed otherwise your mind will try and leave through the eyes and start looking around and your attention will be outside. You will know your mind is present because it will come to sit behind the two eye lids. Make it recite and focus on the sound of the gurmantar. You will be breathing through the mouth in Baikhari and Madhma stages. I do not believe it is physically possible to inhale and say Wahe at the same time. You can however still pull in the navel with Wahe, but it will not be synchronized with the breathing, this will just happen normally.


    Say “Wahe” pull navel in
    Say “Guru” release navel i.e push back out

    Stage 2.
    If you feel you mind is becoming steady begin to lower the volume to a dull whisper so only you can hear it. (Madhma)

    Continue with Baikhari and Madhma until your mind becomes steady thought free and your mind is listening to the shabad.

    You should not need to focus your eyes on the trikuti. This will all happen naturally when the shabad/parkash begins to manifest itself. You should not force it. Learn to just listen to shabad and the sound of your own voice and stop the mind from wondering. (Very difficult to do).

    Note when reciting WaheGuru, there is a slight pause (about 0.75-1 second) between saying Wahe and Guru.

    When doing Madhma (whisper) you might find yourself going internal with the simran, i.e. no sound from the mouth and it beginning to synchronize with the breath and becoming swas swas simran.

    Wahe (inhale) and (hold - about a second) say Guru (exhale).

    This will have the effect of balancing the air flow between the two nostrils and help still the mind further.

    Occasionally close the mouth and breathe through the nostrils. If you feel that both nostrils are active, which you can also check by placing your finger underneath your nose, then this is the ideal time then take your simran internally. (Didn't know that was possible as I thought only nostril is active at any given time.)

    Stage 3. – Pasanti

    Cease any speech and do simran synchronized with the breath and voice of the mind and listening with the inner ears.

    Inhale into chest + pull in stomach/navel (very slightly) + “Wahe”
    Hold (about a second)
    Exhale + release stomach/navel + “Guru”

    Some people do extreme thrusts with the stomach which is wrong and can have the adverse effect of your navel pulsating on its own which is not good. It will evoke too much agni in the pit of your stomach which is not good.

    As your mind become more and more still your head will begin to relax and drop. Keep the jaap going on internally and try and stay awake rather than falling asleep.

    The more and more simran your do synchronized with the breath the more you will learn to do it subconsciously, i.e. auto pilot, ajapa jaap.

    As you mind goes deeper and deeper within, you might see different coloured lights. These are associated with the 5 primal elements/chakras.

    Listening to Sant Hari Singh's explanation of letting it all happen automatically is another approach. :-)

    I in no way profess to be an expert in the subject matter but in fact a absolute beginner who is looking for guidance to progress on this path. Like other people on this forum I believe that there shouldn't be so much secrecy behind simran. I am sure there are so many others out there like me desperate to be shown the way who are not in the regular service of mahapursh or affiliated with a single Jatha, although have satkaar for all. I am therefore merely sharing any knowledge I am gaining and posting it on this forum. The choice is entirely yours whether you choose to utilise any of it should you find it useful.
  14. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Just came to Ang 488 and thought it added to what Maha Singh was saying...

    You can meet the Lord today, O Shaykh Fareed, if you restrain your bird-like desires which keep your mind in turmoil. ||1||Pause||
    aaj milaavaa saykh fareed taakim koonjarhee-aa manhu machind-rhee-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o.
  15. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Depends what you mean by desire?

    I have a desire within me to be able to enjoy simran / naam jaap when I do it. Not be at the stage where I'm forcing myself to do it.
    I have a desire to meet Waheguru. Not because I want anything but to just meet the "Almighty". Is that so wrong?

    Without an element of desire of some kind, us beginners wouldn't do it. Hopefully when the prem/enjoyment for simran kicks in then it's a different story.

    But agree with your point about going tot fast too quickly... Easier said then done though. We all look for shortcuts from time to time.. Myself included. Trying to be patient can be extremely difficult.
  16. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I have pasted chapters from Discourses on the Beyond vol 3 in another thread. This is true knowledge from a realised soul. Thanks to Sant Waryam Singh Ji for making this knowledge available to us seekers who are trying to walk on this path..

  17. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    This is the very problem I have come to realise, no one is willing to tell us when we are hearing the anhad bani and how it manifests. I seriously recommend you read Discourses on the Beyond volume 3. Which briefly mentions visions and sounds.

    From my own limited knowledge all I know is listen with 100% attention on the waheguru mantar to stop your thoughts and keep you mind in check and stop it from wondering, This is what i'm reading again and again in SGGS. When the anhad shabad begins to be heard then you focus on that which will take more effort. If your seeing visions and your mind is engaging and your thinking wow look at that then your mind is playing tricks on you and your kidding yourself that you have managed to still your mind. Place 100% faith in Waheguru shabad to take you where it wants to. Guru will take you when the time is right. The only place it will take you is back from where it came, i.e. Waheguru. But once again I can't say this enough you have to learn to still your thoughts. I can't even do that properly myself yet. Don't force yourself through tunnels unless some abyaasi pursh who you place full trust in instructs you to do so.

    Even I'm confused about the anhad shabad, sometimes it gets really loud and sometimes I can hardly hear it. At which point I revert to the Waheguru mantar. Also if this thing becomes very loud how will I function day to day. Someone is talking to me and I can hear this sound in my ears. lol

    The only nashani I know of for dasaam duar entry is anhad shabad will be heard there and also you will begin to smell a beautiful fragerance. Everthing else is just an illusion of maya to distract you. I hope someone with more experience will respond to you if they can help. As I read SGGS and something along these lines appears which might help us, I will post.

    The problem I face, and I'm sure others out there also, is that we have been given too much knowledge of different techniques. Rather than starting from the beginning and progressing we know focus here focus there, you will see this you will see that. It all in our mind now so it won't be difficult for the mind to say let me give them what they are expecting. That is why again and again we are told just focus on the shabad only and you can't go wrong. tbh i'm not helping by posting my experience because i'm adding more fuel into our already over active minds. Become 0 then guru ji will fill you up with true knowledge which is practical not theoretical from books. I should really take my own advice because I am just as bad. We are too keen to know jugti's techniques, what will happen, i want this i want that. If the shabad does its magic we will be completely dead mentally when we meet waheguru, so any hopes, wishes and desires will be gone. Then at that point you will ask for TRUE NAAM and that ONLY. Even I don't know what that could possibly be.

    Hope that helps, Ji.
  18. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I'm really beginng to feel I shouldn't be writing all this stuff because I don't want be held responsible for leading anyone up the wrong path. If I say anything wrong or you guys out there feel too much is being said, please let me know and I will stop.

    I read a pungti not long ago that said, first liberate yourself before you try and liberate others........ I am not trying to liberate anyone but merely inspire others to walk the path as I'm trying to do so. If you guys make it to waheguru first please let me him know his Sikh is trying to find him and be in his charan.
  19. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Found the following shabad by Sri Guru Amar Das Ji quite inspiring on ang 425 as I progress with my reading of SGGS.

    aasaa mehalaa 3 ||
    Aasaa, Third Mehla:

    sun man ma(n)n vasaae thoo(n) aapae aae milai maerae bhaaee ||
    Listen, O mortal: enshrine His Name within your mind; He shall come to meet with you, O my Sibling of Destiny.

    anadhin sachee bhagath kar sachai chith laaee ||1||
    Night and day, center your consciousness on true devotional worship of the True Lord. ||1||

    eaeko naam dhhiaae thoo(n) sukh paavehi maerae bhaaee ||
    Meditate on the One Naam, and you shall find peace, O my Siblings of Destiny.

    houmai dhoojaa dhoor kar vaddee vaddiaaee ||1|| rehaao ||
    Eradicate egotism and duality (everything is Waheguru, there is no other than him), and your glory shall be glorious. ||1||Pause||

    eis bhagathee no sur nar mun jan lochadhae vin sathigur paaee n jaae ||
    The angels, humans and silent sages long for this devotional worship, but without the True Guru, it cannot be attained.

    pa(n)ddith parradhae jothikee thin boojh n paae ||2||
    The Pandits, the religious scholars, and the astrologers read their books, but they do not understand. ||2||

    aapai thhai sabh rakhioun kishh kehan n jaaee ||
    He Himself keeps all in His Hand; nothing else can be said.

    aapae dhaee s paaeeai gur boojh bujhaaee ||3||
    Whatever He gives, is received. The Guru has imparted this understanding to me. ||3||

    jeea ja(n)th sabh this dhae sabhanaa kaa soee ||
    All beings and creatures are His; He belongs to all.

    ma(n)dhaa kis no aakheeai jae dhoojaa hoee ||4||
    So who can we call bad, since there is no other? (Think we should all remember this one)

    eiko hukam varathadhaa eaekaa sir kaaraa ||
    The Command of the One Lord is pervading throughout; duty to the One Lord is upon the heads of all.

    aap bhavaalee dhitheean a(n)thar lobh vikaaraa ||5||
    He Himself has led them astray, and placed greed and corruption within their hearts. ||5||

    eik aapae guramukh keethian boojhan veechaaraa ||
    He has sanctified those few Gurmukhs who understand Him, and reflect upon Him.

    bhagath bhee ounaa no bakhaseean a(n)thar bha(n)ddaaraa ||6||
    He grants devotional worship to them, and within them is the treasure. ||6||

    giaaneeaa no sabh sach hai sach sojhee hoee ||
    The spiritual teachers know nothing but the Truth; they obtain true understanding.

    oue bhulaaeae kisai dhae n bhulanhee sach jaanan soee ||7||
    They are led astray by Him, but they do not go astray, because they know the True Lord. ||7||

    ghar mehi pa(n)ch varathadhae pa(n)chae veechaaree ||
    Within the homes of their bodies, the five passions are pervading, but here, the five are well-behaved.

    naanak bin sathigur vas n aavanhee naam houmai maaree ||8||5||27||
    O Nanak, without the True Guru, they are not overcome; through the Naam, the ego is conquered. ||8||5||27||
  20. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Chakras not yet. Why are you seeing colours?

    I believe I am hearing the anhad shabad which gurbani says is the voice of waheguru. It's very weak but becoming more and more present. I can't make out the instruments yet, it is a very strange sound. Hope it will become more clearer as I learn to listen to it and absorb myself into it.

    Please note that my posts are my own personal experiences and I do not profess to be any kind of subject expert on the matter. Just a simple Guru Ka Sikh trying to walk on the path to meet my maker.... I leave the route he wants me to travel entirely in his hands.
  21. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Its been a few days now since my last post. At night when it's quiet I can hear two different types of sound towards my right ear. One sounds like some kind of air instrument in which you would blow. I can't describe it because I have nothing to compare it to. The other is some kind of tingling sound, like some kind of bells but higher in pitch. It's not very loud, so on a volume scale of 1-10 I would put them at about 2. It doesn't take much to drown them out.

    I can't say I'm finding them intoxicating yet, but then again to be honest neither was the Waheguru jaap when I initially started. Now the more I do the more it's growing on me. Hopefully the more I listen to these internal sounds the more they will grow on me too.

    I am observing my mind is becoming more still and focused when I do simran and less thoughts are entering my mind. The tone and tempo of my simran has become consistent and I think found the right setting which feels good to me.

    May Waheguru bless us all with his Naam Simran.
  22. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    That night I never slept a wink. I had a constant sound in my ear. My state of mind has become quite biragee and whilst listening to kirtan/simran yesterday the tears were just flowing. When I now say Waheguru it definitely feels as if the voice is coming from the chest. The anand from the simran feels a lot more sweet. Don't feel like working or doing anything. Just feel like reading gurbani and listening to Waheguru Mantar.
  23. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from ImReal in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I was reading SGGS when I came to Ang 152. My jaw dropped and I nearly fell over. I am sure you have all read this but if you haven't I hope you find it as enlightening and inspiring as I did. A few pangti's may be missing because they are taken from my own notes. The baani has been written by Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Waheguru.....
    The union of air, water and fire
    pa-unai paanee agnee kaa mayl.
    - the body is the play-thing of the fickle and unsteady intellect.
    chanchal chapal buDh kaa khayl.
    It has nine doors, and then there is the Tenth Gate.
    na-o darvaajay dasvaa du-aar.
    Reflect upon this and understand it, O wise one. ||1||
    bujh ray gi-aanee ayhu beechaar. ||1||
    The Lord is the One who speaks, teaches and listens.
    kathtaa baktaa suntaa so-ee.
    One who contemplates his own self is truly wise. ||1||Pause||
    aap beechaaray so gi-aanee ho-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o
    The body is dust; the wind speaks through it.
    dayhee maatee bolai pa-un
    Understand, O wise one, who has died.
    bujh ray gi-aanee moo-aa hai ka-un.
    Awareness, conflict and ego have died,
    moo-ee surat baad ahaNkaar.
    but the One who sees does not die. ||2||
    oh na moo-aa jo daykhanhaar. ||2||
    For the sake of it, you journey to sacred shrines and holy rivers;
    jai kaaran tat tirath jaahee
    but this priceless jewel is within your own heart.
    ratan padaarath ghat hee maahee.
    The Pandits, the religious scholars, read and read endlessly; they stir up arguments and controversies,
    parh parh pandit baad vakhaanai.
    but they do not know the secret deep within. ||3||
    bheetar hodee vasat na jaanai. ||3||
    I have not died - that evil nature within me has died.
    ha-o na moo-aa mayree mu-ee balaa-ay
    The One who is pervading everywhere does not die.
    oh na moo-aa jo rahi-aa samaa-ay
    Says Nanak, the Guru has revealed God to me,
    kaho naanak gur barahm dikhaa-i-aa
    and now I see that there is no such thing as birth or death. ||4||4||
    martaa jaataa nadar na aa-i-aa. ||4||4||
    I am forever a sacrifice to the one who listens and hears, who understands and believes in the Name.
    sun sun boojhai maanai naa-o. taa kai sad balihaarai jaa-o.
    When the Lord Himself leads us astray, there is no other place of rest for us to find.
    aap bhulaa-ay tha-ur na thaa-o.
    You impart understanding, and You unite us in Your Union. ||1||
    tooN samjhaavahi mayl milaa-o. ||1
    I obtain the Naam, which shall go along with me in the end.
    naam milai chalai mai naal.
    Without the Name, all are held in the grip of Death. ||1||Pause||
    bin naavai baaDhee sabh kaal. ||1|| rahaa-o
    My farming and my trading are by the Support of the Name.
    khaytee vanaj naavai kee ot.
    This is the true mark of wisdom: that one remains detached, like the water-lily, or the lotus upon the water.
    jal puraa-in ras kamal pareekh.
    Attuned to the Word of the Shabad, one becomes sweet, like the juice of the sugar cane. ||3||
    sabad ratay meethay ras eekh. 
    By the Hukam of the Lord`s Command, the castle of the body has ten gates.
    hukam sanjogee garh das du-aar.
    The five passions dwell there, together with the Divine Light of the Infinite.
    panch vaseh mil jot apaar.
    The Lord Himself is the merchandise, and He Himself is the trader.
    aap tulai aapay vanjaar.
    O Nanak, through the Naam, the Name of the Lord, we are adorned and rejuvenated. 
    naanak naam savaaranhaar.
    How can we know where we came from?
    jaato jaa-ay kahaa tay aavai
    Where did we originate, and where will we go and merge?
    kah upjai kah jaa-ay samaavai
    How are we bound, and how do we obtain liberation?
    ki-o baaDhi-o ki-o muktee paavai
    How do we merge with intuitive ease into the Eternal, Imperishable Lord? ||1||
    ki-o abhinaasee sahj samaavai. ||1
    With the Naam in the heart and the Ambrosial Naam on our lips,
    naam ridai amrit mukh naam.
    through the Name of the Lord, we rise above desire, like the Lord. ||1||Pause||
    narhar naam narhar nihkaam. ||1|| rahaa-o.
    With intuitive ease we come, and with intuitive ease we depart.
    sehjay aavai sehjay jaa-ay.
    From the mind we originate, and into the mind we are absorbed.
    man tay upjai man maahi samaa-ay.
    As Gurmukh, we are liberated, and are not bound.
    gurmukh mukto bandh na paa-ay.
    Contemplating the Word of the Shabad, we are emancipated through the Name of the Lord. 
    sabad beechaar chhutai har naa-ay. ||2||
    Ang 153
    Meeting the Gur (a.k.a. Shabad Guru within), the hard and heavy doors are opened. 
    gur mil kholay bajar kapaat. 
    One meets the Holy Saint only through perfect destiny.
    saadh milai poorab sanjog.
    The Lord`s perfect people rejoice in the Truth.
    sach rahsay pooray har log.
    Surrendering their minds and bodies, they find the Lord with intuitive ease.
    man tan day lai sahj subhaa-ay.
    Nanak falls at their feet. 
    naanak tin kai laaga-o paa-ay. 
    Conquering self-conceit, one obtains the Name. 
    aap maaray taa paa-ay naa-o. 
    One who dies in the Word of the Shabad, shall never again have to die.
    sabad marai,,fir maran na ho-ay.
    Without such a death, how can one attain perfection?
    bin moo-ay ki-o pooraa ho-ay.
    So get aboard that boat when your turn comes.
    bohith charha-o jaa aavai vaar.
    Those who fail to embark upon that boat shall be beaten in the Court of the Lord.
    thaakay bohith dargeh maar.
    Blessed is that Gurdwara, the Guru`s Gate, where the Praises of the True Lord are sung.
    sach saalaahee Dhan gurdu-aar.
    O Nanak, the One Creator Lord is pervading hearth and home. 
    naanak dar ghar aykankaar.
    The inverted heart-lotus has been turned upright, through reflective meditation on God.
    ulti-o kamal barahm beechaar.
    From the Sky of the Tenth Gate, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down.
    amrit Dhaar gagan das du-aar.
    The Lord Himself is pervading the three worlds. ||1||
    taribhavan bayDhi-aa aap muraar. ||1||
    O my mind, do not give in to doubt.
    ray man mayray bharam na keejai.
    When the mind surrenders to the Name, it drinks in the essence of Ambrosial Nectar. Pause
    man maanee-ai amrit ras peejai. rahaa-o.
    When the self dies, the individual mind comes to know the Supreme Mind.
    aap moo-aa man, man tay jaani-aa.
    As the inner vision is awakened, one comes to know one`s own home, deep within the self. 
    najar bha-ee ghar ghar tay jaani-aa. 
    The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is austerity, chastity and cleansing baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage. (Listening to the Naam is cleansing baths)
    jat sat tirath majan naam.
    Meeting the True Guru, we are shown the way to die.
    satgur milai so maran dikhaa-ay.
    Remaining alive in this death brings joy deep within.
    maran rahan ras antar bhaa-ay.
    Overcoming egotistical pride, the Tenth Gate is found. 
    garab nivaar gagan pur paa-ay.
    So chant and meditate on the Lord, and remain in the Sanctuary of the Lord. ||1||Pause||
    har jap jaap rahan har sarnaa.
    Meeting the True Guru, duality is dispelled.
    satgur milai ta dubiDhaa bhaagai.
    The heart-lotus blossoms forth, and the mind is attached to the Lord God.
    kamal bigaas man har parabh laagai.
    One who remains dead while yet alive obtains the greatest happiness hereafter. 
    jeevat marai mahaa ras aagai. 
    Meeting the True Guru, one becomes truthful, chaste and pure.
    satgur mili-ai sach sanjam soochaa.
    Climbing up the steps of the Guru`s Path, one becomes the highest of the high.
    gur kee pa-orhee oocho oochaa.
    When the Lord grants His Mercy, the fear of death is conquered. 
    karam milai jam kaa bha-o moochaa. 
    Uniting in Guru`s Union, we are absorbed in His Loving Embrace.
    gur mili-ai mil ank samaa-i-aa.
    Granting His Grace, He reveals the Mansion of His Presence, within the home of the self.
    kar kirpaa ghar mahal dikhaa-i-aa.
  24. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    About 6 months focus on naam simran now and before that about 1 year on mool mantar. Before that it was just reading books and listening to kirtan katha but I was still lacking inspiration do the practical myself. Only over the past 2 years have I moved up a gear and more so in the last 6 months.

    If my post inspires even just one person then I really consider it worth while. Go for it Singh!!!

    I'm reading Guru Granth Sahib Ji (english translation) along side naam simran and its really giving me the push I need. The amount of focus that is placed on naam/shabad unity with Almighty is just really shocking me to the max. To the point i'm getting quite annoyed by the fact that if Guru Granth Sahib Ji placed so much focus on naam simran being the only means by which we will reach Waheguru why weren't we told about it in Gurdwaras more. Maybe it was me who just wasn't taking it in. Why aren't we told this is what you need to do and this is how you go about doing it....

    There are days when I run out of steam and the desire isn't there but when I read a few more angs it gives me the kick I need to get me going again. Actually i'm hooked reading Guru Ji. Can't even focus at work, just want to keep reading. My respect for my Gurus is increasing daily. Guru Amar Das ji' belows me away every time, actually they all do. Going to get shitter at work if they find out what I'm doing. I find myself totally becoming withdrawn from what is going on in the outside world. Don't care about news, tv, movies, family etc either i'm holding my phone or ipad. I'm really seeing a difference in me. Its growing to such an extent that my own mother is getting concerned and telling me to slow down and keep my feet on the ground and says I got my whole life ahead of me yet.

    The only advice I'm able to give anyone is keep the simran going throughout the day whilst your doing your day to day stuff. From the moment I get up I try and start. Getting ready, journey to work, lunch times, take a few minutes off during work and just do simran eyes open or closed, journey home. I bet the other travelers are saying what is that guy mumbling to himself. If your able to dedicate fix time to it then so much the better. This is the part I'm really finding difficult to do. My legs and backside ache and I can't sit for long and the discomfort over powers the concentration your trying to reach. I find myself looking at the clock to see if times up or my thoughts just keep coming and I get frustrated but there are times when you know you had a good session even if it was just for a few moments.
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I'm happy to share so here goes:

    Last night before I went to sleep I was reading SGGS and the house was very quiet. Mrs is away so no snoring in my ears. lol. When it's quiet this whistling sound manifests itself. I can hear the sound coming from the right side. This time not only was there a whistling sound but a second beat like a drum. How I wish I was a musician so i could replicate what I was hearing. It was weaker than the whistle but I could definately make it out. Really freaked me out at first. Have never heard that sound before.

    I spoke to a naam abhiyaasi mahapursh about it who said I was on the right track but I shouldn't focus on the sound yet. He said I need to remain focused on my naam simran and learn to still my thoughts. Also for the past few weeks the saliva in my mouth has been feeling extremely sweet. So much so that its actually becoming really difficult to tolerate. When I do simran it flows more and more. I'm still skeptical about what I'm experiencing because I feel I'm not actually putting in that much effort. Although some days are better than others.

    Waheguru Mere Bharaya Hath Rakhe and bless me with his Naam...
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