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Bhagvat Geeta Translations

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I'd actually say don't start a study of the Bhagvad Gita with Swami Prabhupad's 'Bhagavad Gita as it is' as given on the above link. Although there are many commonalities in gaudiya vaishnav practice, their siddhant inverts ours by placing the poorantvam purush (personality in completeness) of sargun Braham as the essential form of Braham. For us satchidanand nirgun svaroop of Braham is considered the essential form. That then places our siddhant among 'mayavadis' loathed by gaudiyas! The Madhusudan Saraswati is a very high level commentary which may be too unnecessarily technical for those looking to get to grips with the key teachings of the Gita. In a sense the same can be said for Adi Sankara's commentary. I've only dipped into it occasionally but perhaps the Radhakrishan translation maybe a better place to start, or, there is the fairly neutral Advaita Ashram straight translation without commentary which is also good to get to grips with it.

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We should always go through all sources as that helps us build our reasoning ability. We have seen the degrading outcome with so called two years "Giani" courses available through few institutions. I would not restrict myself to read one side as that will stop me from building my reasoning ability.

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We should always go through all sources as that helps us build our reasoning ability. We have seen the degrading outcome with so called two years "Giani" courses available through few institutions. I would not restrict myself to read one side as that will stop me from building my reasoning ability.

It is just too bad that the only institution within the Panth that offers any sort of correspondence programs are Sikh missionaries. We have so many great Sikh institutions, Sampradhahs who offer no such service. If you search the internet, you will see that Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims of various sects offer 1-3 year correspondence study programs for those busy people who want to learn about their religions. Sikhs are so behind others in this field.

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I agree with you Tsingh Ji. The only thing I would like to convey that we should never restrict ourselves from healthy debates and reading negative and positive resources, so we can have reasoning powers. In olden times constructive debates were encouraged in the society to keep people focus on their path as they had great understanding of their belief. We all know the great debate between Mishra Ji and Shankara...

I think with your technology knowledge you can come up with some kind of online courses to help novice like me to build reasoning power.


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It is just too bad that the only institution within the Panth that offers any sort of correspondence programs are Sikh missionaries. We have so many great Sikh institutions, Sampradhahs who offer no such service. If you search the internet, you will see that Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims of various sects offer 1-3 year correspondence study programs for those busy people who want to learn about their religions. Sikhs are so behind others in this field.

Bhagat ji offers an in depth santhya course that involves reading pothian while listening to his uchaaran. We of course get tested in person, but in this manner we can practice uchaaran at home with greater likelihood of getting the pronounciations correct. http://gursevak.com/

his attempts to reach out to the panth are among the most systematic i've ever seen, and very deep as well.

He was speaking recently about his desire for the pothian to be translated into English so that they are accessible to more people.

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Sharangati, complete dependence upon Parmeshvar, is a fundamental teaching in Gurmat also. The interpretation of what karamyog refers to in the Gita from samprdai mahapurush is that it is the means of purifying the antahkaran, mainly because we concord with the arguments put forward by Sureshacharya in Naishkaramya Sidhi rejecting the mimaamsaka view that karam of itself cannot remove agyaan.

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  • 2 months later...

Haven't read it...

Best translation: Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, in "Gobind Geeta"

Worst: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

M.K. Gandhi was raised by Jains. His entire world-view was actually Jain mat, and utterly contrary to the teachings of Bhagavad-Gita. This extreme Jain pacifism is why he disrespected Marathi hero Shivaji as well as Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj.

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  • 4 months later...

i have bought 2 different translations in english of Bhagvat Gita.

one is by Sir Edwin Arnold, who's translations is also in prose, which i dont know why i find quite annoying. it says that this is the version that gandhi kept with him all the time. the other is by EKnath Easswaran, which I find is very interesting to read and the translations are very literal.

I have also found myself a granth of Mahabharat in gurmukhi, which i will try and read sometime, it is supposed to be the gurmukhi version of the Vyas version.

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MK Gandhi was a disaster not only to the indian nation but to the world! he marketed himself well !

Maybe not for the world since many movement worldwide have been inspired by non violence movement of India and have got the desired result. But for India, Gandhi-Nehru combine were the greatest disaster to have happened. If India had a different type of leader during independence such as a "Subash Chandra Bose" type of leader then maybe the history of India would have been completely different. He was the biggest danger/threat to Gandhi-Nehru domination of the Congress Party.

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