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My Trip To India


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I went to India for a month, had lot to observe.. I will list things as i recall them.

First of positive things:

1. Pind life is lot better than city.

2. Recitation of patt on loudspeaker from local gurdwara at the pind around morning and evening, best feeling ever.

3. Sardars are well known and respected among non punjabis i came across with from delhi to punjab to rajasthan.

4. Huge posters of sant jarnail singh bhindranwale along side with baba deep singh ji everywhere in Anandpur Sahib, Punjab

5. Saw Bumper stickers of sant jarnail singh bhindranwale on the cars - good to see his legacy is remembered just as che guevera legacy is remembered through form of bumper stickers and t shirt in cuba.

6. Traffic laws are being followed in Chandigargh, Punjab.. out of all places.. well thats a start, hopefully it will implemented all across the abroad...bribe or social political status does not fly when traffic law is violated in chandi gargh as it comes under union terrority of state gov't.

7. Loads of foreigners at darbar sahib.

On light positive side of things

- Indian western style of tiolets are best, no need for tiolet paper, badua is built in under seat...lol

- I had best rest on manji under the tree in afternoon than stupid mattress at city.

- Porantha with makni and lassi in the morning, its quite refreshing.

Now negative things:

1. Traffic huge problem in ludhiana and else where in the india, driving in india is truly an abhaas, tapaya itself..every person is trying an avoid an accident...local guy put this like- every person is on road is trying to hit you and its a game....absolutely no peace of mind when driving. i put this rich guy in its place when he is bragging about his ride,i told him whats the point of driving expensive car where you can't even enjoy your ride as traffic is horrible, told him back home atleast i can drive cheap wagon with peace of mind and enjoy driving, he just shut up..lol

2. Expensive cars, wearing tommy jeans, armani clothes, going to macdonalds is consider status symbol..lol.. i told my cousin, they need to wake up..macdonald is consider junk food here...i told him people back in Canada is more concerned about comfort clothing as opposed to wear the above brands and itch their arse off afterwards.

3. I gave 50 rupees to the beggar, next thing i know line of beggars came after me, it appears these guys have quite organized network..got totally put off by that experience...there are soo many beggars in india its hard to differentiate good ones and bad ones, they will play guilt trip..its take toll on your mindset.. i rejected to give this beggar anything he had empty milk bottle and asking for money to buy milk for his kid, after half an hour of thinking i went back to him and gave him something...this is major issue, one can totally reject them being fraud or try to differentiate good ones from bad ones..its very hard.. i have learnt go with sane mind, use your best judgement when giving money to beggars.

4. I was surprised to see people talking and bragging about salary of cops being 15000 rupees + bribe. I saw cop pulled us over on yellow and red light, on one occasion couldn't make his case properly, try to intimidate us but got resistance, just let us go..on the second occasion different cop pulled us over my relative started yapping away and took 100 rupee note afterwards, cop let us go, but warned us not on not to by pass red light again but warn us next time talk less and give bribe faster..lol.

5. If you need anything done, bribe is answer to everything, all aspect of social life in India.. i was trying to give advise to my local there about people getting together and start camera sting operation of officials taking bribe from locals to get things done faster, they told me..normal joe blow is quite happy to give bribe actually instead of making an difference to root out corruption...local joe blow does not give two hoots making small differences to root corruption, they just want to get their stuff done ignoring the root problem.

6. All across ludhiana and outskirts, major advertisement to immigration to nz, aus, canada via ILETS exam is trying taking an toll on punjabi youths, they are paying lots of money to agents to get out on other hand bhias having an last laugh, working really hard, making an base in punjab..to be honest, punjabi felt like minority in punjab which was quite sad to see.

7. After assassination of ravidasa leader in austria, ravidassa movement have quite flourished in punjab, it almost seemed like they bounced back and gained quite bit of momentum through victim and sympathy.

8. Dera, Guru's, Jatha, movement association is more important to apne there as opposed to focusing on the teachings of their leaders..they don't look beyond association which is most important teachings..people in punjab are quite gullible there, takes an offense to even constructive criticism.

9. In Ludhiana, it appears there seems to be competition among sikhs and namdharis, which never meant to be as far as puratan time goes..namdharis seem to have quite bit of advertisement of brand "namdhari" all across ludhiana, named many streets as namdhari marg, apolo hospital is made in yaadgar of mahapursh pratap singh ji, is excellent hospital. However, its branded in a way where it invokes advertisement, as such mainstream sikhs are making gurdwara + hospital in near by location dukh nivaran sahib. I m not discouraging both parties effort but just questioning their intent to brand in a way to gain followers which is dis hearting to see.

Thats it for now..thanks for reading my rant..appreciate any feedback.

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Oh forgot to add, i don't to know whether to laugh or cry or put this in negative or positive section but:

- Chamars got their own audio album- putt chamara daie saw that in t.v ad. :wacko:

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7. After assassination of ravidasa leader in austria, ravidassa movement have quite flourished in punjab, it almost seemed like they bounced back and gained quite bit of momentum through victim and sympathy.

Ofcourse.. Creating martyrs is the best way to gather a following..

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2. Recitation of patt on loudspeaker from local gurdwara at the pind around morning and evening, best feeling ever.

7. Loads of foreigners at darbar sahib.

- I had best rest on manji under the tree in afternoon than stupid mattress at city.

- Porantha with makni and lassi in the morning, its quite refreshing.

Wah !!

memories of India refreshed..

the negatives.. india truly does everything in opposite way to western world.. there is no proper law & order as the civil, judicial, law enforcement, government etc are all corrupt. only complete root and branch reform would change things but everyone is just happy carrying on regardless.

its like Soviet Russia but with bhaiye biggrin.gif

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What was the broad ratio of pagh wearers to monay?

Plus were the freshies all dressed up like Jazzy B?

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What was the broad ratio of pagh wearers to monay?

Plus were the freshies all dressed up like Jazzy B?

From my trips to Punjab in the last 5 years I've observed that there are very few Sardars compared to mone. People think it's more cool to have a fancy hair-cut and to dress up like Babbu Maan or Jazzy B (or as they say in Punjab Jajjy B ). In my pind there are no teenage boys who are keeping their kesh, that's quite sad.

Edited by G.Kaur
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2. Expensive cars, wearing tommy jeans, armani clothes, going to macdonalds is consider status symbol..lol.. i told my cousin, they need to wake up..macdonald is consider junk food here...i told him people back in Canada is more concerned about comfort clothing as opposed to wear the above brands and itch their arse off afterwards.

Lol, just like in the uk.

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Veer Jee, nice to hear from you after a long time. The part about beggars is so true. I have had the same experience many times. If you give one beggar some money even if you hide it, all of a sudden you will be surrounded by 30 beggars within seconds. As for Rishwat, well nothing in India is done without it, and it seems no one in India is even complaining about it. They don't even care.

Another point is Sikh deras, sampradhahs, jathas or groups. Sikhs today identify more with their group and want to promote it rather then identifying with whole of Sikh Panth and promote the Panth. Group is fine, but they need to work together to do Prachar rather then individually. Many times, you will see groups acting like they are in competition with each other. Sikhs are in a really bad situation right now.

Also, in Punjab the youth are all monay(hair cutters). You go to any village, the youth all have hair cut. If I go to any village, people think I'm probably some Granthi or Kirtani because of my beard. The weirdest thing is, before it was just in the west, but now even girls in the village only want to marry clean shaven boys rather then a boy with a dastar and beard.

The point you mentioned about Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwalay is also true. In Punjab you will see it is getting increasingly normal for people to hang posters, bumper stickers of Sant Jee. I've seen so many youth(monay) having pictures of Sant Jee saved in their mobile phone. That is good to see.

Hope to see more posts on this forum from you.

Edited by Mithar
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9. In Ludhiana, it appears there seems to be competition among sikhs and namdharis, which never meant to be as far as puratan time goes..namdharis seem to have quite bit of advertisement of brand "namdhari" all across ludhiana, named many streets as namdhari marg, apolo hospital is made in yaadgar of mahapursh pratap singh ji, is excellent hospital. However, its branded in a way where it invokes advertisement, as such mainstream sikhs are making gurdwara + hospital in near by location dukh nivaran sahib. I m not discouraging both parties effort but just questioning their intent to brand in a way to gain followers which is dis hearting to see.

Thats it for now..thanks for reading my rant..appreciate any feedback.

The Namdhari hockey team are really good!

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What was the broad ratio of pagh wearers to monay?

Plus were the freshies all dressed up like Jazzy B?

I would say 20:1 .. 20 monay one may be sardar... all got different hair styles.. even if one is sardar, they all wear patiala style pagh. They couldn't quite understand why i was wearing gol dastar....lol

G kaur- nimbo pani and gannaie da ras priceless...lol

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People think it's more cool to have a fancy hair-cut and to dress up like Babbu Maan or Jazzy B (or as they say in Punjab Jajjy B ).

You mean freshies are walking around Panjab dressed like this!??!



Have the fashion police been informed?

What does the Akal Takhat plan to do about the severe style crisis before it spirals out of control?

Edited by dalsingh101
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Jajjy B is wearing his mum's psychedelic kameez from the 70s with Rupert the bear's 'pent'.

Nalay blonde highlights! Pan@#*$ dimaag set aye aa!

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The weirdest thing is, before it was just in the west, but now even girls in the village only want to marry clean shaven boys rather then a boy with a dastar and beard.

Do parents in Punjab's village ask the preference of Girls? What I know is that Pendu's all over India are quite strict and fix the rishta's of their with the best Match they can find

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I went to india a couple of years back, after many years.

One thing I noticced is the lack of respect for 'mother earth'. With increasing wealth and consumerism comes more and more non-biogradable rubbish( bottles, bags, general plastic etc). people just throw things out onto the streets and feilds like its some kind of municipal dump.

I was in a bus and a family in front, after eating their foood just threw a whole bagful of waste food, plastic bottles, paper etc outside the window as though it was something normal. And I was just sat there with an empty plastic water bottle in my hands for the past half hour till i got to a bin.

Another gripe of mine is the use of bl00dy fog lights at night! not only that but but the head lamps are not angled down but aimed straight at the 'opponents' eyes. I drove from Ludhiana to HAridwar and back. Absolutley painful on the eyes during dusk/dark hours. Talk about driving blind!

You mentioned about the nitnem/bani being recited in the mornings publically. Another nightmare IMO! In a village with several gurdwaras ( for the several different inhabiting castes, of course) This is a competition to see who can have the loudest speakers outside and who can start the earliest. Having noise - because you cant even make out what bani it is - blaring out from several places around the village at 3/4am cannot be healthy for students, elderly or children or pregnent women who need their sleep.

Though one thing I did appreciate was the absolute silence in the midday when everyone is having their seiesta. The lack of even the slightest noise is beautifully tranquil.

And the food is the freshest you will ever have. Where else can you pick the sabzi from the plants just before you cook them?

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You mean freshies are walking around Panjab dressed like this!??!



Have the fashion police been informed?

What does the Akal Takhat plan to do about the severe style crisis before it spirals out of control?


Just the hair-cut and the khanda around the neck (which people also do all over the world).

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