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Future Of Sikhawareness.com


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Benti to Sadhsangat,

Lets discuss future of SikhAwareness, where would you like to see SikhAwareness in 2 years down the road?

Some strong points of SikhAwareness.com so far:

- Non profit organization, not run for business profits or individual profits, not even run on donations.

- Not a one man show, it's run by sangat, moderators have done excellent job enforcing policies on the forum...try to keep peace and everyone happy.

- One have to really try hard to get themselves banned, everyone is given chances to improve their post, getting used to policies of SikhAwareness..everyone who is banned also given chances to improve and get themselves unban.

- Extremely Sikh rich content, rare to find it on other satkar yog Sikh sites.

- Not ideology or agenda driven.

- So far run by labor of love, aim for ultimate forum for all sikhs across the globe to do vichar on sikh theology, and daily sikh matters.

Weak Points of SikhAwareness.com so far:

- Lack of stability , at times unreliable as far site performance goes.

- Total failure in promoting SikhAwareness website to both non members and inactive of SikhAwareness, failure in advertisement department ie- google search engine results etc.

- Lack of forum upgrades, upgrades to site interface, upgrades to increase performance due to time constraints, family commitment, would appreciate someone helping from technical background.

- Went down few times

- Inconsistent amount of post per day on forum.

- Failed to gather all Sikh jathebandiyas of panth ie- 3ho, akj on SikhAwareness to do vichar on the forum.

- Sometimes due to laxness, people taking advantage of using SikhAwareness as a platform to push their agenda by provoking posts or going off-topics.

Please discuss??

Neo Bhaji

Whats the result since its been 2 years when you asked the question?

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IMHO, basically you're asking for censorship. Don't be surprised then when the forum ends up being a club of like minded people and pretty much an echo chamber. Then there will be little to no activity and the forum ends up being 'stale'.

Just my 2 cents.

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For this Forum to thrive you first need to decide is it a SIKH awareness forum? Or is it a Damdami Taksal Awareness forum?

You have members continually posting openly shameful comments about the Sikh Rehet Maryada for example using degrading remarks like "so called" in front of it every time they post.  This is a deliberate act to degrade the closest attempt we have to a unified panthic rehet maryada, which took over 13 years and over a hundred prominent Sikhs of the time to write. They considered all the historical rhetnamas in making it, and most importantly, they held what Gurbani says above any of them! This ensured that cultural influence and individual opinion were kept very minimal. It's the only rehet maryada accepted by Akal Takht and even if the person doesn't choose to follow it themselves they should still respect it. 

Why are members scolded for making any negative comments about Damdami Taksals rehet maryada, which is not the accepted rehet maryada by Akal Takht (and puts bibis into inferior position) yet nobody ever scolds members who openly insult the only rehet maryada which is accepted by Akal Takht??? It seriously makes your site look a Damdami Taksal site.

The majority of your members support a Sikhi where women are degraded and seen as inferior, and as of late the spate of hateful and deliberately deragatory posts about women by user Paapiman have not reflected well on this site.  Have you ever looked around and noticed this place seems to be a huge "sausage fest" save for one or two females? Have you asked yourself why Sikh girls don't want to come here? Perhaps it's because you are allowing members to suggest that Sikhi advocates seeing women as:
inferior, subordinate, subservient, should be given limited seva, seen as impure during menstruation, homely, domestic, simpleminded, incapable of being leaders, should obey men, should not be advisors, should not be trusted, seen as weak, lustful, temptress, less religious, I could go on and on.  You guys should be ashamed of yourselves, as our Gurus viewed women as our equal.  Is this the Damdami Taksal view of women?

So is this a Sikh Awareness site or Damdami Taksal Awareness site?

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Guest/Satkiran Penji,

Thats unfair assessment of Sikhawareness, if you look at our past threads in the past even DDT maryada were scrutinized not even past but recently there were numerous threads by sikh khoj on DDT maryada. I am myself strong proponent of sikh female equality even compiled a thread on sikh female saints and even agree sikh woman being seva of panj pyares even with exception of them doing seva at five takths

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Guest/Satkiran Penji,

Thats unfair assessment of Sikhawareness, if you look at our past threads in the past even DDT maryada were scrutinized not even past but recently there were numerous threads by sikh khoj on DDT maryada. I am myself strong proponent of sikh female equality even compiled a thread on sikh female saints and even agree sikh woman being seva of panj pyares even with exception of them doing seva at five takths

I know you are, but why is Paapiman allowed to continually post "so called SRM" all the time when SRM IS the panthic rehet maryada?  He should have a little more respect, and also his spate of hateful posts against women lately, twisting gurbani to support his views, which were done for no other purpose than to cause hurtful feelings, and this was allowed to go on for several days until someone finally closed the post.  I got accused of "man hating" before for suggesting that women should be treated equally to men in Sikhi, while he is openly degrading and insulting women, and everyone shuts up and remains quiet, and some even jump in adding to it by calling women 'homely' 'domestic' 'simple'.  (Satkirin)

There should be a rule where at the very least, the basics in Sikhi should be respected and not insulted.  Sikh Rehet Maryada is the accepted Rehet Maryada... not DDTs GRM.  And equality is the accepted tenet, not gender heirarchy. While open discussion on the various differences in rehet maryadas is fine, and even understanding that some sects deviate from the accepted rehet maryada and follow their own (which is fine), allowing members to continually post 'so called' in front of the accepted rehet maryada does not look good from the outside. It shows disrespect for Sikh leadership (whether they like or agree with Akal Takht is not the issue... that's their own choice, but they should at least show respect to Akal Takht and SRM). 
So to reiterate, while discussion about the points inside RMs should be allowed, blatent insults of SRM should be disallowed. Comparisons should be allowed, but forcing one sect's RM down the throats of others as if it's the accepted 'true' one should be disallowed. It should be recognized and understood that these RMs are in deviation to the panthic rehet maryada.

btw I highly appreciate your thread highlighting women Sants... truth is many Singhs won't accept seeing any woman as a Sant at all and will refuse to see them as such anyway.  What we need is to highlight more Sikh women in leadership positions in Sikhi, and in society in general, to remove this notion of Singhnis being subservient, submissive, subordinate, homely and domestic, and simple minded.



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It shows disrespect for Sikh leadership (whether they like or agree with Akal Takht is not the issue... that's their own choice, but they should at least show respect to Akal Takht and SRM).  


With all due respect, why should us Sikhs hold the jathedar of the akal takht high esteem? He is a coward, a donkey. Likewise sgpc. Sacha sauda marfi. Donkeys!!!! I wonder who was pulling the strings of these so called leaders of ours? Giddars.



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It's not censorship b/c all are welcome to become members. 


N3O, you see my point above. People post as guests in actuality are not. 


I also think that threads should be made to comply with their topic a bit more strictly. Sometimes  a thread organically evolves into a different discussion. But other times people just start hijacking with their own agendas or people start trolling. They should ideally be split into new topics. But forcing membership will at least stop trolls, who up to this point, have not added anything worthwhile. 

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When you attach qualifiers like 'controversial' and 'trolling', then it is indeed censorship. Who decides what makes a thread 'controversial'? You? Paapiman and Singh123? LOL! You do realize that this is a forum (not a chat club) and every topic is meant to be 'controversial' right. Do you know what trolling means? Why don't you give us the definition and tell us how is anybody here 'trolling'?

IMHO this forum has become a small club of like minded people so much so anybody who posts an opposing view is immediately suspected to be Satkirin. LOL!!!  

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N3O, you see my point above. People post as guests in actuality are not. 

If a registered member, posts as a guest (for any reason), it must be mandatory for that person to state his/her id, at the start of the message. If he/she does not, then some action must be taken, as intentionally posting as a guest (who is a registered member) constitutes deceptive and unethical behavior. 

Bhul chuk maaf

Edited by paapiman
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If a registered member, posts as a guest (for any reason), it must be mandatory for that person to state his/her id, at the start of the message. If he/she does not, then some action must be taken, as intentionally posting as a guest (who is a registered member) constitutes deceptive and unethical behavior. 

Bhul chuk maaf

or perhaps they are posting from a work computer which is highly restricted for security reasons and cookies are disallowed so it won't allow you to log on and stay logged on.  I post sometimes from work which is a Canadian government computer and the whole thing run from Ottawa Ontario. So even my IP at work may look like I'm in Ontario and not Nova Scotia where I am. But it's not being deceptive. They set the system up like that to avoid security threats in the DWAN defence wide area network which is the system we use to log on the net. And yes we are allowed to surf on breaks or lunchtime etc. 

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If a registered member, posts as a guest (for any reason), it must be mandatory for that person to state his/her id, at the start of the message. If he/she does not, then some action must be taken, as intentionally posting as a guest (who is a registered member) constitutes deceptive and unethical behavior. 

Bhul chuk maaf

Totally agree there. 


N3O, you see my point above. People post as guests in actuality are not. 


I also think that threads should be made to comply with their topic a bit more strictly. Sometimes  a thread organically evolves into a different discussion. But other times people just start hijacking with their own agendas or people start trolling. They should ideally be split into new topics. But forcing membership will at least stop trolls, who up to this point, have not added anything worthwhile.

Agreed.. going fwd we (mod's/admins team all sevadars of this website) would use discretion filter to approve /disapprove post of guest if its deem controversial. We would be transparent will make back up post of guest as courtesy which we would disapprove (message edited with admin/mod note) and request guest to register an id and send us pm of back up post retreival. The whole point of registration is to avoid trolls since we are hoping trolls would not make extra effort to register an account and start trolling. 

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or perhaps they are posting from a work computer which is highly restricted for security reasons and cookies are disallowed so it won't allow you to log on and stay logged on.  I post sometimes from work which is a Canadian government computer and the whole thing run from Ottawa Ontario. So even my IP at work may look like I'm in Ontario and not Nova Scotia where I am. But it's not being deceptive. They set the system up like that to avoid security threats in the DWAN defence wide area network which is the system we use to log on the net. And yes we are allowed to surf on breaks or lunchtime etc. 

I've noticed that you have a bad habit of replying without bothering to fully read what other people are saying. We are not saying to restrict all guest posts across the board. If the guest identifies themselves then the guest post would be allowed. So just type “-Satkirin” or something at the end or beginning of your post and that’s all you need to do.

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I've noticed that you have a bad habit of replying without bothering to fully read what other people are saying. We are not saying to restrict all guest posts across the board. If the guest identifies themselves then the guest post would be allowed. So just type “-Satkirin” or something at the end or beginning of your post and that’s all you need to do.

Actually I was replying to Paapiman's accusation that anyone posting as a guest is being deliberately deceptive and unethical... not your post... 

edit: just a note though, this cookie thing has only been happening since the upgrade... I used to be able to log on at work! 

Edited by Satkirin_Kaur
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