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Violent Clash At Queens Sikh Temple

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A holy war erupted yesterday at a Sikh temple in Queens -- where worshippers wielding swords and cricket bats interrupted a prayer session to attack their rivals in a vicious power struggle, police and witnesses said.

Rival factions at the Baba Makhan Shah Lobana Sikh Center in South Richmond Hill have been bickering for months over control, authorities and members said.

Anthony Fioranelli

BATTY: A cop carries a cricket bat and swords used in a melee at a Queens Sikh center yesterday. M.K. Singh was among those hurt by a mob protesting new leader Gurmej Singh.

The dispute reached a bloody climax yesterday when the infighting turned violent, accompanied by screams, taunts and death threats.

The alleged attackers -- armed with at least one sword about 40 inches long, and another sword, according to a witness -- were part of the old guard that had been recently voted out of power but refused to accept the decision, even going to court to challenge the election.

"We just went to pray," said M.K. Singh, who received stitches and staples to close a head wound. "We walked inside, and they started attacking.

"They cut me. They tried to cut my arm off, but the sword got caught on [something]. I'm very lucky."

New temple President Gurmej Singh said he and his supporters had come to pray despite knowing there could be trouble.

Police had been deployed outside the two-story center in case anything happened, but the violence broke out inside.

The attackers brought the long sword and at least one other blade, as well as a hammer, mallet and cricket bats to the temple at 101st Avenue and 114th Street at around 11 a.m., witnesses and police said.

Three people were reported injured, including a cop who tried to intervene, police said.

A witness said at least seven others were hurt as victims fought back. None suffered life-threatening injuries.

Seven people were arrested, including Harinder Singh, 47, who was charged with assault after allegedly punching a man in the eye. Others were charged with unlawful assembly, resisting arrest, rioting, and disrupting a religious service.

At the 102nd Precinct, where the suspects were processed, cops struggled to keep the two sides apart.

"Something is behind this," said Gurmej Singh, who accused the old regime of financial mismanagement. "It's money."

He said the perpetrators vowed to attack again next week. Additional reporting

by Kevin Fasick

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Deport these outlaw scumbags criminals... revoke their papers... if they cannot follow law of the country they live in.. if they think their tribal issues eg gurdwara committe issues are more important that they resort to violence than following law of the countries... they should be sent back... let them face the music at sri Akaal Takth sahib... there is no place for masands in the panth... excommunicate them.

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apparently this is the clip as shown on ss.com.

That was total war in that video. How embarrassing if non Sikhs get to see that. I think the guy how ever posted that video should think about the embarrassment of the wider Sikh community and just remove it. People who post these videos on the internet do not think about the implications of their actions.

I remember when a fight broke out at some place in Ontario Canada between Ghagha group and Taksali Singhs a few years ago, the Kala Afghanists came prepared with cameras just for the purpose of video taping a fight and then posting it all over the internet. They don't realize how this will not serve anyone's agenda but just embarrass all Sikhs in front of non-Sikhs.

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That was total war in that video. How embarrassing if non Sikhs get to see that. I think the guy how ever posted that video should think about the embarrassment of the wider Sikh community and just remove it. People who post these videos on the internet do not think about the implications of their actions.

I think the people who posted it were nonSikhs? I actually think that was a NY newspaper's youtube channel:


I remember when a fight broke out at some place in Ontario Canada between Ghagha group and Taksali Singhs a few years ago, the Kala Afghanists came prepared with cameras just for the purpose of video taping a fight and then posting it all over the internet. They don't realize how this will not serve anyone's agenda but just embarrass all Sikhs in front of non-Sikhs.

I hear what you are saying but that could also be deemed as simply covering up problems in the panth which is at least partially contributive to such things taking place.

The underlying issue of the inherent penduness of Panjabis which has them engaging in such things over Gurdwara management is what needs to be addressed, trying to hide this won't help especially when police have to get involved. This crap happens in the UK too.

Why not face up to it? We already sweep way too many of our issues under the rug as it is?

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it was covered by the NEW YORK TIMES! an international newspaper. you cant get better coverage than that.

removing the youtube clip is too little, too late.

Plus what dalsingh said lets face up to it. it seems the only way this may well happpen is by sheer embarrasment from the public exposure.

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it was covered by the NEW YORK TIMES! an international newspaper. you cant get better coverage than that.

removing the youtube clip is too little, too late.

Plus what dalsingh said lets face up to it. it seems the only way this may well happpen is by sheer embarrasment from the public exposure.

You would think that after the big fights last year in Gurdwaras in Canada, and the over all embarrassment Sikhs faced, the American Sikhs would learn a lesson. But no, they had to show the Canadian Sikhs that American Sikh are second to none when it comes to embarrassing the wider Sikh community.

And again some idiots have managed to use the Kirpan during the fight. What the media doesn't understand is that we call the 3 foot long tulwar and our short and often harmless Kakkar dagger both with the same name i.e. "Kirpan". Either way, it is the Kakkar dagger Kirpan which will suffer even though it has never been used during any fight.

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You would think that after the big fights last year in Gurdwaras in Canada, and the over all embarrassment Sikhs faced, the American Sikhs would learn a lesson. But no, they had to show the Canadian Sikhs that American Sikh are second to none when it comes to embarrassing the wider Sikh community.

And again some idiots have managed to use the Kirpan during the fight. What the media doesn't understand is that we call the 3 foot long tulwar and our short and often harmless Kakkar dagger both with the same name i.e. "Kirpan". Either way, it is the Kakkar dagger Kirpan which will suffer even though it has never been used during any fight.

The only people to blame in all of this is our own.

The way I see it, unless we get self critical in a way that causes change in our communities behaviour, this stuff is going to happen - be that sooner or later. So we have to deal with this at some stage. Sikhs have a tendency to turn disagreements into silly fracas like wherever they go. Be that Canada, US or UK.

In any case the kakkar becoming a small and harmless symbol is a relatively new phenomena. Originally it was a proper shaster.

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Behold! The cavemen of the Panjab!

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We seriously need to study what's the procedure of Vatican when catholics go through this conflict abroad and starting giving ideas to our leaders at Sri Akaal Takth Sahib who seems to be less concern of all of this..what? We don't even have statement from them condemning this act let alone excommunicate these parasites of the community...as my vidya gurdev - baba jagjit singh harkhowale says: this is what happens when you feed amrit to snakes.

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What can the Akal Takht do? These dushts dont obey anything except for their own bank account.

Plus does Badal pull the Akal Takhat strings these days anyway?

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they aired the video on sikh channel also... thats good.. let people see how pendus we behave

I don't know about calling them Pendus since in pends of Punjab we have several Gurdwaras in a single pind but hardly any cave man behavior we are seeing in the west. Gurdwara issues in the Pinds of Punjab are usually resolved through dialogue. But here in the west it seems instead of getting more evolved we have taken a few steps back on the scale of evolution and have turned into cavemen like our distant ancestors. Can you imagine due to this cavemen behavior Sikhs display in the west, police come into the Gurdwara with their shoes on. It is not police that is to be blamed but our own fools who cannot act responsibly.

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Are you sure it does'nt take place in panjab? I've heard its the same there?

Not the same as here. Here it is more extreme. In the pends there are several Gurdwaras per pind. I have rarely heard of people in the pends fighting like in the west where it is more common. Same thing with the city folks in Punjab. I have rarely heard of city folks fighting over a Gurdwara. It is more of an NRI thing.

In the case of this recent fight from what I have heard is, the Jathadar of the Gurdwara didn't want to step down even though his term was over, so it seems the opposition took matters into their own hand, but the Jathadar's gang was also ready for a fight.

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but the Jathadar's gang was also ready for a fight.

It's a good job these guys generally seem to suck at violence too. I mean it's bad enough as it is, but can you imagine how much worse it would look if people got seriously screwed over or even killed.

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Not the same as here. Here it is more extreme. In the pends there are several Gurdwaras per pind. I have rarely heard of people in the pends fighting like in the west where it is more common. Same thing with the city folks in Punjab. I have rarely heard of city folks fighting over a Gurdwara. It is more of an NRI thing.

the prob is There isn't much money to fight over in indian gurdwaras. Because we have relatively fewer temples in the west there a lot more cash being funneled through them by wealthy sikhs, or sikhs generally.

In this day and age setting up a gurdwara is the best business one can go into. Literally a Cash Cow - or Kaam Dhhen Gaoo!

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