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Posted (edited)

I came across this article by chance, zooey D the famous actress who might I add is extremely cute and somewhat awkward at the same time. Anyway she shared this link and the comments I have to make are as followed.


This kaur is an attention seeker. She is going on and on(itvitv goodmorning and other news articles) about keeping her beard and how God intended.....wait. She has two tattoo s, I am not anti tattoo but come on isn't that defiling your body which bani talks against? She is a hypocrit.  http://hellogiggles.com/beautiful-bearded-bride/



Edited by Crystal

Do you think the Singh marrying her might be a closet homosexual?


Do you think the Singh marrying her might be a closet homosexual?

​lol...........of course!



Do you think the Singh marrying her might be a closet homosexual?

Good morning DS,

One persons heer could be another's person nightmare.

Saying that I have to profess that she really does look like a transgender male( & not a pretty one).

We have many closet homosexuals in the panth, thats not a problem the problem id the peados and the gay molestors. what I am worried about are the ones who have access to kids ie tabla classes, Punjabi classesclasses.


Reading the article and looking at her picture I come to the conclusion she is confused. If she really felt strongly about not changing her appearance ie the beard who is she kidding that the tats and piercings etc is allowed?

Two rupees.




Good morning, I know what you are saying but I still think a part of her is totally loving the attention she is getting. 


Nothing fuels the ego like sympathetic media attention, and it must be even more so when you've been feeling odd for so long. 




I came across this article by chance, zooey D the famous actress who might I add is extremely cute and somewhat awkward at the same time. Anyway she shared this link and the comments I have to make are as followed.


This kaur is an attention seeker. She is going on and on(itvitv goodmorning and other news articles) about keeping her beard and how God intended.....wait. She has two tattoo s, I am not anti tattoo but come on isn't that defiling your body which bani talks against? She is a hypocrit.  http://hellogiggles.com/beautiful-bearded-bride/



​We are living in world where act of rebellion by woman is celebrated. No matter whether it is beard , or head shaving  or whatever weird they do 


Great inspiration to all women who feel insecure about themselves:


However, its just one step for harnam kaur real challenge will be just like all of us to disindentify ourselves with body and our conditioned mind and identify with our real self-jot saroop.....as we must remember body isn't our real self, our undivided spirit is our real self..lets hope we including her- spent more energy transcending/breaking the box we all have created for ourselves. Then generally- there is no need for photo-ops-dress it up or dress it down social acceptance, being in the body becomes second nature- horse being the body, rider being the soul.


I feel what she is doing is to curb her own feeling about how she looks ..and to let all hte world know about her as you all have said. i dont know what you guys would connect to...but the Punjabi women were generally known for the beauty and i do not think that it must have been common to see bearded women otherwise this would have been specially noted by foreign historians that there are bearded ladies of the Sikh faith.

I dont wish to condemn ..as long as she is happy with her looks its okay.

Siri Akaal Sahaai


Now I am a bit confused....she ties a dastaar and wears a kirpan but she says she is not amritdhari(according to her comments on Instagram) - (&why haven't the hardcore nut case Sikhs who protest over such small issues not gone up in arms over this woman  who is clearly seen with a gatra in her wedding picture on the article yet she says she is not amritdhari? . Why can't she get the beard removed? Why is she a hypocrit ? She also drinks(as seen from her Instagram favourite drink). She is trying to get fame for this bullshit. Disgusting!!!




well... my question really is... ''If you were out with your wife and waiting outside as your wife has just gone into a public washroom.....then a few seconds later your saw this bearded harnaam kaur enter .. and not knowing if she is a woman or not.....I'm sure you would be concerned!

I've got nothing to say on this attention seeker of a person who is clearly using sikhi as a secondary basis for excuses and acceptance.........I believe she became Sikh after she had spent years of using hair removal products...She chose to become a Sikh and parade herself.. giving the impression she is abiding by Sikh rehat...... Then, I'm sure, she has broken her amrit and gone and done tattoos and shit.....so lets not give her anymore attention.



I thought Harnaam Kaur was Amritdhari. She made a video a few years ago now stating that she decided to become Amritdhari and that's why she was struggling with always having to shave the kesh from her face. She suffers from PCOS a disease that causes excess facial hair in women (among some other things like androgynous features) due to excess testosterone and lower than normal estrogen levels.  When she fought with the facial hair, it was constant thing... she'd shave it off and by next day it would be back and noticeable.  

p.s. removing ANY kesh is a bujjar kurehit.  Having a tattoo is not.  In fact I don't even see tattoos mentioned in Sikh Rehet Maryada... which is the one she would be likely following in UK.  I did see 'mehendi' mentioned in in one of the other RMs before though but mehendi is different and some people extrapolate that to mean all makeup.  But there is no actual mention of makeup or tattoos.  Piercings (to hang ornaments) however are specifically mentioned as being prohibited, but other jewelry is ok.  You guys have to stop thinking everyone has to follow GRM only and mention that as if its the only RM... most people are not DDT.  And I know she isn't.  

She also could have had them before taking Amrit.  I have a tattoo from when I was way younger.  Not like I can remove it now (unless I have several thousand dollars and a few years of going to laser therapy sessions).  Luckily its hidden on my lower leg which is always covered. 




I thought Harnaam Kaur was Amritdhari. She made a video a few years ago now stating that she decided to become Amritdhari and that's why she was struggling with always having to shave the kesh from her face. She suffers from PCOS a disease that causes excess facial hair in women (among some other things like androgynous features) due to excess testosterone and lower than normal estrogen levels.  When she fought with the facial hair, it was constant thing... she'd shave it off and by next day it would be back and noticeable.  

p.s. removing ANY kesh is a bujjar kurehit.  Having a tattoo is not.  In fact I don't even see tattoos mentioned in Sikh Rehet Maryada... which is the one she would be likely following in UK.  I did see 'mehendi' mentioned in in one of the other RMs before though but mehendi is different and some people extrapolate that to mean all makeup.  But there is no actual mention of makeup or tattoos.  Piercings (to hang ornaments) however are specifically mentioned as being prohibited, but other jewelry is ok.  You guys have to stop thinking everyone has to follow GRM only and mention that as if its the only RM... most people are not DDT.  And I know she isn't.  

She also could have had them before taking Amrit.  I have a tattoo from when I was way younger.  Not like I can remove it now (unless I have several thousand dollars and a few years of going to laser therapy sessions).  Luckily its hidden on my lower leg which is always covered. 



Nobody on this thread even mentioned DDT or GRM. You need to stop blaming them for everything (kind of like the Indian government blames Pakistan for just about everything). If it rains tomorrow, is that also the fault of DDT/GRM? C'mon Satkiran, you're way better than that.

I think when it comes specifically to tattoos, we should take it from the spirit of Gurbani. As such, I'm sure it is apparent that these are not necessary. But hey, I ain't judging! 


What I'd to discuss is the medical perspective of the issue. Should Sikhs see hormone imbalances as natural events to accept - or a potential medical issue that needs dealing with if possible?


What I'd to discuss is the medical perspective of the issue. Should Sikhs see hormone imbalances as natural events to accept - or a potential medical issue that needs dealing with if possible?


Medical issue which needs dealing with.

I know this isn't the right comparison, but if someone had an issue with a growth on a part of their body would they let it be & seek pity or get medical helphelp?





Medical issue which needs dealing with.

I know this isn't the right comparison, but if someone had an issue with a growth on a part of their body would they let it be & seek pity or get medical helphelp?



I think your point is extremely pertinent to the subject. If we had some other issue due to hormonal imbalances (like thyroids, infertility) or any naturally occurring biological condition (remember cell mutations are a norm in nature), how far should we go with the 'it's God's decision' argument?


Easy on dalsingh, had to Google what pertinent means. 



​Mega lol  atleast its easier understood vacabulory than tisarapanth website.. God Lord that website puts Queens English to shame.. LoL


Chaado yaar..ohdi soorat ohda daarhha ...na hum channgge na bura koi....i was shocked too..par live and let live is what we humans should follow..

transsexuals ..gays ..cross dressers ..paedophiles ..the list is never ending ...it is all the play of Akaaal...we all learnt to respect gradually..

Reminds me of Akaal Ustat Sahib Baani :

ਕਤਹੂੰ ਭਿਖਾਰੀ ਹੁਇ ਕੈ ਮਾਂਗਤ ਫਿਰਤ ਭੀਖ ਕਹੂੰ ਮਹਾ ਦਾਨਿ ਹੁਇ ਕੈ ਮਾਂਗਿਓ ਧਨ ਦੇਤ ਹੋ ॥
कतहूं भिखारी हुइ कै मांगत फिरत भीख कहूं महा दानि हुइ कै मांगिओ धन देत हो ॥
Somewhere becoming a beggar, Thou beggest alms and somewhere becoming a Supreme Donor, Thou bestowest the begged wealth.

ਕਹੂੰ ਮਹਾਂ ਰਾਜਨ ਕੋ ਦੀਜਤ ਅਨੰਤ ਦਾਨ ਕਹੂੰ ਮਹਾ ਰਾਜਨ ਤੇ ਛੀਨ ਛਿਤ ਲੇਤ ਹੋ ॥
कहूं महां राजन को दीजत अनंत दान कहूं महा राजन ते छीन छित लेत हो ॥
Some where Thou givest inexhaustible gifts to emperors and somewhere Thou deprivest the emperors of their kingdoms.

ਕਹੂੰ ਬੇਦਿ ਰੀਤਿ ਕਹੂੰ ਤਾ ਸਿਉ ਬਿਪਰੀਤ ਕਹੂੰ ਤ੍ਰਿਗੁਨ ਅਤੀਤ ਕਹੂੰ ਸਰਗੁਨ ਸਮੇਤ ਹੋ ॥੧॥੧੧॥
कहूं बेदि रीति कहूं ता सिउ बिपरीत कहूं त्रिगुन अतीत कहूं सरगुन समेत हो ॥१॥११॥
Somewhere Thou workest in accordance with Vedic rites and somewhere Thou art quite opposed to it; somewhere Thou art without three modes of maya and somewhere Thou hast all godly attributes.1.11.

ਕਹੂੰ ਜੱਛ ਗੰਧ੍ਰਬ ਉਰਗ ਕਹੂੰ ਬਿਦਿਆਧਰ ਕਹੂੰ ਭਏ ਕਿੰਨਰ ਪਿਸਾਚ ਕਹੂੰ ਪ੍ਰੇਤ ਹੋ ॥
कहूं ज्छ गंध्रब उरग कहूं बिदिआधर कहूं भए किंनर पिसाच कहूं प्रेत हो ॥
O Lord! Somewhere Thou art Yaksha, Gandharva, Sheshanaga and Vidyadhar and somewhere Thou becomest Kinnar, Pishacha and Preta.




Please stick to the topic guys, and avoid personal attacks. We as collective sikhawareness community are way better than that :)


Please stick to the topic guys, and avoid personal attacks. We as collective sikhawareness community are way better than that :)

​What about trying to malign the taksal at each and every opportunity?


Please stick to the topic guys, and avoid personal attacks. We as collective sikhawareness community are way better than that :)

​What about trying to malign the taksal at each and every opportunity?


Easy on dalsingh, had to Google what pertinent means. 



​Big up your vocabulary bro!!! lol


I wasn't maligning DDT just mentioning that their RM specifically says tattoos and makeup etc while SRM does not.  It seemed to me that you were assuming Harnam Kaur Ji should be following GRM reference her tattoos... I was pointing out that not everyone follow that GRM. Where is the maligning in that??


Sorry site issues while on mobile... And the only thing I have issue with DDT is their views on not giving women equal opportunity in religious duties and seva and saying a wife is lower than husband.  Other than that I think they are great with their teaching of gurbani pronunciation etc I just wish I was a guy so I could fully enjoy it and be part of it without feeling left out or thought of as lesser than.  

But pertaining to this thread specifically someone mentioned tattoos being against gurmat. I was just pointing out that it's only specifically against gurmat in DDTs RM for sure maybe also AKJ. But SRM it's not.  

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