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"Bhayi praapat manukh dehauriya

Gobind Milan kee eh teri bariyaa"

Means only men can meet Akal purkh?? Means women are here for a stage show??

You indirectly mean that women CAN NEVER Achieve union with supreme??

You remember when dasam patsahi's mehila asked them to leave her body via dasam dwaar.Don't you think that she had already achieved that union??

Women can achieve salvation too, but their body cannot be classified as a Manukhi Deh.

Bhul chuk maaf

Edited by paapiman
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Oh shut up!



Please listen to Srimaan 108 Sant Gyani Gurbachan Singh jee Khalsa Bhindrawale. Please listen after 3.00 min.



In short,

  • Women, who recite Sri Sukhmani Sahib jee, without any desire attain salvation.
  • Women, who recite Sri Sukhmani Sahib jee, to become a man, attain Manukhi dehi


Therefore, it should be crystal clear now that "Manukhi Dehi" refers only to a male body.


Bhul chuk maaf



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Veer ji, there might be a word in Sanskrit but what manukhi deh means to you?

I think manukhi deh = human body

So I think Men,Women,Trangenders,physically abnormal ones all are humans..

So dont twist any Gurbani TUk!

Bhayii praapat manukh dehureya 

Gobind milan ki eh teri baariya

Here Guru sahib clearly says to every human irrespective of any caste,creed,gender,religion or colour that you've got this human body and it's nothing other than a chance to meet your satpurkh/akal purkh/lord/almighty..


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Veer ji, there might be a word in Sanskrit but what manukhi deh means to you?

I think manukhi deh = human body

So I think Men,Women,Trangenders,physically abnormal ones all are humans..

So dont twist any Gurbani TUk!

Bhayii praapat manukh dehureya 

Gobind milan ki eh teri baariya

Here Guru sahib clearly says to every human irrespective of any caste,creed,gender,religion or colour that you've got this human body and it's nothing other than a chance to meet your satpurkh/akal purkh/lord/almighty..


So you think you have more knowledge than Srimaan 108 Sant Gyani Gurbachan Singh jee Khalsa Bhindranwale (a Gurmukh Brahamgyani)? Did you listen to the above video?

Bhul chuk maaf

Edited by paapiman
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ਹਉਮੈ ਰੋਗੁ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਕਉ ਦੀਨਾ ॥

Paapiman, by your deduction of Sant Jis words, Ego has been given to men.  What about women ? They dont have ego ?No,  Women have ego too.

So in the above shabad, word Manukh refers to both men and women. Because Gurbani cannot contradict itself.

Hence, the word Manukh should be used in the context of Human Being only.

Sant Ji said Manukh mean Man, I do not diasgree. But it does not mean that it cannot mean human being.


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Yes I just listened right back!

Dhan Guru sahib's Baani!! Dhan Gurbaani!!

First of all veer ji ,sant ji nowhere discussed the above tukk.So how can you put our own assumptions in any Gurbani tuk?

And sant ji said"jhriya mayiaa shri sukhmani sahib da paath manukha dehi vaaste krdiya ney oh dubaara manukha dehi praapat krdiya,beant purkha di prapat krdiaa.te jo kuj nhi oh muktt ho jaandia".

See!ohna de kehn da matlab hai J koi aurat dubaara manukha janam ch aouna choundi h ,J ohdi ishha h ta j oh chahe ta oh pursh ban skdia ne

Means If one woman wants to reborn again as male human ,the her this wish can be granted by sukhmani sahib.

He didnt say that females are not human or only males are humans .please other members give your inputs as I really want to clear it!

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Yes I just listened right back!

Dhan Guru sahib's Baani!! Dhan Gurbaani!!

First of all veer ji ,sant ji nowhere discussed the above tukk.So how can you put our own assumptions in any Gurbani tuk?

And sant ji said"jhriya mayiaa shri sukhmani sahib da paath manukha dehi vaaste krdiya ney oh dubaara manukha dehi praapat krdiya,beant purkha di prapat krdiaa.te jo kuj nhi oh muktt ho jaandia".

See!ohna de kehn da matlab hai J koi aurat dubaara manukha janam ch aouna choundi h ,J ohdi ishha h ta j oh chahe ta oh pursh ban skdia ne

Means If one woman wants to reborn again as male human ,the her this wish can be granted by sukhmani sahib.

He didnt say that females are not human or only males are humans .please other members give your inputs as I really want to clear it!

Sukirt, I agree with you. If a woman does sukhmani without any wish she gets salvated. But if a woman wants a mans body she can also do so via Sukhmani.

Papiman, just picked Sant Jis Manukhi dehi = Man in that context, and generalised it for the world Manukh,

Manukh can mean man

or manukh can also mean human

it depends on the context.



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It is most likely true. "Manukh" word is derived from Sanskrit and refers to a man, not a woman or a transgender. One of the words for a woman is "Ardhagani" (half of something). That is also a reason, she cannot be in Panj Pyaray. Gyani Thakur SIngh jee mentioned that in his katha.

Bhul chuk maaf

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH This has to be most FUNNY thing I have ever heard! Women are only half men now huh????  So no wonder you think women can't do seva as Panj Pyaras since you think we are only half-people you don't even see us as being fully human LOL.  You actually think male is the epitome of human evolution...

Here is why this is so funny:

ALL FOETUSES START OUT AS FEMALE. YOU were once female Paapiman. One teeny gene attached to the now dying Y chromosome (of over 600 genes now only carries a mere 27) that one tiny gene gives instructions to the Mother's body to bathe the foetus in testosterone, causing the female foetus to develop male attributes.  Then the babie's body is built ENTIRELY FROM THE MOTHER'S OWN BODY.  This means EVERY human comes from female.  A female can LITERALLY BUILD a male body from her own body!!!! Guru Nanak Dev Ji KNEW this truth and why he wrote that we ALL come from a woman. The father only donates one single sperm and out of that sperm only one tiny chromosome, and only one tiny gene from that chromosome. This means the base gender is female! Two females can actually create life.  Two males NEVER COULD - they LACK THE LIFE GIVING ABILITY. The key to life is in the EGG not the sperm! How can a female be HALF a male... it's the other way around!  The key to life is in the X chromosome and not the Y!!!  The Y chromosome is dying, and along with it that gene which changes a female to a male.  This will mean the extinction of the male gender in about 100,000 - 125,000 years.  It's already happened in some species on Earth!! The mole vole adapted, and the gene became spliced to the X chromosome in time, so now the entire mole vole species is XX.  No males!  Though some display male traits and ability to produce sperm, but biologically they are all female XX.  The human race may not adapt in this way naturally but it's been proven that two female eggs can create life.  Two sperms can not.  The nucleus from one egg is transplanted into the other egg and deposits that same nuclear dna coding as a sperm would.  The baby still has two parents, only they are both women. And all babies would be female. 

The natural progression of the human race towards all female, means that eventually we will ALL be female.  And since our evolution as a species is toward and not away from Waheguru... what does this say??  That the vehicle most favoured to reach God is the female vehicle, not male!  :P So how in the world could you think that women are half human... LOL it's the other way around!!! X is the key to life! Not Y.  And men only have one X. Therefore men are actually HALF WOMEN. Not the other way around LOL. 

This is the danger of Babas preaching their Brahaminical mindset about women. They misinterpret Gurbani and twist it to favour males and put women in bad light.  The truth is, all through history, men have feared women.  Put a man in front of an audience to give an important speech, and no matter how hard he tries, his mind will go to the woman in the front row showing a bit of cleavage.  The 'little warrior' will stand to attention regardless of what the man wants. The man still knows it's inappropriate though because he knows right from wrong. So he blames the woman... instead of his own kaam.  This is the power women have over men and it scares the crap out of men.  So they feel like they need to dominate, conquer what they fear is controlling them.  Put women into subordinate roles, hide them in the house, cover them head to toe (Muslims) but women STILL have this power and always will have this power over men.  And men know it.  This is the KEY reason all major religions subordinate women, why most cultures have done so.  Because men fear women, the power we have over their self control, and our power to create life, which they don't have.  Add to this the aggression and rage that testosterone cause and you have the reason for most of the problems in the world.  Women (sans the levels of testosterone in male bodies) do not tend to cause wars, enact violent crimes, etc all these are majority caused by men.  

Look at it another way... several of the five evils can even be traced back to excess amounts of a certain hormone... can you guess which one??
High levels of Testosterone causes high sex drive (kaam) and anger/rage (krodh) among other things, I would say ego too judging by the posts on here. 

Hey Paapiman when the human race are all females then who will hold the palla?  Then who will act as Panj Pyaras?? huh??? 

I'm actually laughing so hard at the comment about women being half of something... so not even fully human... that I am actually trying to write this through tears in my eyes!!! 

Edited by Satkirin_Kaur
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Sukirt, I agree with you. If a woman does sukhmani without any wish she gets salvated. But if a woman wants a mans body she can also do so via Sukhmani.

Papiman, just picked Sant Jis Manukhi dehi = Man in that context, and generalised it for the world Manukh,

Manukh can mean man

or manukh can also mean human

it depends on the context.



For once we agree... like the word "man" is used for "mankind" meaning all of the human race. 

However the usage of it as such was done by males LOL.  It really should be the other way around because the base gender of humans is female not male.  Even the word woman is the all inclusive word wo/man whereas man is not.  They got it backwards. 


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Manukh is from the sanskrit word "manush" which means human. The world has several groups of beings:

Sur, Asur, Gandharv, Apsara,Manush and Pashu etc.

Manukh is NOT male. If it was then this would be a hukam for men only to seek waheguru, and not women, and nowhere does it say this in Gurbani.


Bro, Manush does not refer to a female body in Hindi/Sanskrit.


Gurbani instructs women and other beings (possibly) to seek God.

When Gurbani states - "Simar manna....." - It is an instruction to a mind, which includes women, transgenders and possibly other entities too.

Bhul chuk maaf


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ਹਉਮੈ ਰੋਗੁ ਮਾਨੁਖ ਕਉ ਦੀਨਾ ॥

Paapiman, by your deduction of Sant Jis words, Ego has been given to men.  What about women ? They dont have ego ?No,  Women have ego too.

Bro, Ego is also present in devi/devtay, animals, etc. What about them? Do they have ego or not?

Bhul chuk maaf


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You have to look at the whole thing. The woman is "ardhangani" - half of something. She is the half of a marriage. That means the man can only be half as well.

Ardhangani was a term that Bhagwan Shiv Ji used to describe Mata Parbati when one of the Sapt Rishis wanted to worship only Bhagwan Ji. Bhagwan told the Rishi that I cannot be worshipped alone. Parbati is my Ardhangani, she is half of me.

Thank you so much veer ji for your precious input.Otherwise I was so confused.If that came out true,then probably I would have been thinking to end this life. big Lol!! 

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Bro, Ego is also present in devi/devtay, animals, etc. What about them? Do they have ego or not?

Bhul chuk maaf


Animals live through instinct, so it's very difficult for them to have ego, when they do not possess self-awareness like we do.  They are more tuned to a species consciousness (google the monkey experiment on the island where they learned how to wash potatoes and you will have a real life example of it).  So no... animals do not have Ego like we do.  Everything they do is for survival and instinct driven.  

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Bro, Ego is also present in devi/devtay, animals, etc. What about them? Do they have ego or not?

Bhul chuk maaf


Devi/devtay and animals are Bhog Jooni  whereas Human is a Karam Jooni.

So the instruction of Guru applies to someone who can actually do Karam. Thus a Human being. A Human can work for his salvation whereas animals or devi devtay are dependent on others.

Even the devi/devatay want a human body.   jis dehi ko simreh dev so dehi bhaj har ki sev :  The human body for which the gods/goddesses thirst, use that human body to do simran


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Even the devi/devatay want a human body.   jis dehi ko simreh dev so dehi bhaj har ki sev :  The human body for which the gods/goddesses thirst, use that human body to do simran


Guru sahib's hukam:

"Bhajho Gobind bhool matt jao"

And we paapi ,att neech!!!


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Even the devi/devatay want a human body.   jis dehi ko simreh dev so dehi bhaj har ki sev :  The human body for which the gods/goddesses thirst, use that human body to do simran

Bro, the human body desired by devi/devtay is that of a male human, not a female or a transgender.

Bhul chuk maaf

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Bro, the human body desired by devi/devtay is that of a male human, not a female or a transgender.

Bhul chuk maaf

You have asked them? How do you know? Why would they want a defective body incapable of creating life (without a female) and being ruled by a hormone (testosterone) that causes obstacles to salvation like anger, lust, rage, violence etc. ?? Female body is the one which is more closely tuned to spirituality. 

Edited by Satkirin_Kaur
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