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    GurpreetKaur reacted in Sikhism and aliens   
    No I don't. The picture is showing a flat earth and the person looking past the stars through a dome. 

  2. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Harman deep singh in Sikhism and aliens   
    Lol u sure r crazy abt aliens 
    I haven't even seen earth beautiful scenery so aliens are outta place 
    God sure is  creative XD
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    GurpreetKaur got a reaction from Harman deep singh in Sikhism and aliens   
    yea, there's a dude talking about how he, Obama and many other kids went to moon with the help of jump room in their childhood and there is a life over there. Too much out there and we normal people know nothing about it.:(. I tried astral traveling, I was able to do Lucid dreaming but when my body went into sleep paralysis mode, I got excited or scared and it never happened. I don't think I am gonna try again, I almost drove myself insane by going crazy after it. Not again.
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    GurpreetKaur reacted to Lucky in Out Of Body Experiences   
    Also with reference to some of the earlier posts that I have just read about astral and OBE's.............

    In my understanding, OBE's in astral are all about the power of your own mind and won't help you rise above the realms on the abyasee marg......Maybe some of you have ??...i'm not denying....but It's my understanding.
    And if you have or you do feel that you are getting washed in the amrit of truth... then are you sure that you are travelling upstream to the source or Mool or are you getting washed downstream ?

    ਦੂਜੈ ਭਾਵੀ ਨਾਨਕਾ ਵਹਣਿ ਲੁੜ੍ਹ੍ਹੰਦੜੀ ਜਾਇ ॥੧੬॥
    Ḏūjai bẖāvīʼn nānkā vahaṇ luṛĥaʼnḏaṛī ja-e
    In the love of duality, O Nanak, the mortals are being washed downstream.

    Guruji has given us the greatest and direct method that can take you to the highest realm of sachkhand....and that of course is the shabad and focusing your Single attention on Waheguru.

    Some yogic schools and even some meditative enlightenment paths try to gear you up under the impression that you must go via astral realm with OBE to rise to the higher realms.......This may also work and gurbani doesn't condemn it either.....but Guruji said we don't need to complicate it because all we need is the ONE Jap and praise with the ONE tongue.
    The EK- shabad from the EK-jap that is praising and doing sift salah of Ek waheguru will take you straight to the EK. Onkaar.

    Also, from what I have now come to understand is that there are many levels of astral planes and realms. However, they are not nirgun because structural forms still exist although they may not appear purely physical as what we are used to... These are often mistaken for the places of after-life where all souls go.....but if you want to ascend via this method (as i mention above) then this is where you probably need the guides or masters that they talk about in sant mat, radhasoamis etc....
    BUT I FIRMLY believe in the marg given by Guru Nanak ji which is to ascend DIRECTLY with the shabad without roaming around these structural realms/planes..... and that is with Pure EXPANSION of consciousness by connecting with shabad and following its 'Dhun'-vibration......

    In my opinion....we are not going to learn much sikhi or progress by playing in astral realms. I think you need to ascend via the universe that exists inside your own body.

    The lessons start coming in the further realms and you start learning more about your very own self which in turn leads you to find your own truer self and come to that God-Realisation.
    Guruji says that there are so many worlds, realms and so many lessons to be learned,...........

    ਕੇਤੀਆ ਕਰਮ ਭੂਮੀ ਮੇਰ ਕੇਤੇ ਕੇਤੇ ਧੂ ਉਪਦੇਸ ॥
    Keṯī▫ā karam bẖūmī mer keṯe keṯe ḏẖū upḏes.
    So many worlds and lands for working out karma. So very many lessons to be learned!

    This is one reason why I said somewhere before that the further stages get very personal and unified according to our own gunas, actions, paaps and karmic imprints.
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    GurpreetKaur reacted to Sahib in Out Of Body Experiences   
    I can share my grandfathers out of body experience here..suddenly when meditating and japping he started hearing a loud noise like wind or helicopters sound..then he could felt as if something is pulling him up in air..he got scared and opened his eyes and what he saw was his body down at bed sitting in a meditative pose..and after that he just felt like he was pulled up at a fast speeed when he was a experiencing a kind of tunnel sensstion and then he saw a small white light expanding and coming near towards him.and then he totally entered into the light and he could feel as if he became that vast expansive white light all over..few minutes and suddenly felt a falling like sensation and bhumm..he was back into the body.. he opened his eyes and he could see his dark room (lights closed) Full of light..this light started fading after a minute and everything got normal..he often says that this cant be dream..he could feel the whole of that experience very real and he still remembers evry bit of it
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    GurpreetKaur reacted to BhagatSingh in Out Of Body Experiences   
    It's not because I don't know. It's because I suspect (believe) that there are hostile monsters on the other side who will kill me. It is fear of the killer monsters, of losing something like my game's character which I have invested in, that frightens me. Not the unknown.
    The unknown is not frightening because I am ignorant of it. It is what is known that is frightening. Or a better word would be believing. Believing that what you have invested in will be of no value in a blink.
    Everything we are afraid of involves us losing something. Either it could be a possessions, ego, body (old age, disease, death), relationships, craft, stimuli, etc. Whatever we have invested in if we are attached to it, and if we believe that we might lose it then there is fear at the moment where we have the thought of losing it.

    Sat bachan bhaji. This satsang is great! It sending my mind into a meditation.

    In a dream if you stay too long it feels real. In the world if you stay too long feels real. So you have to keep going into the reality that underlies the world. This is meditation and on a larger scale it is reincarnation

    But I don't think you've experience the fear of death in the manner I am conceptualizing. I have had relatives die, I have contemplated the death of loved ones and I have contemplated my own death. However, this contemplation is temporary the the fear it induces goes away with the contemplation. The more intensely you think about the the greater the fear. But it only lasts as long as the contemplation and the contemplation often comes to an end difficult to sustain or recreate without seeing more deaths.

    If the fear of death is something that is induced. Then I think it is not really a fear that is worthy of much concern. It's better than not having contemplated such fears. But it's not at that point where we have been gripped by the fear and then made our way through the challenge to the light at the end. I wonder is there a fear of death that can grip us so tightly? And if there is how can we experience it? or when can we experience it?

    Now that i think about it, that might be going to the extreme. Because such an intense fear is not necessary. There are plenty of moments of intense sadness we can experience simply by allowing ourselves to be bored. In boredom there is an immense liberating power. At first hint of boredom, you will have an urge to do something. But if you ignore this urge and simply be bored. There will be sadness, followed by loneliness. And feelings will intensify if you stick with them. This is called Bairag. And the end of this experience, if you make it through without shutting down the experience, is profound peace.

    I feel like when I am meditating I am not really going through this process. My mind is busying playing with some, a mantra, chakra or some thought pattern or I am just being conscious. It does not feel Bairag, that is what I want.
  8. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Lucky in Out Of Body Experiences   
    I know this was directed at Chaz... but i couldn't help the reminder of another Kabirji's slok....

    ਕਬੀਰ ਜਿਸੁ ਮਰਨੇ ਤੇ ਜਗੁ ਡਰੈ ਮੇਰੇ ਮਨਿ ਆਨੰਦੁ ॥
    Kabīr jis marne ṯe jag darai mere man ānanḏ.
    Kabeer, the world is afraid of death - that death fills my mind with bliss.

    ਮਰਨੇ ਹੀ ਤੇ ਪਾਈਐ ਪੂਰਨੁ ਪਰਮਾਨੰਦੁ ॥੨੨॥
    Marne hī ṯe pā▫ī▫ai pūran parmānanḏ. ||22||
    It is only by death that perfect, supreme bliss is obtained. ||22||

    Kabirji is telling me that worldly death is seen differently by 2 sorts of people.............
    (1) the Ignorant see it as the end as they see a time-bound consciousness and have an EGO-Being life
    (2) The spiritually elevated see it as something to rejoice. They see it as a new beginning, that the life was just a middle phase. The spiritual being is united with ''Paramanand''-supreme bliss.
    Kabir ji already nows how to die the Ego-being life because he dies repeatedly, every day, in anand, in meditation.
  9. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Ragmaala in Out Of Body Experiences   

    This is what I experienced today. Happened on its own, spontaneous without trying. During early morning hours, when I was sleeping I realized that I was in a dream. I was in a room with concrete walls and a small door. I opened that door which led into another room which looked exactly the same. I did it 3-4 times, I would open the door which led into the same concrete room. Then somehow I realized that I was in a dream, and could change something about it. I imagined a wardrobe and in one of the drawers I imagined a roll of money. So it happened. There was a wardrobe and one of the drawers had US dollars. Then I imagined then when the door open it would lead into a vast space of universe.

    I opened the door again. When I opened it, I realized my room was falling down, there was darkness around, and I could see those stars and galaxies the ones that are often seen in Nasa Images. Somehow my fear was lost , I took a leap of faith and jumped out the door, and boom I was falling down too. I adjusted my body position, my back facing downwards and face towards the millions of small dots/stars , as I was falling down. I let go of my fear and was enjoying this sensation of falling down, just a light force tugging me downwards. And then stars started to fade and blurred...opened my eyes, I was in my bed , and it was 5 am. I guess it was a cue for me to wake up, but being a kalyugi jeev ended up being lazy.

    This was probably the first time I have ever had this feeling of falling down without fear,because I knew I wouldn't get hurt.

    Not sure what it was.
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    GurpreetKaur reacted to chzS1ngh in Out Of Body Experiences   
    firstly i don;t think we should give too much details of individual experiences..i have found that this can cause problems because we start to want , expect those experiences...this causes frustration, desire, etc etc... i really honestly feel it is about surrendering and letting things happen naturally....just my opinion..

    from my experience...when you are going deep into mediation, in a very relaxed state, you will become aware of your subtle body in many ways...it kinda energises

    Quantum theory sometimes talks about the 4th dimension..

    we live in a 3 dimensional world....our physical body is aware of 3 dimensions...it can move back and forth, left and right (2 dimensions), and also up and down (3rd dimension)...

    imagine though if your subtle body can be part of those same 3 dimensions, and also a fourth dimension...
    so now, when you become aware of your subtle body during meditation..BOOOOM, you are now also aware of the fourth dimension..so now your consciousness is moving about in the usual 3 dimensional space, but now also in 4th dimensional space...a whole new world!

    i am only using the 4th dimensional analogy as an example of how it has FELT for me during my Simran...if my attention goes deep and becomes aware of the subtle body then the 4th dimension is accessable...as i come out of deep meditation, and my awareness shifts back to my physical body, the 3 dimensions are only accessable.

    thats how i've tried to understand what happens...i could be completely wrong..but the thing is who cares...just enjoy the ride
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    GurpreetKaur reacted to chzS1ngh in Out Of Body Experiences   
    my two cents on this subject..

    i feel i have had many OBE's...not a single one when meditating during the Day..... always at amrit Vela...
    my first one actually occured on the very first day i did Amrit Vela (before then i meditated during the day)

    unlike others i dont think i have wondered around, and seen my own body etc etc...i have always been pulled to 'somewhere else' sometimes by the sound of a loud bell.

    my advice..and this is only my opinion...
    I have never wanted nor do i still want an OBE...i don;t seek it, nor do i ask for one...
    i go into mediaition with Gurmanter with sole aim of feeling at one with Waheguru...whatever happens/doesnt happen..is fine by me...just surrender to the all pervading power that is

    everything that needs to occur, that will occur or will happen, will manifest on its own accord...

    otherwise in my opinion one can get dragged into just shifting desires, ego, wants, needs, attention from this world to another...and we can easily lose track of our objectives...

    but this is just me opinion

    google Astral Sex, and you'll find forums of hundreds of people trying to induce Astral travel for the sole aim of having sex in a different realm/world...talk about just taking your problems with you!

    Hi Satkirin, Lucky ji....good to see you on this Forum

    i also agree with Satkirin, i don't think we/consciousness leave anywhere...i think we are also just shifting awareness to a different point...like having a sheet of paper with several holes in it...and just peeping through a different hole...
  12. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to CdnSikhGirl in Out Of Body Experiences   
    I have actually had numerous OBEs when I was younger, which mostly all happened on their own. They actually scared me at first and then I realized I was ok, so I started experimenting - basically I just let go and let it happen. I actually wrote an ebook on the subject years ago and though it was before I found Sikhi, and hence you won't find any reference to Sikhi in the book, but I did do a lot of research, both scientifically and spiritually into the subject so there are references to several different spiritual paths in the book.

    Feel free to take a look if you want...

    Those experiences ultimately led me on a spiritual journey to end up eventually in Sikhi. And I am about to take Amrit in Sept when I go back to India.
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    GurpreetKaur reacted to HisServant in Out Of Body Experiences   
    I was doing saas-giras one day and this's what happened. I didn't go all the way because I got really scared and didn't let it happen. During the time I didn't even know what an OBE was, I had never heard of one before.
    1. Everything went cold (It was a cold day as well)
    2. My abihas kept going and I slowly lost feeling in my legs, then slowly everywhere else. It would go away and come back. I was aware of everything around me though
    3. Vibrations were going off really fast, from my head to toes, they've never been that strong
    4. It started to feel like I was being pulled up and out of my body
    5. I started freaking out a bit, and trying to pull myself in, but I was being pulled hard
    6. I could feel myself floating
    7. Eventually the pulling stopped and I was back in my body
    8. After that I couldn't move out of my bed, but I was still aware of everything (still in sleep paralysis)

    This was not too long ago. (I'm 16 years old if that makes a difference).
  14. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Lucky in Out Of Body Experiences   
    The problem is that most of us get scared with sleep paralysis.
    It has happened to me a number of times where you can't move and even if you try to speak,, it is great effort to just get some mumbling sound out of yourself.

    From what I have read about people that have an OBE immediately during/after sleep paralysis is to R-E-L-A-X. into it.
    The sleep paralysis is just the 1st early stage of an OBE........at the same time nearly everyone hears the muffling, static, shuffling sounds when in that state..
    If you ease yourself into it, then you can feel vibrations within yourself just before your consciousness shifts outwards.
    .. The suffocating sensations are when we show fear and get pulled back in.
    However, if the next time it happens you try and just ease yourself into it......then you can be on your way...

    For me,,, I have felt the vibrations, but then I still have some sort of fear and this results in the forceful, suffocating sensation of coming back in.
    Just this morning, I think something was happening. This time I was completely relaxed but when I paid attention to everything around me..... all the objects like cupboard, chair .....seemed very fluid and as if they were in a very slow motion. A little like when you go deep down in a swimming pool and start viewing around you .........Again, I wasn't too sure what was going on and probably felt some sort of fear that made it all stop happening !

    I agree with Das above, that OBE and expansion of consciousness (as in simran) are different .... but one can still be aware of both physical, ethereal,astral realms at the same instance.
    However, in the expansion of consciousness state, one has to be in a deep meditative state and as soon as you come out, the experience is over.
  15. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Ragmaala in Out Of Body Experiences   
    When I was in my early 20s I would have such experiences. I am not sure if they were really OBEs but more along the lines of sleep paralysis. I could often fly in my dreams with will. It was fun, just a touch of foot on ground and up goes my body. Funny thing was I knew I was dreaming. Havent had such dreams recently.
    I would often wake up in morning, more often when I woke up early and went back to sleep, I could feel myself going to sleep. As I would go to sleep , I would get this feeling that I couldnt breathe and felt suffocated. I wouldnt be able to move my body at all, very scary feeling. Sometimes I would feel as if I rolled out of my body sideways, or that I would walk up from my bed only to realize that I was just dreaming.
    Only one time, I had this experience/dream/illusion that I was flying on top of my body , like 3-4 feet and watching myself and flying in my room. At that time, it felt very real but afterwards I thought I might just have been a dream, young imagination running wild.
    Only one time I had a pleasant experience. My body was paralyzed, I couldnt even my eyes, somehow I was awake in body, I heard this noise, it was a vibrating noise, sounded like a whirring of a machine rotating really fast, I focused between eyebrows, and I had this feeling that I was being suctioned into a portal, it was mildly pleasant.
    As I lost interest in such things later on, they didnt happen that much. I never felt spiritually uplifted with such experiences, just was excited to explore in younger years. lol.
  16. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to das in Out Of Body Experiences   
    Here is mine experiences: There are total of 2 experiences which I remember.

    First: I saw myself floating in my bedroom; at that point I understand that I can now fly. I became super exicited and immediately started flying from one corner of room to another corner, then to roof. I was very happy and was wondering how fast I could go from one point to another. Then before I started thinking about going outside, I was pulled back into the body.

    Second: This I remember vagely, while sleeping (in USA) I travelled to one Gurdwara Sahib in one village in India. I don't remember how I travelled but I was instantaneously transferred to that Gurdwara in India. There was a pond near the Gurdwara premises. I sat under a tree with my Spiritual guide. We had some discussion but I don't remember that. Next day, I told my experiences to my Spiritual Guide/Guardian/Angel/what-ever you call him and it was confirmed that we had a little chat that night in India but unfortunately I did not remember any discussion; I just remembered the place and discussing something.

    After that it never happened again, but now after reading some members post, my interest is arising again.
  17. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Harman deep singh in Sikhism and aliens   
    If u can lift your Surat somehow above  you can master astral plane travel 
    Then u can see many aliens xP even super saiyans LOL
    Many people have claimed to see planets (one person told that there was humanoid and robots building stuff behind moon)
    (Going too far isn't recommended in astral travel)
    according to Sant Isher Singh g rara sahib 
    First concentrate dhyaan behind eyes and nose mokh dwaar will open (I always thought mokh dwaar is trikuti but a great disciple clarified me)
    After that 
    Astral plane 
    Trikuti ( between eyebrows)
    Dasam dwaar 
  18. Like
    GurpreetKaur got a reaction from Harman deep singh in Sikhism and aliens   
    I used to, now focus is less on this area but I think I am getting back. I don't know there is something about aliens and entities which makes me feel alive lol
  19. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Lucky in Cultivating Concentration (to Support Meditation)   
    yes it's harmless but doing trataka on the sun can also be done with your eyes closed or just a slight squint. 
    I enjoy nothing more on hot summer evenings than to sun-gaze for about 20 minutes.  It has a multitude of benefits including absorption of sun energy, cleansing and pineal stimulation.
    As for GG mentioning the eye exercises and vision improvement as per bates method....of course it works!!..  ..I personally know a few people who have simply practiced vision exercises and got rid of their prescription glasses...I have had my own daughter do it!  ......The eyes work with muscles, and these muscles just like anywhere else in the body can be trained and maintained....Bates and some other scientists got fobbed off because they claimed glasses caused more damage.   With regards to that, I would agree because you ar just making an already weaker muscle even more lazy by using corrective lens which is why vision will always continue declining.
  20. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to LiquidSky in Sikhism and aliens   
  21. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Harman deep singh in Sikhism and aliens   
    Omg this post is 13 years old XD 
    Warning :- sis, you are watching too much Alien shows lol lol lol
  22. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to das in Spiritual Education in Sikhs   
    First of all, thanks everyone for your valued options/suggestions/recommendations/links. I really appreciate it.
    I just want to clarify certain things as follows: 
    In our family we do path regularly and the children also do the same. We also tell them good qualities, Spiritual principles, how-to-differentiate between good-vs-bad. This part is being done to the extent we are capable off. But the real issue is that kids do spend most of their time in school, TV, Cartons etc......even though we've limited the screen time, but you know they always think about the things from which they have been warned (basic nature of humans). So, we cannot just NO to TV, cartoons, school; I tried that but that increases the real issue........Monkey Mind. So, the next best option is to teach them in a way they can understand via the interactive sessions with books, Tv, cartoons.
    But eventually, all this doesn't matter because at the end of the day, children do subconsciously follow their habits (from previous birth's karma).......sometimes good seed does germinate quickly if proper environment (including parents) are provided and sometimes not. Souls chose the parents before the birth (if given a chance) so that it's more easier for them to progress based upon their current quota of karma. So, the bottom line is: it is all about the karma but we can't just ignore our responsibilities (even though they are also part of the game).......free-will is also an illusion.
    Free-will is a delusion as long as one is a slave to the ego's fears and desires. It can be exercised only when one is aware and unattached to desires, and the dualities of life, and has no ego. By cultivating non-attachment one sees beyond liking and disliking, success and failure, loss and gain, pleasure and pain, to the Truth of things. There are very rare who actually does have really free-will (or say no-will or say the will of God); we all are just dancing to the tune of Maya. There is only one way to out: Grace.........even Grace is of 4 types: Grace-Of-God: We already have that as we've the chance (human-body); Grace-of-Scriptures: it is also there; Grace-of-Guru: it comes when the seeker has made the maximum effort and have exhausted; Grace-of-One-self: It is the grace that we have to do on ourselves (as BhagatSIngh as mentioned)....it is having the will to undertake a purposeful journey in life, to do the spiritual work of life, and to prepare oneself.
    Now, see how these days I've become a Fake Brahmin/Sant/Scholar..........who has learnt the techniques but saala apne te experiment nahi karda. I should remember that: A tiny bit of knowledge is required for Salvation (i.e I'm separated and I'm that).................but there is no point to attain all kinds of knowledge because all knowledge is incomplete without HIM. pata nahi ke likh reha haan, chalo dil to pagal hai!
  23. Like
    GurpreetKaur reacted to Ragmaala in Spiritual Education in Sikhs   
    wow thats amazing. 
    Was it a common mantra that he could also have heard from someone  ? or was it your own unique mantra that he might not have heard from others ? ( This detail might be important to remove any confounding factors in your experimental observation. btw I do not wish to know your mantra, that is your personal matter).
    But that is amazing. How kids can pick up spiritual frequencies so fast ? No wonder they are called  rabb da roop
    The first two years of my life were spent with my Naani, who was great Nitnemi & did Amritvela of 3 am through her whole life, even through extreme sickness. My mom tells me that Naani would take me in her lap and do path. She was also very sensitive to emotions. I sometimes wonder that maybe whatever love for Sikhi I claim to have , and my sensitive nature might be her giving. Yes I blame her for making me too sensitive to emotions sometimes, which I have learnt to control a lot btw. lol.
    @BhagatSingh   This is the greatest gift a father or a mother can give to their Child, a long time Spiritual fruit & blessing through actually practising it, and actually passing on the spiritual vibrations. Your story is very pleasant to hear, thanks for sharing.
  24. Like
    GurpreetKaur got a reaction from das in Spiritual Education in Sikhs   
    They say Birth to seven years age, a child is running under the subconscious part of her or his mind. So I would say fill it up with good stuff. The other thing I read was that if a father goes to Church or temple there are higher chances that children will follow him. Mothers are great teachers but dad can have a huge impact too.  I spent first year of my life with my biji( nani ji) she's a religious lady and I think it was those few months that at the age of 19, my interest in spirituality and religion woke up, since there is no spiritual bone in my dad's side family.  Don't depend on parcharak to teach your kids the Value of being loving, kind, caring. You got this, we have faith in you . I read bhagat pooran singh ji's jeevani and watch how his mother taught him. One example was she told him to find stones from street and put it away so nobody gets hurt. 
  25. Like
    GurpreetKaur got a reaction from Ragmaala in Brahm kavach   
    Nawww.. I will get abducted by aliens, you just keep an eye my show will be aired very soon. I will interview aliens. Okay I need to  act mature now. Lol
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