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    sarabatam reacted to GurjantGnostic in HSD AND GurjantGnostic   
    I've used far less insults and will use none. I'll stay on topic. This isn't a 50 50 thing. 
  2. Like
    sarabatam reacted to PAL_07 in Mahapurk Arahant Acaria Mun Bhurridata   
    great book about the life and teachings of this mahapurkh
  3. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in ~ Absolute Reality And Two Types Of Realtive Reality -Life Force In Relations To Human And This World ~   
    The reflected (adhyasika) Reality admits of degrees which are named:
    (1) Vyavaharika satya (everyday life) - this chair is seen by me and is real. Ramana Maharshi, Talk 33
    (2) Pratibhasika satya (illusory) - Illusion of a serpent in a coiled rope. The appearance is real to the man who thinks so. This phenomenon appears at a point of time and under certain circumstances. Ramana Maharshi, Talk 33
    (3) Paramartika satya (ultimate) - Reality is that which remains the same always and without change. Ramana Maharshi, Talk 33
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    sarabatam reacted to PAL_07 in List of Sampardai Granth   
    These are the basic books taught by Vadeh Mahapurkh
  5. Like
    sarabatam reacted to PAL_07 in List of Sampardai Granth   
    Mokash Panth
    Vichar Sagar
    Vichar Mala
    Chanaki Raajniti
    Bhava Simrit
    Adhiyatam Prakash
    Bhairag Shatak
    Prabodh Chandra Natak
    Panch Dasi
    Birti Prabhakar
    Vivek Chudami Sri Adi Shankaracharaya
  6. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Complete teeka of Guru Granth Sahib Ji by Baba Hari Singh Ji Randhawe Wale   
    Thanks so much..will take a look.
  7. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Therapi and medicine   
    My sister has intense OCD after 7 yrs of suffering of figuring it out what was wrong with her!. As we did mri scan, all neurological scans it turn out to be OCD. I understand every case is different, if you certain you got OCD take the meds and see if it helps.
  8. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from Jigyasu1991 in Adyatam questions and answers by Sant Jagjit Singh Harkhowale recorded in 2017 trip to toronto   
    Gurfateh all,
    Just passing by, wanted to post Adyatam questions and answers by Sant Jagjit Singh Harkhowale 2017 trip to toronto, they are deep answers as usual clears lot of doubts, give deep insight of gurbani and also into state of bhramgyan:
  9. Like
    sarabatam reacted to Lucky in Wa He Gu Roo, Focusing On 4 Different Places   
    Not been on here for a long time, but I'll attempt to answer your question.....
    A few reasons for the pause. 1st,  the pause is when you are neither breathing in or breathing out. it is a momentarily hold of breath. It makes sure you are listening. as in listening to the gurumantar.. when you pay attention to your focus(dhyian) at the moment you are pausing(holding breath), then you are focusing with more attention. .  just to add, a sniper or someone who is shooting a rifle or pistol at a target with precision, will, at the moment just before taking the shot, hold their breath and be in complete stillness.  In most sports, just before taking your snooker/pool shot or even a basket ball dunk, you will hold your breath at the decisive moment.. 
    2nd, this pause or hold is your intro into getting to listen to the 'void'. For that is where the divine sounds will begin to appear.
    3rd, We are in a world of duality. Duality came into existence when Waheguru blast(big bang) 'ong''emerged and creation was made. The 'singularity" of EK made the ONG, and KAR creation was made, hence "Ek ong-kar" .(see post below)  for example, we have Good-bad, dark-light, sun-moon, hot-cold etc..  The perfect place is to be neither left or right, but in the center. In the center, is the perfect balance, like a see-saw or scale when it's horizontal.  In similar fashion, amrit vela on a physical worldly level is when the moon's cooling energy is minimal and the sun's heat energy is beginning to emerge and at a point equivalent but opposite to the moon's.
    Hope, the above helps you understand about duality and the importance of being still and neutral.
  10. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in Where we come from ? Answer provided by Guru Maharaj in this shabad   
    Bump, another light bulb moment, regarding where thoughts come from? There is individual antish karan surely but there is also collective antish karan for lack of better word- vayu mandal (field of awareness) thats why sadh sangat, naam simran, gurbani and positive thinking is encouraged all the time- to increase vibrations to deal with our own shortcoming/ also deal with thoughts and also vayu mandal - field of awareness- people we interact with whether its in the household, or outside world. At the end, never mind the thoughts- give it back to universe - keep going on the path of sikhi- naam simran, never be discouraged.
  11. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in Where we come from ? Answer provided by Guru Maharaj in this shabad   
    This shabad below is answer by Guru maharaj to his sikh- when they asked- where we come from? and where the world comes from? and how to go beyond mind?
    ਗਉੜੀ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ॥ 
    गउड़ी महला १ ॥ 
    Ga▫oṛī mėhlā 1. 
    Gauree, First Mehl: 
    ਜਾਤੋ ਜਾਇ ਕਹਾ ਤੇ ਆਵੈ ॥ 
    जातो जाइ कहा ते आवै ॥ 
    Jāṯo jā▫e kahā ṯe āvai. 
    How can we know where we came from? 
    ਕਹ ਉਪਜੈ ਕਹ ਜਾਇ ਸਮਾਵੈ ॥ 
    कह उपजै कह जाइ समावै ॥ 
    Kah upjai kah jā▫e samāvai. 
    Where did we originate, and where will we go and merge? 
    ਕਿਉ ਬਾਧਿਓ ਕਿਉ ਮੁਕਤੀ ਪਾਵੈ ॥ 
    किउ बाधिओ किउ मुकती पावै ॥ 
    Ki▫o bāḏẖi▫o ki▫o mukṯī pāvai. 
    How are we bound, and how do we obtain liberation? 
    ਕਿਉ ਅਬਿਨਾਸੀ ਸਹਜਿ ਸਮਾਵੈ ॥੧॥ 
    किउ अबिनासी सहजि समावै ॥१॥ 
    Ki▫o abẖināsī sahj samāvai. ||1|| 
    How do we merge with intuitive ease into the Eternal, Imperishable Lord? ||1|| 
    ਨਾਮੁ ਰਿਦੈ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਮੁਖਿ ਨਾਮੁ ॥ 
    नामु रिदै अम्रितु मुखि नामु ॥ 
    Nām riḏai amriṯ mukẖ nām. 
    With the Naam in the heart and the Ambrosial Naam on our lips, 
    ਨਰਹਰ ਨਾਮੁ ਨਰਹਰ ਨਿਹਕਾਮੁ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ 
    नरहर नामु नरहर निहकामु ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ 
    Narhar nām narhar nihkām. ||1|| rahā▫o. 
    through the Name of the Lord, we rise above desire, like the Lord. ||1||Pause|| 
    ਸਹਜੇ ਆਵੈ ਸਹਜੇ ਜਾਇ ॥
    सहजे आवै सहजे जाइ ॥
    Sėhje āvai sėhje jā▫e.
    From Paratma we come and from paratma we go back into after bhramgyan-realization of self
    ਮਨ ਤੇ ਉਪਜੈ ਮਨ ਮਾਹਿ ਸਮਾਇ ॥
    मन ते उपजै मन माहि समाइ ॥
    Man ṯe upjai man māhi samā▫e.
    World comes from the mind and in the mind it originates, and into the mind  world is absorbed.
    ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਮੁਕਤੋ ਬੰਧੁ ਨ ਪਾਇ ॥
    गुरमुखि मुकतो बंधु न पाइ ॥
    Gurmukẖ mukṯo banḏẖ na pā▫e.
    As Gurmukh, we are liberated, and are not bound.
    ਸਬਦੁ ਬੀਚਾਰਿ ਛੁਟੈ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਇ ॥੨॥
    सबदु बीचारि छुटै हरि नाइ ॥२॥
    Sabaḏ bīcẖār cẖẖutai har nā▫e. ||2||
    Contemplating the Word of the Shabad, we are emancipated through the Name of the Lord. ||2||
    ਤਰਵਰ ਪੰਖੀ ਬਹੁ ਨਿਸਿ ਬਾਸੁ ॥ 
    तरवर पंखी बहु निसि बासु ॥ 
    Ŧarvar pankẖī baho nis bās. 
    At night, lots of birds settle on the tree. 
    ਸੁਖ ਦੁਖੀਆ ਮਨਿ ਮੋਹ ਵਿਣਾਸੁ ॥ 
    सुख दुखीआ मनि मोह विणासु ॥ 
    Sukẖ ḏukẖī▫ā man moh viṇās. 
    Some are happy, and some are sad. Caught in the desires of the mind, they perish. 
    ਸਾਝ ਬਿਹਾਗ ਤਕਹਿ ਆਗਾਸੁ ॥ 
    साझ बिहाग तकहि आगासु ॥ 
    Sājẖ bihāg ṯakėh āgās. 
    And when the life-night comes to its end, then they look to the sky. 
    ਦਹ ਦਿਸਿ ਧਾਵਹਿ ਕਰਮਿ ਲਿਖਿਆਸੁ ॥੩॥ 
    दह दिसि धावहि करमि लिखिआसु ॥३॥ 
    Ḏah ḏis ḏẖāvėh karam likẖi▫ās. ||3|| 
    They fly away in all ten directions, according to their pre-ordained destiny. ||3|| 
    Highly recommended short commentary of this shabad by Sant Gyani Gurbachan Singh Bhindranwale
  12. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in ~~Deep Gnosis Behind Mahavak In Gurbani~   
    Haan ji here right click and save as 
    back up link:
  13. Like
    sarabatam reacted to PAL_07 in Updates To My Facebook Page PAL_07   
    its about time the real boyz showed up....wheres kaljug and kam1825 and so many others can't remember them magarmach, Dalsingh101, the geezer with baba Jawala Singh photo etc etc....sick of forums.... Singhs confused with what paper towel to wipe their eyes with or whether eating walkers crisps requires me to go Peshi.  Only after serious Gurbani Abhyas can you start to understand Gurmat, im on my 11th Sehaj Paat now.  This is a very rare appearance mainly out of love for Singh's.  I did myself benefit greatly from this site but now having seen the dasam duar and the hirda open where transcendence occurs, you actually get the real understanding then.  Read/study Kabirs shabad Jaani Jaani Reh Raja Raam Ki Kahani.  Too much quarreling and argueements now on forums, im only interested in saving myself.  facebook is really just a place for me to store the important passages from books im reading.  Im busy listening to this atm so Gurfateh to all and i'll try to make some posts again perhaps after 6 months.  Khalsa Ji Bhul Chuk Kima Karni, Gajke Fateh Bolo VAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA VAHEGURU JI KI FATEH
  14. Like
    sarabatam reacted to PAL_07 in Updates To My Facebook Page PAL_07   
  15. Like
    sarabatam reacted to Sat1176 in Sikh converted at Atam Academy SAS Meeting   
    It is sad and shocking for the community as the school has been created and adheres to the Sikh ethos. However it is not a private independent school but one that is funded by the state but managed independently as an Academy under a Sikh Trust. Only up to 50% of Sikh students are given priority. The other 50% is made up from locals of any other faith so you get others also attending especially because it is a newly built school with modern facilities. Obviously it has given parents of children who attend the school cause for concern especially if the motives of children from other faiths is to try and convert and disrespect Sikhi. A lot of parents who choose to put their children in the school was so their kids would be free from bullying and where the kids could excel in like minded environment. I for one regret sending my son there. Not just because of this incident, but because I don't think a faith school attracts the best teachers and there is a very high turn over of staff at the school. They lack experience of running a school and it's becoming a hub for parents to get jobs when they may not have any experience in working an educational environment. If someone were to ask me if I should send my child there? I would say think it through it through and not just jump on the Sikh bandwagon because yes there are a fair few Sikh children there but is the setup and education really at a high standard? The school is stretched for funding so will make compromises where possible.
    Primary is Sikh students heavy but in Secondary that it is not the case. As the primary years move up then the position in Secondary will change if parents still choose this to keep their children in the school for secondary. As a parent I'm deeply concerned if my child is getting the best possible education at this school, and would be taking a big gamble if he were to remain. The Ofsted rating of "Needs improvement" speaks for itself. It was rates Outstanding when it first was assessed then Panjabi politics kicked in and there was power struggle and key people were removed. After that there has been a high turnover of head teachers and staff. The KAT trust lost also lost it's secondary school in Slough West London. They just can't afford or attract the best and the good teachers/governors and the ones they do have leave or forced out. I had my reservations when I picked this school for my child, as those gut instincts were right.
  16. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from Soulfinder in Happy Vaisakhi   
    Happy Vaishaki everyone!!!!!!
  17. Like
    sarabatam reacted to GurjantGnostic in Happy Vaisakhi   
    Vaheguru Ji ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji ki Fateh. 
  18. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Happy Vaisakhi   
    Happy Vaishaki everyone!!!!!!
  19. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Login issues?   
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    sarabatam got a reaction from Soulfinder in Login issues?   
  21. Like
    sarabatam reacted to Sajjan_Thug in PICTURE of the tree Guru Nanak Sahib Ji slept under   
    Waheguru Ji
    Gurdwara Mall Ji Sahib. This Gurdwara marks the spot where Rai Bullar witnessed Guru Nanak while sleeping beside a tree a large cobra shielded his head from the sun. Here Rai Bullar erected a small monument beside the tree which still stands today. Later a larger Gurdwara was built.
    Here is picture of the tree Guru Nanak Ji slept under

    Here is the Gurdwara where tree is located 

    Rai Bullar erected a small monument beside the tree which still stands today

    There are more pictures on the website.  Please download. Here is the link
  22. Like
    sarabatam reacted to Soulfinder in PICTURE of the tree Guru Nanak Sahib Ji slept under   
    Thanks for sharing veer ji 
  23. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Where is DalSingh ji?   
    He replied back without quoting his email. Basically, he is busy with career changes won’t be on forum for a while.
  24. Thanks
    sarabatam got a reaction from Premi in Where is DalSingh ji?   
    He replied back without quoting his email. Basically, he is busy with career changes won’t be on forum for a while.
  25. Like
    sarabatam got a reaction from Soulfinder in Where is DalSingh ji?   
    He replied back without quoting his email. Basically, he is busy with career changes won’t be on forum for a while.
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