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S.i.k.h Camp Exposed

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Vahgoo Ji Ka Khalsa Vahgroo Ji Ki Fateh

Pyare sadh sangat ji i came past a post on this forum a few weeks back exposing issues with the organizers of a gurmat camp, called S.I.K.H Camp, which is based in the UK. I saw the images and i recognised the faces straight away...

These so called gurmat parchaariks...should not be allowed to run this camp...

My younger brother once attended a camp that these guys were at and did sangat with these people...they encouraged him to due anti-gurmat activities which he almost fell for!! taking marjuana, ok to eat red meat, ok to have girlfirends to promote sikhi, ok to go clubbing to get people into sikhi!!!!!!!!!!!

I also came across this video show the guys at a UK bhangra gig - look at 3.00min into video

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The organisers of the camp are too young to know any of the guys in the video. They have nothing to do with any of them and certainly don't do the type of parchar you mention.

Is Bob still around :o

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Its amazing, you are here putting this on the net even though it was banned by sikhsangat. This organisation is trying to move away from your traditional BOSS camps and AKJ camps and move more into the Sampardaic teachings.

Harvinder SIngh now also has aslot on a chat show on the Sikh Channel.

The only reason why this thread has been started is because Harvinder Singh has approached either the singh who started this thread or one of his friends about beating his wife!

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I couldn't careless about the crap interests and tastes of the aforementioned Singhs (btw - I do believe if one is to be a role model and sevadaar in the community - then they have a responsibility to a rehitvaan/'good' role model type jeevan).

I just can't believe the rubbish people listen to i.e. Tigerstyle. That is not traditional or folk, its a monsterous mish mash as is the new album they have just released. These do-gooders have no idea about real music or traditions - and respecting them.

I am sure the new 'dharmic' album will also be 'kicking' it in nightclubs with drunk-rootless wannabe Punjabi western youth prancing around whilst virtually behaush - shoving into their 'bruvs' and using all that Tigerstyle josh to beat each other and make a spectacle of themselves and their community.

Its really upsetting to see this really decayed side of our youth.

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Its really upsetting to see this really decayed side of our youth.

And yet it exists.

There is always the hope that this kind of parchar, though neither traditional or tasteful (at least not to old fogeys like me), will inspire some Punjabi who is never going to walk into a gurdwara or a library, to do some research on real Sikhi.

Like it says in the song:

always look on the bright side of life!


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I'm not sure.... - I do believe fusion is confusion, unless the fusion has come from a divine source!

Anyway - I'm not sure how guys who are preaching on one hand, and making money through hip ho ptrash culture songs on the other are supposed be taken seriously or even inspire - it just corrupts 'good boys' IMO, and creates a confused new generation of Sikhs who think this music is some sort of kirtan.

I have rarely seen Sikhs move on from this trash, some may put on a dhamalla, get some big karai and buy never4get84 T-shirt, but that doesn't make them a Sikh.

These kids are better of listening to Baba Ranjit Singhs (Dhandrianvalai) dharna/kathaa, whose Punjabi and kathaa is simple yet entertaining to understand - yet drives home the basic points in a respectful fashion in a respectful environment.

The whole bhangra scene and its masterminds have a lot to answer fo i.e. taking youth out of the Gurdwarai and into nightclubs - later crying that there daughters and sisters are being prayed on by kalai, gorai, Pakistanis....

But this dharmic bhangra - IMO is going to create a whole host of new problems... just wait and see!

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It was actually one of their songs that got me interested in sikhi to begin with. So it does help..

People on this forum and sikh sangat are not the target group of these songs so i do not think that people here should comment and critisize what tigerstyle and others are doing. We might not agree with their way of doing parchaar but it does help... even if it means that only 1% becomes interested in sikhi, and the remaining 99% becomes the khande wearing disco clubbing "sikhs" i would still say it has been a succes...

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I'm not sure.... - I do believe fusion is confusion, unless the fusion has come from a divine source!

Anyway - I'm not sure how guys who are preaching on one hand, and making money through hip ho ptrash culture songs on the other are supposed be taken seriously or even inspire - it just corrupts 'good boys' IMO, and creates a confused new generation of Sikhs who think this music is some sort of kirtan.

I have rarely seen Sikhs move on from this trash, some may put on a dhamalla, get some big karai and buy never4get84 T-shirt, but that doesn't make them a Sikh.

These kids are better of listening to Baba Ranjit Singhs (Dhandrianvalai) dharna/kathaa, whose Punjabi and kathaa is simple yet entertaining to understand - yet drives home the basic points in a respectful fashion in a respectful environment.

The whole bhangra scene and its masterminds have a lot to answer fo i.e. taking youth out of the Gurdwarai and into nightclubs - later crying that there daughters and sisters are being prayed on by kalai, gorai, Pakistanis....

But this dharmic bhangra - IMO is going to create a whole host of new problems... just wait and see!


Fusion can be good, if it is created by masters of the different modes of music.

Remembering Shakti:


Zakir Hussain beatboxing ( :P ) :

I have seen good young Sikhs who started off as Punjabis listening to Manak and drinking whisky at 14, then started listening to Gurdas Mann's dharmic songs, or in some cases people like Tigerstyle and the like, before being led to Sikhi proper. I've also met Gursikh kids who didn't really have any pride in their Sikh heritage until people like Tigerstyle made Sikhs more mainstream. Yes, they should have already been proud of their heritage without worrying about what other people think, but not every kid is that naturally brave. On the other hand, I have yet to meet Sikhs who were brought up on raag kirtan, Gurmat katha, and Sikh literature degrade into bhangra-dancing glassi-holding Desi DNA watching bewakoofs.

But, and this is a pretty big but, this kind of parchar to Punjabi youth estranged from their traditional Sikh culture can only be done by rehatvaan Sikhs. Kuldip Manak singing dharmik geet then turning round and singing about sharaab will just confuse the hell out of vulnerable kids who already feel out of place.



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Amardeep....Aaah, the archetypal exception to the rule, lol!

Bro, my comments are simply based on what I see and hear. They are also based on the 'Tigerstyle' produce I have had the misfortune to encounter.

My main gripe is with how these folk have 'maimed' Punjabi folk, and more importantly, Dhadi traditions, not to mention the dragging of 'dharma' through kaam/nasha melas (nightclubs), alongside giving youth an excuse to also enter these nasty environments.

I don't really care re the rest, its a free world, they are ultimately responsible for their own actions.

I came into Sikhi being influenced by a number of things I don't really care to mention - it doesn't mean that I need to agree with them for the rest of my life - in actual fact, I totally oppose those influences today - they just happened to be part of the route Guru wished me to take... and I believe it was 1st hand experience of that route, that helped me to better understand and see it today in its true colours....

Yes, last points are true, lol at the vids. Here is better fusion:

Edited by shaheediyan
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being one of the mods of Sikhsangat i have a good idea who is starting these threads about the sikh camp.....the camp itself is inline with positive gurmat parchaar.........and the person starting these threads has nothign more that a personal vendetta against some of the sewadars helping organise it....

So in the interest of people who are interested in going to this camo, please edit or close any such thread..............people should make up their own minds and not have mindless idiots caste doubt into people's heads who are trying to come into sikhi.

bhul chuck di cheema jio


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