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Anand Karaj In History

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How was Anand Karaj done in Guru's times? The Bani was read in a Dharamshala and thats it?

Isn't the taking rounds around SGGS more of a Brahminised thing? Nirankaris say they started it (later on, after Sikh Gurus), which is right.

Please don't mind and discuss from a Gurmat/Historical perspective.

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Bibi Viro was married with Anand Karaj in village Jhabal. The Gurdwara is historical Gurdwara. This Gurudwara claims to the performance of first Anand karaj. I doubt if there is a history of Anand Karaj before Bibi Viro.


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Does everything that we do and is in common with the Hindu faith have to be bought down to SIkhs being Bramanized??

Hindus eat proatha with desi ghee and ammbh da acchar with kachi-lassi; if a sikh does it is he falling into the Brahmanised, RSS, Congressy path just because they do similar things?

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As per the Puratan maryada preserved by the Namdharis (and detailed in Prem Sumarg), Anand Kharaj was performed around a havan - with Raag Suhi laavaan being recited.

As mentioned above, it was the Nirankari (Bhaya Dayal Singh?) who was said to have introduced the tradition of laavaan around Aad Guru Granth Sahib in the early/mid 19th century - a tradition which was later normalised across the Panth.

This is my understanding. It could be, that the Aad Guru laavaan tradition was already extant, I am open to that idea, so if anyone has any evidence, please share. Obvioulsy we have to at the least consider how the first 5 Gurus were married.

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Guru Gobind Singh

Guru Gobind Singh promoted Anand Karaj. In this context, his Hukam Namahs by

various authors provides no clarification. In Reht Namah by Bhai Daya Singh 14 is

written that a Sikh should not get married by a Brahmin.. It means that Sikh should not

marry by Vedic ceremony, and should not get it done except by Anand Karaj.

Bhai Mani Singh was contemporary of Guru Gobind Singh. In Bhagtawali by

Bhai Mani Singh, under the heading Vajub-al-Araz, Guru Gobind Singh 15 advised that

marriage should be done by Anand Karaj, and after that it should be got done by


Nirankari Lehr

Founder of Nirankari movement Baba Dayal ji 20 (1773 – 1855 A.D.), realized that Sikhs

did not adhere to their religious practices, and these were suppressed by practices of

Hindu priests. He determined to awaken the Sikhs. In 1808 A.D. he got himself married

[19] Jiwan Marag, Dr. Kulwant Singh Khokhar, Academy of Guru Granth Studies, USA, !983-84,

Abridged from autobiography of S. Mela Singh Khokhar, 1958 A.D.

[20] Baba Dayal ji Nirankari: Dayal ji – Sikh Dharam De Sidhant, Dr. Man Singh Nirakari, referred to

above. Pages 48 to 53. Encyclopedia of Sikhism, Chief Edited Harbans Singh, Punjabi University, Patiala,

1992, Page 126.

with Shabad-Kirtan and Ardas, in Dharamsala of Sant Budhu Shah, Sewa Panthi, in

Bhera (now in Pakistan).

In 1855, his son Baba Darbara Singh Nirankari, married a couple in Nirankari

Darbar in Rawalpindi (now in Pakistan), by Anand Karaj. In this ceremony, four Lavan’

in Raag Suhi were recited, and the boy followed by girl, went around Guru Granth Sahib

with each recitation of Lavan’ (total four rounds). This Anand Karaj movement initiated

by Nirankaris faced strong opposition and difficulties, but Nirnkaris whole-heartedly

persisted in following their effort to revive Sikh procedures.

In 1855 A.D., Baba Darbara Singh married with Anand Karaj, Bhola Singh son of

Nihal Singh Kakkar, and Nihali daughter of Waheguru Singh (Hari Singh Siali, Khatri).

It was an open, fearless and united challenge to the opponents of Anand Vivah.

In 1861 A.D., Baba Darbara Singh was refused by Granthis and Pujaris of

Harimandir Sahib and Akal Takht to hold Anand Karaj in Akal Takht, Amritsar. Nothing

deterred Baba Darbara Singh. With cooperation of Thakur Gulab Singh, he performed

Anand Karaj of Boota Singh with Mira Dai daughter of Karam Singh, in the Gurdwara of

Thakur Dayal Singh, at Amritsar. It was an eye opener to Mahants and Granthis of

Harimandir Sahib, and Akal Takht, as well as was a lesson to others in Amritsar.

In the time of Baba Ratta ji Nirankari, during 1992 A.D. to 1998 A.D. Anand

marriages were performed at Lahore, and Peshawar etc. Nirnkaris pursued Anand

marriages devotedly, adding to its acceptance, practice, and popularity in the Sikh



Baba Ram Singh Namdhari,21 was founder of Namdhari movement. He visited Dewan of

Nirankaris. Anand Karaj was being performed. After Dewan (program in Gurdwara) was

over, Baba Ram Singh discussed the newly started Anand Vivah with Baba Darbara

Singh, and got information about this ceremony. Baba Darbara Singh asked Baba Ram

Singh to cooperate in promoting Anand Karaj. Baba Ram Singh Namdhari, adopted

Anand marriage in 1863 A.D. with the difference that Pherae (Lavan’ - going around)

were done around Vedi cum Havan.

Singh Sabha Lehr

When Namdhari Lehr was suppressed by the English Government, Singh Sabha Lehr 22

came into being in Amritsar, in 1873 A.D. Later, its branches opened at Rawalpindi, an

Lahore. Its motive was to remove all non-Sikh ceremonies from the Sikh world, and to

bring revolution in the Sikh life – living as per the Sikh dictates. They reformed working

in Gurdwaras, and day-to-day religious life of Sikhs.

In 1883, Khalsa Dewan Amritsar was established, and after that Khlsa Dewan

Lahore (1886) was formed. Due to differences in Khalsa Dewans Amritsar and Lahore,

Chief Khalsa Dewan was formed at Amritsar (1902). Its president was Bhai Sahib Arjun


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That article is fine, but it makes one obvious ommission, the author doesn't consider the fact that it is Guru Ramdas Jis laavaan that make the Anand Kharaj - and these were already used prior to the aforementioned 'revolution' by Baba Dayal Singh Ji. That teh havan was substituted for Aag Guru is a simple evolution of tradition, one which all have acepted, this is fine. What must not happen is miseducation and the 'slating' of the puratan traditions, which in my eyes were equally valid - as the wedding was solemnized with Guru Ram Das Jis bani, irrelevant of the Indian tradition of havan.

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No one is denying ANAND KARAJ ceremony here.

There is no doubt Sikhs used to get married by Anand Karaj ceremony... As is also evident from Mukatnama which is said to have been uttered by Guru Ji and also from several other Puratan works.

Question is, HOW was it done?

In Guru Granth Sahibs presence?

Around fire?

Lavaan read? Some say that Lavaan is not even about a marriage but about the soul...

Phereh? (taking 4 tours, one after each laav)

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Silence, keep your nappy on. FYI, Namdhari have preserved many traditions, I am not going to list them, only an imbecile would deny that, do your homework. Learn not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

What is needed is written evidence, the only one I can quote from memory which speaks of laavaan with Raag Suhi and havan is Prem Sumarg, which has nothing to do with Namdharis, so that should put your mind to rest Silence. And if you are going to make worthwhile contributions, then provide some historical facts with sources, not biased opinions.

I will try and look up some other sources later.

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You need to chill with the use of the word "Brahmanvaad".

There is nothing wrong with rituals, next you will say that mathatekna is "Brahmnvaad" as it is an ancient Hindu tradition whereby the disciple touches his head on teh feet of his Guru. Simran, Kirtan, Seva and numerous other outer rituals are also ancient Indian. There is nothing wrong with ritual - it is a means to an end and if used correctly, helps us absorb wisdom.

Think about this, did Sikhs invent the "wedding", no. Brahmans had been conducting them for thousands of years. So should we do away with whole concept of marriage too?

It seems to me you already have perfectly reinforced opinions and are not seeking knowledge but rather doing Neophyte parchaar, are you from Sikh Philosophy by any chance?

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I am not from Sikh Philosophy. Banned from SikhSangat though haha.

Well why is phereh important? Isn't reading the Bani in front of SGGS enough?

Phereh seem to make an idol out of SGGS

We Matha Tek to Bani to show it respect, because Shabad Guru Surat Dhun Chela.

Simran, Kirtan and Seva are part of Gurmat, thus no Bahmanvaad.

I don't like this logic of saying yes Hindu breathe so we shouldn't breath.

Thing is about PHILOSOPHY, anything that contradicts Gurmat, wheter its from Hindus or NOT shouldn't be part of Sikhi.

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Most of the Sikhs do not have idea of Brahmanvaad... They will have shock when they come to know that the best constructive criticism against Brahmanvaad comes from Brahmans themselves. Shankarchariya went all over India defeating Brahmanvaadi Brahmans. People need to spend sometime to understand Brahmanvaad and do not use this term blindly. Brahmanism cannot be labeled as way of Brahmans. It's not acceptable in intellectuals world. It is very wrong practice of youth to degrade Sikhism traditions and practices by putting them under Brahmanism.


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Thing is about PHILOSOPHY, anything that contradicts Gurmat, wheter its from Hindus or NOT shouldn't be part of Sikhi.

God's word can come from anyone and that's the message of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. There was a reason to include Bhagats and Saints bani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib and present it as Gurbani.

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Reference - Gur Panth Prakash - vol 2 - by Giani Gian Singh

Page 1100 - first marriage of Dasam Patshah

bedi bed bidhi yut bar bad

bisukarma suth that thaye

Page1303 - second marriage of Dasam Patshah

saha turteh layeo sudhaee

sabhai samagri tyar karaee

reet bed kul kar sabh bhai

satgur kau fere karvai.

According to the accounts above, 'BED BIDHI' was the vidhee (ritual) used in marriages of Guru Gobind Singh.

Per Namdhari tradition, the Anand of Guru Ram Singh and Guru Hari Singh were also performed with the Vedic ritual.

From my own research, even though the Nirankari claim to be the first to circumbate the Granth Sahib (Probably Aad Sri Granth Sahib and not Dasam Sri Granth Sahib), there is no record that they used the Laava (and not Anand Sahib) or how many times they circumbate the Granth Sahib when their Maryada first began. Also it is surprising that there was obviously no ruckus made by the Brahmins against the Nirankaris for creating their own Anand Maryada because when the Namdharis did so, they filed cases and threatened to throw themselves into fire and let the 'sin of killing a brahmin' fall on Namdharis, lol!

Giani Gian Singh also credits Namdharis, Guru Ram Singh in particular, as the one to introduce Anand marriage. Interestingly, however, Bhai Kahn Singh's article on Baba Ajapal Singh, who Namdharis assume to be Guru Gobind Singh per Baba Saroop Singh's narration, performed 2 Anand Karaj (that Baba Saroop Singh knew of) by reciting Anand Sahib after perorming Ardas, no circumbating around anything! Ignoring the fact whether you consider Baba Ajapal Singh to be Baba Ajapal Singh or Guru Gobind Singh, an Anand Karaj was definitely performed in a NON-VEDIC manner, possibly for the first time in recorded Sikh history!

This is an interesting topic and I wish people will share more facts rather than 'my chacha said so and so'.

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Thanks for your input Fateh Singh veer.

Mukatnama that is found in Sau Sakhi says in verse 25 that a Sikh shouldn't have relations without "Anand Viah". Mukatnama was uttered by Guru Gobind Singh after the creation of Khalsa.

The Daya Singh Rehatnama instructs one not to get married from the hands of a Brahmin. And a Especially in that time (and even now for that matter), Vedic marriage could only be done performed by a Brahmin, isn't it? So the Rehatnama is indirectly saying not to have Vedic marriage ceremony.

So Gyani Gyan Singh is wrong on that 'Bed Bidhi', isn't he?

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Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji marriage clearly rejects the vedic marriage and chose to circumbate

the letter Oankaar - just read the parsang from Suraj Prakash of GuruJis marriage and you find out that Guru Mahraaj didn't place importance on fire as the witness to the marriage (in Hindu Tradition)but infact placed God almighty as Shabad Swaroop. Therefore it isn't brahmanism and your question has been clearly concluded by no other than Guru Mahraaj themselves.

So im sure GuptSingh1699 is at peace with himself, now that you have had your questioned answered 100% correctly...........

The other thing that i wish to raise is that if any action tradition or ritual complies with gurmat laid out in SGGS then it is perfectly fine to follow that. So ask yourself does Parkarma of SGGS comply with Gurmat?? YES IT DOES THEN THAT NOT A PROBLEM OR WRONG IN ANYWAY.

Whenever Baba Mitt Singh Nihang Singh would meet Baba Dharam Singh Nihang Singh he would do his parkarma

and Baba Dharam singh would do the same.

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This discussion is becoming very interesting and comparison is with Hindu marriage. I would like to share this Vedic marriage rituals and meaning for the ones who can read Hindi.

Although, In Hindus marriage rituals differ from one caste to another, but core is the same.

Link to download marriage ritual and meaning.


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Been busy man.

Which work of Giani Gian Singh and what exactly (during which Guru's time period) is that? Be more specific and careful about time period.


While Rahetnamas are mostly unreliable, still they are all post 1699 period, by this time Guru Gobind Singh's 2 marriages have all been performed. Mata Sahib Deva's Anand was 1 year and a few days later. So it is possible that Guru Gobind Singh initiated a form of Anand (be it by reciting Anand after Ardas or any other ritual) AFTER his own marriages. This is what the evidence suggest anyhow. Thanks for sharing the facts.

Pal07. I was kind of shocked to read that and thought maybe the newer version of Suraj Parkash have been modified. Checked ik13.com's version and in Nanak Parkash it says the following about Guru Nanak's Anand:

Bed Ke Mantar Uchaar Tabai Shubh Reet Karee Jiv Bed Ne Gai.

I'm not sure which version you're reading from?

Will be good if facts shared are more specific and verified. Keep it going.

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