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Jerry Springer Show On The Sikh Channel


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What a joke and embarrassment to the Panth!

I didn't watch the program but your assessment could apply to Southall in general.

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Has anyone filmed it please put it up on the net so we can learn our communities mistakes and how not to make them. These faults have to be shown so we can fix them- otherwise keeping them behind doors just lets things go out of control like they have been done for so long- it has screwed nearly a whole generation up.

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And I had some pakistani guests over at my place who saw the tamasha too.

Why would you do it?

Why would you let people who are likely to find this hilarious and spread it to their wider community, see this?

The mind boggles.

Next time consider switching it off when such people come around.

Edited by dalsingh101
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Contrary to Shaheediyan's depiction of the debate as a joke and an embarrassment, I found it extremely enlightening. Mind you, self flagellation is Shaheediyan's default position when it comes to anything to do with Sikhs. Perhaps that comes from watching too many Shia channels!

Anyway back to the debate. It consisted of two members of the three groups standing for the committee elections on the 6th March. It had Sohi and I think some guy called Garcha from his committee. Sarpanch and Malhi from that committee and two guys from the third committee whose spokesman was a guy called Gurpreet Singh. I found Gurpreet Singh to be the most articulate and his views made a great deal of sense. He attacked both of the other groups based on facts rather than personal attacks.

It did get heated especially when Sohi and Malhi were questioned on the issues that their committees had failed on. Malhi and Sarpanch could not answer the question as to why they sent coaches to the Hyde Park protests yet gave a saropa to the Indian High Commissioner. Sarpanch was forced to admit that he did not support this act but then we was put on the spot as to why he did not resign from the committee. Sarpanch's only retort was that his land had been seized by the Indian govt and he is on the blacklist and not allowed to got to India. Still not an reason for why he didn't resign. He attacked Gurpreet Singh in that his committee contained too many relatives and 5 members from the youth committee that ran the Gurdwara from 1984-1994.

The programme was not ideal but it was the best and only chance that members like me can see the groups having to answer uncomfortable questions. Rather than being a joke and an embarrassment according to some pitnay-wale, where else could you have see Sohi and Malhi answer the questions which the whole Sangat wants them to answer. I can't imagine them being asked these questions during the committee meetings.

Personally the four members in my household who before the programme were likely to vote for Malhi but given the debate we will most probably vote for Gurpreet Singh and his committee.

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I caught the tail end of it.

And I had some pakistani guests over at my place who saw the tamasha too.

What a laughing stock we are.

What a stupid thing to do. I would feel embarrassed to have firstly had these people round and put a programme that was bound to be heated on and then brag about it on this forum and claim 'what a laughing stock we are'. Only a fool would place himself outside the 'we' especially when he showed such stupidity in the first place.

I suppose due to your stupidity these Pakistanis were able to take the high moral ground even though their own people are bombing the shyte out of each other!

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Lol, trust you to defend your Southall homies.

I suppose the accusations of missing £Ms and gunda ghardi were also figments of my imagination, wasn't it convenient to blame those ex committee members that weren't there to defend themselves. Everyone knows what the committees @ the Gurdwara are like and have been up to, you can polish it up how much you like. I can see where you get your mannerisms, Gurmat and debating skills from!

I would worry about a few of Suryadevs mates, I am sure there were plenty of other people from a variety of nationalities and faiths that were haveing an amusing time.

To not even address the lack of civil behaviour on a public platform, including totally ignoring the host for over one hour during his repeated attempts to guide the discussion is not suprising at all coming from you. To look at our weaknesses is a good thing, it will eventually help people to accept and believe there are problems, the 1st step in addressing them. To keep pretending we are fantastic and everyone else is pathetic is the reason Punjab and our people in general are in a totally dismal state.

If I address our weaknesses, not because I have an agenda.

On another note, I would agree with you Gurpreet Singh was defo the best out of that bunch, but I believe some things should not be televised - this same discussion could have/should have been held at the Gurdwara in the presence of an open sangat. That the committees may not have agreed to do this says it all about their mentality.

Whats needed is people with Gurmat to run our Gurdwarai, not fast talking, scheming mantris. Otherwise it will simply be a matter of replacing Tony Blair with David Cameron.

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What a stupid thing to do. I would feel embarrassed to have firstly had these people round and put a programme that was bound to be heated on and then brag about it on this forum and claim 'what a laughing stock we are'. Only a fool would place himself outside the 'we' especially when he showed such stupidity in the first place.

I suppose due to your stupidity these Pakistanis were able to take the high moral ground even though their own people are bombing the shyte out of each other!

Tony & Dalsingh ji

Let me explain how it happended: This pakistani chap was over to set up a satelite box (to watch cricket). As he had just set it all up we asked him to set a few channels as favourites. It was whilst doing this that he saw what was happening on the channel.

I would n't go so far as calling it 'stupidity' just because an outsider accidently saw what our leaders get up to.

Voting for these khhotte's: now that is truely the height of stupidity!

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I don't normally agree with Shaheediyan on much but this:

To look at our weaknesses is a good thing, it will eventually help people to accept and believe there are problems, the 1st step in addressing them. To keep pretending we are fantastic and everyone else is pathetic is the reason Punjab and our people in general are in a totally dismal state.

I couldn't agree with more.

Certain brothers seem too dumb or egotistical to grasp the benefits of constructive corporate self critique. Hence our society is struggling to make that jump from pendu mode.

Edited by dalsingh101
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You might want to get your story straight before trying such a weak explanation.

First you said-;

I caught the tail end of it.

And I had some pakistani guests over at my place who saw the tamasha too.

What a laughing stock we are.

Then when people got on your back about being such a stupid idiot.

You came up with-;

Let me explain how it happended: This pakistani chap was over to set up a satelite box (to watch cricket). As he had just set it all up we asked him to set a few channels as favourites. It was whilst doing this that he saw what was happening on the channel.

From Pakistani guests to a Pakistani satellite guy.. :blink: You would have been better off just admitting to your stupidity instead of trying to make a lame excuse. Have you ever considered a career as a Gurdwara Pardhan? Your kartoonan here are ideal. Be honest, you are one of those clowns who seek acceptance from others by debasing their own community.


It depends whether you were watching the show to see what issues were or whether you were watching to see who would make themselves the biggest fool on the show. You are right there were some raised voices and talking over someone's answers but in all this was a debate that anyone who is a member of the Gurdwara should have watched. No way could the conduct of the show be characterised as 'gerry springer'. Sohi did get up at the end and wave a paper about but that would have just hurt his campaign. The five guests did raise their voices but I didn't see them act rowdy or disruptive. Even Garcha from Sohi's committee didn't act like Sohi. An open discussion like this should be a regular feature as nothing of this sort would be allowed to happen in a Gurdwara. The incumbent committee will always make sure that only it's views get aired. I have been to general body meeting where the current pardhan rambled on for an hour and then didn't allow the opposition to get a word in due to 'lack of time'! Here none of the committee held any special status and I think the presenter Ranjit Singh Rana conducted the whole debate in a fair manner especially when he allowed Gurpreet Singh to bring up the issue of having selection via parchi rather than the adversarial system of elections.

I see your point of not having this debates televised but I think the negative impact of Suryadev's pakistani guests cum satellite guy watching this an making a joke of it is more than offset by the fact that Sikhs in the whole country as well as overseas would be more informed on the issues at the Gurdwaras. Never disregard the power of the media, Gadaffi is only on his last legs because his people have seen tv images of Egyptians and Tunisians bringing down their dictators. If any youth who watched the debate were to become more active in the community and resolve to clear the Gurdwaras off the old timers then the debate would have been more than worthwhile.

Certain brothers seem too dumb or egotistical to grasp the benefits of constructive corporate self critique. Hence our society is struggling to make that jump from pendu mode.

Dalsingh you obviously never watched the programme and doubt you even read my post. I wouldn't class calling a debate on s serious issue such as who run the biggest Gurdwara in Europe as 'gerry springer' as constructive criticism. Although your point would have been well made had Shaheediyan's second post been his first starting post of this thread.

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An open discussion like this should be a regular feature as nothing of this sort would be allowed to happen in a Gurdwara. The incumbent committee will always make sure that only it's views get aired... Here none of the committee held any special status...

If any youth who watched the debate were to become more active in the community and resolve to clear the Gurdwaras off the old timers then the debate would have been more than worthwhile.

Absolutely. I have seen this myself. I have always said that if the sangat knew how the committee were conducting their meetings thye wold be appalled. I was in the committee, and there was just fighting, arguing etc, and i had a mind to video one of the meetings and show it to sangat.

secondly, watching that does want more youngsters to want change, to get rid of the deadwood. Ive been trying to do it at our gurdwara for a long time. i got up once on stage and told the sangat what one trustee and the stage secretary said to me about my kirtani jatha being in it for the money only. They banned me from the stage after that.

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You might want to get your story straight before trying such a weak explanation.

First you said-;

Then when people got on your back about being such a stupid idiot.

You came up with-;

From Pakistani guests to a Pakistani satellite guy.. :blink: You would have been better off just admitting to your stupidity instead of trying to make a lame excuse. Have you ever considered a career as a Gurdwara Pardhan? Your kartoonan here are ideal. Be honest, you are one of those clowns who seek acceptance from others by debasing their own community.

Thank you Tony for explaining how I should treat people coming into my house.

To avoid pedantic bickering with you I concede defeat; in your infinite wisdom you have again proven yourself right with your masterly arguments.

Hope you can digest your roti tonight and it doesn't cause you too much 'kaabz'.

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keep the peace, lets stay on topic.

elections in GuruGhar bring the usual disharmony between old wretched has-beens scratching away at each other like 2 roosters. i couldnt care less if these people were on fire and the only way to douse the flames was with my urine.

if anyone takes offence to that.. you know what you can do with your offence :)

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where is my popcorn? and my coke? and damn youtube link to watch this debate?...jk...so really what happened at the end? whats the nichoor of debate?

no popcorn or coke for you fatty! you're already about 350lb!

the nichoor of debate was that get new fresh stainless people in gurdwara parbandh.

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I had the Sohi group come around my house a few days ago. Told them I was voting for Gurpreet Singh's Sangat group based on the debate I had seen. I also mentioned that Sohi acted like a fool and they weren't impressed. My friend who's also a member is also voting for the Sangat group but he told me that he told Sohi group when they came around that he was voting for them because he says that in case they win he will need their help in getting his kids into the Khalsa school! Typical apne mentality! According to the Sangat group's literature there is another debate this evening on MATV SKY 793 between 7-9pm. Suryadev can have get the Paki satellite guy around at that time! I am again impressed by the Sangat group as their literature also contained a DVD of the debate on Sikh channel as well as a 10 min statement from the group.

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I had the Sohi group come around my house a few days ago. Told them I was voting for Gurpreet Singh's Sangat group based on the debate I had seen. I also mentioned that Sohi acted like a fool and they weren't impressed.

you did the right thing bro. no-one should be afraid to tell them to their face. Ive been in the same situation myself, with the pardhaans and stage secretary's myself.

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