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Yes , I saw it .

I will take it in a positive way so that I do not become guilty of Slander.  His avastha has risen that he is seeing God in everyone.  Personally, thats how I will take it .



Yes , I saw it .

I will take it in a positive way so that I do not become guilty of Slander.  His avastha has risen that he is seeing God in everyone.  Personally, thats how I will take it .


lol that's a good way of saying it. But still I'm heartbroken. Somebody should question him why he did this.


It seems he was tricked into the meeting. Video does not indicate much, though knowing the full context can provide some insight. Going by the social media, video seems to have had it's effect. Nonetheless social media news/people need to calm down. Bhai Balbir Singh Ji Raagi would continue to have the utmost respect from the Sikhs worldwide.

Ashutosh is dead. Old video surfaces now. Why?


Yes , I saw it .

I will take it in a positive way so that I do not become guilty of Slander.  His avastha has risen that he is seeing God in everyone.  Personally, thats how I will take it .


It looks like this too.

In the video Bhai Sahib he recited that shabad "upon meeting the saint, I recognized God within". It seems his avastha got raised after meeting that guy.


These days anyone can take a clip out of any video and blow it out of proportions on social media. Lets wait for full unedited contextualize video of this and also wait clarification from bhai sahib ji himself. At this point, explanation provided by ragmala seems more plausible. In anycase, personally speaking- I am neither disappointed nor pleased by this video as for me personally, i tend to see parcharikhs, raagis, saints as pointers which point towards essence. I more concerned whats pointer pointing towards and if it point towards essence or not. For me at my depressed times, gurbani kirtan sung by bhai sahib ji provided me solace and thats all it matters for me at personal experiential level..I couldn't care less what bhai sahib ji does in his spare time, its really none of my business nor i care too much about it, all pointers  (good /bad, polarity in life) once their purpose is fulfilled once they have pointed towards bigger message- essence cease to exist with name and form - 2 of parpanch are fallible anyway but what remains ? Sat chit anand underpinning of all pointers of name and shape and thats all there is to it. Life is less complicated for me with that kind perception.



Request to Sangat - Please avoid doing ninda (slander) of Raagi jee. Let's wait for an explanation by Raagi jee.

N30 paaji said it well:

Lets wait for full unedited contextualize video of this and also wait clarification from bhai sahib ji himself.

Bhul chuk maaf


What I have noticed with Bhai Balbir Singh Ji is that he is very humble and always shows humility, and is ready to grab the other persons shakti, like how ramchandra did to parshu ram.  I think he does not look at the other persons fault, he just respects anyone who calls themselves a saint even though they might be fake.I dont seen any ill intentions on part of Baba Ji, just a higher level of perception, plus we do not know the context either.

It would be like why Bhai Ghanaiya Ji were first aiding the enemy...

Bhai Balbir Singh Ji ....ramchandra ...parshu ram

Bhai Ghanaiya Ji ..


Blame it on upbringing shall I? How someone can address the most revered Shri Ram chandra like this while using complete respect of someone being questioned here?



Bhai Balbir Singh Ji ....ramchandra ...parshu ram

Bhai Ghanaiya Ji ..


Blame it on upbringing shall I? How someone can address the most revered Shri Ram chandra like this while using complete respect of someone being questioned here?


Guest jee, Ragmala jee's intention was not to insult Sri Raam Chandar jee Maharaaj.

Bhul chuk maaf


Ps. And the great King Sri Ram Chandar, son of great King Dasrath was also very humble. He touched the feet of the destroyer of Kshaatriya Clan, the Avtar of Shivji himself, Parshu Ram, and extracted all his power through touching his feet, destroying him forever.


But also lets see what Guru Ji says about Parsu Ram & Ram Chandra as well :

ਪਰਸ ਰਾਮੁ ਰੋਵੈ ਘਰਿ ਆਇਆ ॥   -  Parsu ram came home crying

ਐਸੀ ਦਰਗਹ ਮਿਲੈ ਸਜਾਇ

ਰੋਵੈ ਰਾਮੁ ਨਿਕਾਲਾ ਭਇਆ ॥ -  Rama Chandra cried when he was sent to exile, separated from Sita & Lakhsman.

ਸੀਤਾ ਲਖਮਣੁ ਵਿਛੁੜਿ ਗਇਆ

So even though they were avatars in their times, they still had basic human emotions and qualities.

Whereas the Pooran Avtar In Kalyug Guru Nanak & Guru Gobind Singh ji did not even shed a tear when all his loved & obedient sons attained shaheedi.

No doubt I respect all the ancient historical figures, great beings but also wanted to give the view point of Guru Nanak Sahib as well about Ram and Parsu-Ram.



I just love Bhai Sahib Ji  , he is the cutest old man I have ever seen.

Let the Nindaks keep doing their Janitors job ..

He maybe a cutie but I'm sure he could jhatka someone without a doubt. I love bhai sahibs kirtan, anandh! His brother was a Nihung? How many siblings did he have?



Posted (edited)

But also lets see what Guru Ji says about Parsu Ram & Ram Chandra as well :

ਪਰਸ ਰਾਮੁ ਰੋਵੈ ਘਰਿ ਆਇਆ ॥   -  Parsu ram came home crying

ਐਸੀ ਦਰਗਹ ਮਿਲੈ ਸਜਾਇ

ਰੋਵੈ ਰਾਮੁ ਨਿਕਾਲਾ ਭਇਆ ॥ -  Rama Chandra cried when he was sent to exile, separated from Sita & Lakhsman.

ਸੀਤਾ ਲਖਮਣੁ ਵਿਛੁੜਿ ਗਇਆ

So even though they were avatars in their times, they still had basic human emotions and qualities.

Whereas the Pooran Avtar In Kalyug Guru Nanak & Guru Gobind Singh ji did not even shed a tear when all his loved & obedient sons attained shaheedi.

No doubt I respect all the ancient historical figures, great beings but also wanted to give the view point of Guru Nanak Sahib as well about Ram and Parsu-Ram.


Bro, you have a great point. No previous avtaars can be compared to Satguru jee.

Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Rai Dev Bedi jee Maharaaj is the greatest.

Having said that, we must respect all previous avtaars by using a prefix (Sri) or a suffix (jee), rather than just their names. They do deserve respect.

Bhul chuk maaf

Edited by paapiman

Most puratan samparda's such as nirmale-hotimardan/rara sahib/ratwara sahib, some nihang jathebandiyas,  had good relations with namdharis and their saints so thats nothing new so if bhai sahib is at namdhari dera he is simply following foot steps of previous predecessors and besides both naamdharis and bhai sahib balbir singh ji share very close common vidya such as gurmat sangeet vidya, its not unusual for bhai sahib ji to be at namdhari place due to common gurmat sangeet vidya shared by both.


Most puratan samparda's such as nirmale-hotimardan/rara sahib/ratwara sahib, some nihang jathebandiyas,  had good relations with namdharis and their saints so thats nothing new so if bhai sahib is at namdhari dera he is simply following foot steps of previous predecessors and besides both naamdharis and bhai sahib balbir singh ji share very close common vidya such as gurmat sangeet vidya, its not unusual for bhai sahib ji to be at namdhari place due to common gurmat sangeet vidya shared by both.

yes but matha teking to a fake guru is acceptable?


yes but matha teking to a fake guru is acceptable?

Not sure namdhari guru is also teacher of gurmat sangeet, as senior to bhai balbir singh ji so perhaps from that context/perspective bhai sahib matha taik to him with that perception? I guess bhai sahib will explain further. 


Not sure namdhari guru is also teacher of gurmat sangeet, as senior to bhai balbir singh ji so perhaps from that context/perspective bhai sahib matha taik to him with that perception? I guess bhai sahib will explain further. 

Ragi Balbir Singh has been caught again in a video bowing to Namdhari 'Guru' and calling him 'Satguru'
and saying his "janam has been safla" with seeing the Namdhari 'Guru' again. In it he also mentions having darshan of the previous Namdhari 'Guru'

skip to 1hour 6min to see ragi praising there Namdhari 'Guru' and calling him 'Satguru'
the ragis name appears on sceen too.
Watch the whole video theres other moments where he is praising and bowing to him.


This is what somebody said on sikh sangat.

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