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Damala and So called Samosa Paag

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I wanted to know why are there 2 different styles of pug? Also how were the sikhs told to wear there pug? I wear the so Called "Samosa style" but then i hear other sikh who wear the damala call my pug the samosa pug :cry: , i don't understand why? Do they think the damala is better than the other way? Also i would Love to learn how to tie the Damala, it really looks nice on my brother, but i don't want to ask him because he might say "Why do u want to do it" or make me feel like i just want to do it for show, which i don't. I would also like to wear the damala. So any help brothers and Sisters?


Bhull Chuk Maff

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There are actually a lot more than two different styles (though the differences are subtle). My take on the 'styles' is that most of the current ones are only for show (I wear one of these as well). These 'samosa' style pagris are yet another impractical 'gift' of the beloved Punjabi society.

Personally, I think we have a lot bigger problems to worry about than pagri styles. Perhaps one day the Khalsa panth will provide guidelines for appropriate type of pagri to tie. The individual should have some choice in what kind of a dastar they wish to tie. I find it quite interesting to see different styles of pagris (except those laced with starch which certain people plop on like a hat - they are unacceptable :evil:).

A related question, how is "Damala" spelled in punjabi (I would like to know how to pronounce it)?

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Damala is much more practical/secure, the keyna/samosa phags come off pretty quick, i think a maharaja sometime changed the sytle to impress the ladies........

Speaking of turbans, any1 seen those african women? some of them have so class turbans.

Also, the two styles could have come from the warrior race, who tied bgger turbans cos not much other type of head protection until helmets came along, then i guess some wore helmets under their phags and the historians/poets/etc who didnt need such big turbans, so they opted for smaller ones. Just an idea.

once you know the basics the best ways to tie a damala is to throw away the mirror.

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Fateh ji,

Personally I dont think there is anything wrong with tying any style of pugh. As Mug said, A darmala is more secure than the so called " samosa".

Just like by dressing like a sadhu dont make you a sadhu, similarly I dont think by tying a certain style of pugh will get you salvation.

These are just my personal views and I may be wrong. If I am wrong, then I am definitely going to my doom, Oh guru ji please help me!

Fateh ji

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yeah, i agree with Singh_but_cant_sing bout style of phag dont matter.

Pros and cons of both, like damala is more practical in certain situations, eg when grappling, riding a motorbike, looking taller, looking religious etc.

or a Samosa phag, make parents happy, get married easier, dont look religious, etc...

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Rupz, you're quite right, it is indeed amusing to see yet another part of our diverse Sikh heritage being narrowed down by supposed 'logical' considerations, rather than enjoying the variety of what is on offer.

To the original question, there are, as someone as already stated, more than just 2 types of turban styles. The Dhumala, adorned by the Nihang Singhs is certainly a warrior's turban and more practical in the circumstances described by Mugermach.

That said, it too has variations in its design and methods of tying. As per the more common turbans within the Sikh Diaspora, I believe these stem from the Patiala style of turban popularised by Maharaja Bhupinder Singh.

The East African style (which I regularly wear, although have been known to tie a Dhumala too) develops from this style and in fact was used by Sikhs in the Military before being popularised by those in East Africa (see pictures of the Sikhs in Warrior Saints and on the Sikh Cyber Museum).

It is for most purposes the easiest to tie and most neat of Dastaars (although I have seen many neat Dhumalas too). This much said, if one looks a statues, pictures and artifects at any South East Asian, Latin American and African Museum, styles of head dress which closely resemble Dhumalas, East African and Desi type dastaars can be seen, usually reserved for Men only and for those of high rank as either Warriors, Statesmen, Relgious figures or Scholars.

As per Mugermach's closing comments, "a Samosa phag, make parents happy, get married easier, dont look religious, etc...", this is quite a loaded statement and in fact largely incorrect.

In reality I know of many people, particularly the "born again" kind tend to wear Dhumalas to impress girls and parents since it "look gangsta" in the first instance or it "looks more like a Gursikh" in the second...sadly though "looks" aren't everything!

By the same token, I may add that the likes of Sant Baba Puran Singh, who did wear the East African style turban and even Sant Randhir Singh of the Sarblohis wore a Dastaar more akin to this style and one can hardly claim they do not look religious!

Moreover, one can also state that courtesy of those who during and after the dark 1980's in Punjab used tactics of terror to express their grievances often did so wearing Dhumalas and the subsequent adoption of this Dastaar by various hard-line and radical Sikh groups has unfortunately left the Dhumala with a reputation of being associated with Khalistanis at best or actually with Terrorists.

Forgive any harsh comments,


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  • 12 years later...
Guest guestsingh

personally i think the shahi pagg/samosa is just another style of pagg where as a damala is a crown from the gurus the gurus wore gol dastar and damalla . the so called samosa pagg actually was inspired by the hindus traditional style but was altered to the punajbi way with neater pleats.but personallly i think there are bigger issues in the panth but if you ask me i would always recomend what the gurus had as thats what a true gursikh represents

wjkk wjkf

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