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Who is a Manmukh?

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This article is presented with the Gur Parsaad of Dhan Dhan Guru and God who is Agam Agadh Agochar Anant Beyant Dhan Dhan Paar Braham PaarBraham Parmesar:

Let us pray to God and Guru with folded hands, with countless Dandaut Bandana at their lotus feet. With countless thanks to them with every breath of ours. With our head pressed at their lotus feet forever. And for all ages to come may we remain at their Charan Kamals, with Garibi Ves Hirda.

May we have utmost humbleness in our Hirda, full belief, commitment, trust, faith, Sachee Preet and Sachee Shardha.

May we have true and unconditional devotion, without any worldly demands, with unconditional love in our heart for all His Creation and with our head pressed at the feet of the entire creation.

May we always keep the Guru, Gur and Gur Sangat in first place and everything else at second place.

May God and Guru give us the wisdom to understand what is the divine meaning of the Shabad "Manmukh". So we can understand and bring inside our Hirda the following points

• what makes a person a Manmukh?

• what are the characteristics of a Manmukh?

• what are our own qualities, character and personality in light of the meaning of Manmukh ?

• are we are a Manmukh?

• or are we making efforts to steer ourselves in the right direction?

The right direction means

• heading towards the discovery of Eternal Truth,

• towards the achievement of our real objective of this human life,

• to become a Gurmukh,

• to achieve salvation,

• to get relieved from the shackles of the Maya

• and be one with the Origin-Ik Oankaar Satnaam, Nirgun Saroop of Akal Purakh.

First of all let us pray for the Gur Parsaad to understand the meaning of the Shabad "Manmukh".

This word comprises of two words - "Man" and "Mukh" :


"Man" means your own mind. The mind is a invisible part of your body which is controlled by your own "Matt" meaning wisdom. Self-made wisdom is called the "Manmatt". It is based on your own education and also the rules of the society you live in. This is also called the worldly wisdom – "Sansarik Mutt". Both the Manmatt and Sansarik Mutt also contain some element of the "Durmatt". The "Durmatt" is the

evil wisdom which prompts you to :

• do bad deeds,

• commit sins,

• get involved in all kinds of deeds which make you selfish,

• involve you in slander, gossip and back-biting ( Nindya, Chugli Bakhili),

• doing bad to others,

• hurting others,

• cheating and deceiving others and so on.

Basically all the Manmatt falls under the operation of Maya. All the actions and deeds conducted under the influence of Manmatt happens under two of the three parts of Maya :

1) RAJO (Desires & Negative Criticism– Asa Trishna Mansha Nindya Chugli Bakhili) and

2) TAMO (Panj Doots – Kaam Krodh Lobh Moh Ahankaar – prompted by Raj Joban Dhan Maal Roop Rus Gandh Sparash )

In a nutshell the mind operates under the directions of wisdom that is self-made, worldy and evil (Manmatt, Sansarik Mutt & Durmatt). All of that wisdom is gained under RAJO and TAMO parts of Maya.

In order to blessed with the Guru's Divine Wisdom (Gur-Matt) we have start by practicing truthful deeds. That comes under the third part of the Maya called SATO. It means we have to practice:

• kindness (daya),

• forgiveness,

• humbleness,

• love;

• Dharam-eternal truth Ik Oankaar Satnaam,

• Naam Simran,

• practicing Gurbani,

• practicing truth in daily life,

• being truthful in all actions and deeds,

• work towards getting a control over the mind and Panj Doots,

• restrain from doing Nindya Chugli Bakhili,

• restrain from harming, cheating and deceiving others;

• helping others,

• giving Dasvandh,

• surrender to the Gur and Guru,

• Seva and Parupkaar,

• efforts to achieve the salvation,

• efforts to get out of the shackles if Maya,

• work towards relieving yourself of all kinds of doubts, delusions, illusions and distractions;

• Santokh-Contentment,

• controlling desires,

• no greed

• Sanjam-patience, and

• stability

All these truthful deeds take us towards reforming our self-wisdom (MANMATT) with divine wisdom (GURMATT). Gurmatt shows us the path to defeating the three states of MAYA and going beyond it into the fourth state (CHAUTHA PAD) – Eternal Truth – SAT. This is the path to becoming a Gurmukh.


The second part of the word ManMukh is the word (Shabad) "Mukh". This literally means "FACE". Whichever way your mind is facing (MUKH) defines the path you are following. The direction you are facing defines what influences your actions and deeds in your daily life.


The word Manmukh describes the person who is "facing towards the worldly mind". Wereas as a GurMukh has his face towards GUR (God ,Guru and Gurbani). The Shabad "Manmukh" basically means "the person who follows his own wisdom". But his own wisdom is nothing but a mixture of Sansarik Matt and Durmatt. The result of his own

education, his own learning from his environment and the rules of the society he lives in. In a nutshell the Manmukh is the person who operates under the influence of Rajo and Tamo attributes of Maya. A more practical and easy to understand preview of the qualities of a "Manmukh" are briefly described as follows:

1. Who has no belief in Gur, Guru and Gurbani.

2. Who is not committed to the Gur and Guru and Gurbani.

3. Who has no faith in the Gur and Guru and Gurbani.

4. Who has no trust in the Gur and Guru and Gurbani

5. Who has not completely surrendered himself to the Gur and Guru.

6. Who doesn't follow his Guru's words of divine wisdom.

7. Who doesn't give Dasvandh of his time to the Gur and Guru,means who is not involved in the Seva & Simran and doesn't give 10% of his time to the Gur and Guru.

8. Who doesn't give 10% of his earnings to the Gur and Guru.

9. Who is ruled by the Panj Doots. Whose life is ruled by any of all of the Panj Doots: Kaam Krodh Lobh Moh & Ahankaar

10. Who is ruled by the desires.

11. Who is involved in the negative criticism - Nindya, Chugli and Bakhili.

12. Who doesn't practice the divine wisdom – Gurmatt – Gurbani in his daily life.

13. Who doesn't love all the creation of the Almighty.

14. Who is full of hatred and discrimination.

15. Who doesn't recognize that all are equal, all are human beings.

16. Who doesn't think and do good to others.

17. Who lives a life full of Dubidha – delusions and illusions.

18. Who has no humbleness – Nimrata in his behavior.

19. Who is not kind to others. Who is not kind hearted.

20. Who is not honest in his deeds.

And the list goes on.

The bottom line is that :

the person who is not a Gurmukh is a Manmukh.

A person is a Manmukh until he has:

• become a Gurmukh.

• completely realized Almighty.

• all his Bajjar Kapaats – all his divne doors including Dassam Duaar & Divine Eye open

• been blessed eternally with the Gur Parsaad of Anhad Shabad Amrit

• been eternally blessed with the activation of Sat Sarovar – seven centers of the spiritual energy with in the body

• been eternally blessed with the highest Amrit – Atam Rus

• become a Puran Khalsa by virtue of a Param Jyot Puran Parkash in his Hirda

• merged in the Almighty's Nirgun Saroop completely.

Only a Puran Sant is not a Manmukh.

Only a Puran Braham Gyani is not a Manmukh.

Only a Puran Khalsa is not a Manmukh.

Only a divine soul who lives in the Dargah of Akal Purakh is a Gurmukh. And until that happens a person remains a Manmukh because his inside is not completely cleaned up. And until the inside is not completely cleaned up and becomes a Puran Sachyara and capable of seeing, speaking, hearing, delivering and serving the complete eternal truth, the person will remain a Manmukh

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is there a jail? or have we merely handicapped ourself through our own ignorance?

the best way to explain this is the way you walk ( pretend) typically myself im walking wonky on a plank of wood, because the badside side of my soul ( use the tom and jerry scenario G/E, lol) is pulling me away from walking on the straight path and hence me falling down and losing the game of love, while the otherside of me ( the soul) tries to keep me steady on the plank helping me reach my goal to god, our life is about getting up the ladder, onda straight path, onda right lines... etc, at this present moment im trying not to let my mind go completely astray as im in some control of it, so im still hanging in the balance :P , im confused myself, neva mind!

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that was an interesting analogy for basically saying that it's tough to stay balanced on the path.

what i was trying to say was that there's nothing external holding you back. it's our mind, it's us, our ignorance.

and i could go on and on forever explaining other abstract ideas, but methinks you shall get consufed. lol...

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that was an interesting analogy for basically saying that it's tough to stay balanced on the path.

what i was trying to say was that there's nothing external holding you back. it's our mind, it's us, our ignorance.

and i could go on and on forever explaining other abstract ideas, but methinks you shall get consufed. lol...

dont bother explaining, dont confuse me even more with your mad thoughts, lol

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