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Wearing of Hats?


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Sarab Kalla Bharpoor Akali Guru Nanak Devji Maharaj wore a Seli topi during his travels... (see Janam Sakhis, Pracheen Panth Prakash, Naveen Panth Prakash, Suraj Granth).

The Dastar only came into usage amongst the SIkh Gurus with the arrival of Miri Piri Keh Maalik Akali Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji (see Suraj Granth, Pracheen Panth Prakash, Gurbilas Shemi).

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  • 11 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Okay let me stick my 2p's worth, i rekon ppl can wear what they want as long as there hairs covered and they dont act stupid by wearing hats to the gudwara. personaly i have to wear a patka when iv gotta drive and do missions cus i cant drive with a purgh on cus my head hits the roof and iv gotta drive leaning forward. need a convertable but think my purgh would blow off at high speeds. like someone said above its practical, but its worse enough sikhs getting judged by other communities its ashame we get judged by our own aswell.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

lol interesting topic...........again just my two cents................everything has to come from the heart............to wear a dastaar and not know its value is no different to waering a hat............Maharaj taught me to die dastaar before anything so i have no experience of tying a patka........and when i did...........my soul didnt feel right.........but when i tied my dastaar.....waheguru..........i truly felt like Guru Gobind Singh's Ji's daughter..............but i know many amritdharis bibis pahji who wear patkeh simply because.........thats what feels right for them...........untimatly ones persons truth will not be the same as any others...............everyone has thier values, ideas and beliefs on their appearence...........for now.......just go with what feels right for you.......

I say this becasue many people wear dastaar to show off and dont bask in the necter of why Guru Ji gave us a crown....................and people wear patkeh simple because they dont want to stand out and draw attention to themselves...................when searching for what truly makes u ahppy..........dont follow what the world wants for you...........but what your soul is crying out for.............

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  • 5 months later...
  • 9 years later...
On 6/9/2003 at 10:02 PM, Guest said:

I also wear a patka too but i'm not amritdhari. But y can't dey do dis? I thought our hair was our ID more den a Pug? I Luv da Gurus but y does dis conflect da beliefs.

Because it’s a hukam to wear a Dastaar... This is a Crown 🙏 Guru Maharaj Ji sacraficed their whole life for us Sikhs to have a Crown 🙏 Whether you feel as if that sacrafice is enough for you to wear the crown, is your choice Ji

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45 minutes ago, Guest Harman said:

Because it’s a hukam to wear a Dastaar... This is a Crown 🙏 Guru Maharaj Ji sacraficed their whole life for us Sikhs to have a Crown 🙏 Whether you feel as if that sacrafice is enough for you to wear the crown, is your choice Ji

Yes veer ji you are right. 


Here is a short audio clip where Sant Kartar Singh Ji Bhindrawale saw topi wearing sikh and their answer basically their view


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