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well i was browsing the web when i came to this site www.kaursunited.org

and i was amazed and felt proud seeing these kaurs wearing dastar.i stay

in india and in india u will find 1in 10000000000000...... wearing dastar,because in india we people r not proud of being a sikh. indian kaurs are all obessed by fashion and western influence and they cut and trim there hairs(artifical beauty)I WANT TO ASK ALL SIKH BROTHERS IS THAT, DOES THESE KAURS(WITH DASTAR) MARRY AMRITDHARI BOYS OR NOT.




well what i mean is i am comparing sikh women in india and abroad.what i have seen is women abroad feel proud to be a sikh so they wear dastar to show there respect(MIND YOU IT TAKES GUTS TO WEAR DASTAR,NOT ALL HAS THE COURAGE TO WEAR IT)IN INDIA GIRLS ARE SO LOW IN THERE CONFIDENCE THAT THEY DO HAVE THE COURAGE TO WEAR IT,BECAUSE INDIA HAS COME UNDER THE GRIP OF WESTERN INFLUENCE. U FORGET DASTAAR THEY R NOT READY TO KEEP THERE LONG HAIR



All Sikh ladies who do not consider turban as a Kakar are under the influnece of rss even they do that before the making of RSS.

Das just wants to repeat that in Guru Granth Sahigb Ji Sabar Surat Dastar Sira measn that unbreakalbe concentration to God needs to be Turban of our head.

It is rather anti to ritualism of Sufis which made thier Turban related to sprituality and from where does this lines support turban for female.

In later text Bijai Mukt Sakhi 10 we do have Keski as must(it needs to be deemed as for ideal conditions).


Beast, I guess you have to ask yourself, what is a Sikh. Most people Sikhs believe that its mandatory to wear a Dastaar, especially when you have taken Amrit.

But some organisations have different classifications of Sikhs, some wear them, some cut their hair..etc.

Is a Sikh who cuts his or her hair, able to be proud to be a Sikh?

we're on abt women here though - the majority DON'T believe that it's mandatory for Amritdhari women to wear a dastaar.


unbreakable, you must remember that the White Sikhs have an issue of identification, they need to outwardly show they are sikh and nothing does that as well as a turban (except in recent times where the turban now means your an arab :P ), They dont always wear the turban I know many amritdari white sikhs who in their homes or while out and about might let their hair down. (then again I also know a few punjabis who do that)

The punjabi culture and women have been sikh for generations, they therefore being born and brought up as sikh culturaly as well as default religious affiliation will see no point or need in re affirming their identity through a turban.

(i personally do not care what a person wears as long as they seek the blissful charan of akaal purakh, they are sikh, and if they seek it via the guidance of satguru they are khalsa..)

However, I must also take this oppertunity to state that anyone who makes any decision in life wether it be to wear a turban or to wear bana, or to learn the mool mantar, whatever the decision their is a personal spiritual aspect which is between them and maharaj, that cant be put into words or academically or logically quantified or discussed.

Someone finds women in turbans inspiring others find it annoying, some do it for attention others do it for love. who cares. Everything happens in the hukam of akaal purakh. A turban wont make anyone a better sikh, thats inside you not on your head.

Its definatly a part of the khalsa, as the khalsa is a tradition a maryada with parampara. However then the questions of women and khalsa arise which im sure are discussed in depth else where on this forum.


I really admire those Sikh women who wear dastars. Maybe someday I will too. I would like to.

We Sikhs need to unite! Who cares if we're punjabi Sikhs or white Sikhs, all that matters is that we are SIKHs.

There is so much unity in the Muslim community, I really like that. I want to see that kind of unity in our religion.


unbreakable appreciate the view point you put forward.

(Just to clear up if anyone thinks im picking on white sikhs or punjabi sikhs etc, thats not the intended point i was trying to get across, it was more about why certain groups have taken to adorning the turban)

Secondly the women and khalsa, lol I was on about the difference in reht of women who are part of the khalsa, such as some may state dastar is mandatory for both genders as this promotes equality. Others may inform women amritdharis on how to hide their kanga behind their joora so to not mess up their smooth hair style..

Thirdly IMHO, I dont believe doing the same things as another is a sign of equality. To me equality is doing what you do and those actions being regarded as equal in value as those of another.

For example, if a dustbin cleaner cleans rubbish, s/he shouldnt be seen as lower then the doctor. Sure their is a difference in the skill and knowledge base hence the difference in pay, but this difference in pay is not due to inequality. In the same way equality doesnt mean a woman and man are exactly the same in practices and living, but that a woman is not regarded as any less then a man and vis versa. I personally feel that a modern viewpoint of equality is uniformity not diversity accepted equaly.


I cant believe people use the arguement of guru gobind singh asking for the heads. Maybe he did ask for heads and men came up, men came up for a reason. What must be remember is that it was not a random event and it just happpened to be 5 men. the names of the panj pyaray at the hieararchy structure they come in clearly shows that the panj pyaray had been pre decided by akaal purakh - and akal purakh had purposefully not choosen woman.

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