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Gurfateh sangat jio,

I am in the process of translationg audio katha of atam gyan by gyani thakur singh ji, there was one part i didn't get which was karan sarer, you know how we are made of three layers- physical layer(asthohol), subtle layer(sukhsham) and karan layer.

What is karan sareer?

Thanks in advance.

  • 4 months later...

I'll have a bash at this from my limited intellecct. Using psychological terminolgy the karan sareer could be the subconscious. The seeds of all the karma's you will do are contained in it. Suksham sareer is your normal consciousness or how you are feeling. How you are feeling is due to past actions that have been harvested and from the harvest the new seeds are placed in the karan sareer. These seeds are very subtle, so every thought you have, causes action that produces a seed, the emotional intensity of the thought determines how much the seed will grow, or how strong the effect will be. These thoughts and the intensity of them are in turn dtermined by the karan sareer. In reality everything is a continuum of thought just varied degrees. Karan sareer is the most subtle so without abhiaas almost impossible to have a glimpse. As the subtlety decreases they become more evident to our gross minds, physical results such as injury being the most evident. i can guess to say the Karan sareer is also where man can have a glimpse of his past lives as the subconsciouss is the storehouse of all actions waiting to be actualised. These are just my musings please forgive anything wrong i've said.

  • 5 months later...

from what little i know about these type of things.

antash (sp?) karan is made up of 4 things...man, budh, chit and hankaar, all 4 of these things are made up of satogun.

Like all other layers of out sareer, this layer is still made of maya, so will be destroyed when the creation is taken back


from what little i know about these type of things.

antash (sp?) karan is made up of 4 things...man, budh, chit and hankaar, all 4 of these things are made up of satogun.

Like all other layers of out sareer, this layer is still made of maya, so will be destroyed when the creation is taken back

i think ur talking about the antahkaran

  • 1 month later...

My understanding about the 5 different layer of the human structure are as follows:-

Physical , Astral, Mental, Causal, and Spiritual.

In Sufism the names are different. In Sanskrit also different. But many of these names represent a similar pattern of layers presence in the human make-up.

For example, Astral body is also known as Ghost Body or Dream Body or Sookhsham Sharir.

The causal body can reach the levels of karmic records, The Akashic readings are done via the causal body. In gurbani it is called Karam Khand. The next level known as the mind - which can be sub-divided into main aspects. This sub-division is also known as Chautish Antehkaran in Sanskrit. Gurpreet has beautifully explained the four aspects of it.

Next level is known as the Causal plane which is the sub-conscious mind. This is the part of the human which stores all past regressions and causes one to act according to the script. But the subconsciou mind has its origin in the causal plane. Through samadhi which is deep meditation the subconscious mind is able to throw all its rubbish i.e. unwanted files into its place of origin. It also gets to re-charge its 'batteries' so to speak, so that all matters with regards of psyche are resolved.

Those who end up in psychiatric wards are often finding happiness out there in the world and fail to recognize that happiness in only found within their own selves.

Bhagat Namdev mentioned this place as Mansarover. Where one gets rid of all past karma by bathing in this sarover and emerges as a Hansla Hansa or Swan.

More later.

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