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Everything posted by Dynamic_Banda

  1. i have seen at wolves tath gurdwara, that they close off the doors to the inner sachkhand and place a smaller palki sahib infront still elevated but with enough space to allow parkarma. But I have also heard from many singhs in india who say they got married without doing parkarma.. maybe thats coz all of em had no legs.. ?? actually how would a guy with no legs get married ? would the wife carry the guy around? intresting its not about gender equality in sikhi.. its all about disability equality
  2. if u can leave ur body and go anywhere anytime.. go to the charan of my beautiful lord the lord of all.. the lord of the rings.. whatever you want is at his feet.. So just make your way to his darbar.. (by his grace of course)
  3. Its the same reason why God made it so that the male member goes inside the female organ in order to reproduce.. I guess if God wanted equality the way some modernists believe then well.. now im confused.. until God shows equality by making us exactly the same then I believe the man should walk infront and the woman follow. Actually to be honest I have heard (and neo you might be able to confirm this as I heard it from many Nanaksari's) there was a time when there was no walking.. Just sit down read the lava and hey presto you married.. Its a cultural thing i would assume.. but like I said I assume.. maybe it signifies how the woman will follow the husband into his family (hence the taking of the mans name, and living in their family home until you have a fight with the mother in law.. !) I dont believe its degrading to women, coz every wedding I been too.. the man has been surrounded by women .. and then her brothers turn up !!! it would be dangerous ground offending a woman in that situation
  4. Akaaaal happy divali and bandi chor 2 all
  5. karmi apoh apani kai nere kai dooor.. according to our karams some are near and others far, if the karam of that animal are now mine then so be it, if they take me further away it is all in the hukam. After all what is karam when compared to naam? the only difference between an animal and a vegitable is its physical form, after all on a theoretical metaphysical and atomic level it is but another carbon based life form both are the same thing. So what effect does it have on my soul, well if the only difference is a physical one then i would say it has the same effect eating any object has. vibrations in food.. lol.. This is kaljug, if you feel that people are so fine tuned that the slightest effects will push them into the dark side then what about living in a country which kills innocent people, for oil or living in a house built by people who have smoked ate meat etc, after all if you can sense the vibrations in the food you consume, then you should be fine tuned to the level you can sense it in the clothes you wear which were delivered to the shop in a van driven by a man who smokes.. tablas made from the skin of a animal that is already dead coz someone else had killed it to eat it.. either way the dead animal is being used to aid in everyday life, wether its on the outside or inside a persons stomach. there is no paap in killing people yet such paap in killing a bakara, some will say the bakara is innocent and the ppl deserve it, well the bakara wouldnt be a bakara if it was so innocent it would have naam japped in its last life and become better then a bakara, so who can judge.. only the greatest judge of all.. almighty allah. and as it is by his almighty grace that the sword severs the neck or that the KFC fries in the oil, all we can do is play in this lilla, if we wish to escape then no point in arguing about rights and wrongs, just take away and engage in the truth. and the only one thing we can all agree that is truely true.. is.. SATNAAM. thats my opinion if u disagree then do an ardas for me p.s. i have decided to mend my ways.. if the true khalsa only use the skin of dead animals to make tablas vajas etc, i too will from this day forth only consume the meat of already dead animals.. Thank u topaban.org I now feel like a true selfless khalsa.. and i guess this would mean KFC and Mac D's are totally acceptable. p.s. forgive the crap transliteration, its has been written to meet no academic standard what so ever.
  6. if meat goes between your lips, down your throat.. and down into your gut.. congradulations you eat meat.. the outcome.. ! it turns to $h!t .. and if meat doesnt take that route but some gajjar or gobi does.. then OH MY GOD.. it too turns to $h!t.. So the conclusion of this meat / Veggi debate.. its all a load of $h!t... if we are asking what does the guru say about meat.. im more concerned about what he says about naam. something we should all be doing alot more of. inshallah
  7. Ahh the wonderful paradox in islam, There is no higher authority then the word of God (the Qu'ran) and yet the Qu'ran can only be interpreted and understood by hadith, which vary and contradict one another.. Also we cant really claim that shia hadith are more reliable or sunni hadith, as both contradict on many points and swear their own lagitamcy of authority through reference to the Qu'ran.. But then again, im no ayatollah. Ya Ali..
  8. US.. means a collective which includes myself, if your offended by me calling majority people sad, then my dear friend cry.. and cry and then dry your eye, letting it out makes everyone feel alot better.. be happy and dont get too worked up over a small statement, read the post and look at what im trying to say, not one word which may offend. then again maybe im to blame.. sorry..
  9. I agree with beast, you fight against oppression not misunderstandings. I dont think the guy was being oppressed, however the course of action he did take encouraged dialogue and understanding. Something which is lacking in the modern society where every misconception is quickly turned into a racist attack or a sign of great oppression. At least now thanks to this guys course of actions sikhs will have no problem wearing kirpans in university, and other American university sikhs can call on harvard as an example if they are asked to remove or not allowed to wear their kirpan. If he did nothing and just let his kirpan be taken then I would say he sold out. But what he achieved is what we should look at. After all dont we all have to remove our kirpans when getting on flights? If you are willing to take it off for a few hours so you can go visit auntie preeto back at the pind and find yourself a pindu wife, then taking it off while engaging in discourse to allow the kirpan to be worn by all sikhs throughout harvard university and probably throughout other universities, well thats a great achievment. We assume that the freedoms we have sitting in the UK or Canada are available to everyone, but they are not, Canada had its own kirpan case where a kid was thrown out of school, and Britain has had its own cases, and now Mr Singh has proven victorious in Harvard.. Yay.. Now howver if Harvard was to remove some persons kirpan, well then that person would have a right to walk away or become a shaheed or whatever, simply because now Harvard know, they have no reason to misunderstand.
  10. When camps do what they do best they are all great.. that is challenge themselves as well as the youth of today, within their own circles of life, khalsa camp has its advanced sikhi market, boss camp once had the student scene but now seems to be siding more towards a more specialised market, and Sikh Student, well they had just the average joe student with a few sikhs here and there.. Each had its own style each its own quality... Unfortunatly with this recent change from organising camps to online political sabotage and camp sponsored globalisation of the sikh youth markets, well now the intrest is no longer in providing the experience to the campers, now its just a competition to provide their own brand of sikhi product. SS camp if it sticks to its guns and stays the way it was before then everyone will still love it for what it is. It has never claimed to be the best or most accurate sikh camp, and that is what gave it a unique touch. However if SS camp was to sell out to the propoganda and pressures from people who really dont give two craps about SS or the campers. Well then they are giving away the very thing that people such as Gurmustuk Singh, Apna NEO, Sukha etc etc all regard so great about the camp. Also the leaflets that were handed out, have a very similar approach to the old concerned blogs. Most probably the same group of people and that would imply their links to BOSS camp, and poor BOSS camp has had its own set of ups and downs. Congradulations to those sevadars who worked hard to provide the campers with a great time and insight into sikhi and congradulations to those campers who took something great away with them. Now I would just request the BOSS lot and anyone else out there to stand back attempt to clean under their own manja before running forwards to clean under everyone elses !! As Baba Jesus said, let he who is without sin throw the first stone, when there is no sins.. then let the stone throwing commence p.s. its a pity how the organisers of SS got labelled and accused of crap they never did just because of some idiots rumours and own personal motives and now they are being told to stop the camp... However its also ironic that it was the same organisers who banned other individuals based on rumours and accusations...which I believe also had no evidence, oh well What goes around comes around .. However.. Dont worry.... be happy...
  11. they aint that good for fast typers and especially if your going to be typing for a while, as bashing your fingertips against a hard service like a table begins to hurt after a while even if your a soft typer like me. I realised that at my own expense (thank god for student loans )
  12. Its a pity that the misconception of a better life in the west, leads to people losing all of their dignity and ethics. Marrying for money and with no care for the families on both sides which get torn apart by one persons selfish desires. Best thing to do is if they get divorced, send them back. After all they came over in order to be a husband or wife with their partner not to settle down on their own. But thats a nieve generalised statement just giving a basic POV, I understand that things can be alot more complicated
  13. and now the fun begins... gurbrakaal, dhan teri sikhi
  14. why not go on a date at this baba bulands place, and check the dude out,
  15. Those who regard the guru as true embodiement of akaal purakh joht, they dont need to look at this and that point and argue in the ways of scholars with references etc, For them it is the experience of being around satguru ji that they learn what is right and what is wrong, for example, in my own experience I do not like going near tabia other then to matha tekh with a pajama on, one time i concidered it, when about to go behind the tabia sahib, i just got a feeling and couldnt, like when you do something wrong, and no matter how well you hide it your concious knows it was wrong, like stealing from parents or punching your dad or something. Nothing can be gained no argument can have any stance, if it is not an experience.. Those who throw words and thesises back and forward without any experience of what they scream about what chance do they have of keeping it. It fades as time goes on, in my life I have seen this occur over and over again, I have done it too.. where one day I will kick the shit out of someone for a belief or practice, like those that eat meat are wrong.. and go through this shabad and that, but I never experienced that shabad, insted I read a link here or there, or heard a katha kar reference it, or did a search on sikhitothemax. Without having expereienced the shabad without having it felt in your concious in your heart and soul, then its just been heard and nothing gained. the beauty of its taste has not been ingested just placed on the lips. Many will argue what is sin and what is good, but very few will realise the truth. It is the truth that satguru ji gives to us to experience, but it is upto us to be willing to take in that experience. Beast, I cant class satguru or describe what they are... sprititual guide, yeh sometimes.. lol but not everytime, sometimes they just a good listener, or sometimes just the most beautiful thing ever, and sometimes I walk in and life a fool who mistakes gold for sand, walk away with a handful of crap and having gained nothing but furthered my own ego. (believing I have devine revelation for my own personal desires and beliefs) scholarly interpretations and sharia style laws of conduct based on references and quotes are all part of the many levels of sikhism. (the human body has many hundreds of individual systems, yet all work together to form one life) however the soul of sikhi in my experience is the true experiences between sikh and guru (love, fear, friendship, etc) But thats my own understanding knowing very little of what is true love, to understand that then we need to turn to those who guru maharaj praises, all those great saints and peers.
  16. I once saw an army of hidden nihangs, Then the degh wore off. akaaaaaaalo
  17. lol if u cant even see the guru inside yourself, if akaal purakh is not in your own heart then why wait for something from outside to come in. If you cant get in what chance has anyone else got.. It reminds me of a poem by Bulle Shah, in which he states: that people wonder from mosque to mosque calling out to allah, but they never call out from the mosque of their heart.
  18. I dont believe guru Maharaj would give darshan, and then give agya to allow the killing of women, and children, wether its intentional or a bi product of some other cause.
  19. The US? Oh man why does Bush get involved in everything.. ! I personally think tradition is a nice thing, maybe if it can be explained insted of forced without reasoning.
  20. Mod's Note: Edited due to sarcastic remarks.
  21. And please feel free to buy popcorn and hot dogs.. (vegitarian ones for you... muslims and vegis) at the foyer.
  22. its his style, dawg.. man why'd ya gotta hate on the G.. He just be bustin up wid his bling bling and tha'. represnting thru 'is tooones, and the rid'm. Respek
  23. Gurfateh Ji.. To all you raag know it alls... Das Ji Das... would like to ask if anyone knows what colours,, (or for you none brits who stole our language.. and spell everything wrong.. colors) are associated to the raags within Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj. I remember seeing it in a book once, colours and raags.. or something and it said each raag has an associated colour.. time, feeling, context etc. I would be extremely greatful if anyone could find out for me.. PS... COLOUR>>> learn to spell or get your own language.. you none ENGLISH ... englishers. VIVA LA QUEEN...
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