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    harsharan000 reacted to Guest in Quality Of This Forum Is Paramount..!   
    For past many years, Sikhawareness has been a beacon for freedom of speech, freedom of expression and celebration of different diverse cultures/religion in cyber sikh world. We have no intention of changing that but with that being said, there is clear difference between freedom of speech, freedom of expression and abusing freedom of speech, trolling the forum, deliberately provoking argument from one thread to another, insulting members, other religious figures or attacking demi gods etc etc. We can bear all forms of debates even heated debates but basic civility has to be kept. We hope members ask themselves while writing - are they crossing the line?. Here is what we would like to acheive ideally.

    We are all guilty of debating or discussing outside of gursikh principles ((which includes me of course), just wanted to take this chance to post sakhi from Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji updesh to pandits on discussion/debates and what's allowed for Gursikhs.

    Or if you would like to see things from western angle:

    Just look at western leaders/politicians in real life from two opposite side of spectrums with two polar opposite idealogy debate, how gracefully they debate the issues and still have basic respect for one another.

    We have already started a new intiative to ensure, we have put two members- kharku aka- starchpagg47 and jungchumkaur under quality control temporary until their mend their ways following basic civil tone and keeping close eye on other members who are very close to crossing fine line- Maintaing quality of this forum is paramount.
  2. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Lucky in Different Types/stages Of Naam   
    Harsharan ji's post describes the answer quite well.
    Let me also add that ALL the sounds and visions even, are part of the illusion...you are still in maya. it's stll trai-gun.
    This doesn't mean that the naad you may be hearing and feeling is false, because this naad is still coming from that same source of sach-khand.....however, you are still wrapped in the illusion and the shabad is not fully manifest as the sehaj dhun in sach khand.

    You will know when it's sehaj dhun or pure anhad bani because it will be pure para-bani coming drenched in amrit when waheguru reveals the Nijh ghar/sach-khand to you. At this stage you will see/feel/become with the Brahm jyot.....and ONLY then will you yourself be able to confirm that it is the purest, truest Anhad Bani you are hearing.

    The sounds we can hear at early stages of different instruments..etc.. are all paon de shabad and related to the air/pavan. They change as you progress and so does the naad.
    Initially the naad is intermittent but then gets clearer and more intense until it becomes 24hr.

    In this part of the journey I think that it varies vastly for each and every one of us and according to our own gunas.
    AT the same time you will get 'downloads' of knowledge, gyaan and understanding about 'Yourself''...and according to your own gunas.

    We will often question to ourselves if the naad or sounds are genuine and true anhad. ... the answer is quite simple because if we are questioning, then we must surely be still be wrapped in the illusion more than being drenched in amrit rus/naam
    When we experience the -brahm jyot- amrit- prakash,- anhad in it's purest and highest form in sachkhand..... only then, will you have no doubts and be able to confirm to your self. I'm sure you won't be questioning or doubting in any way.

    Gurbani talks about these different levels of illusion including Gandarve Nagri, Mrig trishna, Maya Jaal...which is all part of kaal to stop and divert you. This occurs ALL the way up to the doorstep of waheguru's sacha mahal. And only until HE opens it and you get prakash are you out of kaal's boundary.
  3. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Lucky in Timeless Wisdom   
    Discover yourself

    Discover yourself,
    otherwise you have to depend on other people's opinions
    who don't know themselves.

  4. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Jageera in Different Types/stages Of Naam   
    Very nice question and topic Sat Veer Jee

    Actually Wahiguru or Satnam, is Anami, means nameless .... and this has to be so.


    Because He is Alakh, means formless, and He is also Agam Purukh, means He is beyond reach.

    There where He is, only He exists.

    So if only He is one there, without any second, and there is no language to speak, because one needs mouth to say something, or to call someone. With whom do we have to comuniucate? What do we have to say or discuss with Him?

    But then one may say, that is not totally correct, because we may call Him from our heart, or call on Him mentally... yes this all is possible, as long as the mind exists, which can be within the three planes where the mind operates: Physical, Astral or Causal

    After that comes ParBraham region....there is no trace of maya or mind.

    It is not Sach Khand, but it is just 2 steps below, and from there on, as one goes upper, finer and purer are the realms, right up to Sach Khand, the purest realm, where Sat Purukh resides.

    What I perceive is that, people, not only our sikh brothers, but as well as of other religions also, tend to take that Supreme Being, with their preconcepted ideas and forms...for example sikhs think, when they reach up there, Guru Nanak and the other Gurus, with the Punj Pyares, the Saheeds, and many more good, brave and noble people, are all there to receive us ...like a huge congregation of all the people we think as good ones ..

    The hindus think, their gods such as Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, with their wives and sons and grandchildren, along with their ancestors, their sadhus, etc ... etc are going to be met, when reaching there...

    The same is applied with the followers of the rest of the religions...

    Due to this agyanta, people have a sense of variety, and thus are lost in brahm, and from there on starts the conflicts between all the people, each one claiming thier superiority and their truth. And because of this variety, there are wars, there is hatred, a lot of unjustice....Instead of being human beings, they are stone hearted beasts ...

    It is such a pity, our Guru Sahibans while they were on the earth, tried their best to wipe off the mud from our mind and eyes(agyanta), and placed the simple truths in front of us, even left the Guru Granth Sahib for us,claiming that universal Truth as Nam or Shabad, and gave us the method to realize through Nam Simran . We can read any Ang from Guru Jee, and we shall only see these simple truths.

    Some tuks as examples are as following:
    Awar Kaaj tere kiteh na kam, mil Sadh Sangat bhaj kewal Nam.
    Sarab rog ka aukhad Nam
    Prabh ka Simran, teerath ishnan...
    And many more can be mentioned.

    But let us ask ourselves sincerely, how many of us do believe and follow their words. The thing is, though we profess to be devotees, we lack faith in the words of our Gurus, we take them as theory....but their words are priceless, amolak, eternal and true spiritual gems, for all the humanity.

    We have limited their teachings, into 4 walls of many outer things, rituals, idol worship...etc, thus done a great unjustice to them.
    Their whole purpose was to take us out from all outer things and concentrate on the only one reality within each and everyone of us, irrespective of caste, creed or class, which is Nam or Shabad.

    This Nam is nowhere outside, thus it can not be given by anyone either...it is the same inside each one of us, whether one is a sinner, a saint, a robber, a sadhu, a mahatma, male or female, a hindu, a muslim, a sikh or a christian.....

    Because that Nam or Shabad is a power, a highest state of Consciousness, which implies that it is also omnipresnt and omnipotent.

    And this Nam is not like the genius of Aladinos lamp, that we rub it when we want something and start asking for our desires to be fulfilled, like taking away sorrows, wanting miracles, wealth, power, status, properties, sons, lands....and a huge endless list.

    This Nam or Shabad as such, existed even before we were not born, and shall stay even when we shall not be here... this Nam or Shabad as being a Consciouss power of the highest order, works in its own ways, and not per our thinking, or our petty logic...

    The purpose of all Gurmukhs, is not to make us understand the mysteries of the creation, not because they do not know, or are not capable of it, but because we are very limited.

    For that, they say, go inside youself, and see everything it by yourself. All your doubts shall be dissolved.

    And there is total logic in their words, because when we reach His stage, we shall become Him.... so then who is left to ask? and who is there to answer? Naturally nobody, except Him.

    Such is His mahanta, His greatness, His wadeeayee...Oooch Apaar, Beant Soami.

    The Bani clearly says: Jin Har jaapiya, se Har hoeeya

    Sar Sree Akal.
  5. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Guest in Revisit Definition Of Gurmukh And Manmukh.   
    For many years-abhramic black and white interpertations of Sikh terms found in Gurbani were put fwd by sikhs who were more attuned with conceptual sikhi than essence Sikhi in expereince. Two such terms which were coined often were Gurmukh and Manmukh to explain good and bad without much contexualization. Sure we look at the basic interpertation of Gurmukh and Manmukh it means - Gurmukh (one who follows Guru) and Manmukh (one who follows mind) and there is no issue using that to discourage others from fives vices, improve discipline But what gets missed from time to time is broader, deeper estoeric definition of term Gurmukh and Manmukh-

    Gurmukh - Gurmukh ( one who is attuned and indentifies with inner pure consciouness our real jot-chaitan/intuitive wisdom, acts, functions from inner soul - our real jot as it appear as hakum always unfolding) backdrop behind conditioned mind which is not confined to social religious construct (amritdhari or not).

    Manmukh- Manmukh(one who is attuned with mind, one who indentifies with conditioned mind), functions, acts, reacts out of mind. This manmukh definitation is not confined by social religious construct be it amritdhari or not.

    So by that deeper definition most of us are manmukhs and only rare diamonds are gurmukhs. So let us all strive to be indentify, function, acts, react from our real inner soul consciounes (Gur-chaitan-mukh towards) by further stilling our mind via Gur shabad, Gurshabad gian- wisdom than spent time judging others.
  6. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Lucky in Revisit Definition Of Gurmukh And Manmukh.   
    No,...not quite...
    Sikhi is the path of where one is to transform from manmukh to gurmukh isn't it ??
    What's this got to do with brahmin?.... and is calling every other non-sikh a giddar, going to keep you on the right path towards gurmukh?
  7. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to chzS1ngh in Different Types/stages Of Naam   
    Well ji harsharan ji said "It is only by the power of Shabad Guru, that one can cross this region, by holding on to it, and reach Sach Khand."

    Is anything happening to you that could even remotely resemble what harsharan ji is describing...

    Read Guru Ji's excitement, joy, wonder, amazement when Guru Ji talks about riding the waves of shabad and getting darshan of Waheguru....

    if you cannot relate to those things then chances are you are not hearing the Shabad Guru...if there is any doubt in mind as to what you are experiencing then in my opinion, the wonder has yet to manifest fully...so keep going and one day you will probably 'just know'

  8. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from gsm52 in Different Types/stages Of Naam   
    Very nice question and topic Sat Veer Jee

    Actually Wahiguru or Satnam, is Anami, means nameless .... and this has to be so.


    Because He is Alakh, means formless, and He is also Agam Purukh, means He is beyond reach.

    There where He is, only He exists.

    So if only He is one there, without any second, and there is no language to speak, because one needs mouth to say something, or to call someone. With whom do we have to comuniucate? What do we have to say or discuss with Him?

    But then one may say, that is not totally correct, because we may call Him from our heart, or call on Him mentally... yes this all is possible, as long as the mind exists, which can be within the three planes where the mind operates: Physical, Astral or Causal

    After that comes ParBraham region....there is no trace of maya or mind.

    It is not Sach Khand, but it is just 2 steps below, and from there on, as one goes upper, finer and purer are the realms, right up to Sach Khand, the purest realm, where Sat Purukh resides.

    What I perceive is that, people, not only our sikh brothers, but as well as of other religions also, tend to take that Supreme Being, with their preconcepted ideas and forms...for example sikhs think, when they reach up there, Guru Nanak and the other Gurus, with the Punj Pyares, the Saheeds, and many more good, brave and noble people, are all there to receive us ...like a huge congregation of all the people we think as good ones ..

    The hindus think, their gods such as Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, with their wives and sons and grandchildren, along with their ancestors, their sadhus, etc ... etc are going to be met, when reaching there...

    The same is applied with the followers of the rest of the religions...

    Due to this agyanta, people have a sense of variety, and thus are lost in brahm, and from there on starts the conflicts between all the people, each one claiming thier superiority and their truth. And because of this variety, there are wars, there is hatred, a lot of unjustice....Instead of being human beings, they are stone hearted beasts ...

    It is such a pity, our Guru Sahibans while they were on the earth, tried their best to wipe off the mud from our mind and eyes(agyanta), and placed the simple truths in front of us, even left the Guru Granth Sahib for us,claiming that universal Truth as Nam or Shabad, and gave us the method to realize through Nam Simran . We can read any Ang from Guru Jee, and we shall only see these simple truths.

    Some tuks as examples are as following:
    Awar Kaaj tere kiteh na kam, mil Sadh Sangat bhaj kewal Nam.
    Sarab rog ka aukhad Nam
    Prabh ka Simran, teerath ishnan...
    And many more can be mentioned.

    But let us ask ourselves sincerely, how many of us do believe and follow their words. The thing is, though we profess to be devotees, we lack faith in the words of our Gurus, we take them as theory....but their words are priceless, amolak, eternal and true spiritual gems, for all the humanity.

    We have limited their teachings, into 4 walls of many outer things, rituals, idol worship...etc, thus done a great unjustice to them.
    Their whole purpose was to take us out from all outer things and concentrate on the only one reality within each and everyone of us, irrespective of caste, creed or class, which is Nam or Shabad.

    This Nam is nowhere outside, thus it can not be given by anyone either...it is the same inside each one of us, whether one is a sinner, a saint, a robber, a sadhu, a mahatma, male or female, a hindu, a muslim, a sikh or a christian.....

    Because that Nam or Shabad is a power, a highest state of Consciousness, which implies that it is also omnipresnt and omnipotent.

    And this Nam is not like the genius of Aladinos lamp, that we rub it when we want something and start asking for our desires to be fulfilled, like taking away sorrows, wanting miracles, wealth, power, status, properties, sons, lands....and a huge endless list.

    This Nam or Shabad as such, existed even before we were not born, and shall stay even when we shall not be here... this Nam or Shabad as being a Consciouss power of the highest order, works in its own ways, and not per our thinking, or our petty logic...

    The purpose of all Gurmukhs, is not to make us understand the mysteries of the creation, not because they do not know, or are not capable of it, but because we are very limited.

    For that, they say, go inside youself, and see everything it by yourself. All your doubts shall be dissolved.

    And there is total logic in their words, because when we reach His stage, we shall become Him.... so then who is left to ask? and who is there to answer? Naturally nobody, except Him.

    Such is His mahanta, His greatness, His wadeeayee...Oooch Apaar, Beant Soami.

    The Bani clearly says: Jin Har jaapiya, se Har hoeeya

    Sar Sree Akal.
  9. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Lucky in Different Types/stages Of Naam   
    Very nice question and topic Sat Veer Jee

    Actually Wahiguru or Satnam, is Anami, means nameless .... and this has to be so.


    Because He is Alakh, means formless, and He is also Agam Purukh, means He is beyond reach.

    There where He is, only He exists.

    So if only He is one there, without any second, and there is no language to speak, because one needs mouth to say something, or to call someone. With whom do we have to comuniucate? What do we have to say or discuss with Him?

    But then one may say, that is not totally correct, because we may call Him from our heart, or call on Him mentally... yes this all is possible, as long as the mind exists, which can be within the three planes where the mind operates: Physical, Astral or Causal

    After that comes ParBraham region....there is no trace of maya or mind.

    It is not Sach Khand, but it is just 2 steps below, and from there on, as one goes upper, finer and purer are the realms, right up to Sach Khand, the purest realm, where Sat Purukh resides.

    What I perceive is that, people, not only our sikh brothers, but as well as of other religions also, tend to take that Supreme Being, with their preconcepted ideas and forms...for example sikhs think, when they reach up there, Guru Nanak and the other Gurus, with the Punj Pyares, the Saheeds, and many more good, brave and noble people, are all there to receive us ...like a huge congregation of all the people we think as good ones ..

    The hindus think, their gods such as Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva, with their wives and sons and grandchildren, along with their ancestors, their sadhus, etc ... etc are going to be met, when reaching there...

    The same is applied with the followers of the rest of the religions...

    Due to this agyanta, people have a sense of variety, and thus are lost in brahm, and from there on starts the conflicts between all the people, each one claiming thier superiority and their truth. And because of this variety, there are wars, there is hatred, a lot of unjustice....Instead of being human beings, they are stone hearted beasts ...

    It is such a pity, our Guru Sahibans while they were on the earth, tried their best to wipe off the mud from our mind and eyes(agyanta), and placed the simple truths in front of us, even left the Guru Granth Sahib for us,claiming that universal Truth as Nam or Shabad, and gave us the method to realize through Nam Simran . We can read any Ang from Guru Jee, and we shall only see these simple truths.

    Some tuks as examples are as following:
    Awar Kaaj tere kiteh na kam, mil Sadh Sangat bhaj kewal Nam.
    Sarab rog ka aukhad Nam
    Prabh ka Simran, teerath ishnan...
    And many more can be mentioned.

    But let us ask ourselves sincerely, how many of us do believe and follow their words. The thing is, though we profess to be devotees, we lack faith in the words of our Gurus, we take them as theory....but their words are priceless, amolak, eternal and true spiritual gems, for all the humanity.

    We have limited their teachings, into 4 walls of many outer things, rituals, idol worship...etc, thus done a great unjustice to them.
    Their whole purpose was to take us out from all outer things and concentrate on the only one reality within each and everyone of us, irrespective of caste, creed or class, which is Nam or Shabad.

    This Nam is nowhere outside, thus it can not be given by anyone either...it is the same inside each one of us, whether one is a sinner, a saint, a robber, a sadhu, a mahatma, male or female, a hindu, a muslim, a sikh or a christian.....

    Because that Nam or Shabad is a power, a highest state of Consciousness, which implies that it is also omnipresnt and omnipotent.

    And this Nam is not like the genius of Aladinos lamp, that we rub it when we want something and start asking for our desires to be fulfilled, like taking away sorrows, wanting miracles, wealth, power, status, properties, sons, lands....and a huge endless list.

    This Nam or Shabad as such, existed even before we were not born, and shall stay even when we shall not be here... this Nam or Shabad as being a Consciouss power of the highest order, works in its own ways, and not per our thinking, or our petty logic...

    The purpose of all Gurmukhs, is not to make us understand the mysteries of the creation, not because they do not know, or are not capable of it, but because we are very limited.

    For that, they say, go inside youself, and see everything it by yourself. All your doubts shall be dissolved.

    And there is total logic in their words, because when we reach His stage, we shall become Him.... so then who is left to ask? and who is there to answer? Naturally nobody, except Him.

    Such is His mahanta, His greatness, His wadeeayee...Oooch Apaar, Beant Soami.

    The Bani clearly says: Jin Har jaapiya, se Har hoeeya

    Sar Sree Akal.
  10. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Lucky in Different Types/stages Of Naam   
    Dear Truthseeker,
    the traigun bani or braham janjalla, is the sound which resounds ine the region of Braham, means below Parbraham, and this sound is not the real Shabad as such in Sach Khand.

    This sound is stiil under the domain of mind or Kaal.

    It is only by the power of Shabad Guru, that one can cross this region, by holding on to it, and reach Sach Khand.

    Sat Sree Akal.
  11. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Jageera in Different Types/stages Of Naam   
    Being this thread related to different stages of Nam as well, Sree Guru Nanak Dev Maharaj in Raag Sorath, tells us in short:

    Tum Saachay, ham Tum hee raachay, Shabad bhayd fun saachay.
    You are True, and I am absorbed into You; through the jugtee of the Shabad, I shall ultimately become True as well.

    He is telling us that: Wahiguru is the ultimate, the highest stage of permanent and unchangeable truth.

    But, through a perfect technique, namely Nam Simran, anyone can become as true and eternal like Him, by merging in Him, through that very technique, that very jugtee.

    This is the mahanta, the wadeeayee of His Nam.

    Wah wah Saachay Badshah, Toon Beant Apaar Soami.
  12. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Lucky in Gurmat Gems   
    Raag Ramkali
    Bani Sree Kabir Jeeo

    ਦਾਗੇ ਹੋਹਿ ਸੁ ਰਨ ਮਹਿ ਜੂਝਹਿ ਬਿਨੁ ਦਾਗੇ ਭਗਿ ਜਾਈ
    Dhaagae Hohi S Ran Mehi Joojhehi Bin Dhaagae Bhag Jaaee
    दागे होहि सु रन महि जूझहि बिनु दागे भगि जाई
    Those who are branded with Your brand fight bravely in battle; those without Your brand run away.

    Here Bhagat Kabir Jee, is telling us that, those who meditate on Him, with His Name, fight bravely with the mind and succeed in defeating it, others , the rest of the people, just give up, and say, no no I can sit no more.
    As recommended by all Saints, Naam is the only weapon to fight with the mind and defeat it forever, otherwise, the fierce and mighty mind, no matter which other bhaktis we may do, will not leave/loose its grip on us. It is only when, it gets hurt by the blows of His Simran, that, it falls K.O.

    And this is because, though we may never ever estimate the real value of His Simran, which most of us take it so lightly, but the fact is, it empowers us with His power, to overcome our weaknesses, sins, vikars, etc ..... and become as pure paviter as He is, so to say, to merge in Him.

    Then Kabir Jee says:

    ਕਬੀਰਿ ਦੀਈ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਕਉ ਲੀਨੀ ਜਿਸੁ ਮਸਤਕਿ ਭਾਗੁ
    Kabeer Dheeee Sansaar Ko Leenee Jis Masathak Bhaag
    कबीरि दीई संसार कउ लीनी जिसु मसतकि भागु
    Kabeer gives it to the world, but he alone receives it, upon whose forehead such destiny is recorded.

    In the above line He is clearly telling us, the Bani constantly tells us to do His bhajan bandagee of His Simran, but many of us prefer to do many other things.

    This is so because, he alone can repeat His Name, on whose forehead is written so by Him, not otherwise....

    What can the poor mortal do also.... To devote oneself to Him, in His real bhakti, is also a bakshish from Wahiguru, let no one think that it is done per our will... we are moorakhs.

    Gyan, dhyan, kich karam na janaa ..... saar na janaa teree, sabse wadah Satgur Nanak, jin kal rakhee meree

    By myself my Lord, I have no merits, have not any knowledge, nor do I know how to sing your glory adecuately, it is only becase of You, through your grace, that you have accepted me at Your Lotus Feet.

    Sat Sree Akal.
  13. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Lucky in Kirtan   
    Artist:- Bhai Gurpreet Singh ji Shimla Wale
    Title :- Varsai Kirpa Dhaar
    Album:- Amrit Dhaara

    This shabad is on Ang 1281 of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
    Bani Guru Amar Das Ji
    ਮਲਾਰ ਕੀ ਵਾਰ: (ਮ: ੩) ਗੁਰੂ ਗ੍ਰੰਥ ਸਾਹਿਬ : ਅੰਗ ੧੨੮੧
    ਮਃ ੩ ॥ Ma 3 || मः ३ ॥ Third Mehl:
    ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਸਦਾ ਵਰਸਦਾ ਬੂਝਨਿ ਬੂਝਣਹਾਰ ॥
    Anmrith Sadhaa Varasadhaa Boojhan Boojhanehaar ||
    अम्रितु सदा वरसदा बूझनि बूझणहार ॥
    The Ambrosial Nectar rains down continually; realize this through realization.

    ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹੀ ਬੁਝਿਆ ਹਰਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਰਖਿਆ ਉਰਿ ਧਾਰਿ ॥
    Guramukh Jinhee Bujhiaa Har Anmrith Rakhiaa Our Dhhaar ||
    गुरमुखि जिन्ही बुझिआ हरि अम्रितु रखिआ उरि धारि ॥
    Those who, as Gurmukh, realize this, keep the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar enshrined within their hearts.

    ਹਰਿ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਪੀਵਹਿ ਸਦਾ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਾਤੇ ਹਉਮੈ ਤ੍ਰਿਸਨਾ ਮਾਰਿ ॥
    Har Anmrith Peevehi Sadhaa Rang Raathae Houmai Thrisanaa Maar ||
    हरि अम्रितु पीवहि सदा रंगि राते हउमै त्रिसना मारि ॥
    They drink in the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar, and remain forever imbued with the Lord; they conquer egotism and thirsty desires.

    ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਹਰਿ ਕਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਹੈ ਵਰਸੈ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਧਾਰਿ ॥
    Anmrith Har Kaa Naam Hai Varasai Kirapaa Dhhaar ||
    अम्रितु हरि का नामु है वरसै किरपा धारि ॥
    The Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar; the Lord showers His Grace, and it rains down.

    ਨਾਨਕ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਨਦਰੀ ਆਇਆ ਹਰਿ ਆਤਮ ਰਾਮੁ ਮੁਰਾਰਿ ॥੨॥
    Naanak Guramukh Nadharee Aaeiaa Har Aatham Raam Muraar ||2||
    नानक गुरमुखि नदरी आइआ हरि आतम रामु मुरारि ॥२॥
    O Nanak, the Gurmukh comes to behold the Lord, the Supreme Soul. ||2||
  14. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Is My Parakh Going On ?   
    The main point in this thread, is the pain due to one´s karmas ....

    But according to the Bani, though stated above already, some soothing words of Sachay Patshah Dhan Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj in Raag Sorath, filled with nectar , are brought in front of the sangat, for the purpose of treasuring them in our very minds and hearts, so that we may take the full advantage of them, by applying them in a practical way in our lives, not otherwise.

    Here they are:

    ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਰਣ ਕਾਰਣ ਸਮਰਾਥਾ
    Prabh Karan Kaaran Samaraathhaa
    प्रभ करण कारण समराथा
    God is Almighty, the Cause of causes.

    ਹਰਿ ਸਿਮਰਤ ਸਭੁ ਦੁਖੁ ਲਾਥਾ Har Simarath Sabh Dhukh Laathhaa
    हरि सिमरत सभु दुखु लाथा
    Remembering the Lord in meditation, all pains and sorrows vanish.

    First of all He is telling us, that we have to rely only on one Wahiguru Akal Purukh, none else, because He is the cause of all causes.

    Secondly, He is telling us, that, our karmas, our destiny may be dirty and heavy, but if we turn our faces towards Him, by meditating on Him, through Naam Simran, all our sorrows and pains shall be simply dissolved.

    This means, our karmas will not change their course nor purpose, but by putting ourselves at His Lotus Feet, through His Simran, we get His support and strength, to face them cheerfully, without any complaints, they just pass away unnoticed.

    This is the mahanta, the wadeeayee of Wahiguru Akal Purukh and His Naam. Guru Jee clearly tells us, do not wait for your life to get straighten by itself because of your crooked karmas, rather take shelter at His Feet, by doing His Simran, only then you can walk with your head uplifted, without getting the terrible blows of your dirty and heavy karmas, because now one is covered with the shield of His Daya Meher.

    Karmas will play their role, but His Daya meher will also play the role in a protective way. For that, we need not big nor plenty of words, but just one action, and that is His Simran.

    One just gets pleasantly amazed, and a river of bliss starts flowing within, by reading the Bani and seeing, that inspite of so much uncertainity and stress at all levels, but if one as a child just gets hold of His finger(His Simran), He our Father, only then, protects us with His presence, at each and every step of ours.

    What else do we need? So much Grace, so much Daya Meher is showered, and still we moorakhs, just complain, that too, when we are totally at fault... Shame on us ....

  15. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Sahib in Does Any Of The 10 Gurus Used To Do Meditation?   
    Sahib Jee,
    meditation is the door which allows one´s soul consciousness, to trespass from the physical world into the spiritual world. There are quite a few things which are common to mankind as well as these highly spiritual beings, gurmukhs, sant janas, and as well as our very Guru Sahibans.

    Meditation is one of them, it is not exclusive for any social or geographical status.

    In the very begining, before Shabad manifested itself as Wahiguru or Satnam, that very Shabd was absorbed in itself in a meditative state.

    The difference between us and these superior and pure spiritual beings is, that while we are full of rust of karmas and sanskaras, they are spotless and inmaculate, so naturally while we can not even think of meditating or it is as hard as like chewing iron; but for them, it just takes them to close their eyes, and wow, they are there...so quick, it is instataneous.

    They are totally filled with Naam, their whole being, their rom rom, reverbeartes with Naam, nay, they are the embodiment of Naam.....

  16. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to namdhari555 in Q And A With Bhia Sewa Singh Tarmala(Gurmat Naam)   
    I have been looking for this video forever to share with anyone who does simran. Bhia Sewa Singh Ji Tarmala answers so many hard question we have on how to do simran,how we came into this life,what is Waheguru,how to we meet him, what is maya, how to open dasam dwar and what jugtis to use. Bhai Sahib shares this knowledge from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

    This is a must for anyone on spiritual path. It is over 4 hours long, you can click on the youtube channel to find this same video cut into smaller parts.

  17. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to BhagatSingh in Is Naam The Anahad Naad?   
    That's good! That kind of fear is necessary for meditation.
    ਜਤੁ ਪਾਹਾਰਾ ਧੀਰਜੁ ਸੁਨਿਆਰੁ ॥
    जतु पाहारा धीरजु सुनिआरु ॥
    Jaṯ pāhārā ḏẖīraj suni▫ār.
    Let self-control be the furnace, and patience the goldsmith.
    ਅਹਰਣਿ ਮਤਿ ਵੇਦੁ ਹਥੀਆਰੁ ॥
    अहरणि मति वेदु हथीआरु ॥
    Ahraṇ maṯ veḏ hathī▫ār.
    Let understanding be the anvil, and spiritual wisdom the tools.
    ਭਉ ਖਲਾ ਅਗਨਿ ਤਪ ਤਾਉ ॥
    भउ खला अगनि तप ताउ ॥
    Bẖa▫o kẖalā agan ṯap ṯā▫o.
    With the Fear of God as the bellows, fan the flames of tapa, the body's inner heat.
    ਭਾਂਡਾ ਭਾਉ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਤਿਤੁ ਢਾਲਿ ॥
    भांडा भाउ अम्रितु तितु ढालि ॥
    Bẖāʼndā bẖā▫o amriṯ ṯiṯ dẖāl.
    In the crucible of love, melt the Nectar of the Name,
    ਘੜੀਐ ਸਬਦੁ ਸਚੀ ਟਕਸਾਲ ॥
    घड़ीऐ सबदु सची टकसाल ॥
    Gẖaṛī▫ai sabaḏ sacẖī taksāl.
    and mint the True Coin of the Shabad, the Word of God.
    ਜਿਨ ਕਉ ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰਮੁ ਤਿਨ ਕਾਰ ॥
    जिन कउ नदरि करमु तिन कार ॥
    Jin ka▫o naḏar karam ṯin kār.
    Such is the karma of those upon whom He has cast His Glance of Grace.
    ਨਾਨਕ ਨਦਰੀ ਨਦਰਿ ਨਿਹਾਲ ॥੩੮॥
    नानक नदरी नदरि निहाल ॥३८॥
    Nānak naḏrī naḏar nihāl. ||38||
    O Nanak, the Merciful Lord, by His Grace, uplifts and exalts them. ||38||
  18. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Truthseeker in Is Naam The Anahad Naad?   
    Gurbani explains to us perfectly what is Shabad//Panch Shabad/Sehaj Dhune/Sacha Shabad/Toor/Naad - all refer to Naam (different forms).

    Āsā mėhlā 5.
    Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:
    Uḏam karaṯ hovai man nirmal nācẖai āp nivāre.
    Making the effort, the mind becomes pure; in this dance, the self is silenced. (effort to jap: chant and meditate on gurmantra)
    Pancẖ janā le vasgaṯ rākẖai man mėh ekankāre. ||1||
    The five passions are kept under control, and the One Lord dwells in the mind. ||1||
    Ŧerā jan niraṯ kare gun gāvai.
    Your humble servant dances and sings Your Glorious Praises.
    Rabāb pakẖāvaj ṯāl gẖungẖrū anhaḏ sabaḏ vajāvai. ||1|| rahā▫o.
    He plays upon the guitar, tambourine and cymbals, and the unstruck sound current of the Shabad resounds. ||1||Pause||
    Parathme man parboḏẖai apnā pācẖẖai avar rījẖāvai.
    First, he instructs his own mind, and then, he leads others.
    Rām nām jap hirḏai jāpai mukẖ ṯe sagal sunāvai. ||2||
    He chants the Lord's Name and meditates on it in his heart; with his mouth, he announces it to all. ||2||
    Kar sang sāḏẖū cẖaran pakẖārai sanṯ ḏẖūr ṯan lāvai.
    He joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and washes their feet; he applies the dust of the Saints to his body
    Man ṯan arap ḏẖare gur āgai saṯ paḏārath pāvai. ||3||
    He surrenders his mind and body, and places them before the Guru; thus, he obtains the true wealth. ||3||

    Jo jo sunai pekẖai lā▫e sarḏẖā ṯā kā janam maran ḏukẖ bẖāgai.
    Whoever listens to, and beholds the Guru with faith, shall see his pains of birth and death taken away.
    Aisī niraṯ narak nivārai Nānak gurmukẖ jāgai. ||4||4||43||
    Such a dance eliminates hell; O Nanak, the Gurmukh remains wakeful. ||4||4||43||

    ANG 381

    Some more quotes from Guru Granth Sahib:

    Gẖantā jā kā sunī▫ai cẖahu kunt.
    His bell resounds to the four corners of the world.

    Binvanṯ Nānak sukẖ nām bẖagṯī ḏar vajėh anhaḏ vāje. ||4||3||
    Prays Nanak, happiness comes from devotional worship of the Naam; at His Door, the unstruck melody resounds

    Pancẖ sabaḏ ḏẖun anhaḏ vāje ham gẖar sājan ā▫e. ||1||
    The unstruck sound current of the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds, vibrates and resounds; my friends have come into my home.

    Anhaḏ sabaḏ ḏasam ḏu▫ār vaji▫o ṯah amriṯ nām cẖu▫ā▫i▫ā thā. ||2||
    The unstruck sound current of the Shabad vibrates and resounds in the Tenth Gate; the Ambrosial Naam trickles down there

    Man mukẖ nām japahu jagjīvan riḏ anṯar alakẖ lakẖā▫i▫ā. ||12||
    Chant the Naam with your mind and mouth; know the unknowable Lord, the Life of the World, deep within the nucleus of your heart.

    ghunghroo vaajai jay man laagai.
    You shall hear the vibrations of the tinkling bells, when your mind is held steady.

    1. wind instrument (flute, trombon, harmonica etc.)
    2. Leather instrument (tabla, dhol, drum etc.)
    3. String instrument (Rabab, Harp, Guitar, sarangi, etc.)
    4. Metal instrument (khadtaal, chimta, ghungroo (tinkling bells)
    5. Earthen pot ( ghatam, ghadda),
  19. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to BhagatSingh in Is Naam The Anahad Naad?   
    The shabad (word) is His name 'Waheguru', into which you are supposed to focus on with your whole mind.

    If you can find a physical guru, that's awesome too because they can give advice for your particular case. They can tell you what you need to hear. So how do you recognize a guru? Anyone to whom you listen to, who takes you deeper into your consciousness, is a guru.
  20. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Lucky in Is Naam The Anahad Naad?   
    I know there are so many questions.
    My easiest piece of advice would be to start doing regular simran with waheguru jap.
    Ideally most of us that speak on here have started with the saas graas and saas saas jugtees(techniques)
    It really doesn't matter what technique you use as long as you get to that internal discipline of steadying your mind(from jumping to thoughts) and japping internally with the mind.

    Eventually;-(if you already haven't)..you will begin to fall in love with the waheguru gurmantar.
    Whilst doing this it is important to be listening, listening and listening...to just listen to yourself inside doing the jap.
    It is when you start listening to your sukham(subtle) self whilst doing jap...that waheguru begins to manifest within.
  21. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from hsingh6 in Gurmat Gems   
    Love for the Lord

    Our love for the Lord requires constant feeding. Like fire is apt to die without fuel.

    Bhajan bandagee/abhyaas/ meditation, is the fuel that sustains this fire.

    So we should never ever miss this our spiritual practice of Naam Simran, one day´s negligence, retards the progress of the journey by one month.

  22. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Truthseeker in Gurmat Gems   
    On Shabad Dhun

    O mind listen to the strains of the unstruck music
    and see with your own eyes
    the temple within the body.
    Grasp the Guru´s message of the Shabad
    drink your fill of the nectar and enter within
    Come turn the wheel of Simran
    it will readily open up the melody of the Shabad
  23. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Truthseeker in Does Eating Sarbloh Bibek Effect Spirituality ?   
    Dear all,
    so much we talk of impurities, but let us pause and think:

    Before ponting anybody, am I myself free from impurities? Because, whatever we eat and drink, it turns out into "mal" "mootar" within us, and thus we are most the time a carrying bags of them. Then why to look and point outside when our own body is factory of waste, of impurities, on both levels, whether at the physical, or whether at the mental level.

    You see, the world and creation is made in such a way, that one has to face different situations and circumstances, but the thing is, to keep in mind, I myself do not commit sins, by doing anything against Gurmat.

    Someone once asked a mahapurukh, what is sin and what is virtue?

    And the answer given to him in simple words was:

    anything taking you away from Wahiguru is a sin, and anything taking you towards Wahiguru is virtue.

    So naturally almost all of us know, it is only His Simran which takes us towards Him. And so why do we not eat and drink to the brim, His Naam Simran, which will not produce any waste of mal, mootar, or any other disease, but rather produce the pure Amrit within us, which will make us pure, paviter, and satisfy all our trishnas once and forever, which are the cause of our coming into this world, and make us fit to merge our souls in the Shabad Guru.

    Brothers, let us eat His prasad of Nam Simran, then all our doubts and misconceptions shall flee away.

    Sat Sree Akal.
  24. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Lucky in Does Eating Sarbloh Bibek Effect Spirituality ?   
    Savinderji... I know what you are saying and where you coming from.
    I think that when we go in through the window of doing gurbani veechar for general or self explanations, then at first we should try and completely throw ego out of the window.
    Should always approach in a neutral manner and try to decipher the message.

    In the above, Guruji is making us question ''what is sucha and what is jhuta''
    He says,, that sucha only becomes such if the 'tongue' itself has naam and has been uttering naam.
    Eating your own veg and fruit is not making anything any more pure, because it still comes from the same organism containing water and greens.

    All I am trying to point out is that the quoted shabad is not endorsing bibek rehat in any way. However, that is not to say that I am speaking against bibek rehat.
    Bibek rehat, from how I understand it....has it's place in gurmat. We all know about food hygiene and external cleansiness and in the same way...bibek rehat is more about inner cleansiness-which I won't go too much into in this post.

    The food's are not sacred in the sense that they can purify us or purify the tongue that has uttered filth..... But the tongue can be made more sacred by uttering shabad and thus making any foods consumed to be drenched in naam.
  25. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Guest in Does Eating Sarbloh Bibek Effect Spirituality ?   
    Short answer: No

    Long answer: Whilist sarbloh bibek or external bibek in general is quite recommended at intial stages where mind is quite vulnerable from outside influences but later on stages whole point of outer bibek or sarbloh bibek should point towards inner bibek which gurbani talks about many times at that point, since one is always engaging in inner bibek, outer or sarbloh bibek is transcedented automatically..this is for general amritdhari sikh..i understand nihang keeping this rehit all the way which is good but they do because of their life style upholding maryada-tradition not so much because it affects their spirituality somehow. Please see things in stages of one spiritual deveolpment -everything will make sense....There is a very sakhi in jivan kiranaie where bibek singh who was stuck in realm of outer bibek was advise by harkhowale sant to transcedent it as it turn out that iself start becoming hindrance in his spirituality.
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