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    samurai got a reaction from Harman deep singh in Favorite Kirtanis   
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    samurai got a reaction from CdnSikhGirl in Favorite Kirtanis   
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    samurai got a reaction from Ragmaala in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    @dalsingh101...That looks good bro!!!!
  4. Like
    samurai reacted to BhagatSingh in Atma is an Apple Tree (Video)   
    We are connected to the world in a way that is much more real than we can perceive.
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    samurai reacted to dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    In summer, some blackberries grow in the garden - which I can use. 
    Right now though,  I just throw in those frozen 'Summer fruits' I got from Aldis - so it can be easy. I've never used frozen fruit like that before, so it's a new thing for me. 
    Don't take as much pride in cooking as I used to though bro! lol Used to love it, now it feels like a chore...
    That vegetarian 'calmness' probably helped big time ! lol
  6. Like
    samurai reacted to dalsingh101 in Burglary Attempt Foiled At East London Gurdwara   
    That Karamsar Gurwara has brought this upon itself in my opinion.
    A few years ago people close to the committee were discussing what kind of things they should implement for the youth and someone suggested having a gym there. The big ones there pooh-poohed that plan straight away, saying it wasn't appropriate to have such a thing at a gurdwara and they wanted to focus on spirituality and arts stuff (which they do - fair play to them). They also cited the fact that there is a gym next door, but that isn't an excuse in my books. Giving Sikhs their own space for these things is important.
    The irony is, if you go the 15 odd minutes walk up the road to Goodmayes Singh Sabha Gurdwara they do have a bustling gym (which includes boxing stuff), with lots of guys (and girls) use, including a smattering of nonSikhs.  
    I have to say it outright, Karamsar are pupoofying the youth. Given that, it isn't a shock that people feel no fear to come and steal there or that Amritdhari youth get ridiculed in the way you mention. They seem very pacifist, which is inexcusable.  
    It's that old chestnut again, where any martial heritage we have is reduced to pathetic symbolism, with no teeth. And outsiders know this and so target the weak. 
  7. Like
    samurai got a reaction from Premi in Burglary Attempt Foiled At East London Gurdwara   
    Yeh that's old news man. i think CCTVs are all well and good but i feel its more important to have pehradaars at gurdwaras. There was an incident in karamsar gurdwara in ilford (east london) where men have come in to steal sangats shoes/trainers.. this has happened on a couple of occasions even though they have cctv. I'm from east london and have heard of many stories where amritdhari singhs have been robbed and their kirpan taken away from them. Its so embarrassing, singhs and singhnia need to not loose their martial mentality. Bhagti comes first but you have to physically train and learn an art...saint/soldier.....
  8. Like
    samurai got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    @dalsingh101.. fair play to you mate you did a good deed, and good on you for not reacting to that c**t as hard as it may have been..
    I think most people get shaken at some point if they see or hear about death, sometimes its straight away sometimes they react after. For me every time there's been a death in my family after the initial shock/acknowledgement i'm more observant of those around me, like how do they react etc.. 
    My masser passed away when i was young and it was soo scary at the time as i went to the funeral and all that crying etc sh1t me up...After that i would always ask what happens after death and i would get the typical aswer, 'they have gone to god'. But when i looked into death from religious point of view it really is important how you conduct yourself if this lifetime and even if your not a jappy tappy just by doing good deeds goes a long long way. As we all have to answer to dharam raj. 
    My cousins chacha passed away this morning an this guy was a alcoholic who used to beat his wife (third marriage), i was shocked he passed away as hes only like 45, but then i thought the kind of acts hes committed, i cont see him going to god (sachkahnd) or anywhere good.. it does make you think.... I think more then toughening up to death its about acceptance, like its really real. 
    p.s..ive got a blender..need to stock up on fruit. I'm abit lazy then you, as i feel you take pride in cooking etc (good on you).. 
    Il do what i did before ill either have a simple banana mixed with milk
    Loads of fruit,2-3 apples,oranges, plums, ginger all randomly mixed then mix with water to thin it..
    Also i shouldn't worry to much about tea, prob just wanted to fully detox but i suppose in this day and age you have to be practical and compromise with your worldly commitments..
  9. Like
    samurai reacted to dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    DAY 21: 21/2/16
    Today's post might be slightly longer than usual. Need to get some stuff off my chest. 
    Still going strong with the vegetarianism. Another physical manifestation I noticed a few days ago (but kept forgetting to mention), was that I used to have a few (not loads) of these small, tiny, almost microscopic black heads on my nose (and a couple on my cheekbones). I don't think you'd notice them unless you was up-close. But when you look in the mirror in the morning, you see such things. Anyway, they're gone. What that has shown me is that, there must be certain substances in maas, that are absorbed by the body and  physically manifest themselves  in this way. Very interesting. I wonder what that stuff is exactly?
    Anyway, things were going okay today, a nice slow paced Sunday, and I was just about to start making a meal for later when I heard urgent knocking at door. I opened it to see a very elderly distraught neighbour begging me to help her. Her husband had taken a fall from the bottom of the stairs into the hallway and was screaming in pain. He'd cracked his head open. I went and saw him with a towel on his head, covered in blood. The emergency services were on the phone and an ambulance was on its way. The guy (90 years old odd) was in pain and saying "I'm dying! I'm dying! Please help me!" I heard a voice over the phone speaker telling me to compress the wound with my hand, which I did, getting my hands bloody in the process. The wounded neighbour was telling me I was doing it too hard, whilst the voice on the phone was telling me to press hard. Anyway (thankfully) the ambulance came pretty soon, and I quickly left (after giving the wife the phone to call her sons).
    When I got back in I washed my hands thoroughly and shortly after started cooking. When it got to simmering the food I looked outside the front door to see if the ambulance people were still there. There was some youngish white guy in the neighbours front garden  on his mobile phone and he said: "Can you pop your head back in please." I was a bit surprised, and he wasn't one of the ambulance crew I had seen earlier. I told him "You know I was in there earlier right?". Anyway I went back in and after a few seconds, feeling slightly aggrieved at being talked to like a complete c**t, I stuck my head back out and asked him if he was the neighbour's relative. He just pointed at the ambulance and said "Ambulance". Fighting a strong urge to get c**ty myself  I went back in and finished cooking. Which I think was a good decision  (on reflection). Last thing I need to be doing is creating a scene whilst the old man is going through whatever he is going through, like a complete fudhu! 
    Then went to train but my mind was a bit all over the place by now. It was hard to focus, and I was wondering if the guy was still alive (for some reason - I think because I related it to the guy telling me to stay in for some reason?).  Then it made me think about a friend of mine who died a couple of years ago. Training was quite shit. Did about 6 sets of deadlifts, and 5 sets of weighted calve raises, tried to go on to some shoulder press but didn't have my mind in the right place, so packed it in. The only consolation I have is that at least I did something. 
    Came in and typed this shit out straight after; feels better having done it. 
    I know it's a morbid topic, but I have to get tougher with dealing with death. Can't have it shaking me up. Note to self; need to toughen the f**k up about these things. They are inevitable. Plus, been thinking about our 18th century history and how Singhs and Singhnis had to deal with death all the time, and carry on. We should take note of that. I wonder how that used to effect the kids back then?
    Okay, rant over! lol
    I wouldn't worry too much about a cup of Rosey Lee myself!
    You should try it, takes no time at all! Just need one of those blenders/smoothie makers. 
    I hope you're talking about the drinking type and not the sniffing variety brother......
  10. Like
    samurai got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    @dalsingh101...That looks good bro!!!!
  11. Like
    samurai got a reaction from Ragmaala in Bird Documentaries   
  12. Like
    samurai got a reaction from Ragmaala in Bird Documentaries   
    Im a big dog fan..
  13. Like
    samurai reacted to dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    Just a quick breakfast idea share:
    Greek yogurt and summer berries smoothie (with protein powder and ground nuts). Squirted some low fat cream on top. 

  14. Like
    samurai got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    @dalsingh101..Point noted. Thanks bro.
  15. Like
    samurai reacted to tSingh in Roop Of Atma?!   

    Atma cannot be sargun for simple reasons. For Atma and Braham to be one and the same (advaita) they must be of the same essence (sadchidanand). When consciousness is associated with the pure sattvaguna of maya it is called Parmatma/Bhagvan/Ishvar. This is the cause of the gross and subtle manifestation. Braham in sargun form is the ruler of maya. In turn, that same consciousness afflicted by agyaan becomes the jeeva, but it is not possessing sargun attributes in any true sense, for that would imply a real modification of its nature - in other words Maya has given it actual qualities. This form (jeev) which appears to have qualities is a result of ignorance (i.e. the quality of agency, of quality of independence, etc). Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji has written in Gyan Prabodh that Atma and Braham are no different and that their shared qualities are being free of karam, death, difference, illusion, desire, etc. Therefore Atma remains nirgun in essence. Its apparent form as a dynamic living thinking feeling independent being is the result of agyaan.

    Hope that helps.

  16. Like
    samurai reacted to das in Three types of Budhis   
    The 3 types of bhuds mentioned here are given as examples. There are not name centric, they are based off the examples. Please read below for more information.
    Sants/Mahapurashs always give examples so that a common man can understand.
    Namda (Thick bhud): If a needle is inserted into a cotton ball (namda) then a hole will be created but as soon as the needle is taken out, the hole will be gone. In other words, people who come to Spiritual discourses and during that time their Mind will have the effect but as soon as they leave the Spiritual discourse, they will revert back to their previous deeds forgetting what was taught to them in the Spiritual discourse. But they are still better than who never came to Spiritual discourses. They are just starters on Spiritual path. It could be understood as the "Dull headed". Chamra (Leather bhud): If a needle is inserted into leather (chamra), then a hole will be created and when the needle is taken out, the hole will still be present but it won't increase in size. In other words, people who come to Spiritual discourses and then they just do what was taught to them in the discourse but they do NOT take it further. It could be understood as "Intelligent". Talika (Oil): If a drop of oil (tail) is thrown on the water, then that one drop will spread out on the very large area of water. In other words, people who attend Spiritual discourse and then that Spiritual discourse acts as a starter for them and they start on the Spiritual path; just like the oil drop spread on the water. It could be understood as "Extra Intelligent". Sants/Mahapurash also present the above mentioned Bhuds/Bhagats/Adekare/Jegasu in many different ways:
    Kanist (Beginners) : Who is leaving bad karmas and moving into good karams. Madham (Medium): Who has moved further in Spiritual state and does Upasna/worship of God. Utam (Top level): Whose mind is one-pointed and only avaran dosh is left. Or
    Stone bhudi: If stone is put into water, then it would be wet when it is imersed in water. If it is pulled out of water and placed in sun, then it would become dry soon. First type of bhud. Sponge bhudi: If sponge/foam is imersed in water and then taken out. Then this sponge will retain the water for much longer than the stone but eventually it will become dry in sun. Gur bhudi: If Gur/Jaggery/Suger is imersed in water, then after some time it will be dissolved in water and then no-longer it could be separated from the water. This is 3rd kind of bhud. Basically all the above mentioned examples represent the same concept of 3 different types of Spiritual people.
    Similarly according to three types of bhuds, there are also 3 kinds of Bachan in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. In other words, all 3 types of people would find the bachans as per their state:
    Bhanak: For those (Namda bhud) who don't know about the reason for human birth and do bad deeds. Bhanak Bani instructs them to some to humanity. Roahak : For those (Chama bhud) who did path/worship, but still their mind does not become one-pointed. Rochak Bani defines the powers of Naam Simran, profits of doing Bhagati in order to uplift their curiosity. Yathrath: For those (Talika bhud) whose mind has become one-pointed. Yathrath Bani breaks the avaran dosh. i.e Yathrath Bani is the Brahmgyan but it could be perceived correctly only by Talika bhud people.  
  17. Like
    samurai reacted to Ragmaala in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    when is doubt stay gupt or pm haha
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    samurai got a reaction from Lucky in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    sorry veereh i will not share this as its really no benefit to anyone..its also not a big deal either.. Its not always a good thing knowing your past as you are stuck/trapped in the karam of 'now'..
    everything about you is the result of your previous karam, everything..from the path you are on, to the colour you like..lol..everything is an accumulation of your past deeds.. 
    Everything for a reason, no such thing as coincidence.
  19. Like
    samurai reacted to dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    A even better reason to keep these things to yourself is that if you're wrong, you'll end up looking like a class A nutjob. 
  20. Like
    samurai got a reaction from Singh123456777 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    sorry veereh i will not share this as its really no benefit to anyone..its also not a big deal either.. Its not always a good thing knowing your past as you are stuck/trapped in the karam of 'now'..
    everything about you is the result of your previous karam, everything..from the path you are on, to the colour you like..lol..everything is an accumulation of your past deeds.. 
    Everything for a reason, no such thing as coincidence.
  21. Like
    samurai got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    sorry veereh i will not share this as its really no benefit to anyone..its also not a big deal either.. Its not always a good thing knowing your past as you are stuck/trapped in the karam of 'now'..
    everything about you is the result of your previous karam, everything..from the path you are on, to the colour you like..lol..everything is an accumulation of your past deeds.. 
    Everything for a reason, no such thing as coincidence.
  22. Like
    samurai reacted to Ragmaala in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    man i had a coke after like 6 months or so, it feels shit, its like crash up or down..never again lol.
  23. Like
    samurai reacted to dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    Sharing this meal idea so any carnivores can have an idea of what they might eat. Got to say, tried those spicy bean burgers for the first time...and they were nice! Yummy! A bit carby though, 2 of them go over 50g of carbs. 
    Anyway: Pan saute'd green beans and mushrooms with sesame seeds, steamed broccoli and carrots, onion and chive cottage cheese and 2 spicy bean burgers.  

    Don't worry bro. We all have days like this! lol 
    What's your training saying these days? 
  24. Like
    samurai reacted to Ragmaala in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    that looks delicious.
    thanks for the images, it helps a lot in memorizing.   so saute is basically like tadka ?
  25. Like
    samurai got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    @dalsingh101.wicked man that you are sticking to your training..keep at it..
    its funny cos i have that greek yogurt with my pranteh but i just add a bit of milk to it, as it is so thick.lol
    My personal experience of this veg diet continues to be very much positive...its like i;m having experiences which i do not want to relate to my veg diet but no matter which way i go it points back to this diet.weird to say the least
    also ive noticed my attitude has changed..like i do not care about others, like i do not get involved emotionally. it is what it is and it is what it isnt..before i would get so involved and loose my self in the situaton...its different now...it really is as i feel, some jeevs are not worth the time and effort...
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